Spore Story

Chapter 215 Youshen Level and Youshen Body

Chapter 215 Youshen Level and Youshen Body

PS: One more update =w=
"In order to destroy a Zerg base, more than half of the highest combat power of the entire group was used..."

"Now it seems that our quack ape species is still too weak."

Hui Li's words naturally got most of the pupae glaring, but the few Youshen-level surrounding Hui Li were all silent.

(The quack ape species is already one of the most powerful species groups on Double Moon Planet, or maybe not one of them, while the Zerg race is an alien intermediate civilization. Is this comparable?) Although 8051, who knows the inside story, wants to say so, But looking at the performance of these people around her, she felt that it seemed good to put a little pressure on them, so she resolutely kept silent.

And just when Huili felt the strange atmosphere around him, regretted his careless words, and wanted to continue to say something to make up for it, he felt a bulge in his body, and then his expression changed.

(Damn it, I didn't notice it when I mobilized the current. Fortunately, it should be considered safe now.) Looking at the same kind around him, Huili felt a little relaxed.

"What's the matter, Hui Li!" No matter how you put it, the other party is also a part of the illusion (this feels weird), and in terms of appearance alone, it is impossible to tell who is who after more than ten years, looking at Hui Li With a painful look on their faces, Chu Ling and the others cast aside the previous embarrassment, and looked at Hui Li with concern, while Chu Ling stepped forward and grabbed Hui Li's arm, not knowing what to do and circling anxiously .

"Pupa...chrysalis..." (Meow, why does this feel like last words!) Hui Li sighed in his heart, but his body had already started to curl up uncontrollably, and the energy in his body was Continuously gathering, the body surface just shimmered and then completely dimmed, and even the slightly shining color disappeared without a trace because of the molecular level energy core flowing in the blood. Looks like a quack ape that isn't an electric creature.

8051, who has been carrying Huili all the time, knows the inside story best. Although the current situation is that Huili has become the first strongman in the history of the quack ape to pupate before he was 14 years old, he is still one of the main consciousnesses.

So, 8051 stepped forward and separated Chu Ling and Lingxue with her thoughts. She didn't want to wrap the people next to her when she pupated, causing abnormalities.

Looking at Chu Ling who was glaring at him, 8051, who had a hollow face, was still expressionless (couldn't show it at all).

"What are you doing?" Chu Ling was very excited. Kong Huan looked in pain, but this 8051 who gave her a strange feeling after waking up did so. In desperation, she even wanted to use her mind power, but He was quickly grabbed by Lingxue who was beside him.

Obviously, Chu Ling and 8051 have not yet established a relatively trusting relationship, and Chu Xia and Lingxue on the side have already seen something, and turned their probing eyes to 8051.
Nodding his head, 8051 pointed to Hui Li: "Pupa... ah, needless to say."

(I'm dizzy, I still didn't say that word in the end, it's chrysalis! The soul is light) Gray matter that can only be thought of in the consciousness, I only feel a surge of breath, and then it begins that every chrysalis has to go through The life process of silk spinning and cocoon formation.

Seeing this situation, Chu Ling gradually calmed down, and then cast complicated eyes on 8051. Seeing that the other party was still expressionless, although she knew there was a reason for this, she finally snorted and walked aside .

"Hey, Chu Ling, we still have tasks. 8051 reminded us loudly."

8051's words completely woke up everyone present.

Looking around, the quack apes had woken up from the shock of seeing so many pupae at the beginning, but then they saw Huili, who had been fighting with everyone for two days, suddenly spinning cocoons, so they were helpless. It was inevitable to fall into shock again; the pupae expressed emotion for such a young pupae, but they were still waiting for orders from several ghost-level bosses.

After thinking for a while, Lingxue nodded to her companions and said, "8051 is the one who knows the situation best, so let you direct it. However, are these bugs really dangerous? I don't doubt it, but it seems It seems very weak." A group of people almost killed the group of bugs as soon as they arrived, and each person even averaged less than one hit.

Although there is also a factor of quantitative advantage in this, it will inevitably leave people with the illusion that the bugs are vulnerable.

At this time, Hui Li's cocoon was half formed, and his body was gradually being wrapped by the spitting out silk threads.

"It is indeed very weak, but that is for our Youshen class. Even ordinary pupae may seem a little weak, but they are a little stronger than the quack ape. Since we just arrived, we have been dealing with them You should be able to see the battle (everyone nodded after thinking about it). And if the number of these dogs..."

He lifted his foot and kicked the dead dog beside him. From its sunken head, it can be seen that the head was smashed with a punch. This force is basically twice that of ordinary quack ape. It is the gray matter mixed with energy before. The physical attack made 8051 sigh that Huili's energy control ability has already caught up with the control level of the Phantom God level.

"What if their number is one hundred, two hundred...even, one thousand and more?"

Hearing this, although the faces of the group of people changed slightly, they still didn't have much worry, and a pupate directly expressed everyone's thoughts: "Master 8051, even if there are tens of thousands of them, they can only live on the ground. Powerful, we pupae can fly in the sky, just grind slowly."

