Spore Story

Chapter 222 Meeting Minutes and Investigation

Chapter 222 Meeting Minutes and Investigation

PS: Sorry for being slow =w=
"Okay, as planned, you are still hunting outside, and I will go to the Zerg base to investigate."

Hidden in the white clouds, Chu Xia approached the Zerg base little by little.

I don't know why, there are countless clouds floating above the Zerg base at all times, making the base look a bit dark as a whole (could it be the villain's domain?), but in Chu Xia's view, this is for herself not to cause trouble in the Zerg base below. Visual attention lays a solid foundation.

Breaking through the high-altitude clouds, she released a mental power scan with a radius of nearly ten kilometers. She did not return to the clouds until she was sure that her target was below, and then carefully covered several circles of mental power balls around her body. It was something reminded by 8051 who had faced the Zerg base, and she had to pay attention.

Afterwards, she fully released her mental power, scanning back and forth the Zerg base below, and then, Chu Xia landed downwards, intending to pass through the bottom of the cloud layer and confirm the target with visual observation.

However, before she could break through the underlying clouds and approach the target, in her mental power, she observed more than 20 energy balls flying towards Chu Xia.

(Did you really underestimate you?)
Rapidly increasing the height, the speed of the energy ball far exceeds the limit that Chu Xia can achieve, but in an instant, of the more than 20 energy balls, except for three that were accidentally dodged when Chu Xia deflected the direction, the other nineteen all It hit Chu Xia's Psychic Ball.

Three consecutive heavy blows came into her mind. Although Chu Xia was far away from the sky above the Zerg base at this time, all the mind balls she planted by herself were completely shattered.

(Fortunately, three sides were made. Damn, the accuracy is too high!) Staggering to the ground where her companions were in the induction, Chu Xia looked in the direction of the Zerg base suspiciously, and there was an indescribable feeling. Feelings flooded her heart.

"How is it? There is no problem?" Seeing Chu Xia return, Lingxue, who had just killed a war bee, came up to support the somewhat unstable Chu Xia.

Although the other party does not appear to be harmed on the outside, for the species of quack ape, damage to mental strength is also a common type of damage, so everyone present can see that Chu Xia is flying precariously. It is the reason for the excessive consumption of mental power, and for the treatment methods, they all know meditation and sleep (for emptiness, it is sleep, meow=.=).

"It's okay." Waving her hand, Chu Xia stood on the ground and rubbed her head, then took Lingxue and summoned several ghost gods back to the temple.

The Temple of the God of War in the Stone Tribe, the meeting of the Altar of the Nether God.

For the awakening of Lingyun, everyone expressed joy, but the main problem at the moment was the Zerg, so the meeting started immediately.

"Today this time, wherever we go, the bugs there will run away without hesitation. Therefore, the number of war bees hunting is not much. Killing war bees is 50+, and dogs are only 100+. But now it seems that dogs The number of dogs has decreased, and the reason for more may be that after these few days of fighting, the Zerg base found that dogs are no longer a threat to us flying in the air, so they did not produce more, so , the war bees have become their main force, and the dogs have become ordinary farmers instead."

Spreading her hands to the people around her, she said that Lingxue here was quite helpless because she thought of a question: "From this point of view, our battle with the Zerg seems to have turned into a complete air battle. But now that I think about it, if we started We all use land troops to fight, will the Zerg base mistakenly think that we are a land race, and concentrate most of the newly bred troops on dogs, thereby reducing the number of war bees that can really fight against us."

"In this way, when our chrysalis army arrives, we can use the air superiority to easily destroy the enemy?" Lingxue gulped down a sip of water to moisten her throat.

"Even, we can let only a small part of the pupae fight on land from the very beginning, and the reinforcements stay. Let the enemy mistakenly think that we are a land race with low strength, thereby reducing the reproduction and production of combat arms. So when the decisive battle At the time, we suddenly flew into the sky in large numbers, making the dogs they worked so hard to produce useless, wouldn't that be a fun thing?" Thinking of this situation, Lingxue showed a playful smile .

But looking at the chrysalis who started to show annoyed expressions because they kept thinking about it because they heard their conjectures, Lingxue felt that indulging and fantasizing seemed wrong.

(You guys, now is not the time to yell at regrets!) Gathering her mind, Lingxue said, "However, the emergence of a large number of war bees has become a reality after all. My previous conjectures can be thought about now, but don't be impressed by our future. battle."

