Spore Story

Chapter 212 Considerations of Forming a Family

Chapter 212 Considerations of Forming a Family
PS: The second update is here =w=
"Lingxue, why can't you leave this body? It's obviously starting to age, and so is Chu Xia."

In the spacious and tidy temple, Chu Jie sat lazily on the stone chair, watching Lingxue beside her busy sorting out a pile of documents.

I don't know since when, Lingxue moved most of the things her leader needed to get into the temple. Obviously, her own leader's office was more comfortable, but she almost completely left it to the chrysalis of her subordinates. Body, but I stayed comfortably in this temple that has only been slightly repaired and expanded in the past ten years.

As for Lingxue and Chu Xia, who are already at the Youshen level, but don't use their consciousness to leave the body, and then fuse their energy cores to strengthen their own strength, Chu Jie showed enough curiosity. Who made her rise to the level after she died? Youshen class.

"Probably, it has been used for so long, so I have some feelings. Now I wait to feel that when my body is about to fail, I will be sub-energy like you."

Folding a leather roll in front of her and putting it aside, Lingxue looked at her slender hands with several calluses, and smiled helplessly.

"It's been more than ten years since Kong Huan left. I think what I did at the beginning was just to get a word of praise from him. Now it feels really strange." He took out another paper from a pile of paper rolls and looked up. It reads [Newly promoted to the Youshen class, Chu Ling, a former member of the Quack team, applies for two energy cores. 】

"Speaking of which, Chu Ling is still a dead soul who came out with 8051 back then. You should have an impression of Chu Jie." Lingxue smiled and said as she handed the leather scroll in her hand to Chu Jie.

"Of course!"

Glancing at the contents, Chu Jie recalled the past years with emotion, and then handed the scroll to Lingxue: "Chu Ling, the people in our Quack team really count, I'm afraid we have to call her big sister, right? Back then, she was number one in our Quack team, even Chu Yi and Chu Qin had to be ranked behind, and..."

Thinking of this, Chu Jie suddenly had a strange expression: "Chu Ling is still the one who has the best relationship with Kong Huan. It seems that Kong Huan didn't say how Chu Ling died back then, but what Chu Ling liked to do most when she was alive was Running around behind Kong Huan, hehe."

"However," Chu Jie's expression became a little gloomy, and Chu Jie said rather sadly: "Up to now, the former Gaga team, and now the empty fantasy has somehow become three, and only one of them has not recovered their memory; now the strength The second Chu Yi became his god of war; Chu Zheng and Chu Chen also became the patron saints of the two tribes; The younger brother, Chu Dian, who is easy to bully, was also dragged by that woman to be some kind of patron saint; ah, now Chu Xia is fine, stay here with me."

"But you are also the god of life." Lingxue's complaint was fatal, and she continued to pursue the victory and said: "And, after counting, it seems that you are the first one to be called a god besides Void."

"Well... yes, anyway, I am the least qualified to say these things, I asked for it..." Chu Jie rolled on the altar as if giving up, completely ignoring Die Wu and smiling Lingxue, they have seen a lot anyway, and they won't mind a righteous god doing such a thing. As for the guards outside the temple gate, they don't have the courage to turn their heads, and they are at least 20 meters away, and they can't hear anything. .

Turning around and searching for a while among the bookshelves beside her, Lingxue pulled out a booklet with two large characters "God Records" written on it.

Flipping through the content, Lingxue looked at Chu Jie and said, "Now there are more than 60 gods receiving priests, and among the three Youshen-level righteous gods, Chu Jie, the god of life, has ten temples. It was the first one to be full, have you sensed other temples recently?"

Lying on his back on the altar, he closed his eyes and felt it carefully, Chu Jie shook his head: "I still can only feel the first 10 temples, and there are 5 vague altars that feel a little bit, and I can feel it every few days." I received a wish, and then I asked the priest who was close to me to fulfill it, and there was nothing else."

Having said that, Chu Jie changed his expression, waved to Die Wu and said a few words, then Die Wu left to find the priest.It seems that there is another wish conveyed, and it belongs to the Gashan tribe.

There are too many wishes now, so gods generally entrust the wishes to priests to fulfill, and gods themselves are only responsible for those important and troublesome wishes.

After Chu Jie finished giving orders, Lingxue continued: "According to recent records, there are more than 30 temples offering sacrifices to you, and 10 of them are high-level temples. When 8051 built Chu Yi's high-level temple last time, let Chu Yi said, let you Youshen level try to sum up a set of simple and easy-to-understand concepts, so that your believers can understand..."

"Ah! It's a pain in the ass! Don't!" Before Lingxue could finish speaking, Chu Jie's complaint interrupted Lingxue's narration.

Looking amusedly at Chu Jie who was rolling on the ground like a child coquettishly, Lingxue spread her hands and looked at Die Wu who had just rushed back from the side: "Xiao Wu, it seems that you have really worked hard."

On the contrary, Die Wu smiled happily, leaving Lingxue speechless for a while, and then she continued to talk.

