Spore Story

Chapter 226 The Power of the Nether God

Chapter 226 The Power of the Nether God

Why did I accept this assault mission?
The talisman floated in the air, listening to the roar of his teammates, calmly looking at the Zerg base behind him, which was mostly missing, with a smile on his face.

...Time, before the battle started...

"Back all the firewood for me, meow, we're going to have a bug barbecue this time!"

"Captain, isn't the meat of bugs inedible? Can it be eaten after grilling?" After finishing speaking, the team member looked at a large area of ​​war bee corpses not far away.

"Oh no, we didn't barbecue for ourselves, didn't you see those bugs also eat the corpses of their own kind?" The food provides for itself."

"Huh?" The pupa hadn't reacted yet, but most of the companions around him laughed, and the pupa friend who just met beside him patted him heavily on the shoulder.

Looking at the smiling people with relief, the magic talisman smashed a branch with a fist, and then put it behind his back and bound it with tentacles.

For his team members, Lingfu doesn't like to hide anything, and in his opinion, his team's encounter with the energy ball attack of the Zerg base is just an idea. Thinking about it makes you timid and doesn't carry out the task, right?

Therefore, facing his team members, he explained in detail his specific arrangements, possible problems, and using dry firewood to deal with the Zerg base.

And although most of them are just team members now, the more than 100 pupae here were at least captains a few days ago.

And after coming here, Lingxue and the others didn't hide anything from these pupae bodies, they knew as much information as those high-level people, so they only needed to use their fifth-level brains to analyze a little bit, and they could come to the same conclusion The danger that one's own side is currently facing, but most of the pupae have no fear of it.

Maybe it was because the previous one thousand vs. six thousand gave them confidence, or maybe it was because they simply sneered at the fear of death.

At this time, the nine priest brigades in the distance rushed into the clouds from above and began to launch a formal raid on the Zerg base below.

In the first round, the stones carried by the pupae, the corpses of dogs and bees, and simple wooden spears were used as attack weapons, and some of the pupae carried bows and arrows. Taking advantage of the high altitude, Turn it into attack power, and drop densely packed items vertically and indiscriminately from the clouds to the Zerg base below.

But in the eyes of the talismans in the distance, all these seemed to be pure white clouds, and at this moment, strange rains of different sizes and contents were falling.

The bees of the Zerg base gathered in the sky immediately, and blocked the damage of these weapons to the Zerg base with their bodies, and 25 energy balls were quickly released from the Zerg base, and then exploded violently in the "rain".

Some corpses fell from the swarm of bees, but compared to the densely packed swarm of bees, this amount of loss is not even considered as skin trauma. The magic talisman even saw that the number of bees flying out of the Zerg base was higher than the number of bees dropped. There are more warbees.

"These guys are still producing war bees when they are fighting!" Thinking like this, the magic talisman is still silently reading the numbers in his mind, because the first wave of energy balls has been sent out, and he wants to calculate the interval between energy ball attacks. On the one hand, prepare yourself.

The guarding warbees did not pursue, but dissatisfied with the air above the Zerg base, forming a physical wall.

Seeing that the high-altitude bombing did not seem to be effective, the plan to return to the ground to carry the bombing items was cancelled, and the frontal troops hidden in the clouds began to disperse. Xue and the others decisively swooped down from the clouds, and then launched an attack on the swarm of war bees below.

Several brighter lightning strikes were mixed with countless brief electric shocks, sweeping through the swarm of bees like a storm. It seemed that nearly one-tenth of the bees in the swarm fell instantly under the first wave of contact, causing far away The members of the Spirit Talisman Brigade who were watching the battle couldn't help but applaud in a low voice.

"... 16, 17, 18, everyone rush! The second wave of energy balls is sent out, with an interval of 18!"

When the talisman counted to 18, the energy ball from the Zerg base was sent out again, so he immediately ordered the team members to start flying close to the ground as planned, rushing towards the Zerg base ahead.

This wave of energy balls is a single attack, the target is directly at the pupation body, and the speed seems to be much faster than the previous wave of energy balls.

However, Lingxue has already covered the entire audience with mental power, and mental power is attached to the body, or consciousness; mental power is attached to mental power.

Therefore, where the spiritual power can reach, the spiritual power of the Youshen level can be condensed there.

So soon, this wave of 25 energy balls was blocked the moment it entered Lingxue's mental power range, and did not cause any damage to any pupae. In this short moment, even if the battle bee swarm added supplements, Also once again one-seventh died.

"...13, 14, there are still 300 meters away from the green film area, everyone pay attention, don't get entangled with the enemies inside, attack those buildings first!" After speaking, the spirit talisman took the opportunity to glance at the battlefield in the sky.

At this time, because Lingxue was blocking the energy ball in the front, which caused a lot of mental energy consumption, she temporarily retreated to a higher sky to rest, and Chu Xia was responsible for blocking the next wave of attacks;

Lingyun and 8051 showed their prowess in the swarm of bees, using lightning strikes to cooperate with their own thoughts, constantly smashing down the bees and rescuing the pupae;
The performance of several high priests was a little flat, because they had to use their mental power to connect with their team members at any time, command their battles, and take care of their safety, so they rarely participated in direct battles.