"Report, request to speak," the voice of the request not far away attracted everyone, Ling Xue, who was about to finish her summary, turned her head to look at the lineup high priest who had been scribbling before the altar.

Originally, in order to convey the information here to other concerned righteous gods and leaders, Chu Yi once ordered the priests of this temple to use leather scrolls to record the contents of the meeting during the meetings these days, so that after coming down, Chu Yi Use these scrolls to deepen your meeting memory and pass on information to others who want to know.

However, after the high priest of the lineup arrived, he applied to Chu Yi for his own record. Originally, this was just a record, and it was the same for anyone, so Chu Yi naturally agreed to the request of his own soul-level high priest. .

And as a soul-level high priest, the lineup is also considered to be a middle-level high-level priest, and I have to ask for a speech, which makes the vanity of the Youshen-level sitting here feel satisfied... No wonder, who of these people has not led everyone for a long time Lord, for such a little vanity... Well, back to the topic.

"What's the matter?" Lingxue asked after looking at the lineup.

Gathering his mind, Rong Xing put the scroll he had recorded on the altar with both hands, then thought for a while and said: "I like to write down the problems in my daily life, and I will summarize them when I have a chance to see if I can get something useful from them." Chu Xia’s head of education also said at the beginning that experience is very important in order to become a Youshen.”

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, the lineup nodded and continued: "This battle, I found, is the first large-scale battle of our group, and the enemy is evenly matched to us, or even stronger than us. "

Although everyone was unwilling to do so, they did not object.

Seeing this situation, the lineup looked a little excited, and he felt very satisfied to be able to talk in front of the seven Youshen class: "Of course, the final victory must belong to us, so I was thinking, can we use this battle to win the battle?" Summarize the experience and let each tribe learn, so that other tribes will not have the same problems that we have this time in the future?"

(Well, this lineup may be an excellent manager, although it is still a little immature.) 8051, who has been strangely silent in recent meetings, looked up at the high-spirited high priest in front of him. nodded.

"This is indeed a good way." Nodding in satisfaction, Chu Xia looked at Lingxue and said, "Just like what Lingxue said before, if we didn't let the enemy know the details of our aerial combat at the beginning, then the decisive battle afterwards will definitely be a good idea." It will be much easier. And this kind of experience idea, although it can’t be used this time, doesn’t mean it can’t be used in the future. In this way, it can be summarized as an experience when encountering hostile tribes, and it is called [Hide], hide Our real strength made the enemy misjudge us, and finally gave us the initiative in the important battles that followed."

In this regard, the group of ghosts and the soul-level high priest who was excited, after a small midnight summary, and under the impetus of the first priest of aura cultivated by Huili, a fan of system formulation, made a decision. [Meeting minutes] system, [post-war summary] system and [experience diffusion] system①.

Of course, these systems seem to be very good, but it is not known how effective they will be after implementation, but it is better than nothing, right?

Then, everyone who gradually calmed down, was suggested by Lingxue, and turned their heads to look at Chu Xia.

Today's battle is not just about hunting the enemy. The most important thing is that the reconnaissance and even the hunting are done in advance for the decisive battle the day after tomorrow, but it doesn't seem to have much effect.

"So, sister Chu Xia, how is the situation at the Zerg base?"

Frowning her crooked eyebrows slightly, Chu Xia recalled today's situation, and then said; "In the beginning, my plan was to reach the Zerg base through the barrier of clouds, and then use mental power to scan. But you also know that mental power What is scanned is the outline of things, but there are no other things such as colors. It is easy to misjudge two things because of the similar outlines. This is the reason why I encountered an ambush before. Therefore, while scanning with mental power, I am still planning to observe at the bottom of the clouds , to confirm the results of the mental power scan."

"However, when I was about to break through the clouds at the bottom, I was discovered, and then I was smashed back by 21 energy balls." Speaking of this, Chu Xia smiled wryly, and rubbed her face unnaturally. With a swollen head, since she came here, she has rubbed her head countless times more than when she was in Gashan.

And hearing this, Ling Yun took a deep breath, she was knocked out by two or three energy balls, and today Chu Xia met 21 energy balls.

Thinking of this, she got up and walked behind Chu Xia, stretched out her hand and rubbed Chu Xia's head, the movements she learned from Kong Huan made Chu Xia and everyone in the meeting smile in relief.

