Spore Story

Chapter 214 The Encounter in Thunderstorm Night

Chapter 214 The Encounter in Thunderstorm Night

PS: Thank you Lord of the Night for your reward =w=
When the enemy cannot be solved at one time, the current strategic goal is changed to slow down the enemy's expansion speed. At this time, what should we do?

Through the observation and summary of these several battles, 8051 temporarily discarded the original information about the Zerg in its memory, and began to analyze the enemy in front of it in a relatively blank situation.

Therefore, as a strategic goal of 'slowing down the expansion speed', the key point of devouring insects, or the direct point, is energy, which has become the focus of 8051.

No matter how many dogs and war bees there are, as long as there is no energy, the base cannot expand the number, and the remaining enemies can be eliminated only by grinding slowly.

And although the production speed of this base seems to be very fast, it is directly proportional to the number of devouring insects that collect energy and the disappearance speed of the surrounding forests.In other words, in order to slow down the enemy's expansion speed, it is necessary to curb the opponent's energy collection speed.

In simple and straightforward terms, it is to kill those devouring insects.

In the middle of the night that day, the four of Lingxue finally arrived at the God of War Temple of the Stone Tribe, and the 17 pupae that Chu Yi had mentioned actually reached 21 at this time, which made Chu Yi very pleased.After a question, there were a few tribes who were temporarily safe and worry-free, and they sent the captain-level pupae over. These pupae, which are usually in charge of hunting, do not need too many ghost-level pupae in terms of combat effectiveness. worry.

So, under the faint light of a bright moon covered by dark clouds from time to time, 4 Youshen and 21 pupae, led by 8051, secretly flew towards the Zerg base.

On the other hand, Hui Li is currently leading a group of old, weak, sick and disabled (this time it is really all old, weak, sick and disabled, the pupae and the three quack ape warriors are representatives of the sick and disabled), slowly Walk on the open road.

(There is no feeling of enemies here either, very good, all the way is smooth, and it is expected to arrive at dawn.)
Withdrawing his mental power, Huili found a small tree, sat down and began to rest. The other quack apes were also relieved when they saw Huili's movements, and sat down knowingly.

Along the way, Hui Li had to use his mental strength to inform several elderly leading quack apes at the beginning, reminding them when to rest, when to be on guard, and when to hide.But after a few times, they don't need to deal with notifications, and they understand when they need to pay attention to what.

With his back against the pliable sapling, Huili looked up at the sky that was getting darker and cloudy, and frowned: "It looks like it's going to rain."

After finishing speaking, he ignored these things, scanned again habitually, and after confirming that they were correct, he started the energy exercise that he had to do every day before going to bed, although it was impossible for them to sleep today.

Energy gradually gathers and flows from the blood, each cell seems to be contributing the available energy produced by itself, and then absorbing the biological energy in the body fluid circulation to supplement its own consumption.The available energy enters the energy core, and then with the call of the main body, along the road formed by the energy core, it gradually converges to the place where it is needed, and plays its due role.

Suddenly, Huili's expression changed and he stopped moving.

He could feel that his energy seemed to be about to rise to 20 points, but in this situation, he absolutely couldn't do that.

(If it pupates now, a cocoon will not survive long in such a place, and these quack apes must be taken to the high-level temple.) Thinking of this, Huili completely stopped the use of energy in the body, and even usually He has developed a habit of using energy to stimulate the body to strengthen the body and will, but he actively stopped it.

As a result, the head that was still somewhat sober seemed to become chaotic.

(It's not like I can't live without energy!) Feeling a little bit ruthless, Huili stood up again and looked at the quack apes staggering around.Because at night, they could not see the road clearly and were a little sleepy, so they complained a lot at this time.

With an insignificant sigh, Huili roared and began to gather.

This time the gathering was far less rapid than during the daytime. It was dark on the one hand, but it was more difficult.

After counting the number and making sure that no one was missing, Hui Li breathed a sigh of relief: "Let's go, rush to the nearest high-level temple, and you can rest comfortably."

Even though the other party couldn't understand, Huili still said this sentence. Perhaps, it was more to cheer him up.

Scanning with mental power again, Huili stopped after a wry smile, which made the quack ape behind him look suspiciously at Huili.

