Spore Story

Chapter 219 Discussion of the Development of Species

Chapter 219 Discussion of the Development of Species

"..." Several people looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Did you hear something?" Lingxue rubbed her forehead, then turned to look at 8051, who seemed to be the calmest here.

"Of course," 8051 nodded, and then pointed to Chu Yi and the surroundings: "I believe you can see something by comparing this with this."

Although all the people present were prudent people, and the only one who was not very prudent, Chu Ling, belonged to the crowd who didn't know the truth because she didn't know these things, but the other five people couldn't help but twitched their shoulders, making Mu Xiao who was talking at the side speechless for a while.

This is his tragic story, why are these guys laughing?

"Okay, okay, this guy is really pitiful. By the way, Mu Xiao, since you have a name, the guy locked up should also have one, right?" At this moment, Lingxue remembered the business.

"Ah, oh, it's white evil."

"Hundreds of evils? It's really... Hey, speaking of 8051, is there anything wrong with the name? You said before that this illusory name for the third consciousness also has a pattern, and from a gray point of view, it may be gray, white, and black. Last name, this hundred seems to correspond to Bai." Hearing this, one can already see that Lingxue's main purpose is to connect the development of similar external civilizations to the three consciousnesses of the empty illusion. After all, everyone has a good relationship with the empty illusion , I hope he can come back to be this spiritual leader.

Upon hearing this, 8051's eyes brightened obviously, and he nodded immediately.

(What Lingxue said should be correct, so is this pupation body one of the three consciousnesses?)

Thinking of this, 8051 shook his head again.

(Although it feels very similar, it not only masters this knowledge, but also teaches other people these things, and the name is also very interesting, but the illusory three consciousnesses are all based on the illusory basic consciousness, which expands certain aspects of emotions and suppresses other aspects of emotions. But this kind of expansion and suppression is not much, such as Huili, although a bit rational, but also has an emotional side.)
Tilting his head, 8051 continued to think.

(Although this white evil sounds like an evil side, according to the illusory character, it is at most the first two types, collecting beautiful things and beeps, as for forcing the quack ape to build buildings, and then rushing back , and even threw the quack ape child to the ground tribe. It seems that this is not something that Konghuan can do, let alone kill the same kind, which is not something that Konghuan will do. Moreover, since it has pupated, It is impossible not to know about the temple.)
Thinking of this, 8051 nodded, and looked at Mu Xiao again, completely ignoring the surrounding companions who were confused by her nodding, shaking and tilting their heads.

"That white evil, how old was he when he first arrived on the mountain? How long has it been since now?"

Having finished the general description, Mu Xiao, who was a little less restrained, looked at the six people, thought for a while and said, "It should be much older than me. From now on, this... I don't know."

After saying this, Mu Xiao looked strangely at a group of bosses who suddenly realized.

"It seems that this is not an illusory consciousness, but it is very likely related to it." Lingxue turned her head to look at her companions around her, and expressed her thoughts.

"Indeed." Nodding, Chu Xia rubbed her still swollen head and said, "The crux of the problem now lies in the place where the pupa climbed the mountain, and among the several pupas who climbed together, only He stayed alone to see, that place is also attractive to the pupae, or the pupae are not badly educated by the illusory consciousness that may exist."

"Also, compared to Huili, they are all illusory consciousness. If there is not much difference in the time of pupation, then that one cannot be illusory consciousness, because the timing is too early."

"Also, if Dengyun Mountain really moves in the air, judging from the familiar performance of those pupated bodies, it must have a fixed movement trajectory, and even only move repeatedly in a larger area."


Everyone said what they said, and within a short while, they analyzed Dengyunshan and Bai Ei clearly from Mu Xiao's words, leaving Mu Xiao on the side dumbfounded. He even thought that these people are not He was originally a member of Dengyun Mountain.

However, at this moment, one of them was still a little depressed. He waited until the enthusiasm of the crowd subsided a little before he stepped in and started to speak.

"Well, I think it's better to save these for a while and wait for a while. Don't be in a hurry, right? Now our problem is another battle tonight. I think we should organize it first to avoid last night's incident. Dangerous situation. As for the matter of this Mu Xiao, we now have a general understanding, let him stay in the temple first, and after the matter here is resolved, 8051 and Lingyun... oh, and Chu Let's find Ling together."