As for Chu Xia's seemingly failed action, everyone did not say anything, but continued to wait. Chu Xia's speech style of talking first, analysis and conclusion has long been accepted by everyone in the meeting these days. As far as I am familiar, this is probably also a habit formed by Chu Xia who has been in the education business for so long.

Sure enough, Chu Xia began to analyze the results of her investigation.

"In the beginning, I scanned with mental power at a distance of about five kilometers, and I was able to roughly confirm the basic situation of the moving objects in the Zerg base at that time. At this time, the Zerg base did not respond to my mental power scan. In the two cases, no Scanning me and mental power, or discovering but ignoring me, the former is more likely."

"Afterwards, I ascended to the clouds. During the ascent, the Zerg base and the bees in it did not react too aggressively. The conclusion is the same as above."

"Then, I moved over the clouds and above the clouds, and arrived directly above the Zerg base. During this process, the other party still didn't have any overreaction against me, except for a group of war bees flying out of the way to move towards you, so The judgment conclusion is still the same as the previous one, but it is more biased towards the fact that the Zerg base did not find my existence, nor can I feel my spiritual power detection."

"Then, I entered the clouds above the Zerg base and began to scan the specific situation with mental power. So far, the Zerg base has not had any adverse reactions."

"At this time, combined with the previous non-stop scanning results, I can basically confirm that there are 21 fixed buildings confirmed in the Zerg base, 1 large and 20 small, of which 20 of the 2 small have different shapes from the other 18; no fixed objects have been identified 133, suspected of devouring insects; 200 dogs, the number may be slightly higher; more than 5000 war bees, the exact number cannot be determined, they have a disturbing effect on mental power, and they are used to gathering together."

"Finally, after I'm basically sure, I plan to confirm again with my vision. At that time, I just lowered the altitude slightly, and I haven't broken through the low-level clouds. The height above the ground should be between three and four kilometers. This is also the closest I am to the Zerg base. Once, at this time, I encountered 21 energy balls."

"So, based on the previous situation, I judged that the detection range of the Zerg base, excluding the visual, olfactory and auditory detection of war bees and dogs, should be within five kilometers."

"Moreover, that big building should be the Zerg base mentioned by 1 and Xiao Lingyun. Two of the 8051 small buildings should be the breeding place for dogs, and the 20th small building should be the breeding place for war bees. Both of them can emit energy Ball attack."

"In addition, the Zerg base will use energy balls to attack the enemies that break into this range, and the attack distance of the energy balls should exceed five kilometers." Chu Xia snorted comfortably, and was very satisfied with Lingyun's technique.

"In addition, the speed of the energy ball is very fast. Combined with my own strength, I can judge the current pupation body...except for accidents, no one can escape." This kind of conclusion made everyone take a breath, and the spirit behind him Yun paused, then continued to massage.

She has experienced it herself, as a Youshen, and she is also the first priest. Although she has not made this conclusion clear, she has already had a preliminary idea in her heart.

However, Chu Xia's attack did not end: "I estimate that the power of the energy ball is about twice that of the lightning strike of the ghost body, so I propose to use two attack routes when attacking the Zerg base, one is to dive five kilometers above the clouds, The Youshen class lays out the force wall in front; the other is forest breakthrough, relying on the barriers of trees to reduce the accuracy of the possible existence of the enemy."

"However, these two methods must face the blank range within the three to five kilometers area. The first is the space between the clouds and the base; the second is the green film area between the forest and the base." Said. Here, Chu Xia's narration finally stopped.

As for her who was optimistic about this decisive battle, now she has a little worry (casualties, will there be a lot?).

"It seems that we need to discuss it carefully."

①: [Meeting Minutes]: When a meeting is started for discussion due to various problems, set a [Recorder] to record the content of the meeting, and then save the content of the meeting, from which the [Recorder], [ File manager], [document storage room] and other duties and special items.

[Post-war summary]: Summarize all battles, regardless of hunting battles, tribal wars, and race wars, think about the pros and cons, imagine possible better tactics, and summarize the [tactics].

[Experience Diffusion]: For confirmed valid experience, through the dictation of the righteous god of the high-level temple, the priest wrote it and then spread it to the surrounding temples, and then the surrounding temples copied or gathered the leaders to record these experiences to form an effective experience diffusion mode.

(End of this chapter)

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