Spore Story

Chapter 213 Support in times of crisis

Chapter 213 Support in times of crisis

PS: O(∩_∩)O will be presented in the next update
What to do when you encounter an enemy that must be eliminated, you must devote all your energy to destroy the enemy as quickly as possible, and then a fool will upgrade the experience of the protagonist from low to high like a villain. Of course, a certain Some idle demon kings can be ignored.

Therefore, as soon as 8051 discovered the Zerg, it mobilized the nearest tribe, plus its two ghost bodies to attack the opponent.

In fact, if the Quack Ape's Youshen Body hadn't mastered how to exert the strength of the Youshen Body, they would not have become what they are now, but if it is a Youshen Body that has developed its strength better, only one is needed The Zerg base that turned into a giant squid (although it only has five tentacles and can give birth to younger brothers) can be solved.

However, the future in reality is always full of unknowns.

Both aura and illusory ghost body experience are extremely scarce, so even if the 8051 controls the emptiness ghost body, the strength it can display is not high.

After the first wave of attacks basically failed, what should we do in the face of the enemies that must be eliminated and the current powerlessness of our own side?
Of course it's calling for help... Ah no, it's reinforcements!Have you never heard of pulling out a radish and bringing out the mud?This time I want the Zerg to try it too.

Therefore, after determining the current target, Huili was left to take care of the remaining 1 pupae, 3 adult quack apes and 24 old, weak, sick and disabled in the tribe.Lingyun was carried by 8051 and flew towards the nearest high-level temple around here.

Then, the call for help from 8051 was sent from the high-level temple of the Stone Tribe belonging to the God of War Chu Yi, through Chu Yi, to the Temple of the God of War that belonged to him and was closest to the Gashan Tribe, and then the priests flew to it at the fastest speed. The Gashan tribe sent a message.

And Chu Yi is definitely not just a tool for sending messages.

After arranging the delivery of the priest, the God of War also needs to check the distribution of the pupae bodies of the various tribes near his high-level temple, so as to mobilize all the active pupae bodies without affecting the security defense of each tribe. Gather to the high-level temple reported by 8051.

As for why the quack apes are not mobilized... From 8051's point of view, the quack apes are basically seeking death when they are used to deal with the Zerg. Look at the nearly 3 quack apes in that tribe, only three survived in the end. Only this ratio makes 8051 The idea of ​​using quack ape to deal with Zerg was decisively dispelled.

Although the quack apes wiped out more than 60 dogs, they will not be forgotten by 8051.

However, at this time, a group of high-level officials were surprised to discover a problem that must not be ignored: due to the large number of pupational bodies being used to cultivate quasi-priests in order to expand the scope of control at the beginning.Therefore, the pupae of almost all tribes, except for the basic number of their own security guards, were semi-forced to move to the first five tribes for quasi-priest training.

Although this allowed the quick completion of the fourth-level brain tasks and the rapid spread of the cultural experience of the five major tribes, it also greatly reduced the number of floating pupae in other tribes, resulting in a status quo that everyone has to face today.

That is, when it is necessary to mobilize the pupation bodies as soon as possible, the peripheral tribes can hardly find any idle pupation bodies to assist other places.

"What happened?" Annoyed, he sat down angrily, felt the spirit of Lingyun slightly, and found that after slowly recovering, 8051 stared at the floor in front of him in a daze: "Sure enough, sometimes you are too eager for a goal, but instead There is no way to know if there will be an accident, especially this accident, which belongs to the unpredictable outer space."

Not only 8051 is depressed, but Chu Yi, who is constantly sending connections from various temples, is also depressed. To say that each tribe now generally has three pupae leaders + one pupae priest + one pupae leader. mode, and they occasionally have to comeo as messengers.

The new tribes are not enough to supplement, and those that exceed it will be brought to the five major tribes. Up to now, few tribes after integration can provide pupae.

"Are there no exceptions?" 8051 asked unwillingly.

"It's not impossible, there are several tribes that have several pupated body leaders, priests and captains..." But Chu Yi didn't give 8051 a chance to nod and ask, so he continued to add: "However, those tribes It's also a difficult situation, with enemies all around you against the Horde."

"According to the "Rules of Pressure" formulated by everyone at the beginning, unless the tribe is facing a devastating enemy, the entire tribe will not take the initiative to mobilize the pupae from other places to help. And since a few years ago Since the creation of the rules, the only enemy you have encountered this time is the first destructive enemy in recorded history."