At this time, the remaining number of war bees is only three-fifths of the original number, and the dogs and devouring insects on the ground seem to be paying attention to the battle in the sky, roaring weakly, dozens of buildings on the top of the green film area , the nozzle-shaped objects that all buildings have point to the sky, continuously gathering power.

"18! 19! The third wave! Attention everyone!" Because they were already close to the green film range of the Zerg base, the members of the talisman brigade no longer made any sounds, even the wings were gliding as much as possible, and the communication was a comprehensive and direct spiritual command , This is thanks to the help of several soul-level souls in the state of the dead.

Following the reminder of the talisman, all the team members began to shake left and right to avoid possible energy ball attacks, and they had all entered the range of the green film at this time.

With 8051's instructions to the talisman, they who were reminded by the talisman were careful not to touch the dark green film on the ground that covered the beauty of the earth.

However, even though they have entered within five kilometers of the Zerg base, and even broke into the three-kilometer green film area, the opponent seems to be paying too much attention to the sky, and still has not found the existence of the talismans. Therefore, this wave of energy balls is still right. issued to the sky.

As a matter of course, these attacks were successfully resisted by Chu Xia, who had been prepared for a long time, and Chu Xia also returned to the high altitude to rest.Although the rest time was very short, Lingxue, who had recovered a little, still flew down, going all out to prepare to resist the enemy's fourth wave of energy ball attacks.

The Zerg base didn't notice them, which is definitely a good thing for the spirit rune brigade.

A few heads were roaring towards the sky at high speed, but they were suddenly swept by from the low altitude. The strong wind pressure caused them to tilt their bodies, and the insects who fell into panic because of this, saw the nearest one with the talisman at the front. The building, the nozzle on the top of the building is still facing the sky.

This is still a spier-shaped fleshy building, and a small hole dripping with mucus is still producing a war bee, which allows the magic talisman to instantly determine the target type, [War bee meat sac]①.

Increase the speed again, and after laying a layer of psychic power balls around the body, the lightning strike of the Youshen body is issued from the body of the spirit talisman, and then smashes heavily on the building that produces the war bees.

Vigorously shaking a few times, the building trembled as if alive and sprayed out the war bees, and a black area soon appeared on the place hit by the lightning strike, and gradually secreted mucus and granulation. It's just a minor injury to it.

The nozzle at the top of the building bent down because of this attack, pointing at the talisman on the ground.

Also due to the attack, the nozzles of some buildings in the base area were directed at the surrounding pupae.

At this time, a pupate who was following the spirit talisman suddenly rushed out and slammed a fist on the building like a rock breaking open a mountain.

However, this time the attack was even weaker, the powerful elasticity bounced the pupate back into the air, and smashed it into a group of dogs, causing a burst of flying and jumping.

"...11, 12, it's not time yet, pay attention! Fists and electricity are useless! Use fire and weapons!" At this time, the enemy's attention has been attracted, so there is no need for silence. Next, all the members of the spirit talisman brigade received the order of the spirit talisman.

While avoiding the corpses of war bees constantly falling from the sky, and the rare pupated corpses among them, the team members lit the dry firewood on their backs with the electricity mobilized from the energy core in their bodies.

The Talisman, on the other hand, maneuvered at high speed, spinning around the building to avoid the nozzles.

Ignoring the roaring devouring insects and jumping dogs on the ground, he raised the calcium carbide bone blade in his hand and plunged into the root of the nozzle at the top of the building.From the previous four waves of attacks, the spirit talisman had already seen that this was where the energy ball was sent out.

And as the nozzle fell, the talisman that had just silently counted to 17 suddenly felt a green light flash in front of him, and then a huge force pushed it away.

"Damn it, almost died. All attention! Put the main target on the nozzle on the top of the building, whether you burn it with fire or chop it with a weapon, tear it off for me! Damn it!"

If it wasn't for the Psychic Orbs that had been placed before, the talisman would have to be explained here. The shock of dying made him almost ignore the dizziness of his brain, and once again spread a layer of Psychic Powers around his body.

Then, he threw the ignited firewood in his hand into the top of the fleshy building that exploded at close range and blew himself up.

"Captain! The fire is not good, the slime of this thing will put out the fire!" An eager report came into the mind of the talisman, and at this moment, he also saw a puff of green smoke coming out of the dry wood he threw in.

"Damn it, I can't do the barbecue. If it doesn't work, throw away all the dry firewood for me, so as not to interfere with the operation, and chop it up with a weapon! I can't believe that I can't kill them after chopping for a long time."

A knife cut off a dog that wanted to jump up from the building and bite him. The spirit talisman slashed to the fleshy building on the ground again with a roundabout, and a long crack was drawn on it, but it was quickly seamed by the granulation protruding from it. After a while there was only a scar left.

And in the fifth wave of energy ball attacks just now, because nearly half of the buildings turned their attention to the ground (no way, they are all being attacked), so there were only a dozen energy balls facing the sky this time , Lingxue could still barely block it, but she was already about to fall, Lingyun at the side immediately brought her to the sky, and put it on the back of a cloud jellyfish.

