Spore Story

Chapter 227

Chapter 227

PS: Huh, I will serve you at the third watch, ga=w=
Never thought that Youshen would die one day.

Never thought that the Youshen Body would be so fragile.

Never thought that Youshen's death would be so splendid.

Floating in mid-air, Chu Ling looked at the more than 1000 pupational bodies surrounding the sky, looked sadly at the big pit below, and then unnaturally looked at Lingyun, 8051, and herself, who also belonged to the Youshen body.

Originally, a spiritual talisman was added to this, but...

Shaking her head, Chu Ling fluttered down gently.

This is already the second day of the decisive battle, but the battle is not over, or in other words, the main purpose of the battle has not been achieved.

"Dead bug, how stubborn it is!" Lingyun said.

Taking the complete death of the talisman as the time division point, less than two waves of energy ball attacks later passed, and the swarm of war bees in the sky was completely destroyed.

The various buildings in the Zerg green film on the ground were basically blown up by the excited members of the talisman brigade with the Zerg's own devouring insects.

In addition to the previous big explosion of the talisman, only the main base of the Zerg remained in the entire base.

But just as everyone with bloodshot eyes ignored the danger and intended to rush to the final Zerg base, the large green film quickly withered and dried.

Afterwards, the revealed giant tentacles began to move.

However, what was unexpected was that these tentacles did not attack the pupae that were unprepared at the time, but quickly closed up like a video replay of flowers blooming, and then it changed back to the original 8051 and Aura's first sighted Zerg The appearance of the base.

Chu Ling and the others could hardly do anything about this thing.

For long-range attacks, the thick and elastic muscles on these tentacles, together with the mucus on the surface, and the high-speed recovery force, completely blocked all attacks;
When approaching and attacking, these tentacles will suddenly open a slit, and just a ball of energy ejected from it from time to time can make people hard to guard against;

As for the devouring insects, they were exhausted as early as when they dealt with the surrounding buildings. Even if there were any survivors at that time, they all blew up when the Zerg base shrank.

"Our attack capabilities are still too weak."

Helplessly looking at the tortoise shell-like Zerg base in front of him, a pupa raised his head to look at a few ghosts floating in the distance in a low mood, without noticing Chu Ling flying behind him.

"It's just that we don't know how to use it, as long as we have half the power of the captain of the spirit talisman..." Halfway through speaking, the owner of this voice suddenly found the ghost body Chu Ling not far behind his teammates, and quickly covered his mouth. I regretted my actions in my heart.

Talking about the captain of the spirit talisman in front of the ghosts, isn't it just a joke?

All the chrysalis felt sad for the sacrifice of the captain of the talisman, but most of them expressed regret for the death of the highest combat power of the group.

The ones who are really sad for this person of the spirit talisman are the ghost gods. Because of the small number, the relationship between the ghost gods is relatively close. Although the spirit talisman is a bit withdrawn, it is not out of the group.

In this way, those chrysalis who were talking about the talisman in a flat tone made the ghost gods feel angry, but at this moment, Chu Ling drifted past calmly, as if she hadn't heard anything , let the pupae breathe a sigh of relief.

The tortoise defensive tactics adopted by the Zerg base made the people who had nowhere to vent their anger feel extremely frustrated. Although they knew that it would be a matter of time before the other party was eliminated, they even put the quack apes together before they died, which made Chu Xia, who is known to have a good temper, feel extremely frustrated. , also became a little angry.

The people who couldn't do anything about the Zerg base temporarily cleaned up all the Zerg around, whether it was frightened dogs, flying bees or dry green film, because they were useless, they were thrown into incineration as non-recyclable garbage Furnace (a large pit filled with dry wood that was previously used for barbecue).

For three consecutive days, no one could come up with an effective attack method.

The Youshen class used the power of thought to carry the huge boulder that flew up into the sky and then dropped vertically, and the tentacles of the Zerg base just moved it slightly and it was bounced away;

Under the protection of Youshen level's mind power, the Youshen body carried out an assault, and dozens of lightning strikes only got dozens of small black spots on the surface of the Zerg base;

Then there are the approaching throws of weapons of various colors from thousands of chrysalis...

The repeated burning of numerous torches...


"Damn it, this guy is just a snail shell, it can't be broken at all!" With a click, the pottery bowl in her hand was easily crushed by an angry Chu Ling. Sitting heavily on the ground, Chu Ling turned her head to look at the big pit in the distance and began to be dazed.

She didn't know if there would be a day when the energy core only needed to be rubbed so lightly, causing the individual consciousness to explode violently due to the inability to control the huge energy in the body, and even the dead souls could not stay.

It was the first time they encountered undead souls. The few soul-level undead souls who rushed in after the explosion were even injured to varying degrees. Fortunately, no one was downgraded because of this.

The surrounding ghost gods were all silent. On the one hand, they were angry and powerless at the Zerg base, and on the other hand, they were also sighing and regretting the sacrifice of the magic talisman. But among them, I am afraid that more of them were still worried about the safety of the ghost gods. with fear.

