Spore Story

Chapter 223 The Desperate Reinforcements

Chapter 223 The Desperate Reinforcements

PS: Thanks to Airfish for the monthly pass, and the reward of the three-legged witch crow =w=
In the early morning, the quack apes of the Stone Tribe woke up one after another from their sleep.

Shimen rubbed his sleepy eyes, sat up from the straw mat, and stretched comfortably.

In recent days, the sound of flapping wings outside the door has almost become the wake-up bell for the quack apes of the Stone Tribe. Everyone has become accustomed to waking up from a night's dream under the call of this sound, and then prepares breakfast before going out. hunting.

For the quack apes in Shimen, they knew what had happened recently from their heads after the pupation began to increase a few days ago. They were not very enthusiastic about the enemy called the Zerg, perhaps because Haven't really seen the strength of the Zerg.

That's right, they used to be the most powerful leader and priest in their eyes, and they were also pupae.But now, there are hundreds of pupation bodies in his tribe, who take off and land in their tribe every morning and evening.

And those who were asked not to approach the battlefield, except for a few curious people who tried to check and were caught and reduced food, no one was so interested that it was said that even pupae were dangerous.

"Hey, everyone get up, today is a busy day!" After waking up, he found that several team members beside him hadn't woken up yet, and Shimen, the team leader, was immediately annoyed. (I can't even sleep in if I want to, but you guys dare!)
The quack apes sat up reluctantly under the pull of the stone gate, put on the clothes covering their bodies in a daze, then took out the food in the hut in a daze, and began to eat in the brick and tile hut. Cook breakfast in a clay pot.

Because of the large number of pupae gathered, the food consumption of the stone tribe became very large, and the pupae were going to attack the Zerg and had no time to hunt. Therefore, this food problem was naturally pushed to the quack apes.

In this way, in recent days, quack apes like Shimen have been busy from morning to night, hunting and collecting plants in various places, but a stone tribe with less than 200 quack apes cannot support more than [-] Food consumption by pupation.

"Captain, hasn't food from other tribes arrived a few days ago? Why are we so busy?" A team member seemed to miss the beautiful days of hunting for one day and resting for two days, and he was still lazy on the bed , intending to use these topics to delay getting up.

But as roommates who have lived together for several years, Captain Shimen, who had already tried the other party's tricks, stepped forward and kicked: "Get up! I am just a small captain, how could I know the thoughts of those chrysalis."

"When I came back yesterday, I saw a huge pile of bacon stored in the warehouse. It was enough for the more than 200 pupae to eat for dozens of days. How could it not be enough..."

In the end, under the coercion of the captain, the team members of Sui Sui Nian reluctantly got up and got dressed, then sat aside and waited in the middle of the house, a teammate was cooking broth, and stuck out his tongue expectantly He licked his lips.

At this time, the team member suddenly looked outside suspiciously, then looked at the captain, opened his mouth hesitantly but finally did not continue.

This action made Shimen feel arrogant, this kid hesitated to speak in front of his face, wouldn't this lose his appetite?When punished.

"What's the matter, is there any problem?" Shimen hesitated whether to take a piece of meat out of the food allocated to this team member. Put it back again, and then looked at the other party contentedly and asked: "You kid loses my appetite, so be careful that I will reduce your appetite."

Quickly took the pottery bowl, first put the meat in the bowl into his mouth one after another, finally solved all the meat pieces, and after only the broth was left, the team member laughed and took a sip of the broth and said: " I don't know about you, Captain, hehe... Ah, I see, I said."

Seeing that the broth seemed to be taken away, the team member pointed to the outside and said, "Captain, do you think it's a little noisy outside today? I feel like my ears are buzzing."

"Are you noisy?" Shimen looked at his team members suspiciously. Seeing that several other people were a little confused when they heard it, they nodded in agreement after feeling it. Shimen also listened attentively, and said, "These hundreds of pupated Can the sound of the body's wings not be noisy? Wait..."

The sounds outside seem to be increasing, and gradually, exclamations began to appear, and more and more, it can be seen through the crack of the door that the sky outside seems to be darkening.

Feeling that something was wrong, Shimen drank the remaining broth in one gulp, got up and walked out the door. At this time, the team members beside him also quickly finished their food and chased after him.

"This is..." Looking at the scene outside the door, everyone was stunned.

According to the early plan, outside the gate of the high-level temple, there is usually a huge stone square (or it may be made of stone bricks). At this moment, thousands of pupae have landed on the square one after another.

Although she had doubts about the result of her own decisive battle before, Chu Xia was very excited when she saw such a large number of pupae, and she also had a kind of pride that the world is so big that anyone can come and go.