Looking at his companions around, Chu Yi thought for a while and said, there is no way, this Zerg is not far from his temple, at most one or two hundred kilometers, the threat is too great, compared to the long-term problem of illusion, these Zerg is a real problem.

"Hmph, who is going to look for that guy." Turning her head to look at it, Chu Ling stared at the ants on the ground at the entrance of the temple in a daze.

Not caring about this arrogant teammate, Chu Yi smiled wryly and shook his head to look at his companions. After all, the Zerg race is the main problem at present, and he is the one who bears the brunt.

Seeing that 8051, who was most enthusiastic about looking for emptiness, did not object, Chu Xia nodded and said, "That's right, then let your priest arrange for Mu Xiao first, and let's discuss tonight's actions. The main purpose now is still to deal with the swallowing insect……"

—————The long-lost dividing line————

That night, more than 50 pupated bodies went out together with four Youshen-level excluding Chu Yi and Chu Xia.

The night's battle made the newly arrived pupae realize the power of the Zerg, and it also made everyone dignified. When they returned in the early morning, although the thunderstorm stopped in the middle of the night, everyone was still covered in water. Chu Xia and Chu Yi were puzzled.

At noon of the next day, the results of the battle were counted. In this battle, a total of 130 dogs, 402 war bees, and... 0 devouring insects were eliminated.

This result was unexpected by all the chrysalis, and even a few Youshen-levels found it incredible, but reality is reality.

The Zerg are not brainless bugs, on the contrary, they have surpassed these quack apes who are fighting against civilized races for the first time in terms of experience.

After the Zerg base suffered a previous blow and the ambush failed (one ambush team waited for N for a long time and did not come, and the other did not explain), on the same day, the Zerg base decisively recalled all the devouring insects, and then used dogs and As a porter, the war bees are responsible for carrying all kinds of plants and animals that can be converted into energy back to the base. After being converted by the devouring insects in the base, they are directly converted into energy and injected into the green film of the base, and then transformed by the base. into various weapons.

This method of using devouring insects as a fixed energy conversion base, while dogs and war bees are used as farmers (8051 language) made everyone look at each other in dismay.

It's not that they never thought of raiding a Zerg base before.

They took action that night, but before everyone approached the edge of the green film, just when they saw the dark green from a distance, a dozen energy balls suddenly burst out from the Zerg base.

Although Lingxue immediately blocked each of them with the Psychic Shield, the huge consumption of Psychic Power caused Lingxue to temporarily withdraw from the battle, and her Psychic Power level was still not comparable to that of Chu Xia.

And what followed were thousands of war bees pouring out from the base.

They chased aggressively, and Gagafang, who had less than 60 people at the Youshen level, circled a large spiral circle around the Zerg base.

Until the early morning hours, under the leadership of 8051, everyone relied on trees and lakes to avoid these war bees, and returned to the Temple of the God of War in embarrassment.And among the harvest of their 402 war bees, more than 200 were obtained during this escape.

This attack on the Zerg base made all the Youshen class break out in a cold sweat. The productivity of the Zerg base is too strong, and it will take about three days for the hopeful 100 reinforcements to arrive, and during this period there are only more than [-] The pupae will arrive. With the number of [-] pupae, it may be difficult to face thousands of war bees. What's more, while our own side is strengthening, the strength of the Zerg base is also increasing.

As a result, they have set their main combat goal for today, which is to hunt dogs and bees on the outside with all their strength, without making direct contact with the army of Zerg bases.

And because of this battle, two more pupae bodies were eliminated. Although the corpses and dead souls were brought back by Lingxue, the appearance of such casualties also made everyone clearly realize the superiority of the enemy's numbers.

But obviously, for the species of quack ape, which has a low reproductive rate, the overall numerical advantage has nothing to do with them.

However, there are countless roads in this world, and if one fails, there is another one (8051 language).

As far as high-end combat power is concerned: Chu Xia and Lingxue, who are spiritually proficient in the Youshen class, can play a great restraint role in battle; Then he showed a powerful attack power, which made everyone see hope.

