Spore Story

Chapter 220 Awakened Aura

Chapter 220 Awakened Aura

PS: The second update is here =w=
Speaking of which, the word count of our chapters may not be fixed in the future, which will lead to an unstable number of chapters per day, but it will keep the word W for a day.

when you leave your lair

(From now on, you are the captain of these female teams, after they breed, remember to bring them back with their children intact...)
When the pregnant individual among the team members is waiting for reproduction in the calcium carbide lair

(Who is that? It looks so powerful... That is the big leader, who seems to know a lot of things... Life here is so comfortable, I don't want to go back... No, this is not possible, don't forget, the northern lair It's our home...)
on the way back to the lair

(What! Our lair was destroyed, how could this be possible... only the electric shock and the two quack apes survived... I didn't expect that he survived with a broken arm... Now, am I homeless? ?)
While in the eidolon middle lair
(From now on, you are members of the Central Tribe, remember to get along well... Hey, the big boss is here too... Lingyun, remember to help Lingxue a bit... Is this your new home? )

When out looking for the Void with Gaga Squad
(So ​​this big boss is really messing around, actually running around... You bastard, do you have any objections to the big boss... Ah, no, no, the big boss is amazing, really amazing...)
when pupation wakes up
(Who?...Can you see me?...How could you not see me? It's clearly floating there, floating?...All the illusory horses are floating clouds, haha...)
when becoming a priest

(What kind of messed up test is this... well, the illusory eyes are so scary...but, am I really important, hehe...so I have to learn these things, it's really troublesome...)
when other pupates emerge

(Why can't I fly like Chu Qin and the others...why do I always want to sleep...why everyone seems to pity me...why...why...so I'm just a defective product...)
When you make a mistake and get shut down

(What's wrong with me? Aren't you all pity me? Why are you shutting me down... If I make a mistake, I will be punished... Is it true? After experiencing it for myself, is it really my fault... But, no illusion Think of me as a defective product, but the same flying wing quack ape... Sorry, I was wrong, but, I am very happy...)
When becoming a full priest

(From today onwards, you are an official priest, the same as the leader... Well, I am a priest, and I am a leader, and I am no longer a defective product... I can't fly, and I don't have enough energy. Sure enough, I still don't Are they good... No, I'm a priest, but if I want to become a high priest, since I don't have enough energy, since I can't fly, I should smash it with my fist! Run with speed! Hit with mental force!...I can't become a flying-wing quack ape The strongest among them will be the most powerful in ground combat among Xiangyi Quacking Apes, heh heh...)
Time of Beasts
(Anyone who hits the illusory altar is an enemy! Die all enemies!... I am a high priest, and I am very confident in ground combat and spiritual power use. I am the most powerful high priest!...)
flat collar tribe

(So, we have to be together forever... I have mastered you, Kong Huan... Hehe, success...)
Gashan Temple
(Why hasn’t Kong Huan come back... Who are you... How did Kong Huan become three, do we need to find them back... How is it possible, I must go!)

long search...

Gray's discovery...

Zerg battle...

"My life is really... huh?" In a daze, Lingyun opened those dark pupils, with a trace of confusion in her laziness: "Um, are you dizzy again? This time it's because of energy. Ball, really, actually fainted twice because of excessive fighting."

Struggling to sit up, Lingyun shook her head. There seemed to be no problem with her body. Under the action of thoughts and energy, the Youshen body had a feeling similar to an entity, which made Lingyun seem to be both alive and It's the strange feeling of being dead.

In order to keep up with the flying speed of 8051, Lingyun did not hesitate to choose to become the ghost body. The former body was buried in the cemetery behind the Gashan Temple because of the severance of life, and the energy core was also stored in the temple warehouse. Until now , has been around for several years.

Gradually, the feeling of the body completely recovered, recalling the previous dream, Ling Yun let out a wry smile: "Could it be that people who fainted can recall the previous life? I remember Kong Huan said, it seems that only old men can Memories have passed, am I already old? Meow!"

At this time, the altar in front of him flashed, and a figure appeared in it: "Hey, Lingyun, you're awake."

This scene made Lingyun stunned, and she seemed to recall the scene of waiting for Konghuan to return in Chu Jie's temple, but only waited until 8051.Shaking her head, she smiled self-deprecatingly and walked over.

"Well, how long have I been sleeping? What about 8051 and Huili? What about the Zerg? And what happened to that tribe?"

After waking up and looking around with mental power, Lingyun didn't find 8051 and Huili, but found more than a dozen injured pupal bodies, which made her feel a little uneasy, and Chu Yi happened to be at this time After teleporting back, she raised the confusion in her heart.

Scratching his head depressedly, Chu Yi looked at Lingyun, opened his mouth for a long time before recovering, smiled and sat down by the altar regardless of Lingyun's anxious expression, and then said: "You ask There are so many, I can't even react, well, let me start from the beginning."

