Spore Story

Chapter 230 Whole Body Examination After the Great War

Chapter 230 Whole Body Examination After the Great War

PS: Three more, ahahaha~\(≧▽≦)/~
The Zerg Wars are finally over.

Of course, I would like to talk about the seemingly forgotten children's shoes of the Zerg base.

After sending out the energy ball, which can't be said to be good or bad, it seemed to release the last essence. It shook a few times to show that it had fulfilled its final duty, and then burst out a few wisps of green smoke with a puff, There was eternal silence.

After the analysis of several soul-level high priests who were closest at that time, this awe-inspiring enemy probably wanted to explode himself in the end, but because the energy liquid was too little, he just blew up his internal "guts" (It should be called that), and then decisively bento.

"The arrival is vigorous, the battle is vigorous, the death...is still vigorous, the life of the Zerg base...is worth it!" Lingyun said.

More analysis of the Zerg base was postponed due to the great Chu Xia dean incident.

Since everyone surrounded Chu Xia back to the temple, these soul-level high priests who respectfully confirmed the death of the enemy actually stayed to confirm the situation because of the revival of the 8051 unprotected Zerg base.

This also caused several high priests to complain, and then, after quickly and effectively confirming the complete death of the Zerg base, they impatiently chased after the large army.

It's just that the wings turned into an energy state, but the body was completely unscathed by the thunder.

Although it seems to be an accident, will this be the direction in which pupae will evolve in the future?

Especially after the ghost body, the spirit talisman, died due to the instability of the energy core, all the pupae bodies, especially the soul-level and ghost-level ghosts like Lingxue, temporarily refused to turn to one or two fusion energy cores as the core. The main body maintains the mind of the evolution of the ghost body.

The scene switches to the Temple of the God of War.

At this moment, Chu Yi was lying on the altar of the temple in pain, soothing his body from the fatigue of the past few days and some careless actions before, and was violently beaten by a group of female ghosts.

As the nearest information and communication center, the high-level temple of the Stone Tribe, in order to send the information here through ten high-level temples under him as soon as possible, and at the same time collect and send back the information of various tribes outside, he has to send it dozens of times a day.

In this way, his memory has been exercised almost like never before (because only Zhengshen himself can teleport).

However, for his own good, he finally proposed to use the pupation to transmit some non-urgent information.Only important information, such as the sacrifice of the talisman, the annihilation of the Zerg, and the change of Chu Xia, were sent through Zhengshen.

As soon as the proposal was put forward, it quickly received the full support of the other two righteous gods (they were also very tired during this time, especially Chu Jie, who couldn't get motivated at all when she was not interested in things, sent these questions to her little follower Die High Priest Wu can't help), so this proposal was quickly approved by most of the high-level officials in the Stone Tribe.

In this way, he was finally able to rest.

However, as the owner of the high-level temple of the Stone Tribe, he couldn't help expressing something because there were a crowd of people in the originally spacious temple looking at Chu Xia with concern.


"Except for the Youshen and Soul-level ones, get out for me, don't make trouble here, and, the men too, get out for me!"

Then, due to the increasing amount of food shipped from various places recently, the quack apes of the stone tribe, who finally gained a little leisure, saw densely packed war bees flying out of the temple like water... um, it was a pupated body , mostly men.

Rubbing his forehead in distress, Chu Yi nodded to the remaining group of female high priests in the finally empty temple, and then turned to look at 8051 not far away, and Lingxue, who were surrounded there, Lingyun and Chu Ling.

Then he suddenly woke up and turned his head back.

And because of Chu Xia's coma, these four are the only four high-end mobile combat power that the ethnic group can use now.But at this moment, everyone is concerned about Chu Xia who is said to be the absolute main force in this final battle (others are 100% soy sauce=.=).

But Chu Yi, who was curious, couldn't find anyone who had the time to tell him about the battle process, and was waiting depressedly.

"How is it? Is Chu Xia okay?" No matter how you say, she is a teammate of the same team. Even if she does not include colleagues, colleagues, and colleagues, she must express her concern for her, although this is true. It is sincere.

However, because of self-consciousness, he turned his back to that direction.

After waiting for a long time, almost half a day since Chu Xia was brought back, 8051 finally let go of the claws that had been groping Chu Xia's body (PS: This claw is empty phantom), and then said as if waking up: " Ah, it's all right, Lingxue, you should be able to see that, Chu Xia just passed out due to excessive mental energy consumption, she'll be fine after a day or two of rest. 8051 said without worry."

"Then why did you touch it all afternoon?" Seemingly feeling a strange reluctance in 8051's eyes, Lingyun looked at 8051 who was showing reminiscence on the front, blushed as if remembering something, turned her head and stopped talking.