In the mid-range combat power: the pupae bodies coming at this time are all ghost-level, because they need to work for the gods in the temple for a long time (to complete ordinary and tedious wishes), learn various knowledge at the same time, and try to transform theories into Practical information, priests are generally not high in physical strength and combat experience, but they have strong (relative) spiritual strength, and can play auxiliary functions such as communication and investigation in battle; On the other hand, he has relatively rich experience in command and combat because he has led quack apes to hunt for a long time.

As for the low-end combat power Quack Ape, everyone only regarded it as a protected person and a tribal hunting soldier.

But in this regard, 8051 told Chu Xia and Lingxue that Quackape already has a fourth-level brain, and most of what the pupae body could do before, except flying, now Quackape can do most of it.

This is good news for both Chuxia and Lingxue. Ordinary members don't know about these issues yet, so they haven't heard what 8051 said. But I believe it won't take long for them to realize this from the changes of ordinary quack apes. kind of change.

"Perhaps it's time for us to think about where the quack ape species is headed."

After the conclusion of the second contact battle, Chu Xia, who recovered a little bit, said this sentence after exchanging opinions with everyone.

(Indeed, the previous development of the species of quack ape was mixed with illusory human consciousness, which led to some similarities between the development of quack ape and human civilization at this time, but this is not necessarily applicable to quack ape. The fact In fact, the structure that develops itself according to the natural situation is the most suitable for self-needs, just like some systems that Huili has summed up after continuous tribal experiments.)
(Now that Konghuan is gone, these members who really belong to the species of quack ape can choose their own direction. Even if the three consciousnesses merge back to Konghuan in the future, he has already learned more about his species through these three consciousnesses at that time. It can also accept the development direction that everyone has agreed on now, and maybe even make some better modifications.)
Thinking like this, 8051 still looked at the people around him blankly.

She does not belong to the species of quack ape, although she and Kong Huan have witnessed step by step that this species has gradually developed from a small cell, from deep sea to shallow sea, from aquatic to terrestrial, from terrestrial to tribal, and gradually developed into what it is today. .But her bond with this species lies more in the illusory existence than the feelings for the species. Therefore, she does not want the memory of her past civilization to affect the development of this species, just like she does not want the illusory human civilization to affect the species. same development.

Her life in the auxiliary consciousness had already shown her too many civilizations of the main consciousness that self-destructed or were eliminated just like human civilizations because they were featureless.

Therefore, she did not express any opinions on Chu Xia and the others. Even in her daily life, she only chose the aspects that would not cause major interference to the species of quack ape, and Xiang Hui's perfect system. No comments were expressed.

As the absolute leaders of the quack ape species, both Lingxue and Chu Xia said that the quack ape species really needs to determine the current development direction from now on, taking into account the quack ape itself and the outside world, and can no longer think about the same as before. The return of hope and emptiness, once there is no emptiness, it will be a day to day.

But this is very impactful to everyone. If it weren't for the current threat from the Zerg, this kind of thing might not have been brought up. It's easy, but if you do it yourself, you will find it difficult.

Therefore, after roughly summarizing the situation that night, everyone left the main hall of the temple again.

Chu Yi, on the other hand, continued his duties as a post office administrator, and began to inform Chu Jie and Zhan Lian of the content of the meeting and proposals for discussions on the direction of species development through his ten high-level temples.

And the three righteous gods, through their respective high-level temples, can publish this proposal to their subordinate areas, and thus allow all the ethnic groups controlled by the five major tribes to obtain the content of the proposal and start discussions based on it.

More than 2 quack apes

More than 3000 pupae

Dozens of soul-level

Youshen class

Under the threat of the Zerg, they all started to discuss the future of the species from their own standpoint because of a proposal made by Lingxue and Chu Xia.

This is probably the first time that the quack ape has such a large-scale research activity, and because the quack apes have reached the fourth-level brain at this time, they have also learned basic language and arithmetic before, and now they are learning to think. What kind of energy can be exerted is still unknown.

But now in the God of War Temple of the Stone Tribe, everyone who has experienced a great battle has fallen into a deep sleep. (time difference)
(End of this chapter)

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