Spore Story

Chapter 228

Chapter 228


Hearing the words of Chu Ling who rushed from the temple in a hurry, Chu Xia recalled in doubt, and followed Chu Ling's fingers to look at the sky. There was a gathering thunderstorm cloud above, and suddenly her eyes lit up.

It's no wonder she couldn't remember it, after all, she didn't use Lightning Technique very often, and it was usually practiced rather than actual combat. Speaking of real combat, the opponent's Zerg didn't seem to have as many fingers as one hand.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of it. With the power of Thunder, this hateful Zerg base will definitely be unstoppable!"

As soon as they thought of it, Chu Xia and Chu Ling immediately summoned a few companions, and at the same time waved away all their own personnel around the Zerg base, and then explained to 8051 and them what they were about to do.

(The thunder in the thunder cloud? I have been away for a long time, and Chu Xia and the others have developed this ability? What about other people? Maybe there are some that are temporarily useless or have not been remembered, and others cannot practice due to personal reasons What about skills?)
At this moment, 8051 looked at Chu Xia unexpectedly, and at the same time looked around at the surrounding ghosts, and even a kind of pupae and soul level outside, and realized that he still underestimated this illusory species.When Chu Xia described the battle that day, she only used a brief description of "I wiped out some war bees with a few thunderbolts when I left", which did not attract everyone's attention at the time.

But unexpectedly, without knowing it, Chu Xia had already discovered such a powerful method.

Guiding Thunder, this is Chu Xia's unique skill.

After getting the consent and coordinating the arrangement of everyone after a while, Chu Xia looked up at the thunderstorm clouds that were gradually forming in the sky, nodded to her companions, and then flapped her wings and flew upwards.

The thunderstorm cloud was moving slowly, which might not be visible on the ground, but Chu Xia in the sky could clearly feel it.

The strong wind in the sky is slapping the flying creatures in the sky little by little. Although it does not seriously interfere with the flight, the pupae have received orders from their respective commanders to descend to the ground, and then fly to the ground two kilometers away. The Zerg base was surrounded.

Everyone expressed curiosity about this, whether it is necessary to use strong and inhumane onlookers to make the Zerg base die of shame.

Well, it's a good idea.

Chu Xia, on the other hand, stayed quietly above the Zerg base, confirmed the dark and huge Zerg base in the distance, and looked at the big pit not far away, constantly encouraging herself in her heart.

Going deep into thunderstorm clouds is not as easy as imagined.

Go in, lead lightning, chop insects, exit?
If it were really so simple and easy, Chu Xia wouldn't be as nervous as she is now. She went deep into the thunderstorm cloud after successfully blocking the Zerg's pursuit, it was because there was only one way, and she had no choice but to attack now. .

Slowly, in the sight of everyone below, thunderstorm clouds were swallowing Chu Xia bit by bit, and there were bursts of dull thunder from within the dark clouds.

At this moment, after understanding what was about to happen, an equation popped up in the minds of the incredible chrysalis: Chu Xia’s head teacher = that cloud of thunderstorms

"Ready to start."

The thunder and lightning gradually accumulated, and feeling the rising numbness around her, Chu Xia carefully controlled her mental power and placed three layers of mental power balls around her body, just in case.At the same time, the mind shield can also temporarily block the influence of external static electricity on oneself.

"Confirm the target."

Let go of all her mental power, and the Zerg base directly below appeared in the induction, which means that Chu Xia herself was not blown away from her post by the strong wind unconsciously.It seems that the small base below has not realized what it is about to face, and it is still calm and calm, with a calm face.

Regarding this, Chu Xia just showed her usual smile very gently.

And in the surrounding space, the electricity is gradually gathering. At this moment, Chu Xia can feel that some thunder is slowly forming, but she can't control much.

The raindrops in the rain cloud have begun to fall to the ground, washing the scars of the previous battle, and it looks like a eulogy for the lost life.

However, under the barrier of the Nian Liqiu, no raindrop can touch Chu Xia at this moment, because she must concentrate on ensuring her own safety.

"Set up a lightning net."

This step is key.

First of all, after carefully mobilizing the electricity in the energy core, Chu Xia gradually arranged these currents to flow on the surface of the skin, forming an object similar to an electric suit. From a distance, Chu Xia seemed to have become a creature composed of electric currents.

This kind of electric clothing can be formed by ordinary high priests.However, if it was just such a layer of electric clothing, the powerful thunderbolt would probably penetrate the skin and penetrate the high energy of the thunderbolt into Chu Xia's body, causing all the cells in the body to be destroyed.

Therefore, it is necessary to separate this layer of electric grid responsible for lightning from the body.

So, next is separation.

This is the kind of behavior that Chu Xia, who is mentally proficient, can do. It requires precise control of her thoughts. With the cooperation of her brain, she can separate the constantly flowing electricity from her skin, leaving only the tips of the slender female tentacles behind her head. Connecting with the grid to keep the grid lasting, now with the help of the fifth-level brain, it is relatively easy to do.

But if the tentacles are only in contact with the power grid, if the powerful energy of the thunder goes deep into the body because there is no time to control it, the tentacles will be disconnected when the thunder passes by because they cannot withstand such a strong energy, thus effectively isolating the thunder and the body. Here the female's slender tentacles act like a fuse.

