Spore Story

Chapter 225 The Self-Decision of the Spirit Talisman

Chapter 225 The Self-Decision of the Spirit Talisman

"Listen, you guys have to follow me later, this time the enemy is a Zerg base that can attack with unavoidable energy balls, I don't want anyone to die because of careless lagging behind or something like that, okay? ?”


The voices of more than 100 pupae echoed in the forest full of pupae and war bee corpses.

Nodding in satisfaction, the talisman flapped its wings a few times, watching the last war bee in the sky fall to the ground.Thinking that this battle is finally coming to an end, since the pupation, I have never left Mount Ga, and this time I went here more than 1000 kilometers away to eliminate the Zerg that may threaten the entire Quack ape species. Now It seems really incredible.

As far as Lingfu's own life goal is concerned, to protect the quack ape is to protect Gashan, which is to protect himself, so there seems to be nothing wrong with this.

However, after leaving for only a few days, the spirit talisman, which was fighting every day, felt a little homesick.

Laughing self-deprecatingly, the talisman controlled his body to float up. Seeing a soul-level high priest in the state of revenant approaching, he immediately handed over the souls of the dozens of sacrificial soldiers he was protecting to the other party.

The other dead souls have been taken away by several other high priests and brought back to the God of War Temple. After all, it is uncertain whether they will have the energy to protect them in the subsequent battles.

According to the constantly revised and perfected rules, all the sacrificed souls will be awakened after returning to the temple domain. Before that, they were just a group of unawakened and defenseless consciousness, quiet and peaceful.

"The High Priest of the Battle Screen, this time..."

"Attention the high priests, please bring the dead souls back as soon as possible and rush to the battlefield; Attention all the captains, after taking a break, lead the team to assemble five kilometers above the Zerg base!"

The voice of 8051's command reached the minds of all soul-level and above members. The high priest nodded apologetically, and rushed towards the God of War Temple with the dead souls beside him.

"Let's go! Let's hurry up." Looking at the chrysalis beside him who were eager to try, the spirit talisman smiled slightly.

From the beginning of the war to the present, Lingfu's own brigade only made bait once, killed a few dogs, and has been cleaning up the corpses of its companions since then, ready to go.

To be honest, the spirit talisman was not satisfied with this, especially when he saw the attacks of his kind in the sky, the lightning and thunder, and the continuous falling of the war bees, he couldn't help but clenched the calcium carbide bone blade in his hand, feeling itchy .

Sometimes the talisman even wondered if it was because his brigade was full of non-priest chrysalis, and could not compare to priests in the use of mental power and other abilities, so his brigade was assigned by high-level officials who were almost all priests. These battles don't work much.

And just as he was about to lead the team to fly to the target assembly point, the voice of 8051 suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Spirit Talisman, don't gather your team to the target location."

don't want?Why?Can't you join the battle?
Lingfu feels that he has been discriminated against. After all, his brigade is composed of more than 100 pupae, not to mention that he is a ghost. Didn't he rely on more than 100 pupae to fight against the Zerg before?Aren't most of them pupates of non-priests?Why not now.

What is going on now?Could it be that now that there is a group of priests, do you exclude non-priests like yourself?
"Why?" For the first time, the spirit talisman spoke indifferently to his own kind.

8051 also seemed a little uncomfortable with the tone of the talisman. After a little silence, she said in a helpless tone (spiritual communication can barely express 8051's emotions): "Hehe, it's not why."

"You!" The spirit talisman was so angry that the top of the head was smoking. This is obvious contempt. The quack ape can bear it, the pupa body can't bear it, and the ghost body can't bear it, we want to go berserk!
"Because your team will attack later!"

"Assists again... ah, the main attack? You mean the main attack, not the assist?" The magic talisman, which was still full of anger just now, seemed to have been given a powerful mental appeasement [Calmness], and suddenly withered.

After receiving an affirmative reply, the spirit talisman quickly recovered its proper demeanor as a Youshen.

"Tell me, what should I do?" At this moment, the tone of the talisman was full of enthusiasm and approval, making 8051 silent again.

"You," he said helplessly, and the voice of 8051 regained its calmness: "There are more than 1000 warbees in the Zerg base. This is not a problem, but it will take time to eliminate those warbees. And want It is impossible to lure them out again, so when we deal with the war bees, we will inevitably be within the attack range of the energy ball of the Zerg base."

"In this way, the casualties of the frontal troops will definitely increase greatly. After all, no matter how strong Chu Xia and Lingxue are, they can only support about four waves together, which is an attack of more than 80 energy balls."

"Up to now, the energy balls we have encountered are basically the first wave, so we still don't know the attack interval of the energy balls. If the speed is too fast, before the battle bees are eliminated, our frontal troops may be killed first." Get rid of it, and that's absolutely unacceptable."

