Spore Story

Chapter 229 Thunder Wings Shine on the Earth

Chapter 229 Thunder Wings Shine on the Earth
PS: The second watch haunts, sprinkle flowers~\(≧▽≦)/~
(Boss' dying outburst? Resurrection? Or dying?)

8051 looked at the Zerg base in the distance, with playful eyes flashing in her eyes. She always felt that this scene gave people the feeling that the giant beast incarnate in the Zerg base was dying.

"Poor, I'm afraid I won't even have a good leg left."

Lingyun stared at the seemingly slow, but in fact fast Zerg base rushing towards the surrounding pupae, making sarcastic remarks from the side.

At this time, a group of pupae that were watching from the outside were being chased by the giant beast that became angry from embarrassment.

But that's just a scene from a distance. If you look closely, you can find that a group of pupae who have been suppressed for a long time are playing happily because of the misery of the Zerg base. In the distance of the Zerg base, they were doing all kinds of weird movements, which made the ghost gods who were watching the show in the distance want to go up and kick these guys.

Too, too bland?but I like it……

In order to prevent these pupae bodies from interfering with Chu Xia's Thunder guidance, or being affected by the Thunder, 8051 notified all the pupae bodies through Lingxue's powerful spiritual power as early as when the base turned into a giant beast. , not within two kilometers of the Zerg base.

And relying on the flying speed of the pupae, this mission was basically completed smoothly.

After wandering around for a while, the Zerg base, which became wobbly because it was hit by a thunderbolt again, finally stopped. Just when everyone thought it was wiped out, the base suddenly turned upside down. Howling, the sound shook the sky.

(Huh? Does this bug think it can blow away the thundercloud? Although the cloud does seem to be a little smaller.)
Careful Chu Xia always used her mental power to keep an eye on the Zerg base below, because in this way she could ensure that the thunder she guided could hit the target, but she still needed to withdraw her mental power to ensure her own safety at the moment the thunder was generated.

Seeing the movement of the Zerg base (behemoth?) at this moment, Chu Xia was only slightly puzzled, and then continued to control the power of thoughts and the energy core in her body, forming a new grid on the surface of her body again, and every thunderbolt needed to It is guided by a power grid, so for Chu Xia who only has one energy core, the energy consumption brought by these power grids is still a bit difficult.

"It seems that a thunderbolt can't kill you?"

Seeing that the thunderbolt in the middle of the main body did not let the giant beast below fall to the ground, Chu Xia restrained her wings for safety, and moved a certain distance under the control of her thoughts again. Seeing a huge thundercloud area flickering, Chu Xia Immediately leaned up, there should be another thunderbolt formed there.

As for the roar of the giant beast, many animals that are about to die will have this behavior, so it is not a cause for concern.

It can be said that Chu Xia's confidence has doubled after several times of successfully controlling and guiding Thunder to hit the enemy.

"Two more, at most two will be the end."

With a concentrated expression, Chu Xia immediately mobilized all her energy to determine the target, and then collected herself to observe her surroundings.

At the moment when the thunder was generated, a large amount of electricity seemed to be generated out of nothing, generated from the thunderstorm cloud, and then attracted and converged with each other, and because there was Chuxia's power grid from the beginning, which was temporarily the strongest part of the electricity, so almost all The newly generated electricity is gathered to the grid.

At this time, the power grid also became a part of Thunder, and Chu Xia immediately retracted her tentacles, disconnecting her body from the power grid that became Thunder.

Then, relying on her powerful mind power and control level, Chu Xia guided the forming thunder downward, just like using the lightning strike technique normally, but the strength and distance of the lightning strike were far beyond what the lightning strike technique could match.

It seemed long, but in an instant, the powerful and bright thunder hit a tentacle of the Zerg base again.

Then, the giant beast supported by three tentacles fell to the ground unwillingly.

The pupae who were being chased around were also slightly relieved.

Although watching the enemy struggling to death seems to be a good thing, they are always being chased like this, and they feel bored after a long time. Now that the Zerg base is down, a group of unscrupulous onlookers can finally sit down easily and take out Pottery bowls or various utensils, catch a bowl of rainwater, and enjoy slowly with a few fruits.

"How many more thunderbolts do you think you need?" Chu Ling, who was in high spirits, pulled Lingyun from the side and asked curiously.

Dissatisfied with Chu Ling, Lingyun stared at the Zerg base without looking at Chu Ling who was aside: "Don't push, how can you look at other places at such a critical moment? Hmm... I think it's just one, They all fell to the ground after all."