"Speaking of it, it's actually best to leave this matter to you, because until now, I'm afraid you are the one who knows Chu Jie best. So, you should be responsible for her ideas. By the way, it's best to discuss with the other few. Communicate with the righteous gods being sacrificed, and don't have conflicts of ideas, this is the key order of 8051."

"Understood." Slightly nodded, Die Wu, whose strength was already at the soul level, looked at Chu Jie who finally stopped because she didn't have to think about it, and calmed down again.

"By the way, Lingxue, speaking of the leaders of Warhammer and the others, they are all considering the heir to the position of leader. What about you? You must be tired after so many years." Sitting up leisurely from the altar, Chu Jie smiled and nodded to Diewu She nodded, then looked at Lingxue.

"Me?" Lingxue was stunned, and after sighing, she put down the booklet in her hand and looked up at the gate of the temple: "Ever since I found the emptiness called Huili a few years ago, there have been All kinds of good reform plans have been sent back from Kong Huan Huili, and many things in the tribe do not need me to deal with, otherwise, how do you think I can chat with you here every day?"

"Well, so you haven't thought about it yet?" Sitting next to Lingxue a few steps, Chu Jie grabbed a seed and put it into her mouth. After feeling it, she shook her head and swallowed it, and then transformed it into energy. "Sure enough, the body is still good, at least the food tastes good. No wonder you don't want to abandon your body."

"Okay, let's not talk about this, or I won't be able to do anything today." Shaking her head, Lingxue reached out to retrieve the "Shenlu" and put it away, but Chu Jie suddenly tightened her paws, then looked at Lingxue and said: " By the way, Lingxue, from this point of view, the ten temples of me, Zhan Lian, and Chu Yi are all full. What should I do if I want to contact 8051? You want to be the leader, Chu Xia To teach prospective priests, Lingyun is now following 8051..."

"Isn't there still this?"

Following Lingxue's fingers, Chu Jie saw the first scroll.

"Chu Ling?"

Chu Jie looked at Lingxue's fingertips in surprise. She didn't expect Lingxue to plan to make Chu Ling the fourth righteous god, but after calming down and thinking about it, she shook her head and said, "I'm afraid we can't. I know, the reason why you Youshen-levels don’t want to be worship gods is mainly because the worship gods will be bound in the temple. Although 8051 once said that as long as you reach a higher level than Youshen-level, Yinshen-level and Lingshen-level, you can Free to leave the realm of the temple, but let’s not say whether this is true, even if it is true, who knows how long it will take to reach that level.”

"What does this have to do with whether Chu Ling is a god of sacrifice? Doesn't she like to be bored by herself? Her expression is actually very good?" Lingxue asked curiously. You must know that when she saw this application for the first time, It doesn't matter whether you agree or not. Isn't it funny that members of Gaga's team can't get energy cores?

Therefore, what Lingxue considered at the time was to make Chu Ling the fourth righteous god to be worshiped. Although Chu Ling, who was at the soul level, refused to be the patron saint at the beginning, it does not mean that this kind of righteous god can be quickly transferred to other temples. , she will also refuse?Lingxue thought so.

Looking at Lingxue helplessly, Chu Jie simply lay on her back on the ground, looked at the ceiling of the temple and said, "Chu Ling, although she didn't say anything, none of the members of the Gaga team at that time knew about her Be careful. At the beginning, she was focused on improving, improving, and even I admired it, but her main purpose was not to attract the attention of the empty illusion. Now that the empty illusion is divided into three, no one knows when it will be possible. Change back."

"If you become a righteous god like us, you will basically not be able to leave the temple domain in a short time. What if she thinks she can do it after Kong Huan returns during the period, so she wants to follow Kong Huan around?"

"So, now she is actually concentrating on practicing, improving, and waiting for Kong Huan to come back. According to 8051, it is a complete husband-seeking stone, eh! It is indeed very vivid."

Ignoring Chu Jie who wanted to go to other places, Lingxue became a little embarrassed after hearing the meaning of his words: "It seems that there is no Youshen level? God, gods are really scarce Resources!"

Speaking of the setting of the Youshen-level temple, it was originally proposed by 8051, and it needs to be controlled.

Initially, according to Lingxue and the others' idea, the new temples would give priority to the righteous gods of the ghost level to worship, and then consider the soul-level patron saints, but 8051 directly rejected this proposal, saying instead that they should be distributed according to regions.

In other words, just like the three-level system, the righteous gods are regarded as the captains one by one, and the patron saints who manage a large area.

Therefore, after building a high-level temple to worship the righteous god, a few middle-level temples and low-level temples are separated, and then the high-level temple of the righteous god is built.

In this way, until some time ago, the tenth temple of Chu Yi, the last of the three righteous gods, was established by 8051 and Lingyun in a place called Stone Tribe.

But now, there are obviously four Youshen levels that can be used as righteous gods, but due to various reasons, there are currently no righteous gods available.

"What's this called?" Lingxue sighed while touching her forehead.

"You are the least qualified to say that." Chu Jie suddenly said something.

"Uh," only then did Lingxue remember that she was also one of the four Youshen-levels, so she really wasn't qualified to say that: "Okay, wait for another Youshen-level to come out, let's see what happens. These days, No one even wants to be a god.”