"The chief of education, the priest schools of the five major tribes, 1219 apprentice priests, 67 official priests, and 15 soul-level high priests arrived, and 30 non-priest pupae were added along the way."

Standing in front of Chu Xia was a soul-level high priest. At this moment, she was looking at Chu Xia calmly, waiting for Chu Xia's order.But when she first saw the pupae, she behaved even worse than Chu Xia.

"The bugs can finally be solved." The magic talisman beside him sighed with emotion, which aroused the sympathy of everyone of the same kind.

It has been six days since 8051 and Lingyun discovered the Zerg base.

In the seemingly short six days, Quackape paid for the deaths of 27 pupae and 56 quackapes. Only the souls of 9 pupae were rescued, and the corpses of 4 pupae were rescued.

Although the total number of Zerg devouring bugs, dogs, and war bees was eliminated during the period, the Zerg is still unstoppable from the beginning of 2000 dogs and 100 war bees, and they have grown to 50 now. +dogs, 300+ battle bees (the latest data from Lingxue's long-distance mental power scan in the early morning).

If it weren't for Chu Xia and the others' continuous harassment and contact fighting, this number would have doubled.

But this kind of result is invisible after all. What most pupal bodies see is that there are more and more enemies. If 500 are eliminated today, 1000 will be transformed into [-] tomorrow. Some pupated bodies felt powerless in their hearts.

But now, all this is no longer a problem.

Faced with the overwhelming reinforcements from the five major tribes who were pupated bodies, seven of them could be identified as soul-level dead souls. This restored the confidence of the people who had been in a gloomy mood just a few days earlier.

"There are so many chrysalis, what kind of Zerg, what enemies, what threats, they are all floating clouds!" A certain chrysalis, who seemed to be too emotionally changed and couldn't help but explode, finally roared loudly , but aroused the resonance of the companions around him.

Yes, the previous battle was indeed too aggrieved. For the pupae in Quack Ape, this was the first time they were unable to take the initiative in the battle. They were always worried that before the arrival of reinforcements, the Zerg's big The troops will rush over; worrying at all times that before the reinforcements arrive, they will not be able to support themselves and die on the battlefield; all the time worrying that before the reinforcements arrive...

Real reinforcements!
The reinforcements of more than 1000 pupae bodies became the pillars of the hearts of the pupae bodies who arrived a few days earlier.

So, when the reinforcements suddenly arrived just as they were about to go to the battlefield again, their confidence was restored by 200%.Then, a group of pupae began to propose to attack the bug immediately to vent their hatred.

However, calmness is a necessary quality for a leader, and several Youshen who have been in high-level positions for more than ten years have this quality. After a moment of excitement, they recovered one after another.

Seeing the excited but exhausted reinforcements, Chu Xia turned to Chu Yi.

"For the lineup, let everyone rest and eat first. We still need to prepare for the decisive battle. This is the decisive battle, and it is the first thousand-scale chrysalis battle in our history, so we can't be as messy as before. It's planned."

Chu Yi's words were also the result of everyone's discussion last night. He nodded, and the lineup began to greet the stone tribe quack apes who were about to go out, and temporarily donated the pots and utensils in their houses, then opened the warehouse, and took them out all at once. 1/3 of the food.

"So that's the case, now I know the reason."

Shimen, who was in charge of moving the food in the warehouse, looked at the team members beside him, and couldn't help muttering to himself.He thought he was used to the existence of a large number of pupae, and seeing the entire tribe covered with pupae in priestly clothes, he couldn't help but tremble.

"Seeing so many priests in this life is worth it."

All the quack apes, whether they were members of the Shimen team or not, fell silent when they heard this sentence, and at the same time deeply agreed in their hearts. As members of the peripheral tribe, they couldn't tell the difference between apprentice priests and formal priests.

Judging from the costumes, the priests are all dressed in full-body dinosaur leather clothing, exposing their palms, heads, soles of feet and four wings.

In terms of weapons, most of them carried bows and arrows, bone blades, and bone spears, and there was hardly any difference.

"Hurry up, don't keep the priests waiting."

Seeing that one of the priests was staring at the food in his hands, Shimen was startled and began to urge the team members and companions beside him.

Although the priests I met were very kind, it is almost the instinct of quack apes to be afraid of pupae, so soon, circles of pupae groups with cooking smoke appeared in the square and in the tribe. Surrounded by more than a dozen pupae, some pupae who are good at cooking even drove away the poorly-moving quack apes to do it themselves.

"After waiting so long, the reinforcements finally arrived, and now the damn bug is finally going to die, hehe."

For some reason, seeing these pupae who are about to join the battle and are happily surrounding the soup pot at the moment, Lingyun feels that they all seem to breathe a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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