Assemble, Formation, Alert

After making these movements, the quack apes understood what was about to happen and became terrified.You know, just one day ago, their tribe was still a small and medium-sized tribe with more than 70 people in peace, but now it has become a refugee group of more than [-] people in order to eliminate the enemies that terrify them.

The sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer, and all the quack apes held their breath. The three quack apes who were able to move a little got up from the stretcher that Huili had woven with branches and vines, Grabbing a thicker branch, he walked into the formation with a serious expression.

In terms of perception, in this kind of densely forested forest, the dog's vision is completely incomparable to Huili's mental power scan, but the dog seems to have the same sense of smell as the pet with the same name in the human world, so soon, The originally slow and messy footsteps suddenly quieted down, and then quickly approached the group of quack apes with a few low barks.

20 dogs, 2 devoured worms.

The surrounding animals were all destructively hunted down by the Zerg on the first day, except for a very small number of foresighted escapes. The main target of the Zerg today is still trees (it seems that they have encountered those teams that went out to hunt and log, but the sky is sure Maybe.)
Before the enemy approached, Huili raised his head and looked at the sky. Although the night had become dark and there was gradually a dull atmosphere in the air, the figures of several war bees still appeared and disappeared from time to time. .

2 devouring insects + 20 dogs + 5 war bees, this is the result that Hui Li and 8051 have observed in recent times. This seems to be the composition of the "hunting" team of the Zerg base, and now the other party at least has With 20 teams like this, for the Zerg base, it is no longer possible to get close to the Zerg base with the limited scanning range of Huili.

The sound was getting closer and closer, and the members of the quack ape team were breathing heavily. This is a slightly open place, because the three surviving quack apes all strongly stated that quack apes are easy to be attacked in the forest. So refuse to walk in the forest for a long time.

How sad, Quackape, who was able to take advantage of the forest before, now has to consider the situation of being killed by the enemy using this advantage, and must withdraw from the forest of life.

At the edge of Huili's circularly spreading mental power, no dog has appeared yet.

Turn the mental power into a strip scan again, the nearest dog is only 50 meters away, Huili quickly restores the plane and circular mental power perception, and sure enough, the dogs have entered the 20 meter range.

"Light it up!" With an eager roar, several emergency piles of fire lit up under the joint efforts of the quack apes, and then turned into torches in the hands of the quacks.

The middle-aged and disabled quack apes were in the front, and the minors were in the back. Although Hui Li was also a minor, his strength was not even comparable to that of an adult, so he also consciously stood in the front row.

First of all, a shower of stones slammed into the past. Although it couldn't kill much, Hui Li thought yesterday when he summed up that such an attack could at least disrupt the momentum and formation of the dogs sprinting, which has slowed down their speed a little. Nothing to do with the formation at all.


The sky brightened suddenly, followed by violent thunderclaps, and tiny raindrops began to fall on the ground, which woke up the drowsy Quack Ape's brain a lot.

But the torch gave up and degenerated into a wooden stick, and the attack dropped by 5 points instantly.

But at this time, the quack apes had no time to think about it anymore. Facing the charge of the dogs, the three old apes who couldn't react in time were dragged out first. Although one of the dogs was beaten to death by the group, but Immediately after leaving the team, two of the quack apes who participated in the group fight also paid their lives.

It's hard to say anything about this. Theory is theory, and reality is reality. No matter how extravagant the talk is, when it comes to the battlefield, you still have to rely on yourself.

However, as a commander, Huili quickly communicated with his mental power, and shouted at the three quack apes who were about to charge forward.

In the face of such a large area of ​​enemy impact, it is actually a test of the psychological quality of the participants. After all, they basically have to stand still and wait for the enemy to rush up. It's very frustrating for them.

The low growl of the dog, the growl of the quack ape, the natural sound of the thunderstorm night mixed with subtle howls echoed in the small space.

Hui Li, who was standing at the front line of the formation, relied on the experience he had summed up in person before, and he was temporarily relieved by the terrain, but he saw the corpses of a few quack apes being dragged into the darkness, and the gleaming devouring beast not far away. Worms, how they will be treated can be imagined.