"But even in this situation, we can't put these tribes in crisis for the sake of your enemies. So, let's wait for Gashan's reaction now." Chu Yi was also quite helpless Said. "However, there are still a few tribes in the surrounding areas who have pulled out a total of 17 pupae, and they will all arrive tomorrow."

In fact, he was very curious about the enemies 8051 and the others faced this time.Especially when I saw that even when he was in the Gashan tribe, he gradually upgraded, and then there was even the high priest of Lingyun who overwhelmed the Gaga team, but now he is still lying unconscious in his temple, and let Chu Yi fight against the enemy. He has a basic understanding of his strength, which is why he has fully mobilized his strength.

The Gashan tribe received the call for help very quickly. The nearest Chuyi Temple to Gashan is only one or two hundred kilometers away. At the flying speed of a chrysalis priest, it only took half a day.

But during this most of the day, three devouring insects, twenty dogs and five war bees appeared in the Zerg base that Huili had been closely monitoring.

Of course, the price is that the Zerg base originally only had a green film area with a radius of less than 100 meters, but it has expanded to more than [-] meters, and all plants and animals within the expanded range have been wiped out. If you look at it from a clear sky, it looks like a map has been painted on Dark green paint.

This made Huili feel nervous for a while, because now, except for himself, who recovered somewhat quickly, the other pupae and the three quack ape warriors are still in pain, according to 8051 It will take at least one or two days for the three quack apes to barely recover, but it is still unclear whether the body can recover after pupation, and whether the consciousness can be recovered.

In this way, if the Zerg base launched an attack at this time, wouldn't Huili himself be unable to escape?
Therefore, during this day, Hui Li let the other quack apes, carrying torches and other slightly more lethal weapons, wander around the foot of the whole mountain, and when they found an enemy, they immediately shouted warnings, while Hui Li spent the whole day They were all observing on the top of the mountain, and only a few quack apes were assigned to eat earlier to barely fill everyone's stomachs.

But fortunately, perhaps the initial attack also made this Zerg base feel in danger. It is fully producing dogs and war bees, and let the soldiers produced, except for the basic security members, help to devour insects Logging and hunting to expand the energy supply, so until now, the Zerg have not launched an attack on the quack apes in the distant mountains.

On the other hand, the Gashan tribe.

The few people who were discussing the issue of family formation and were about to make a decision because of their enthusiasm, were completely chilled by this request for help.

Lingxue looked at Chu Xia, with a puzzled expression on her face: "Little Lingyun is actually in a coma. The enemies this time are too powerful, aren't they a group of epic creatures?"

"The request letter only said to gather as many pupae bodies as possible to Chu Yi's temple, but it didn't elaborate on the composition of the enemy. It seems that the situation is urgent." This is a somewhat thick booklet.

Seeing Chu Xia's actions, the other three present were all shocked.

They are very clear that Chu Xia is the chief priest educator today. From the initial management of the quasi-priest education of the Gashan tribe to the current management of all the priest schools of the five major tribes, almost all the quasi-priests and new regular priests are now Received Chu Xia's education.

Among the tens of thousands of quack ape groups spread and controlled by the five major tribes, among the thousands of original priests (some have been promoted to priests or even high priests, and two have become soul-level patron saints), Chu Xia His prestige is even equal to that of Kong Huan, the author of the quasi-priestly scripture "Gashan".

The later "Ga Mountain" has been revised several times, and its hosts are Chu Xia and 8051. Although there is an extra Kong Huan, who knows that he has a relationship with Kong Huan, and 8051 has been involved for a long time. Travel around the world.

Turning to the last few pages of the booklet, Chu Xia looked at the number, calculated in her mind, then looked at Lingxue and said, "The pupae that can be mobilized in the five major tribes are almost all from the quasi-priest school. There are 1311 people."

Hearing this number, several people took a deep breath. They had never counted the number of personnel in the current priest school, because the priest school separated food acquisition from each tribe a few years ago, and the hunting range was because there was no quack Apes are all composed of pupae, so they also spread greatly.

Therefore, all Lingxue and the others know is that there are a lot of people in the school of priests, but to what extent is this "many"... After a wry smile, Lingxue cast an envious look on her friend in front of her: "Gashan Tribe has been up to now. Only 307 people, 21 pupated bodies, I really envy your quasi-priest school."

Shaking her head, Chu Xia said without a trace of falsehood: "This is mainly because all the tribes we control basically send here the pupae bodies that do not satisfy the basic security requirements, so the pupae bodies here are actually regarded as These are nearly a third of the quack apes out of the tens of thousands of quack apes. You know, it is not an easy task for us to take care of these guys. Let’s not talk about food, just strength, if it weren’t for me, a ghost God-level and several soul-level high priests, I'm afraid they can't even try to control them now."