"Maybe the interval is very long." After saying it, the magic talisman realized that he had said something stupid belatedly.

"When thinking about fighting, you must never rely on the enemy's weakness," just said this, and 8051 sensed the other party's reflection from the emotional fluctuations of the talisman, so he didn't dwell on this issue anymore, but continued to talk about the arrangement: "So, I discussed with Lingxue and the others. Let us form a frontal force to fight the war bees and attract the energy ball's attack at the same time. After the second wave of energy balls is sent out, you should rely on the distance between the first and second waves. Observe, quickly break into the Zerg base, and use all your strength to destroy those buildings, especially the base buildings."

Hearing this, the spirit talisman had completely calmed down. If he had expressed excitement about being given the main attack duty before, now hearing this assault duty, he found that it would be very dangerous for his brigade.

"Can you tell me why you chose our team?"

"What? Are you scared?" The joking voice caused the spirit talisman to surge up, but was quickly suppressed by his rationality: "I just want to know the reason, which may help us complete the task better."

"Tch, level 8051 brains are really hard to fool." [-]'s depressed voice made the talisman feel a little happy, but he will not interrupt the other party's speech now.

"Well, this should indeed be told to you." At this moment, the pupae who have experienced a great war are still resting, so 8051 also has time to explain for the talisman: "Do you know the difference between priests and non-priests?"

"Of course, it's the use of spiritual power." For this, the talisman feels the same, because he himself was an individual who had too little perception of spiritual power during the pupation period, so he could not become a priest.It wasn't until he became a soul-level that he began to use his spiritual power gradually. Now, his level of spiritual power usage in the Youshen body would be slightly weaker than that of a soul-level high priest if it weren't for the concentration of mind power.

And this is one of the reasons why he was sent to lead this brigade composed of non-priest chrysalis.

"Correct answer. The use of mental power of ordinary priests mainly allows them to obtain a higher spatial perception, that is, to sense the all-round surroundings of the body. In the face of such a large-scale melee of insects, this can make them more Protect yourself, which is why I let the nine priest brigades take charge of the large-scale confrontation."

Hearing this, the spirit talisman nodded knowingly. In this regard, the non-priest's pupa body is not as good as the priest in this kind of space perception because of the lack of mental power. In the melee, it is easy to cause large casualties and not let your own brigade It is also reasonable to join.

"It's not the pupa body of the priest, it's mostly the leader of the tribe responsible for hunting. In small-scale actual combat, their experience is much more than that of the priest. After all, the priest wants to learn knowledge and fulfill the wishes of the believers for the gods. There is extremely little time to accumulate combat experience.”

The talisman nodded in agreement.

"So, the nine priest brigades are responsible for the melee battle with the warbees, and at the same time attract the attention of the Zerg base, and then there will only be a small number of warbees and dogs left in the Zerg base. You pupae who are good at small-scale battles Incarnations can show your strength."

"What about protection? What if the energy ball attacks us?" This question is what the magic talisman is focusing on now. What if the energy ball attacks itself instead of the frontal troops.

But for this, 8051's explanation is helpless: "Only Lingxue and Chu Xia's mental power can defend more energy balls, and our ghost bodies can only defend five or six energy balls at most, which is not bad. And there are a lot of troops on the front, I'm afraid we won't be able to support you, so we can only rely on your own abilities, and I'm very sorry for that. If that happens, what our front troops can do is to get rid of the Zhanfeng as soon as possible, and You will join up for the final blow to the Zerg base."


The atmosphere was suddenly a little silent. 8051 considered the big aspects, the defense of more than 1000 frontal troops and the defense of more than 100 assault troops. Obviously, the frontal troops responsible for attracting energy ball attacks needed more.

Although for his own sake, Lingfu wished that both Lingxue and Chu Xia would join his team, but in the end he was not selfish, but this was a bit cruel to the members of his brigade.

"By the way," 8051 seemed to think of something, and broke the short silence: "Zerg base, you must pay attention to the green film during the assault, and you must not touch it, otherwise it will corrode the body; pay attention to those giant "petals", that is a huge The tentacles are extremely powerful; pay attention to when attacking buildings, bring more dry firewood, physical attacks and pupation-level energy attacks will not cause much damage to them, now we can only try fire."

"Okay, I will pay attention." After the battle between heaven and man, the talisman finally agreed to this arrangement. It may be a bit cruel to his team members and even himself, but even if his own troops fail to attack, they can still produce something similar to attracting energy balls. function, thereby reducing the casualties of frontal troops and laying the foundation for subsequent battles.

Although more than 100 people on my side are likely to die, but death...

"Thank you very much. At that time, several high priests will be sent to the Zerg base. I wish you good luck." After speaking, 8051 cut off the spiritual connection with the talisman.

Not far away, several high priests of the dead approached.

(End of this chapter)

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