Three consecutive thunderclaps startled Huili! (Is there still a trio of thunder in nature? And the sound is still so weak?)
"Hui Li! Why do you happen to be with me every time you are in danger? 8051 said strangely."

"Ah, is this the empty gray one? It's so fun to be dazed."

"It's good to be on the front line, but it's still too weak."

"Well, I'm still a child after all, so I can't ask too much."

Startled by the four different voices in his head, Huili woke up instantly, and just in time saw two dogs with eyes wide open in front of him, full of doubt and panic. From this angle, Huili could almost see each other clearly Shaking muscles, dark and dense skin like scales, a sharp mouth full of sharp teeth, and claws that reflect dim light.

Two fists smashed the heads of the two dogs, and the arms mixed with electric current shook slightly, bringing out a few traces of dark white blood mixed with it.Only then did Hui Li, who was relieved, sat back on the ground again, even though the ground was already muddy at this time.

"To deal with these guys, stop playing and just kill them." Although he didn't know who the other two of the three voices were, there was a familiar feeling deep in his consciousness that made Huili trust them. It even made him feel that as long as the other party didn't die, there would be no problems for him, which made Hui Li deeply puzzled at this time.

But anyway, it's safe here.

It's just a hunting team of Zerg, come fast, go faster.

As if in the blink of an eye, the enemies who had made these old, weak, sick and disabled feel hopeless, rushed to the street one by one.Although the two devouring insects in the distance are still glowing, they have not made any movement. If you look carefully, you can also find the corpses of several quack apes who died in battle. Fortunately, their corpses be preserved.

The sound of landing one after another alarmed the quack apes who were still in a daze. It was the first time they had seen so many pupae in such a big age, their eyes widened in surprise.

Under the barrier of the rain curtain, they only felt that the surroundings were densely packed with pupae, and their bodies gradually heated up, and the power seemed to flow out of most of them. Seeing so many pupae in front of them, they felt an unprecedented feeling in their hearts. Confidence.

(There are only 21 chrysalis, and the other four feel very powerful, and I am afraid they are also Youshen level... God, when did Youshen level become so flooded! However, I am afraid it is not enough.) If Huili's thinking makes this The quack apes around knew that they might be inhumanly condemned and watched inhumanely, but obviously they didn't know.

And, human nature?Laughing, speaking of it, Gaga Ape doesn’t seem to have this concept yet.

However, none of the five people who could sense Gray's thoughts were simple masters.

The talisman is always taciturn. In other words, it has no sense of existence, but his ghost-level strength is there, and he who chooses to get rid of his body is now dazzling under the background of thunder and lightning, as if the god of thunder came to the world. Obviously, most quacks Apes and even chrysalis are paying attention to it.But speaking of it, if it wasn't for his unwillingness to be a god, I'm afraid the current title is really Thor;

Who is 8051 is only known to the higher-ups, but the body she uses is illusory, with top-notch resilience, and after trying to shrink the energy, 8051's illusory ghost body is more cohesive;

As the leader, Lingxue is busy with various things, and she is also the highest decision-maker among the hidden quack apes. No one knows how she rose to the Youshen level, but the aura of the other party does not need to be concealed in the slightest. People all look very cautious when looking at her, of course, don't think about some of the same high-level people;
Not to mention Chu Xia, all she cares about is pupae bodies, she has no deterrent power and basically pretends to be a fool, not to mention that Chu Xia's popularity is the best among the few;

Chu Ling, although in today's Quack Ape, even the Gashan tribe is not very famous, but no matter what, she was once a member of the Quack team, and now she is also a Youshen level, no, the entire species is only a few, and things are rare Pandas are not as precious as her.

Therefore, among the five standing here, there really are not many pupae who dare to act presumptuously.

As for the proliferation of the Youshen class lamented by Hui Li, 8051 directly expressed his speechlessness: "You have to know that among the group that is under control now, accounting for more than 20% of the quack apes, four of the seven Youshen class (8051 is not counted) Myself) are all here, and the remaining three are all righteous gods bound in the temple domain. 8051 said explosively."

Then, Gray fell silent.

PS: Please look at the book friends who have stolen posts, and those who have Qidian account support us with your clicks, recommendations and comments, and I am grateful to you =w=
(End of this chapter)

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