"However," Chu Xia frowned when she said this: "Judging from the current situation, what 8051 and the others need is reinforcements that can arrive as soon as possible, but the other tribes on the outskirts probably won't be able to recruit anyone. It must be Quack Ape, not strong enough."

"That is to say, we still have to wait for the reinforcements from the five major tribes. But the five major tribes are still thousands of kilometers away from Chuyi's Stone Tribe God of War Temple. Even if they become pupae, it may take five or six days. What worries me is, will 8051 and the others wait for this waiting time?"

"..." The atmosphere suddenly became dull, but Chu Jie paused for a while and then said loudly: "No matter what, we must send the pupae over there. And even Xiao Lingyun is unconscious, as the letter for help said. The sooner the better. Then we must at least be sure that the chrysalis must be dispatched, and now."

"That's right," Die Wu replied habitually, but at this moment, she seemed to think of something, and suddenly looked at Ling Xue and Chu Xia: "By the way, Chu Xia's head teacher, Ling Xue, you are all ghosts Level, how does the speed compare to the pupation?"

"That's comparable..." Hearing this, Chu Jie replied immediately, but halfway through her words, her eyes suddenly lit up.

Chu Jie seemed to have remembered something, and turned her head to look at the two friends: "It takes a long time to transform into a pupa, but at the speed of Youshen level, although it is not as good as those of us who have fused the energy core after leaving the body. The Youshen Body, but with Chu Xia's speed, it should only take about a day."

Nodding her head, Chu Xia seemed to have thought of this too, and she resumed her usual capable appearance like Lingxue: "Lingxue, I'm going to gather the pupae bodies of the five major tribes, and I'll bring a few soul-level bodies with me. You Let's go find the talisman and Chu Ling, and hand over the energy core that Chu Ling needs by the way. The target to be rescued this time is one of the empty thirds. Presumably she is a member of our Gaga team. Why hesitate, as for the talisman, as the leader of Gashan, you should know how to do it."

After finishing speaking, Chu Xia smiled, and hurriedly walked outside.

After thinking about it for a while, Lingxue looked at Chu Jie, and finally at Die Wu.

(Sure enough, Die Wu is more stable.)
Lingxue thought about it for a while, and finally looked at Chu Jie and said, "Chu Jie, most of your temples are within the range of the five major tribes, so the stability of these places depends on you these few days, and you, Die Wu I need to assist Chu Jie well."

"Don't worry! Really, it would have been nice if I hadn't been bound in the realm of the temple." Chu Jie slapped her chest loudly. It's a pity that quack apes are flat-chested due to species issues. If you are lucky, please ignore it.

But Lingxue obviously didn't have much confidence in Chu Jie. After she finished speaking, she looked at Die Wu, and it wasn't until Die Wu nodded after being stunned for a moment that Lingxue breathed a sigh of relief, then nodded and rushed out.

"What! This is Chi Guoguo's distrust! Lingxue, you... hey, run away, cut." Looking at Lingxue's movements depressedly, Chu Jie turned to look at the main target after realizing that the main target had run away. Secondary target: "Die Wu, what do you mean by Lingxue?"

"Well, that," Die Wu, who was blushing, looked at Chu Jie who was approaching, and turned her head to look at it, and then said: "It should be, it is the leader of Lingxue, who thinks you are too busy alone, yes, Lingxue The leader means to let you make good use of us priests so that you can do these things better, well, that's it."

The more she got to the back, the more certain she became, Chu Jie was finally defeated by Die Wu's fiery and energetic eyes, (this kind of energetic eyes...before!!)
"Strange, how did I find that since I became the God of Life, I don't seem to be as motivated as before. What's going on?"

A day later, the Temple of the God of War in the Stone Tribe.

A bright light flashed, and Chu Yi appeared on the altar. He looked around, but he didn't find 8051. He only saw Lingyun lying on the side with his eyes closed.

The priest on the side saw Chu Yi's arrival, and walked up respectfully.

"God, 8051 said, she will go back to see the situation first, and will come back soon. In addition, six chrysalis have arrived, four of which are apprentice priests."

After finishing speaking, the pupal body consciously stood aside.He is a pupa of a peripheral tribe. After 60 days of studying at the Gashan Associate Priest School, he entered the Priest School because of his good grades. After studying for another three years, he became a full-fledged priest.