"However, this guy's skin is really thick. Speaking of which, if sister Chu Xia didn't smash all of them this time, I think it would be useful to pull out the skin of this base to make a city wall. It can be used to build a house, Quack."

"Eh..." Looking at Lingyun who was gesticulating with excitement and uttering the horrible thing, both 8051 and Chu Ling shook their heads with black lines on their faces. Who dares to live in a house made of bug bones? Isn't it afraid of the night? Nightmare?

As for Lingxue, she was concentrating on 'watching' Chu Xia in the thunder cloud, comparing the gap between the two sides.

"How should I put it, in terms of control, I'm afraid Chu Xia and I can't compare at all. Chu Xia who has a lot of time to practice is really comfortable."

"If you don't become the leader of Gashan, don't you have a lot of time to practice?" Chu Ling said.

"If you want me to get bored in the temple, I won't do it." Lingxue saw through Chu Ling's small thoughts at once.

In this war, the communication function of the high-level temple played a great role. Whether it was the deployment of troops at the beginning, the communication of battle reports between the army, and the subsequent food mobilization, etc., it all showed the important role of the high-level temple.

Then, as a group that lacks high-level temples (there are only thirty high-level temples in total), in order to further expand this communication advantage, it is best to immediately select one of the existing ghost gods.

And Lingxue is the leader of Gashan (hidden top decision maker), Chu Xia is the head of education (semi-hidden priest manager), 8051 controls the illusory body (the real strength is unknown), Lingyun has followed 8051 from the beginning Looking for the void (and recognized as the first priest at the same time), then, no matter how you count the real idlers, it seems that there is only the little girl Chu Ling.

If there is no new Youshen, I am afraid that only Chu Ling can become the next righteous god.Therefore, in the past few days, Chu Ling, who seems to be as stupid as Lingyun, but actually has her own shrewdness, is racking her brains to figure out how to make a ghost. She doesn't want to be bound in a few temples.

"Attention! Thunder has appeared again!"

Lingxue's voice brought the thoughtful people back to reality. A group of people eagerly looked at the shadow of the huge Zerg base in the distance, because this might be the end of the ten-day war between humans and insects.

At this time, a small energy ball suddenly flew out of the Zerg base.

The volume of the energy ball is small, and people who are several kilometers away can't see it clearly, and Lingxue's mental power is focused on the sky, and Chu Xia's mental power is shrunk on the body surface because she is about to guide the thunder.

The moment the thunder formed, the energy ball also hit Chu Xia's mind force ball.

Guiding Lei Ting, Chu Xia has no problem;
Chu Xia is also experienced in blocking energy balls;
But when the two happened at the moment when the thunder was about to be sent out, disaster happened.

Lingxue, who was watching from a distance, covered her mouth in horror.

In the thunder cloud, the energy ball was easily blocked by the Nianli ball, but the momentary touch distracted Chu Xia, who was concentrating on it. The thunder was born in an instant, but this momentary distraction, without guidance The Thunder, just like this, rushed directly along the power grid into the tentacles that hadn't had time to retract.

The tentacle perfectly fulfilled its duty as a fuse, and it disconnected the moment Lei Ting passed through, cutting off the passage for Lei Ting to enter Chu Xia's body.

Looks all right.

But only looks.

Accidents happen all the time in this world.

Originally, it should be fine like this, but from the energy ball attack to the thunder out of control, and then to the tentacles breaking off, this series of actions made Chu Xia, who had never encountered such a thing, suddenly panicked, and the wings shrunk behind her back because she was used to it. Flapped and opened violently, the wingtips cupped out the psychic balls that were shrunk to allow the grid to contact the outside world.

Although Chu Xia showed her composure as the head of education and quickly reacted to withdraw her wings, for Lei Ting, who was almost at the speed of light, this moment was already eternity.

Without a target, the thunder that would have struck down again flowed into the patellar membrane, bones, and blood vessels along the four-winged tips that extended out for a short time...

The intense energy expansion and burning caused Chu Xia to feel a sudden pain, and the cells on the wings began to look at death.

Realizing that she was in serious trouble, Chu Xia unexpectedly thought of the explosion of the energy core before the magic talisman, and broke out in a cold sweat.

So, she immediately gave up control of the power grid and thunder, and gathered all the thought power in her body, and most of it was protected around the energy core and brain.

I won't die like this, will I?