"It feels good, uh, no, it's because the skin is very good, ah! It's not right, it's because the skin and muscles are not damaged. Ah! That's right, that's it, the viscera in the smooth abdomen, the core and heart under the flat chest, etc. Wait, and the brain behind the pretty face, etc. are not damaged, you know, I am doing a comprehensive and careful inspection, of course it takes time. 8051 said solemnly with a deadpan face."

After finishing speaking, 8051 got up and sat aside, completely ignoring the suspicious eyes of everyone around him, and threw a fruit into his mouth.

"I always feel that 8051 at this time seems to be very untrustworthy," the words of the little girl Chu Ling got unanimous nods from everyone around, including the little Lingyun who didn't deal with it very much, she was the most serious.

However, for this, 8051 just let out a dry laugh with an empty and unmoving face, which directly shocked everyone.

"Hey, 8051, this Thunder... Well, Guangyi, what should I do, this is the most abnormal thing." Lingxue still looked behind Chu Xia worriedly.

Those four wings of light flowing with thunderous white light are clearly in front of them, and they still have a smooth and numb feeling when touched, but they are not fleeting like the usual electricity, but slowly fluctuating like a solid.

But if you look carefully, you will find that it seems to flash very quickly, making people dizzy after looking at it for a while.

However, the four wings of the pupated body have completely disappeared, and even the wing roots seen before are gone. Only a smooth back is left at the joint, and the light wings protrude from the place where the previous one was. , but there is no sense of dissonance.

Of course, that is also the place where 8051 'tested' many times, it should be the same as myself, checking the connection between the light wing and the body, Lingxue thought not very sure.

After checking many times in a row, Lingxue finally sighed helplessly.

Although he expressed doubts about 8051's words, 8051's temper has long been known to everyone since meeting him for more than ten years.What she didn't want to say, no matter how much she asked, it was useless to ask. According to Lingyun, only gray truth, or emptiness can "conquer" her.And now, Huili is still pupating, and it is estimated that it will take at least ten days.

It should be fine.

A few people can only comfort themselves in this way, and then think. (In this matter, 8051 should not lie to itself... right)

Obviously 8051 has not done enough to gain trust.

Then, Lingxue thought about it, got up and walked to Chu Yi beside the gate.

"Hey, Chu Yi, do you have any clothes to wear?"


Chu Yi looked down at his glowing body depressedly. There was a mist of energy gathering on the surface, which blocked the internal situation. It seemed, roughly, as if he really had no clothes to wear... No, it was clothes.

Looking at Chu Yi's actions, Lingxue had a headache. Who are these two people: "I mean, is there any clothes that can be worn by Chu Xia? If there are, let one of your subordinates The priestess brought it here, so Chu Xia couldn’t be left naked all the time. After all, she doesn’t want to use energy to block those messy things inside.”

The lowest status present was the high priest, a female high priest was directed by Chu Yi to find the priest who belonged to this temple, but was driven out by Chu Yi together with other pupae bodies before, and searched for a dress suitable for Chu Xia's body type .

When he heard the word "Youshen Body", Chu Yi, who thought he was the same, fell silent, then shook his head to calm himself down, then shook his head again, but finally did not turn around.

"By the way, Lingxue, is Chu Xia alright?"

Lingxue, who was walking towards the female ghost group, heard Chu Yi's question, stopped and looked at 8051 who was expressionless, and said, "It's okay, 8051 said there is no problem, and he will wake up in a few days."

"Oh," nodded, and Chu Yi, who looked up, happened to see the densely packed pupae outside the door: "Well, the Zerg has been wiped out, so there is nothing wrong here."

"No more," 8051 remained expressionless from the beginning to the end. According to what she said, she was overwhelmed by some kind of system, and was temporarily unable to express her emotions.After so many years, everyone agrees with this statement, but now Lingxue feels uncomfortable looking at 8051 in the distance.

(Perhaps it’s because of the phantom appearance. If it weren’t for your voice and personality, sometimes you would think you were a phantom from a distance? Hey, why did you agree with 8051 to use the phantom body? Now I feel confused when I recall it I was stunned by a bunch of necessities.)
Feeling that there was no further answer behind him, Chu Yi, who didn't dare to release his spiritual power, sighed depressedly, and after thinking about it, he walked out of the temple, (Let you girls play slowly in the main hall of our temple.)
(Actually, I want to say that there are so many problems with pupation, and there are still many problems after this war. Since Chu Xia is fine, should I think about these, you guys.) Shaking his head, Chu Yi said yes The female high priest holding a pile of clothes nodded, then pointed behind her to signal her to go by herself, and then floated to the roof of the temple and began to admire the white clouds in the sky.

Quack ape, where should we go?
Soul class, where should we go?

What should I do with a ghostly body like me?

(End of this chapter)

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