"Because I'm very busy teaching those quasi-priests, so I don't want to." Chu Xia's voice came from outside the door, and with the faint light, Chu Xia walked into the temple: "Sure enough, both of you must be here at this time .”

"Hey, Chu Xia, what's the matter?" Die Wu still obediently stood aside, waiting for Chu Jie's orders at any time, and Lingxue was reflecting on being complained about by Chu Jie, so the voice was obviously Chu Jie issued.

"It's nothing, it's just the idea of ​​family formation proposed by Kong Huan Huili last time. I'm wondering whether to implement it now, or to discuss it in the next contact." Handing the booklet in her hand to Lingxue who had reacted, Chu Xia Sit down at the small table.

"What do you think? Chu Xia." Lingxue looked at the pamphlet in her hand. This was Chu Xia's opinion collected through the three righteous gods, various high-level temples, and contacting the chief patron saints of various regions.

Leader A: If a man and a woman are together, they cannot mate with other opposite sexes?This is not very good.

Leader B: It’s okay for a child to call the woman who gave birth to him as his mother; but for his father, it seems hard to find this one. Do you want to find one at random?

Leader B: We all incubate eggs in a unified way here. If something happens, I’m afraid we won’t be able to find which one was born by ourselves.

Leader Ding: Men and women cannot mate with other opposite sexes when they are together. I agree with this, so the sex is all mine, haha.


Lingxue was a little dizzy from the dense pile of replies on the pamphlet, no less than a few hundred speeches from the leaders, so she could only ask questions directly to Chu Xia who sorted them out.

"Although I said a lot, and I also used the public opinion survey method of the empty phantom sect before, and asked the common quack apes in several surrounding tribes, and I remembered these in the next few pages, but in summary, there are actually three points .”

Nodding her head, Lingxue said she was listening.

"The first point: After a man and a woman are together, they can no longer mate with other opposite sexes. This seems to be emotionally good, just like some leaders in the pamphlet, there are people who don't want the opposite sex they like to mate with other opposite sexes problem; but in terms of species continuation, this may lead to a decline in the reproductive rate, of course, I don’t know if this is true, because we have not conducted experiments.”

After a pause, Chu Xia continued: "The second point is the confirmation of the child's parents. This is actually very easy to solve. Now the language is circulated in almost all the tribes we control, and most of the quack apes are also familiar with it. They were given a name. At worst, when the time comes, we will write the name of the mother who gave birth to each egg; as for the father, after the man and woman are together, can’t we confirm who is the father?”

"Then there is the third point." Looking at the three friends, all of them were female, but everyone had no idea about it: "About the effect of doing this. In my opinion, it is mainly some individuals emotional aspects, as well as strengthening the cohesion of individuals in the group.”

"As for the issue of confirming close relatives that 8051 said, to be honest, I haven't thought about it for a while. Oh, yes, what I said was actually written at the end of that pamphlet, and it is very detailed. Ah, my mouth is dry. " After finishing speaking, Chu Xia drank the clear water in the pottery bowl in front of Lingxue in one gulp, then handed it to Die Wu beside her: "Thank you, I want another bowl."


Flipping to the last page of the booklet, Chu Xia's thoughts and summed up questions were written in detail, several times more detailed than what Chu Xia said before: "Let's talk about it earlier."

"Well, I will pay attention next time." She said with a smile, but what Chu Xia said next left Lingxue speechless: "However, Lingxue, you should also pay attention in the future, don't express your opinion just after reading a little bit."

Without waiting for Lingxue's next reaction, Chu Xia continued to ask: "So, what do you think now? I have already asked Zhan Lian and Chu Yi for their opinions, and I also asked them to ask some leaders and The Patronuses have asked for their final thoughts, and now it's up to you."

"Oh, what do they think?" Chu Jie asked.

"You can't say it now, you have to answer it, otherwise you will be affected by their thoughts." Chu Xia's words made the other three speechless.

"Well... I basically agree with my thoughts, but the ratio of men to women... Think about it, if Kong Huan wants to form a family after returning, do you have to choose only one?"


Among the four people present, Chu Xia and Chu Jie were both struck by lightning. Lingxue's words were obviously fatal. As for Die Wu, a high priest who has been paying attention to Chu Jie from the beginning to the end, please ignore it.

"Okay, let's talk about this issue later." Chu Xia's eyebrows trembled slightly, and she resolutely expressed her current opinion, and there seemed to be a trace of undetectable in the eyes of Lingxue and Chu Jie. fighting spirit. (==‖)
As for the conclusion she got before, (What is that? Why can't I remember? Ah, it really is old. Chu Xia expressed regret.)
Chu Jie and Lingxue looked at the black-bellied elder sister Chu Xia with black lines all over their heads. However, they agreed with this conclusion for the time being, but...

"Actually, I think it's better if there is no fixed ratio between men and women." Die Wu's faint voice came from behind, and all three of them who had been trapped in self-enclosed eyes suddenly lit up. Out of the enthusiasm of comrades-in-arms.

But just as the three unscrupulous females were about to make a decision, there was an urgent call from outside the door.

"Emergency report from 8051 and High Priest of Aura!"

(End of this chapter)

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