Everyone nodded in agreement, but in just such a short time, Huili's big white cocoon had already formed, and bigger and bigger raindrops hit it, making Chu Ling, who was watching secretly from time to time, worried, (whether she will be caught by the rain? Is the ticking disturbing? Will it be pierced by the rain? Will it be...) Chu Ling, who was hesitant to go up to protect her from the rain, is now a little awkward to act, because everyone is listening to 8051's speech.

Looking at the pupae, 8051 sneered, and Gujing Wubo's tone made the smile even colder: "The problem is, they are not only on land, but also in the sky, and there are quite a few of them. Otherwise, you I thought why Lingyun and I couldn't destroy each other's central building... Wait, why didn't I see the war bees in the sky, don't these hunting teams usually have war bees to protect them?"

Speaking of this, 8051 hadn't paid attention to the war bees before waking up, and without the knowledge of the pupae, before 8051 and the others arrived, the five war bees who saw the situation were not good had already fled.

"Now we need to do our best to eliminate the hunting teams that are left alone, especially the devouring insects among them, otherwise the number of them will increase as time goes by. After 8051 found out that the whereabouts of himself and others might be discovered, he became impatient .”

After finishing speaking, 8051 looked at the giant cocoon that Huili had formed and thought about it. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Chu Ling who was peeking at the giant cocoon from time to time, and laughed secretly in his heart: "How about this, Huili and these quack apes are both We can’t just leave it alone, or we’ll be in danger if we encounter Zerg again. One pupation body is not enough, and if there are too many, it will affect the action. How about this, let’s leave a ghost level here..."

Feeling something from 8051's eyes, Chu Ling immediately looked around and found that several companions were looking at her, with a bit embarrassed expression, but after a while, she returned to normal, then curled her lips and said, "Since... Let me come, I'll stay, and I can't leave them alone."

"We haven't said who will stay? Are you in such a hurry? 8051 said jokingly."

"8051, you can't explain these things clearly." Chu Xia added fuel to the side.

Lingxue looked at the two companions helplessly, and directly pulled them into the air: "Okay, the task is important, hurry up."

After thinking about it, she added another sentence: "Xiao Lingyun seems to have a companion."

Then there was a burst of laughter.

After finishing speaking, the group of people ignored Chu Ling who was defending from behind, and disappeared without a trace with a bunch of pupae who were looking at each other in dismay.

"What are you looking at? What's there to see!" Looking back at the quack apes on the side, Chu Ling, who had no idea that these quack apes could not understand her own language, yelled a few words with a flushed face, and then said He looked at the giant cocoon beside him again.

She covered the giant cocoon with her mental power, and after blocking the heavy rain, she sat down with her back to the giant cocoon, but her mental power covered the surroundings with all her strength.

The newly formed giant cocoon still cannot be easily moved, so now at least have to wait until dawn the next day before returning to the temple.

In the middle of the air, 8051 withdrew his attention from the scenery composed of giant cocoons, Chu Ling and Quack apes in the rain curtain in the distance, and said to Lingxue beside him: "The investigation and defense of thoughts are mainly left to you and Chu. It's Xia..."

It is also at the Youshen level, having a body and not having a body are two different situations, or the direction of development.

The Youshen class with a body (it is called [Youshen class]), its strengths are mental power, mind power and physical attack, and its disadvantages are energy attack, defense and mobility;
The ghost level without a body is now fused with two energy cores (called [ghost body] or [sub-energy body]), its strength lies in energy attack, mobility and physical defense, and its weakness is compared to The Youshen class with a body has weaker mental power and mind power, and lower physical attack.

Taken together for comparison, the Youshen class with a body has only one energy core, and its energy is generally 50 to 100, while the Youshen body without a body has more than 2500 energy. From this point, it can be seen that the Youshen class and Youshen body The gap in energy attack, not to mention the gap in energy recovery is so obvious;
As for physical attack and defense, the Youshen class has a body, and the physical attack is very high under the increase of spirit and energy, but also because of the body, it is also vulnerable to physical injuries, resulting in poor combat effectiveness.In comparison, although the physical attack of the Youshen body is much weaker, because the only vital point of the body is the energy core, even if it is attacked elsewhere, as long as there is consciousness and energy, it will not have any adverse effects on the combat effectiveness;
The last is mental power and mind power, both belong to the Youshen level, and the level of consciousness is the same.However, the ratio of Youshen-level consciousness and mental power with a body is 1:500, and the ratio of consciousness and spiritual power of Youshen body with independent consciousness is only 1:100, and mental power is condensed by mental power, so We can see the gap between the two sides.

Therefore, the root cause of the gap lies in mental power and energy. Youshen level is more refined in mental power, and Youshen body is more refined in energy.

"Now the war bees actually choose to escape, then the base will soon know that we are coming, and it is more likely to strengthen the protection of the devouring insects. Therefore, our current goal is to eliminate as many insects as possible before the base reacts. Those out-going devourers. 8051 speaks volumes for the current situation."

