Spore Story

Chapter 217

Chapter 217

The rain was still falling, and the whole world seemed to be shrouded in thick thunderclouds and dense raindrops, washing everything in the world.

Chu Xia, who shuttled through the large area, put away the smile that never disappeared, and her expression became more serious than ever.

"This guy actually has more confidence in me than myself. Is it because I usually perform so well?"

(If one or two people are left at this time, although I will be very annoyed, I will also be very happy.) Chu Xia was a little depressed because of her contradictory psychology, but at this time she didn't have more time for her to express her feelings.

With a wry smile, she looked at her companions hidden in the woods. Chu Xia dodged a few times to stop the dogs on the ground, and then she held a few pot-shaped walls of thought force in her hands, stopping the war bees in the sky who were trying to track them down. But this is still a bit difficult for her.

Let's take a look at the comparison of the numbers at this time...

Your side: Youshen level (1, reinforcements??)
Enemies: Dogs (11, reinforcements 100+), Warbees (200+, reinforcements 200++)

Mission objective: Make the enemy no longer chase our units except your own.

Failure condition: More than 1 enemy unit chases our unit other than you.

Task Reward: Quack Ape Species Prestige +N
Failure Punishment: One's side is extremely weak in a decisive battle with the Zerg

"Is this the so-called hopeless situation?" But Chu Xia didn't want to think so, because she didn't want to make herself feel hopeless, so she would put all her eggs in one basket: "Nothing is impossible, today, let me complete this task."

Flying continuously, Chu Xia smashed several dogs to death with continuous punches, and at the same time, she still used her mental power to monitor the bees that were blocking the sky.

In her mind, it will take some time for the dog reinforcements in the distance to get here.At this time, take the opportunity to deal with the dogs on the ground first, and then you can concentrate on dealing with the war bees in the sky.

And when the enemy dogs arrived, with the rain blocking them, they could no longer catch up with the pupae, and they could fly for their lives.

In fact, Chu Xia's original idea was to use herself as a bait to attract the attention of all the war bees, and then she would lead them to fly in other directions.

But obviously, the aesthetics of the war bees is extremely problematic. They don't care where such a beautiful beauty is placed, and they only want to break through Chu Xia's block, so that they can catch up to the pupated body in front of her. They, and then discover the target that the pupae are escaping from.

Instead, there were none of the war bees attacking Chu Xia.

(Judging from the neat reaction of these war bees, it must have been ordered.) While fighting, Chu Xia still did not forget to summarize the enemy's information, and looked at the group of war bees in the sky.

Fortunately, they haven't scattered and interspersed. Otherwise, with Chu Xia's level of thought power, there is no way to stop them. At this moment, they are gathered together. Although it puts a lot of pressure on her thought power defense, at least Chu Xia's thought power defense It can also have some effect.

(It seems that I was a little overwhelmed before. If it weren't for the war bees gathering together, I would not be able to do it alone.)
From the illusory human memory, 8051 has seen a movie called X or something, in which there is a person named Fire Phoenix or something... Ah no, she is a person with superpowers, and her telekinetic power is very strong.

Well, of course, this does not mean that Chu Xia is so powerful at this time, at least she has not been able to completely reduce the enemy to ashes like the other party (it is really ashes). , I'm afraid it's only the third level of the strength level in that movie.

Therefore, Chu Xia, who felt that it would be impossible to use only thought power... or simply use thought power alone, rubbed her swollen head, jumped and stopped on the top of a tree, and then, the few remaining A dog, with Chu Xia's arm waving, smashed towards the war bee in the sky.

Although she knew that Zhanfeng would easily dodge her, she seemed to feel the other party's ridicule when she saw Zhanfeng who just moved slightly and passed the dog. Chu Xia also sweated a little. If you fall down, you don't need to think about whether you can survive.

"I knew I would do this, I'm really tired." Shaking her arm, Chu Xia spread her mental power in a spherical shape within a radius of more than 70 meters outside the body, and changed it into a fan shape from time to time to expand the scanning range.

(Head-to-head is not enough. If the power of thought can't support it, then it can only happen by chance.)
Thinking of this, Chu Xia immediately changed her fighting mode.

