Spore Story

Chapter 218 The Legend of the Floating Mountain Tyrant

Chapter 218 The Legend of the Floating Mountain Tyrant

PS: The second update is here =w=
When Chu Xia returned to the Warrior Temple of the Stone Tribe, the team of 8051 had already returned here.

However, the pupae that were carried by the talisman had just returned. Looking at Chu Xia's seemingly unscathed figure, the surprise in the eyes of the pupae was self-evident, but then they took it for granted, and they were sincere with each other. Saying something like "I knew Chu Xia's head teacher is very good." made Chu Xia smile wryly.

Looking around, she couldn't find Lingxue, so Chu Xia turned her attention to 8051.

"Take Chu Ling and Hui to deal with them, 8051 understood what Chu Xia meant." After finishing speaking, 8051 continued to close his eyes and rest, it seemed that she was not very relaxed.

Nodding, Chu Xia nodded to the talisman and the others, and sat aside to meditate with her eyes closed to recover from the previous exhaustion of mental power. No, no sitting, and finally sat down awkwardly and exchanged their guesses with each other.

Although there were not many casualties in this battle, it seemed that everyone was very tired.

The group of people who returned early in the morning rested in various poses in the temple until half the afternoon. When Lingxue used her thoughts to protect the cocoon and returned with Chu Ling and the rest of the quack apes, everyone recovered a little. The atmosphere also slowly picked up, especially on this day when dozens of pupae arrived, which restored everyone's confidence.

At this time, 8051 looked at Chu Ling and her team with a broken-winged pupa in a strange way. She remembered that there should only be one pupa in this team. Avatar, and this broken-winged pupa... 8051 frowned unnaturally.

After thinking about it, 8051 still didn't ask any questions, but first checked Huili's giant cocoon. After all, this is the most important person, and pupation cannot be lost.

"Are you okay?"

When Chu Ling died, there was no pupation body yet, so pupation is still very new to her, full of unknowns. Although she is still a little wary of 8051 at the moment, Chu Ling still agrees with its amount of knowledge. some.

Turning his head to look at Chu Ling, 8051 didn't speak, just nodded, and then looked back at the giant cocoon.

"Hmph, what?" Although she was annoyed by 8051's attitude, Chu Ling understood that there was no problem, so she stood next to the giant cocoon again, watching 8051's movements carefully.

In fact, if you look at it from a illusory perspective, this is what 8051 should be doing. After leaving the editing space, 8051's emotions are a bit complicated, excited, excited, confused... and so on. Until now, she has gradually integrated into this The world began to restore its own nature.

(There is no damage on the outside, not even much rainwater. Should it be said that Chu Ling protected it well? She is indeed the illusory little follower of Wannian.)
Since the giant cocoon was fine, 8051 just took a playful glance at Chu Ling, and then returned to the inside of the temple. At this time, all the participants returned to the main hall of the temple, and Lingxue pulled Chu Ling who was puzzled by 8051's look. , turned around and placed the giant cocoon in a dormitory in the temple.

The originally spacious main hall of the God of War Advanced Temple is now crowded with more than 40 pupae bodies and six ghost gods, and it doesn't seem so big.

In the center of the main hall, an altar with a diameter of more than three meters is surrounded by six Youshen. Chu Yi faces the gate of the temple, with 8051 (empty ghost body) and Lingxue beside him, while Chu Xia leans on Lingxue, and Chu Ling leans on Lingxue. 8051, the last talisman faces the gate.

The rest of the pupae sat obediently on the periphery, folded their wings, and waited for the speeches of the bosses in the center. Of course, the pupae with broken wings was also among them.

And next to the stone chair behind Chu Yi, Lingyun was sleeping there peacefully, as if dreaming some sweet dream.

Feeling the spiritual power of Lingyun, 8051 nodded slightly. (It seems that it will take a few days to wake up. This time, she did consume too much. I didn't expect this little guy to be so desperate.)
"Then, let's sum up this battle." Seeing that everyone was silent, Lingxue rubbed her forehead and decided to speak first.

The post-war summary meeting, in short, is a group of people recalling the previous battles, then counting the data, understanding their own gains and mistakes, and finally expressing their determination.After the silence was broken, one by one began to speak. Of course, it was mainly the ghosts who spoke.

This battle was mainly divided into two teams. (Chu Ling guarded her cocoon all night.)
In terms of 8051, a total of 16 devouring insects have been eliminated. Dogs and war bees are useless, and the number is said to be small;
As for Chu Xia, she eliminated 8 devouring insects, and the dogs and war bees were useless. It is said that all they encountered were killed, except for the last war bees.