On the ground, due to the short distance, only half of the energy ball hit the target, smashing the seven pupae to pieces.

When the spirit talisman was overwhelmed and anxious about not destroying a fleshy building after assaulting for so long, several consecutive violent explosions came from the surroundings, and then the voices of some team members spread through the spirit talisman and the spiritual power of the high priest of the dead.

"Beware of swallowing insects, those souls will explode, damn it!"


The sound of continuous explosions echoed in the space, and the spirit talisman anxiously launched another attack on the building in front of it. Although it had already become scarred, the building once again released an energy ball.

Perhaps it felt too close to the talisman, the target of this energy ball was not the nearby talisman, but the frontal troops in the sky.

Listening to the continuous explosions, shouts and roars, the magic talisman felt a little powerless in front of the bruised but functioning Zerg building in front of him.

"The skin of this thing is too thick, and how can the recovery power be so high!"

At this time, an almost crazy voice came: "Use devouring insects! Haha, I'm so smart. Listen up! Throw devouring insects on those piles of meat, and then use electricity! He meows, he himself Blowing up my own house is so cool, hahahaha, ah!"

Accompanied by several violent explosions, the player's voice disappeared, but the experience he left will be recorded in the annals of history forever. (…)
We will remember you!
After several team members successfully used the high speed to smash some devouring insects that could not respond to the Zerg buildings, and then detonated them with electricity, the Zerg buildings finally began to decrease.

But the price of doing so is also huge. Not only some slower players were killed by the self-explosion of the devouring insects that reacted;

But at this time, the battlefield has fallen into a collective frenzy. With the power of thought, the five devouring insects were blown away, and then they were detonated with lightning strikes. Gratitude is beyond words.

"I've decided. After I go back, I will personally teach you this guy's Revenant Impact Soul Level, Youshen Level! And my [Basic Sword Technique]."

But before the excited talisman launched an attack on the next fleshy building, a green light flashed in front of his eyes again, and a slight driving force pushed the talisman back a distance of less than half a meter.

Then, he looked ahead in surprise, a Zerg building was being hit by more than a dozen devouring insects, and then exploded in a burst of green light.

But this seems to be unimportant to the talisman.

Because less mind power is used to fly and devour insects, the mind power used to protect oneself is relatively less. When the energy ball attacks again, facing the crisis of the Zerg base, all the building nozzles are pointed at the base The chrysalis within, and the lightning-shining talismans became the prime targets.

How many energy balls passed through the body of the talisman?
He didn't know it himself, he seemed to have arms, head, abdomen, etc., but the energy balls in these places passed through the body with only a slight delay, and the magic talisman didn't seem to cause any harm to the body.

That's right, for the Youshen Body, the essence of the body is still the consciousness body, but it can touch the matter a little under the action of energy, so it doesn't seem worthwhile to pass through it under the impact of the energy ball without being damaged. surprise.

But the problem now is that one of the energy balls brushed past the energy core.

A trace of energy-corroded blue smoke emerged from the energy core of the talisman, and then floated in front of the talisman, towards the sky battlefield near the end. Afterwards, the talisman felt its light gradually rising.

Why did I accept this assault mission?
The talisman floated in the air, listening to the roar of his teammates, calmly looking at the Zerg base behind him, which was mostly missing, with a smile on his face.

For yourself?No, I was dying without feeling sorry.

For Quack the Ape?No, I'm not that great, otherwise I wouldn't be bored in Gashan.

Is it for Gashan?Indeed, for that comfortable and peaceful home.

It turned out that I was just a lazy, selfish person who wanted to live a comfortable life.

The light in the body of the talisman became brighter and brighter, gradually illuminating the area with a radius of more than 100 meters around him, making it impossible to see everything in it.

A burst of powerful thoughts came, pushing all the pupae in this area out, and then, a calm voice came into the minds of everyone who was stunned by the color of the sun's rays that almost covered it.

"I never thought that the Youshen body would be so fragile. Gashan, farewell..."

The light shrank sharply, and then expanded violently and exploded.

All the members present, regardless of the sky or the ground; regardless of the quack ape or the Zerg, were stunned by this violent explosion.

The powerful shock wave destroyed all the buildings and creatures within a 200-meter radius of the talisman, and the burn caused by the energy radiation caused life in the distance to feel pain on the skin.

The green film of the entire Zerg base was reduced by 1/3 in an instant, and this was because the talisman was on the periphery.

The battlefield fell into silence at this moment, and everything seemed to have fallen silent.

But after a while, the battlefield was plunged into an unprecedentedly intense atmosphere. The pupae rushed towards the enemy in front of them frantically, and several soul priests rushed into the explosion regardless of the heat that even their conscious bodies felt burnt. center.

However, there was nothing inside except for the huge round pit.

①. [Warbee Meat Sac]: Same as [Dog Meat Sac], it is the name of the meatball-shaped building that specializes in the production of war bees or dogs by Quackape.

(End of this chapter)

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