There was no time for a wry smile, the powerful thoughts instantly oppressed the energy in the body and pushed it out of the body.

Fortunately, as a pupate, Chu Xia's energy was not as strong as that of Lei Ting's, but her mental power was enough to control part of Lei Ting.

The brain, viscera, and energy core of the key areas, the Thunder, were blocked outside the body, while the energy of the limbs and wings continued to erupt. The wingtips of the four wings that were struck by the lightning at first were damaged in a large area. fell to the ground.

In Lingxue's perception of spiritual power, Chu Xia at this moment is like a real thunder, quietly floating inside the thunder cloud, her limbs and wings are emitting dazzling light.

This light even pierced through the thick thunderstorm clouds, allowing everyone below to see clearly.

And Chu Xia, who is the center of the explosion, has been numb from the pain at this moment. At this moment, all her energy is concentrated in the brain and energy core, and the thought power is after the thunder of internal organs, core and brain is expelled. into the limbs.

The skin of the limbs and wings has been completely broken, and the light blue blood is continuously flowing out of the body, and then under the excitation of the thunder, a thick layer of ionized mist is produced, driving away the surrounding thunder clouds and blocking the spirit snow. mental perception.

In the distance, most of the people who saw a small group of light blue clouds appearing in the dark thunderstorm cloud above were already unable to speak due to complex emotions such as confusion and panic.

At this moment, Chu Ling and 8051 had already seen what it was, and were staring seriously at the light blue area above and frowning.

"This is?" The mist brought back Chu Ling's memories.

However, Chu Xia, who was in it, has now completely fallen into unconsciousness. She is only repairing her body mechanically under the influence of her subconscious mind.

There are thunderbolts in the extremities... expulsion;
The blood flow of the limbs is too fast... The power of thought protects and blocks the passage of blood flow;

The four wings were damaged by lightning, and the calcium carbide bones were melting because they could not bear the energy. The power of thought is temporarily insufficient to expel the energy of the four wings... The power of thought is arranged along the outer layer of the four wings to block the further distribution of energy and blood, and at the same time protect the internal organs;


Destroy, expel, protect, imprison, restore...

The mind power is constantly being repaired. Under the control of the body and subconscious mind, the active mind power spreads from the brain, internal organs and core that escaped the danger first, and takes the ionized blood back into the body, and then repairs the limbs that expelled Thunder .

The damaged blood vessels were closed by the cells carried from the four wings; the torn muscles were glued together by the force of thought; the lost skin was replaced by the remaining skin of the four wings by force of thought... Four wings... Four wings...

All this is at the cost of dismantling the four wings.

The four wings composed of fleshy cells disappeared in the waves of light blue blood mist, and replaced by four sides with almost the same shape as the four wings, but the skin was made of solidified thoughts, and the flowing ionized blood mist Cells, a brand new light wing made of bones made of thunder.

The fleshy quality of the wing root and the energy of the wing surface seem to be perfectly combined, forming four flying wings shining with bright white light. The already damaged body is repaired as before under the complex and active changes of the mind force. .

On the whole, Chu Xia, who has a beautiful appearance, under this change, except for the clothes that disappeared due to insufficient energy, only the four wings of her whole body have turned into wings of light shining with thunder, and her temperament has become sacred and powerful , everything else appears to be unscathed.

After all this was done, three bolts of lightning struck the unsuspecting Chu Xia's back, and then disappeared without a trace.

Then, with the disappearance of the last ray of ionized mist, Chu Xia reappeared in front of everyone with her eyes tightly closed, emitting a bright thunder light that made it impossible to look directly at (=.=), and the small thunderstorm The clouds, after a heavy rain, were completely blown away by the wind, and the sky became clear again.

In the eyes of all the chrysalis, the one flying in the sky is no longer the gentle head teacher they are familiar with, but a god who flaps the wings of thunder and carries a powerful coercion.

Then, the God in everyone's eyes moved his wings under the breeze, and fell to the ground.

"Chu Xia!"

Because her mental power was blocked by the ionized mist, she couldn't observe the internal situation. Lingxue, who was anxiously trying to rush over, could finally see Chu Xia's appearance at this moment, but when she was amazed, she found that Chu Xia had disappeared. down.

It's okay, it's a tragedy if you fall to death without being struck by the thunder, a psionic ball protects Chu Xia who is falling, and then it is controlled to float towards Lingxue and the others.

The chrysalis below had already prostrated themselves on the ground, as if treating the gods of their respective priests, even more reverent.

(End of this chapter)

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