Like Chu Xia's side, 8051's side also encountered an ambush, but when they encountered this devouring insect swarm, 8051's immediately discovered something was wrong.

8051's idea is that, when all the hunting teams are running back, this team is still collecting food so indifferently, either the commander's brain has a twitch or there is a conspiracy.Therefore, 8051, who has at least some combat experience, directly characterized it as a problem, and then strengthened the intensity and accuracy of mental power scanning. After multiple scans, she found some bugs that were alarmed by mental power, and immediately led the team to stop hunting and devouring them. Worm, return to the temple in concealment.

In comparison, Chu Xia and the others and most of the members of 8051, except 8051, did not pay attention to these things. It can be seen that the quack ape group under the control of the five tribes has a great advantage in the territory. , and almost no battles with hostile civilized races, resulting in their lack of experience in dealing with civilized wars.

Now their battle experience is still at the point where they subconsciously put their own side on the hunting side, instead of treating their opponents as equals or even stronger than their own enemies.

(I hope that after this ambush, this situation will change a little bit.) 8051 thought about it in his heart, but still looked at the surrounding pupae with a blank expression, observing their performance.

"The contact on this thunderstorm night revealed that our disadvantage lies in numbers and long-distance communication; our advantage lies in individual strength. Conversely, it is the enemy's strengths and weaknesses. But the most important thing is to underestimate the enemy. In the future, we must The Zerg are treated like another hostile tribe, even if they have the upper hand."

Although there seemed to be not many pupae around who had listened to the last sentence, the ghost gods all expressed their understanding.

Then, Lingxue, who made a staged concluding speech, raised her eyes to Chu Xia who was still a little sleepy.

Although the spirit talisman and Chu Xia didn't return long before, Lingxue, who had already learned about the situation from the talisman, still expressed admiration for Chu Xia's behavior, but she wanted to hear the thoughts of Chu Xia who monopolized the battle bee .

In the previous hunting, Lingxue's 8051 side strictly followed the goal of hunting devouring insects set at the beginning. When the hunting team met, Lingxue and 8051 cooperated to directly attack and kill devouring insects, and pupated. body to eliminate other miscellaneous soldiers.

When the devouring insects are killed, no matter whether there are dogs and war bees still alive, they will immediately transfer to the next hunting team.

On the other hand, Chu Xia completely wiped out a hunting team before moving on to the next target.

As a result, the number of devouring insects wiped out in the 8051 side far exceeds that in Chu Xia's side.

And when they discovered an ambush later, 8051 led the team to leave regardless of the objections of Lingxue and the pupae, but they didn't know the number of ambushes at all, let alone the number of battle bees that Chu Xia would face later.

Nodding to express her understanding, Chu Xia began to describe her experience without any embellishment. Through this battle, she discovered a lot of ways to use mental power and mind power together, so she told them together.

After these things were explained in detail by Chu Xia, the chrysalis who were still dissatisfied with 8051 who had announced their withdrawal from the battle early began to secretly rejoice.

And the chrysalis with broken wings was staring at Chu Xia with almost fanatical eyes at this moment, which made Chu Xia's head teacher, who had experienced many battles, a little bit unbearable, so he could only sit with his head tilted regardless.

"Okay, let's stop here this time. Think about what happened this time when everyone is resting. We may organize another battle tonight, but it will mainly be wandering around the periphery. As long as the devouring insects don't come out, we won't stop fighting for the time being." To deal with them, when the pupae of the five major tribes come, their time of death will come."

After finishing speaking, Lingxue waved her hand and let all the pupae exit the main hall of the temple. They each took the food prepared by Chu Yi's priests and continued to rest, but Lingxue stopped the pupae.

"This time I went to pick up Huili, but I still have an unexpected harvest."

Looking back at the ghost gods beside the altar, Lingxue pointed to the very restrained pupae with folded wings, and looked at 8051 and Chu Ling meaningfully.

And Chu Xia, who had been paying attention to this pupae before (she had seen too much so she had to look back), opened her eyes to look at this pupae.

Regarding the cruel method of breaking all four of its wings from the root, everyone frowned when they first saw this pupa, but it is said that they escaped from the Zerg and were broken when they were in a coma before.

The other party was fairly handsome, but from the tentacles and face, he could be roughly identified as a male, that is, a man.His skin was dark, his muscles were bulging, and his body was covered with scars, which showed that the other party was at least experienced in many battles, but this restrained behavior made the ghost gods feel a little strange.

In the areas controlled by the five major tribes, although Quacka Ape sometimes behaves cautiously when facing pupated bodies or high-level people like Chu Xia, this is usually done with respect and envy. The emotion of jealousy is inside, but it will not be restrained by fear like this chrysalis.