A line of defense was built, and when the ground was temporarily safe, she stood on the top of the tree without moving, only attacking the bees who were about to break through a range she had determined with her mental power.

As long as there are war bees flying over, they will be twisted and rotated by the thought force, twisting their wings into a ball, and then either fall to the ground, or fly back and hit the same kind behind them, in short, they cannot be allowed to pass.

But it was a pity that there were too many battle bees, and Chu Xia didn't persist in this seemingly easy tactic for a minute, so she had to retreat several tens of meters to rebuild a line of defense.

This time Chu Xia had to switch back to the Nianli Wall depressingly, but in order to save her Nianli power as much as possible, this time the Nianlibi is not the type that will be continuously maintained as soon as it appears at the beginning, but first diffused in a certain area with a small amount of mental power. Within the range, when a war bee passes through this spiritual force, Chu Xia, who senses the target again, will gather a small mental shield on the way forward of the war bee to block the war bee.

This seems to be very effective, none of the densely packed war bees can fly past, and from time to time some war bees hit the wall and landed in the sky.

But this time, Chu Xia only persisted for less than a minute before decisively giving up this method and retreating another ten meters to build a defensive line.

The reason is that it is too tiring to do that. Even with the brain of Xiangyi Quackape's fifth-level brain, this kind of calculation is too much. If you have practiced before, let this kind of spiritual power - the deployment of the power shield - dissipate The steps of the Mind Power Shield form a conditioned reflex, and I am afraid that this time the goal of blocking the enemy can be achieved with minimal consumption, but it is a pity that this method was just thought of by Chu Xia, and there is no time for practice.

The construction of the third line of defense was quick, and in a short while, dense branches, stones, rotten fruits, dust, small animals...all kinds of messes flew out from behind Chu Xia.

Obviously, this trick was very effective at the beginning, and the war bees who had developed the agility to avoid things when they encountered them, so they successfully avoided everything, but also successfully slowed down their progress.

But there is an accident in everything. The two clumsy war bees did not hide from these things, but were smashed by branches and rotten fruits. The natural defense line, and then, their sluggish reaction made them turn around and rush back like their previous counterparts, so they passed through the defense line again, carrying another layer of dust and looking affectionately at the same kind behind them.

In this way, all the bees were deeply deceived, and decisively accelerated to attack this seemingly powerful barrier, which was actually strong on the outside, so they smoothly... bumped into the wall of thought power that Chu Xia quickly opened.

After being blocked for a few minutes, Chu Xia felt exhausted, and the Bees finally realized that the fastest way to pursue her was to eliminate the obstructer below, and the Bees as reinforcements had already arrived.

(Now I know my attraction.)
Facing the overwhelming battle bees, Chu Xia gave a wry smile, turned around and rushed into the forest.

When the human mind is dizzy and stabs the hornet's nest, facing the densely packed hornets, they can only choose to escape, and generally they cannot escape.At this time, Chu Xia was followed by the wasps whose aesthetics had finally returned to normal, but their enthusiasm was too high, and she obviously couldn't accept it.

In the whole world, the sound of raindrops and even the sound of thunder seemed to have disappeared, leaving only the humming of the wings of the war bees, which made one's scalp tingle.

(Fly directly in the direction of the Zerg base, I'm afraid they won't be fooled. From another perspective, the purpose of the Zerg is to destroy me, and then chase after the pupation. The actual purpose is to chase the pupation and find them for a decisive battle. So, if I can no longer interfere with the Zerg's actions, they are likely to temporarily give up chasing me in order to achieve their main purpose.)
A tentacle grabbed the tree trunk in front of her, and with this strong centripetal force, Chu Xia made a sharp turn to avoid the battle bee behind her, and gave the opponent a few mental hammers, causing the opponent to hit the ground or the tree trunk at high speed.

At this time, Chu Xia had already flown into the sky.

(However, my purpose is to hold you back.)
If she shows her face in the sky in front of the Zhanfeng's path from time to time, I'm afraid it will be forgotten by the Zhanfeng. It's like the popularity of a star, but what Chu Xia raises is her hatred, just like MT's taunting.