"Okay, everyone, let's take a rest first and then think of other ways." Shaking her head, Lingxue waved her hand to the priest at the side to put away the food and utensils in front of her, and stepped forward to comfort Chu Ling, who was most emotionally unstable.

"It's really not possible. The worst thing we can do is to use lightning strikes continuously. I don't believe that it can survive after dozens of days! Humph!"

Seeing her clenched fists on her chest, her eyes filled with the aura of lightning, Chu Ling rubbed her chest unnaturally, feeling the power from the energy core. What once filled her with confidence felt so dangerous at the moment.

(Are there gains or losses?) Shaking her head, Chu Ling stood up and said, "I'll go back to the temple to have a look, anyway, it seems that there is nothing necessary now."

After finishing speaking, she nodded to her companions, and then drifted towards the distant temple.

At this moment, Chu Ling was full of confusion, so she wanted to go back and see him, even if it was only a third of the illusion, but at this moment, she could feel that he was the only thing she could rely on.

Back to the temple, because I have been busy sending messages around these days, especially the death of the spirit talisman caused a great impact, so Chu Yi is not there. In such a large high-level temple, and because of the Zerg base, there is only one injured priest. take care of.

After taking a few steps to the house where the giant cocoon was located, Chu Ling looked at the door curtain made of a large piece of dinosaur skin, and after she collected herself, she stretched out her hand to open it and entered it.

The light in the room was obviously a bit dim, but under the radiance of Chu Ling's body, there was a slight command, which made her feel uneasy at the moment, but she hadn't mastered 8051's method of restraining the light.

The entire house was built according to the specifications of a pupated body, so it seemed a bit empty to the quack ape and Chu Ling who had never pupated, but looking at the giant cocoon placed safely inside, Chu Ling was a little anxious But gradually calmed down.

Leaning against the wall next to the giant cocoon, Chu Ling stretched out her hand (tentacle?) to stroke the surface of the giant cocoon, recalling the past years.

"Han Huan, as far as you are concerned, have you already forgotten about me? I am a female ape who can only move secretly to attract your attention."

Taking a deep breath, Chu Ling leaned slightly against the wall, but the faint touch of the Youshen body caused her body to bounce back a bit, causing her to frown in dissatisfaction.

For Chu Ling, the time spent dormant in the editing space was nothing.

So, past memories look like they happened yesterday.

But now, Chu Ling already knew that tens of hundreds of years had passed since her death, not to mention the so-called three-consciousness avatar.

(Will she still remember me after Kong Huan condenses again?)
Chu Ling, who looked like a little girl, sat there with her legs rolled up, staring intently at the giant cocoon in front of her.

In fact, she still wants to say a lot of things, like when she was the leader of the calcium carbide mine lair, she had a wild desire for the big leader Gaga; after becoming a member of the Gaga team, she played a prank on the captain Gaga; like seeing that there is no energy core Quack, who can consume electricity and run fast, does not hesitate to use up the fat accumulated for a long time for pupation, just to catch up with himself; like...

The most important thing, I still want to tell myself, I am worried about the energy core of the Youshen body at this time, and I am worried that I will die completely like a magic talisman before I can see him again.

"Death, it turned out to be really scary, there is nothing left."

However, she didn't say these things. For some unknown reason, she just wanted to sit quietly like this, until the giant cocoon broke open, and the gray matter in it finally turned into an illusion.

Then, she can say and do everything she wants to say.

(In that case, there should be no regrets if you die again, right?)

Thinking about it, the sky darkened like this.

(Huh? Isn't it only noon? Why did it get dark...Forget it, maybe it was a thunderstorm cloud.) Thinking of this, Chu Ling tightened her clothes, moved closer to the giant cocoon, and continued to remain silent.

"Hey, depending on the weather, I'm afraid it's going to rain again. Speaking of which, Mu Xiao, you actually come from a mountain flying in the sky. Does that really exist? It's amazing."

The sound of other pupae came from outside the house. Chu Ling moved her eyelashes, but she still didn’t open them in the end. up.)
"Hey, I also saw that the head of education, Chu Xia, dealt with a large group of war bees by herself. It was so powerful, I thought I was dreaming at the time."

Unexpectedly, things went against their wishes, the two voices stopped outside the house like this, and the two seemed to be having a very happy conversation outside through a wall.

Reluctantly moving her tentacles, Chu Ling was thinking about whether to give a lightning strike to each of the two guys who disturbed her rest, when she suddenly heard the words of the pupa named Mu Xiao outside.

"...Those thunderbolts are so powerful, the bugs that were hit by the impact turned into ashes in mid-air. If I weren't sharp-eyed, I might think that those bugs just disappeared, or didn't exist at all. Let me tell you what……"

(Thunder? Chu Xia?)
Suddenly startled, Chu Ling seemed to have thought of something, got up and looked at the cocoon, carefully rubbed her face against the shell of the cocoon and said, "Thank you quack." O(∩_∩)O
Then, she rushed out of the room in a hurry.

"Tell me about the battle that night again!"

(End of this chapter)

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