From the eyes of this chrysalis, the few people saw the most fear, and the other was the frenzy that Chu Xia saw that made her extremely uncomfortable.

"Is he not a member of the five major tribes, or even the diffusion group?" After carefully observing the pupae, Chu Xia came up with a conclusion that she felt a little strange.

Because in the previous meeting, through the performance of this pupa, she saw that the other party could understand the language, and he was also wearing leather clothes. Although the style had not been seen before, the current clothes were all It is really difficult to find the same ones if you make them at will.

This made Chu Xia a little confused. Now he has all the external performances of the ethnic groups controlled by the five major tribes, but he just doesn't feel like a member of the ethnic groups controlled by the five major tribes.

What is even more strange is that dozens of pupae have gathered. Generally speaking, if they are not members of the five major tribes, ordinary pupae will at least be surprised when they see this situation. However, this pupae body felt that it should be taken for granted, except that it was surprised at first, but then it was very indifferent.

"Let him speak for himself. When I first saw him, I wasn't sure if he was a member of the ethnic group we are controlling now. But I think 8051 and Chu Ling will definitely be interested in him." Said the person, Lingxue looked at the pupae, and then said, "Tell everyone about yourself, be a little more specific, especially about things like language and clothes."

Nodding, the chrysalis stood cautiously not far from the altar, watching Liu Pairs of curious eyes cast on him, and stepped back a little uncomfortable.

"I...my name is Mu Xiao."

From Mu Xiao's point of view, although he doesn't know the strength of the other five of the six in front of him, one of them, Chu Xia, he has confirmed through the previous meeting that he was hiding among the trees and looking through the trees. What I saw in the gap was a strong man who blocked the densely packed war bees with his own strength, and then went deep into the black clouds and smashed dozens of war bees to death with thunder.

As for why it was determined that Chu Xia controlled Lei Ting, this should be regarded as his imagination, although it is not close to the truth.

At this moment, the powerful Chu Xia was sitting with the other five, but the other pupae could only sit on the periphery, which convinced Mu Xiao that the strength of the six in front of him should be about the same. How can he be unrestrained in the jungle of the jungle?

Slowly, Mu Xiao began to talk about his past, from the stumbling at the beginning to the smoothness later, several people understood the inside story.

Mu Xiao is from a place called Dengyun Mountain.

In the beginning, he was also a quack ape, living a monotonous life of hunting, eating, and sleeping every day. Because there was no pupation, the life of the tribe was simple and slightly dangerous.

Under such circumstances, Mu Xiao grew up little by little, and one day during the period, he pupated into a flying-wing quack ape.

With a clear and complex mind, he would take the group out to hunt at first, but after a while, he felt that the quack apes were too stupid and he couldn't bear it. (The few people who were listening showed subtle expressions of dissatisfaction at this time, but Mu Xiao still noticed it.)
The next time, when hunting a large herd, he made a plan that he thought would definitely succeed, but the performance of the quack apes disappointed him, and he did not rescue the quack apes for his own safety. As for failure (Mu Xiaoyu), almost all the quack apes were wiped out by the beast tide caused by accident during that hunting, and he was the only one who survived.

Then he began to live independently. At this time, he didn't know language, clothes and other things.

But one day, something happened that changed his life.

He never wanted to stay in one place for too long, so he flew to a strange place. There was no problem on the ground in this place, but there was a huge inverted mountain range flying in the sky.

(Several people sneered at this, and agreed that Mu Xiao was wrong, but 8051 remained silent and did not make a directional speech. Although Mu Xiao was afraid, he still insisted on his own opinion, until Lingxue maintained order and asked to continue, Mu Xiao to continue the story.)
On the upside-down mountain range, someone discovered Mu Xiao's existence, and they rushed out a dozen pupae at once, and brought Mu Xiao to a large plain on the mountain.

That time was the first time Mu Xiao saw other pupae. He was deeply curious and found that there were actually many pupae here. Later, he knew that the total number should be about one hundred.

(Hearing this, the few people who were still a little sleepy before suddenly became energetic. The gathering place of hundreds of pupae is unknown to the five major tribes. This is the focus of attention. Although everyone still has some doubts about what Mu Xiao said , but at least it should be true that there are a large number of pupae bodies gathering, and Chu Xia confirmed this point from her performance in the previous meeting.)
After that, Mu Xiao joined the mountain.

(At this time, everyone began to ask about the specific situation of the mountain, including its location, personnel composition, etc., but after 8051 was suppressed, Mu Xiao was able to continue.)
At this time, these pupae are using a simple to monotonous language, and they have no clothes or other things. The pupae on the mountain go out every few days, and when they come back, they will come back with a lot of food.