Speaking of which, Chu Xia, who is not considered an MT at all, seems to have perfected her ridicule at this time, because all the war bees followed her, and she had no intention of separating out a few to chase after her.

(I would have brought a few good bows if I knew it earlier. Only the long-range attack of Nianli is really a disadvantage!) Shaking her head and discarding the distracting thoughts in her mind, Chu Xia flew a few irregular trajectories in the sky, and then Blocked the war bees who were trying to smuggle, but made myself dizzy.

This is a three-dimensional world, not only the plane of the land, but also the height of the sky. The bees will break through from all directions, and no matter how powerful Chu Xia's thoughts are, there is only one person who can stop the bees for so long , it seems like a miracle.

However, at this moment, the swarm of bees that were planning to break through the defense just now suddenly shifted their target. This time, it was no longer attacking Chu Xia in order to interrupt Chu Xia's obstruction. From the perspective of attack mode and formation, it was completely wrong. In order to get rid of Chu Xia.

The pressure increased sharply, but Chu Xia was not surprised but delighted.

Because, this shows that the battle bees have given up the purpose of tracking the pupae. Maybe the pupae have exceeded the tracking range of the battle bees, or there may be other reasons, but at least it shows that Chu Xia's efforts have been successful. .

(Now, mission accomplished, I have to run.)
Although she was in a hurry, the smile returned to Chu Xia's face, even though it was covered with rain.

Standing on the ground, watching the war bees rushing like several huge nets, the corners of Chu Xia's mouth curled up into a lovely arc.

Spread the wings, and with the vibration of the four wings, the lifting speed far exceeds the limit speed that the four wings of the pupae body can burst out, pushing Chu Xia high into the sky.

The last remaining part of the life-saving force easily waved away the war bees above.

"Goodbye, little ones, my sister is leaving first, hehe." With no fancy straight up, Chu Xia rushed headlong into the thunderstorm clouds in the sky without the slightest hesitation.

(If it weren't for the strength of these warbees, they can only be counted as a quack ape, maybe they can block me, but the reality is that although they are large in number, they may be able to kill me in a deadly battle, but when I want to run , but I can’t stop it, hee hee.)
For unknown reasons, Zhan Feng did not enter the thunderstorm cloud, probably because he was worried that he would die in the area that was completely blocked from sight and almost unilaterally transparent to Chu Xia, let alone the thunder and lightning in the thunderstorm cloud.

And for the pupae of electric creatures, the thunderstorm cloud is also an extremely dangerous place, but Chu Xia is at the Youshen level, and has no less than [-] experience of wandering in the thunderstorm cloud.

Spreading the electric current layer in the body densely on the surface of the body, Chu Xia flapped her wings and continued to fly, while carefully paying attention to the electrical status around the whole body with her thoughts.

Sure enough, the lightning that had just formed began to hit Chu Xia under the attraction of the power grid, but this was exactly her purpose.

Although the power of the Lightning Strike Technique is not as powerful as that of Thunderbolt, it is only a quantitative difference rather than a qualitative difference. For Youshen level, it is somewhat difficult to control the natural Thunderbolt, but if it is just a guide, there is no problem after training of.

Facing the lightning strikes that hit the power grid on her body, Chu Xia immediately controlled the lightning to pass through the thicker and thicker clouds below, and hit the bottom, whining and screaming, but she was confused and didn't know what to do. bees.

This natural thunder power directly passed over a dozen war bees and landed on the ground, and the falling corpses of the war bees were directly turned into powder under the blowing of strong wind and dense rain.

This method of attracting lightning is Chu Xia's unique skill. It's not that she doesn't want to hand it over to others. There are two reasons for this: [-]. It requires a very high level of thought power, which is limited to the Youshen class. Two, the practice method is very dangerous, if you are not careful, you will be hit by the high energy of the thunder and become the result of a war bee. To be honest, Chu Xia is not sure whether it can produce dead souls.

The reason why she didn't use this method at the beginning was also because of the uncertainty of the thunder. She didn't know when a thunder would be triggered. If she went deep into the thunder cloud from the beginning, she would be very safe, but she couldn't stop the dense crowd below. There are no less than four or five hundred war bees.