"Just now everyone saw the composition of the general devouring insect hunting team. It is still very easy for us to eliminate it, so let's divide into teams. The current members are divided into two teams: Lingxue, me and ten pupae bodies The first team and the remaining team, we hunt separately. Remember, don’t approach the base, let alone the number of war bees, those energy cannons and five giant tentacles, I’m afraid it’s still a bit difficult for us now. 8051 said seriously."

After speaking, a group of darlings in the sky divided into two teams and flew in two directions.

...time comes and goes...

"8051 is right." Chu Xia stood on a big tree, and several big trees beside her were pupae, and only the talisman floated in the sky.

For the Youshen class with fine mental power, energy flight is still somewhat difficult, and the consumption of mental power or mental power brought about by using mental power to fly can be saved if possible in this combat situation.

Withdrawing her mental power, Chu Xia nodded to the surrounding people, and took the lead to fly forward.This is the third Zerg hunting team that they have encountered after detachment. With previous experience, with the cooperation of pupae body and two kinds of Youshen level, the speed of elimination is very fast, but Chu Xia's smiling expression reveals that Show some seriousness.

"These hunting teams are running in the direction of the base mentioned by 8051. It seems that they have received some orders." The talisman looked ahead, and just now he accidentally detonated it with a lightning strike, which caused a pupate not far away. This is the first injured individual after arriving here, which made him unable to keep silent while being embarrassed.

After using the priest's knowledge to bandage the pupated body, he thought about the previous situation, looked at Chu Xia who was also wrinkled, and expressed his thoughts: "The further we go, the hunting team we can meet I'm afraid there will be less."

"Indeed, then it must be done as soon as possible." Chu Xia nodded, released her mental power again, and summoned all the pupae to gather in the next place.

Looking at the sky, Chu Xia said: "This time I still didn't fight the war bee mentioned by 8051, but the flying creature sensed during the scan before may be that war bee, but I didn't expect that the opponent's mental power defense It's so strong that even my mental power can't hurt it, and the range of mental power can't reach it."

Nodding his head, the talisman was no nonsense, he flew into the air and waited for Chu Xia's next order.

As far as the talisman is concerned, his initial belief was to protect the Gashan tribe. If he was asked to be the patron saint of Gashan, he would probably join him in the first place. Behind is Chu Jie, the god of life, no matter how you look at it, there is no place for him.

But even so, the spirit talisman still stayed in Gashan well, always guarding the surroundings, but no matter how vigilant he was, the comfortable life of more than ten years made him feel boring. Afterwards, Lingxue summed it up for him, and he also realized Gashan's How safe is it, especially after the quasi-priests spread in a wavy shape centered on the five major tribes.

From the perspective of today's spirit talisman, it is now threatening the Gashan tribe, or the five major tribes...

On land, it is necessary to pass through more and more various areas connected by high-level temples.And once people find danger, Gashan's decision must be to eliminate the enemy on the periphery as soon as possible, just like the Zerg this time.Therefore, on land, there is almost no need for anyone to worry about the safety of Mount Ga. If the land cannot be blocked at the periphery, then the safety of Mount Ga in the center is probably only a life that the magic talisman can do;

In the sky, ordinary airspace is the world of pupated bodies. Like land, it is almost impossible to be broken by peripheral animals, and the animals in it are all low-threatening animals that are cultivated as hunting food, so ordinary airspace is the same as land. There is no need to worry too much.

Especially recently, the Double Scythe Territory seems to be experimenting with something called crops, and began to disperse some of the animals. If it succeeds in a few years and is promoted, I am afraid that in the Quack Ape area, the animals that can cause trouble will be more and more. come less and less.

The only thing the Gashan tribe needs to be careful about now is the high-level airspace, which is a height that even pupae cannot reach, because it is difficult to breathe here and the climate is cold.So far, only a few ghosts have reached it, not even the ordinary ghost level, and for the same reason, at this height, the talisman has only met cloud jellyfish who have always shown that everything is like a cloud.

Therefore, from Lingfu's point of view, the Gashan tribe's safety is basically safe now, so he has also started to wander around recently, and this time he directly agreed to deal with these bugs when he mentioned it.

As for the situation at this time, in the eyes of the spirit talisman, the demise of the Zerg base was basically 100% a matter.

More than 1000 pupae bodies, plus all the Youshen class that can act independently and most of the independent soul classes, this combination is the largest mobilization in the history of the Quack ape species, and it is invincible on the Double Moon Star (most of the members' view).

Therefore, it is the cocoon of the child named Huili who can draw more attention to the talisman (he doesn't know the relationship between Huili and Void, until now, only the former members of Gaga's team + the leaders of the five major tribes and the No. A priest), pupated at such a young age, which surprised the talisman, which aroused a certain curiosity.

But the concern of the other ghost gods for the child made the spirit talisman even more interested in him.

However, just as everyone was hurrying on their way, a pupa next to them stopped suddenly, covering their ears, and then four other pupas stopped, covering their ears, as if they were listening to something.

(End of this chapter)

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