At first, Mu Xiao thought it was obtained by hunting, but after Mu Xiao was asked to join the team and flew down the mountain, he knew that these were all offered by ordinary quack apes.

Every once in a while, the pupae will go to the surrounding quack apes to collect food, and all the quack apes must pay a certain amount of meat, otherwise they will... In fact, with the performance of the quack apes, when facing the pupae , Mu Xiao and the others really never encountered any resistance.

(Facing this situation, the Youshen looked at each other in blank dismay, and their previous impressions of the place where the pupae gathered suddenly plummeted. All of you here are dedicated to the life of the quack ape, but at this time there is actually a exploitation How could the Quack Ape not make them angry. But reason still made them ask Mu Xiao to continue.)
The mountain is moving. Although there is no clear direction on the mountain, some chrysalis on the mountain seem to know where the mountain will move, perhaps because it has been repeated many times. This is what Mu Xiao thinks at the moment.

Once, the mountain moved to some tribal gathering places.

The pupae who went to collect food brought back several new pupae. Although this is a bit rare, it is not uncommon. Otherwise, where did so many pupae come from on the mountain?
But the strange thing is that these chrysalis speak a seemingly perfect language and wear warm clothes.After these pupae bodies arrived on the mountain, they seemed to start arguing, and then only one stayed, and the others returned to the ground.This made everyone feel very puzzled. It was the first time they saw a pupated body not staying on this happy mountain, but returning to the ground where constant fighting was required, and even the pupated body might be dangerous.

But at this time, there are no compulsory measures on the mountain, so come and go freely.

(Hearing this, several people have already discovered the key point. After discussing with each other, everyone confirmed that in the ethnic groups controlled by the five major tribes, there has never been a similar floating mountain that recruits pupae, so this is probably the future. The quack ape tribe under his control, and 8051 was even more impressed by this, and then motioned for Mu Xiao to continue.)
At that time, the order of the chrysalis on the mountain was not good, and they usually had no worries about food. They just fought and fought, or occasionally caught a few slightly stronger monsters for fun.

And the remaining pupae, after a few days of calm, began to teach everyone how to speak, made clothes out of dinosaur skins, ate cooked meat, etc., which made the pupae very interesting.

Until one day, this chrysalis suddenly became very powerful. He seemed to have discovered or practiced a new fighting method. All the enemies who fought against him would feel dizzy as long as they were stared at by him.

So soon, the pupae, who were almost the same and had no food pressure, recognized the pupae as the leader, driven by the strength and performance of this pupae.

However, this leader's identification was later confirmed by the pupae as a mistake.

In the following years, not only did he become more and more powerful, but his attitude also became more and more violent.

He fell in love with beautiful things, so he ordered all the pupae to collect them, and whoever didn't go would have to experience that uncomfortable feeling and be driven away.

The chrysalis didn't want to lose this kind of leisurely life without worrying about food, so they agreed to the leader's request, and soon, all kinds of things were piled up on the mountain.

He also fell in love with the mating that only occurs during the breeding period that only occurs once every few years. As a result, most of the female pupae were unable to beat him, and either voluntarily or were forced to accept it. Although this caused dissatisfaction among the male individuals, it also Can only whine.

Several of the female pupates were accidentally born, but they were all just quack ape children, so he gave them to the ordinary terrestrial tribes.

Not long after, he fell in love with the feeling of being awed by everyone, and every day asked all the pupae to use various actions to make him feel his own power.

Afterwards, he asked the pupae to bring stones and other things from the ground to build a large house, and even captured a lot of quack apes to ask them to build. The living quack apes rushed back to the ground.

One day, the chrysalis suddenly went berserk because he was locked up by the house he built, and he couldn't get out of the door of that house at all. No matter how he attacked or roared, the house remained motionless.

The other pupae could obviously pass through that gate, but this pupae couldn't. Several pupae who entered were killed by the maddened man, which made the other pupae feel fear. Gradually, people stayed away from the gate. took the building.

And not long after, some daring pupae seemed to see floating shadows of the killed pupae in the distance. Powerful and irritable pupae, he likes killing pupae, and when there are no more pupae in it, he resurrects the previous pupae and continues to kill. If anyone gets close, they will end up like these pupae.

Although this statement was scoffed at, the rumors continued to escalate and change. Gradually, everyone believed that the place named Dengyun Mountain was no longer safe, and left this place one after another with reluctance and fear.

When Mu Xiao left, he once looked at the tall building from a distance, and he saw various figures flying inside, so he fled there far away without looking back.

PS: support support support...

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Broken thoughts...

(End of this chapter)

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