During the gradual ascent, Chu Xia controlled three thunderbolts that hit her and hit the battle bee below, and then passed through the thick thunderstorm cloud and appeared above the bright and comfortable cloud layer, which would attract Thunder's power grid also dissipated.

"Well," took a deep breath, the air at this height was already thin, and Chu Xia was flying entirely by her thoughts, and she couldn't stay for too long, otherwise she would feel suffocated.

Looking at the thunderstorm cloud below her, Chu Xia hesitated. She could clearly observe the results of the previous four thunderbolts through her mental power. Just four blows caused the complete death of nearly fifty war bees. If you go down and do it a few more times...

"Forget it, my mental power is not enough now, I should go back quickly. Greed is a big harm. I usually teach those guys like this, if I commit a crime myself, wouldn't it be funny." Turning around under the impetus of mental power , Chu Xia walked above the clouds in the sky, and slowly left the range of thunderstorm clouds.

This place seems to be a second layer of ground, a ground that only belongs to high-altitude creatures.

The aborigines here are cloud jellyfish, the soil is the clouds, and the lakes are the passages leading to the earth. The sun shines on the clouds, and the soft and majestic eyes of Chu Xia walking among them seem to be dazzled.

Looking at the arc-shaped horizon (cloud level?), Chu Xia thought with emotion (Is that the arc-shaped horizon mentioned by 8051? Is the world we live in really spherical? This is really amazing.)
Slightly squinting his eyes, the world seems to have become hazy, and his eyes are full of psychedelic colors: "If only there was a home above the clouds, there would be no enemies, no battles, and everyone would be comfortable and peaceful together." Work quietly for a better life."

"But," Chu Xia's expression darkened, she felt the position of the same kind, and after a few twists and turns, she began to descend the altitude.

Gradually, she approached the cloud ground;

Gradually, she passed through the white cloud soil;
Gradually, she saw the high-level temple not covered by thunderstorm clouds in the distance.

A calming smile reappeared on her face, and Chu Xia felt a burst of relief as she looked at the Temple of the God of War, which was a little bustling in the tranquility below.

"No matter how beautiful the dream is, reality is where home is."

On the other side, not far from the Zerg base.

Mu Xiao struggled and walked cautiously between the trees, his wings were tightly shrunk on his back, his steps were slow and light, fearing that the war bees flying overhead from time to time would find him.

A big tree appeared in front of it, and the surrounding trees looked very dense, which could better block the sight and ears of the war bees, and the dog's sense of smell was also weakened a lot in this rainy night.

Although it seems a very unwise decision to hide under a tree during a thunderstorm, he would rather be pulverized by the thunder and dissipate into the sky than being caught and swallowed by bugs and turned into green liquid on his tail In the meantime, especially after seeing the heroic figure passing through Lei Ting before, he even had a feeling that Lei Ting is actually our partner.

Leaning against the tree with tense muscles, Mu Xiao closed his eyes, intending to take a little rest.

Recalling the scene he saw before, his body was still trembling with excitement.

Mu Xiao is not one of the 21 pupated bodies rescued this time, nor even one of the members of the five tribes that have spread out. He comes from another place, from another direction.

He was just wandering aimlessly. During this period, he found a few quack apes to form a small tribe, but he didn't maintain it because of fear. Today, he encountered a turning point in his fate.

He was caught by the worm, escaped the worm's detection by pretending to die unexpectedly, and then tricked the worm by pretending to be dead. He saw the whole process of the worm swallowing the animals bit by bit with his own eyes. He was extremely frightened and strongly hoped Can anyone save him, for his wings are broken.

But he was actually very lucky, because the bug fled in a hurry for unknown reasons soon after, and he, along with other branches and animal carcasses, were thrown away as a burden on the way to escape.

How could Mu Xiao let go of such a good opportunity, without checking whether it was an enemy's trap or something, he climbed to the forest not far away on all fours, and then leaned on a branch, propped up his body and began to walk cautiously. Avoiding the enemy and fleeing to the depths of the jungle.

(End of this chapter)

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