Then, he happened to meet the three 8051 people at that time and established this high-level temple of the God of War. It happened that priests who had undergone systematic education were needed, so the Gashan tribe sent him here. It is an apprentice priest without indoctrination.

Nodding his head, Chu Yi usually doesn't like talking, especially nonsense.

Looking up at the gate of the temple, it was already mid-afternoon.

Squinting his eyes, Chu Yi found that there seemed to be something approaching in front of him, but before he could see it clearly, the object in front seemed to be impatient, and a mental power link was instantly connected to Chu Yi's brain.

"How is it, Chu Yi, has the Gashan tribe responded?"

After confirming that the area controlled by Chu Yi basically cannot mobilize a large number of pupated bodies, Chu Yi returned to the temple closest to the five major tribes to wait for a reply. Therefore, as soon as 8051 saw Chu Yi appear in the temple, she couldn't wait. Inquire with mental strength.

She also had to be anxious. It was only a day and a half away from that night, and the number of Zergs in the Zerg base was almost algebraically and geometrically spread. The results of mental scanning showed that up to now, nearly 200 dogs had appeared With more than 100 war bees and at least 500 devouring insects, the green film of the Zerg base has expanded to a radius of [-] meters.

Although it is strange that this base only produces war bees, dogs, and devouring insects, even so, as time goes by, their speed of collecting energy will become faster and faster, and the speed and number of soldiers produced will also increase before reaching the limit. More and more, and the 8051 doesn't know where that limit is, or even if it has one.

What's more, when 8051 intended to approach the Zerg base, the opponent no longer hid the energy cannon and giant tentacles at all. This time, all five tentacles became active, and the energy cannon's shells changed from the initial one to three.

If 8051 hadn't recovered most of her strength, she was able to escape in embarrassment, otherwise she would have left the illusory ghost body there long ago.

Therefore, based on the current expansion speed of the Zerg base in 8051, to deal with the Zerg base, at least 100 pupae are needed at present; if you wait another day, you will need no less than 300 pupae; Don't even think about it...

Under such circumstances, 8051 couldn't help but be in a hurry, and even the quack apes, because they could no longer produce any effect, were full of danger, so they were protected by 8051 all the way, moving covertly towards the God of War Temple come over.But at Quack Ape's speed, it would still take a day or two.

"The Gashan tribe has a reply," nodded, Chu Yi recalled the previous priest's return, and continued: "A total of 1500 pupae came here this time."

With a sigh of relief, 8051 did the math. With 1500 pupae, if it only takes four days to arrive, there should be no problem.

However, Chu Yi's words are obviously not finished: "However, even if they use full speed, it may take five or six days..."

"Five or six days! At that time, the dogs will be able to cover a Gashan tribe. What's the use of them coming!" 8051 was deeply annoyed by this: "Can we speed up? 8051 asked eagerly"

Chu Yi wiped off his sweat. Facing 8051 at this time, he had a feeling of being faced with a super powerful illusion: "No, but..."

"What doesn't work... Oh, you go on."

"However, 1500 quasi-priests among the more than 1330 people are the last batch, and there are more than 200 people who arrived in batches, because they rushed here as soon as they received the order."

"Not enough. Even if we arrive in batches, it will take about two days for all the 200 people to arrive. 8051 sighed." Rubbing his head, 8051 said distressedly.

"Oh, the main thing is that Lingxue, Chu Xia, and Chu Ling, the three Youshen-levels, have put down their work now and are rushing over here with all their strength. Presumably, I should be able to delay a little time with you."

Saying that, Chu Yi thought depressingly (Lingxue and the others thought that they could use three Youshen levels to destroy the enemy, and the 1500 pupated bodies were just insurance in their eyes, but looking at 8051’s reaction now, That insurance is probably a lifesaver. Are the Zergs so powerful? Wasn’t it blocked by two ghost bodies, a pupa body and dozens of quack apes two days ago? The speed of improvement is almost as fast as Chu Clean the original upgrade speed.)
"Oh, by the way, I said dozens of pupated bodies before, and now I feel it..." As he spoke, Chu Yi seemed not to remember it, and looked again at the priest who had just gone out.

The other party answered knowingly: "Twelve, and just now there are six."

Nodding his head, Chu Yi looked at 8051 who was thinking aside.

In any case, 8051 can only stay in this temple now, quietly waiting for the upcoming three Youshen-levels, and at the same time take this time to think about how to make the most of the four Youshen-levels on his side, maybe there are still The dozen or so pupae that Chu Yi mentioned were used to delay the development of the Zerg base.

(End of this chapter)

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