Afterwards, the grid spread to within two meters outside the body, came into contact with a layer of Psychic Ball, and stabilized to this range.

In the end, Chu Xia shrank all the Psychic Balls outside the power grid to the body surface, so that this layer of power grid can be completely outside and in direct contact with the thunderstorm cloud.

This may seem complicated, but due to her proficiency, Chu Xia completed a series of movements in just one breath.

If it is replaced by a person who has not practiced this method, it is very easy to deploy the power grid on the body surface, but to isolate the power grid from the body, it is only a matter of thought power, which completely limits the user to the Youshen above; In the end, the user was limited to Chu Xia alone.

"Get ready to accept my sister's love, little bugger, hehe."

Everything is ready, only owe Thunder.

All Chu Xia can do now is to wait, to wait for the thunder.

This is also Chu Xia's current limitation. She doesn't know how to make thunderstorm clouds produce thunder, let alone how to produce thunderstorm clouds.

Therefore, she could only passively wait for the thunderstorm cloud to appear, and then wait for the thunder to form.

However, because 8051 did not want to interfere with the development of the knowledge system of the quack ape species, they did not tell them these theories summarized by other species. Otherwise, Chu Xia, who possesses strong mental power and mental power, may become able to gather thunderstorm clouds and use them at any time. A terrifying individual attacked by thunder.

At this moment, everyone was waiting quietly with Chu Xia, and the air was filled with tension. Even 8051, who had seen strong winds and waves, felt like he was sitting on pins and needles.

"How is Chu Xia, are you okay?" This was Ling Yun's question.

And Lingxue, who was the only one here who could use her mental power to observe the situation of Chu Xia's location inside the thunder cloud, was nodding from time to time, expressing her amazement at Chu Xia's control.

It wasn't until Lingyun pushed her that she felt the concern of everyone around her. Recalling her responsibilities, Lingxue nodded apologetically, and then said: "It's okay, I should be preparing, after all, the power of Thunder We all know that."

Thunderstorm clouds are not a rare thing in Shuangyuexing. When Gashan was in summer, thunderstorms often appeared, so there were several cases where the pupal body was accidentally struck by thunder. The high-level officials also notified all members of the ethnic group through the high-level temple: "During thunderstorms, use electricity with caution to prevent lightning strikes" announcement.

At this moment, a bright light flashed in front of everyone's eyes, and at the same time, a deafening and powerful sound wave swept across a large area.

Some of them used mental power membranes to make consciousness bodies imitating eardrums. Their eardrums were even damaged by this kind of vibration and had to be re-condensed.

As for the Zerg base as the target of the attack, one of the tentacles that was directly hit turned into coke, but most of the thunder power seemed to be diverted and flowed into the ground, but even so, one of the five tentacles of the Zerg base could not Declare bento.

In this regard, the Zerg base only moved, but still did not take any further action.

"Prepare for the second strike, hehe."

With a change of expression, Chu Xia in the thunderstorm cloud moved a little distance by relying on her thoughts, and began to accumulate electricity again regardless of the electricity left in the grid by the previous thunder.

Soon, a strong light flickered in front of Chu Xia's eyes, and another thunderbolt touched the grid, and then, under the cooperation of Chu Xia's Nianli and the grid, it quickly bombarded out, taking away a giant tentacle again.

"Well done, Miss Chu Xia!"

Both Lingyun and Chu Ling jumped up excitedly. The Zerg base, which could not be breached for several days, was actually breached by Chu Xia's two thunderbolts. Even if there is no thunder now, everyone has the ability to destroy the Zerg base.

However, having this opportunity to appreciate others being struck by lightning from the standpoint of a bystander is something that everyone is extremely satisfied with and they don't want to miss it, not to mention that the person who was struck was the enemy of everyone - the Zerg Base ... tentacles.

Therefore, within a radius of two kilometers from the entire Zerg base, more than 1000 unscrupulous onlookers are cheering and celebrating...with a little sarcasm.

"Where is it comfortable to shrink?"..."This is the real god!"..."Chu Xia is so majestic!"..."So much energy, why don't you keep it well?"..."Too Handsome!"..."Thor! Thor!"..."The dead bug is out of control now, hahaha!"...

As the base of the Zerg that was being watched by the crowd, at this moment, there was no way to be sure. Two of the five limbs had been cut off. If they kept silent, they might not even be able to keep the remaining three limbs.

So, in this crisis situation, it exploded.

At the moment when the second thunderbolt took away the second tentacle, the remaining three tentacles of the Zerg base immediately opened, and then reversed like three legs. Under a burst of mud splashing, accompanied by heavy rain, the base Pulled out from the ground.

A huge black shadow suddenly rose from the ground, and the chrysalis onlookers could clearly hear the unwilling roar of the Zerg base in the distance under the barrier of the shower.

They were shocked. Under the pressure of the thunderstorm and the shower of rain, at this moment, a huge monster with a height of more than [-] meters was walking step by step, causing the ground to tremble and oppressing everyone's hearts.

The onlookers avoided each other in a panic, and then turned their eyes to the sky.

Recalling the powerlessness of the previous few days, recalling the sacrifice of this battle, everyone put their hopes on the thunder cloud in the sky, or Chu Xia in the thunder cloud.

(End of this chapter)

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