Seeing Ling Yun, who looked like a little sister to all the senior leaders of the Gashan tribe, was about to go crazy, Chu Yi finally resisted the idea of ​​molesting, and said seriously: "You have been in a coma for four days..."

The development of the situation made Lingyun dumbfounded. She never expected that the Zerg base with only a few dozen war bees a few days ago would already have thousands of war bees in less than four days.

Even the Zerg had attracted the attention of the five major tribes before. Even Chu Xia and Lingxue had put down their work and rushed over, and even the number of pupae was still increasing.

In comparison, Huili's pupation seems insignificant, although Lingyun also expressed concern about it.

"So, at the latest tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, more than 1000 pupated bodies from the priest schools of the five major tribes will arrive? And then it will be a decisive battle." Lingyun, who was analyzing the current situation, heard Chu Yi's latest information, and felt a little bit in his heart. Feeling better, (at least, not to the point of being unmanageable.)
"Yes," nodded, Chu Yi looked at the sky outside the door.

It was still noon at the moment, it seemed that it would take some time before Chu Xia and the others came back, and this news was just established information, which had no effect on the war.That's why he sat down calmly, ordered the priest to prepare some food, and continued to tell: "I just came from the God of War Temple in the Cave Tribe, and the pupa has arrived in that tribe, and I'm eating and resting now. If we follow the current speed, we should be here at midnight tomorrow, and at noon the day after tomorrow at the latest."

Speaking of this, Chu Yi's face was not very good-looking, and Ling Yun, who was paying attention to Chu Yi, stared at him strangely: "What's the matter? Did you eat your stomach?"

"Uh, this, although it has nothing to do with eating a bad stomach, but it is indeed related to food." Chu Yi looked awkwardly at Lingyun who was full of curiosity. Chu Yi shook his tail, thought about his words, and then said: "Xiao Ling Yun, you can imagine, more than 1000 pupae, what kind of food they need to eat."

Seeing Lingyun's clear expression, Chu Yi continued: "This time, I want to get them over as soon as possible, so in order to meet their food consumption along the way, they will be scattered to various tribes during their rest time after they arrive. For food. I don’t say the time spent during the period, but for these tribes who eat, the food consumption is also very large, so although many tribes have no real objections, they have expressed dissatisfaction..."

"These short-sighted guys!" Before finishing speaking, Lingyun angrily put the pottery bowl in her hand on the altar, and surprised the priest who had just handed the pottery bowl full of water to Lingyun, but it was Chu Yi Nothing happened.

"If the Zerg has really become so powerful in just six days, once they are not eliminated here, it will be the entire Quackape species in the future... No, it will be a disaster for the entire Double Moon Star creature. At that time, they may even Don’t even think about such a little food!”

Speaking of which, the aura of inexplicable anger angrily wiped out the food in front of him, then got up and walked out the door depressed: "I'm going out for a walk, don't worry, it's only in your level 3 temple domain."

With a secret wry smile, looking at the back of Lingyun who left, Chu Yi waved his hand to let the priests clean up the food on the altar.

To put it bluntly, when Chu Yi saw such a large amount of food consumption at the beginning, Chu Yi also felt a little dissatisfied, but he was on the front line. Although he did not personally participate in the battle, he was very clear about the daily data summary, so This dissatisfaction was quickly suppressed by him.

In his level 3 temple domain, Chu Yi discovered that he could feel many things in the domain without the need for spiritual power to spread, and "watched" to check the aura of the injured pupa body. He showed a soft smile, but soon, he remembered the battles of the past few days and became serious.

The first night contact battle made the Zerg base aware of its own problems. After that, it stopped releasing devouring insects, but used dogs and war bees as collection tools.

Lingxue and the others, who learned about this situation through the second night contact battle, planned to continue to launch operations that night after that, and set the main targets as dogs and war bees.

But when analyzing the situation at the meeting later, Chu Xia proposed to change to daytime action.

The main purpose of adopting night action at the beginning is to rely on the observation of mental power, so that one can gain a certain advantage when fighting against the Zerg. Generally speaking, don't animals have difficulty moving at night?And everyone thought so at the time.

But after two battles, Chu Xia and the others concluded that both the dog and the war bee had night vision capabilities, but some of their non-priests had pupae. Because of their low level of mental power, they were prone to mistakes in night battles.

In this way, although the sight of the dog and the battle bee will drop to a certain extent at night, the level gap between the two sides is still not greatly inclined. Therefore, everyone came to the conclusion that it is better to switch to the daytime, so that they can fully exert their power. The strength of the avatars.

So, that night, everyone had a good night's rest to recharge their batteries for the next day's battle.

PS: I need to explain here, please do not link this book with the world of DND. Speaking of which, we know that the term DND is known from other novels, and it was not until a long time later that I realized that it was called Dungeons and Dragons, quack.

By the way, it may be possible to add chapters. If anyone says it is a click or something, please go to hell. Look at the data of our tragedy, how many chapters can be added, meow. 【Tea】

(End of this chapter)

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