Spore Story

Chapter 231 The Future Confused the Nether God's Bottleneck

Chapter 231 The Future Confused the Nether God's Bottleneck
If stable heredity is the basis for the reasonable continuation of species, then sudden mutation is the driving force for the natural evolution of species.

Many times, people regard mutants as unreasonable and should be deleted, but that is just because those mutants belong to a small number or even special cases, and have failed to occupy a dominant position, and are regarded as heresy by the xenophobic society.

Like someone said, if 80% of the people on earth become intelligent monsters, then normal humans will be the real monsters then.

This is a matter of minority and majority.

However, here we are only talking about mutants. Many times they actually represent a branch of evolution. If they can be further developed, they may become the orthodox evolution direction.

But, who can say clearly about the future?What is needed in this, such as luck, luck, and luck, are extremely important.

In an ordinary mid-level temple, a lazy independent consciousness floated in the air without any effort.

I don't know if it is affected by the consciousness of the original species of emptiness. The higher the quack ape species is, the more likely it is to have a lazy personality. It is worthy of the consciousness inheritance, which is less likely to mutate than the body inheritance.

His name is Chu Dian, and he is the master of this middle-level temple, the patron saint of nearly 300 quack apes and 10 pupae in this large area.

This kind of area seems to be close to the jurisdiction of a high-level temple, but this can be regarded as a kind of preferential treatment for being the No.1 member of Gaga Squad under Youshen.

However, it is mainly due to the hard work of him and his breeder (this word is too appropriate, I don’t want to change =.=).

"Why hasn't Lingyue come back? How is the Zerg? I really want to know right away."

Saying so, the patron saint even unfolded a scroll in front of him with weak thoughts.

This is the latest battle report he received, from three days ago, it was sent directly through the high-level temple, and then handed over to the pupa courier who flew to the nearest God of Life temple every day during this period to bring it back. As for the three None of the battle reports obtained in the sky have passed the high-level temple, so it is actually something before this battle report, and it is nothing to look at.

Battle report of the decisive Zerg battle: In this battle, there are ten brigades, the number of people participating in the battle... the frontal troops are pinned down, and the talisman brigade breaks into the enemy's base... the energy ball penetrates the body and is harmless to the ghost body (only see here, everyone I also expressed my feelings about the power of the Youshen body, but), but the fusion energy core that is the basis of the Youshen body is extremely unstable. It was just wiped by the energy ball, and because of the powerful energy, it cannot be controlled by the relatively weak thought power of the Youshen body. control, and caused a violent explosion...

(I also wrote some post-war issues later, and then the preliminary conclusion) After the high-level discussions in the high-level temple of the Stone Tribe, before the safety of the Youshen body is resolved, only one energy core will be supplied to the new Youshen body to ensure safety.Please be vigilant to the souls who are about to break through, and don't get more energy cores from other places, so as to put themselves in danger...

"Spiritual talisman? Is that the big man with the bone blade?" The last Gashan beast tide, Chudian was killed in battle, but this talisman shined brilliantly, so he also got to know the pupae of this non-priest, not to mention , Later, the other party actually became a ghost body before himself.

Is it because of the body?Chu Dian sometimes even thought about it.

"Yo, Xiao Dian, sister, I'm back."

"Uh," although he had been wondering why the other party hadn't come back, Chu Dian still trembled uncontrollably when he heard the angry voice.Then he thought, is he too lacking in majesty as a god, and the other party is just his high priest, high priest.

It has been decided, to show the majesty of being a god!
Then, Chu Dian's eyes flickered, and a scream echoed in the temple.

"Ah! Er... Ling, Lingyue, why don't you go through the main entrance?"

Therefore, the feeling that has penetrated into the depths of the soul still cannot be defeated by Chu Dian's self-deception. Suddenly, he passed through the tiles on the roof and fell to the high priest Lingyue in front of Chu Dian who was staring at the gate of the temple. The opponent jumped.

"Okay, it's more fun this way, isn't it? Be good, here we are, the latest battle report."

It was just a slight scare, and the idea that the so-called majesty of the gods needs to be maintained, which just came up just now, disappeared in less than ten seconds.

After receiving the leather scroll handed over by Nian Li, Chu Dian spread out the leather scroll and said unnaturally: "Is there any problem? Going to Chu Jie's temple this time?"

"The problem is nothing."

Lingyue floated in front of Chu Dian like this, staring straight at Chu Dian. If before, the other party would keep expressing dissatisfaction, but Lingyue ignored it.Over time (I'm afraid it's been about ten years now), Chu Dian has sadly gotten used to it, so now Lingyue stares at it more reassuringly and boldly.

"However, it is said that after this war, whether it is the organizational structure, rules and regulations, or even individual strength, I am afraid that there will be great changes. Moreover, it seems that there will be an urgent need for ghost gods or high-level temples. From these few days we You will know if you all go to the high-level temple to receive important battle reports."

"So, it seems that you have to work hard, Xiao Dian." As she said this, Lingyue reached out and touched the other party's head, but Chu Dian just shook her head and shook her hand down a little and ignored it.

"Aren't you the same, Lingyue? Although the amount of consciousness has not yet reached the peak, you have also condensed a weak thought force, and the degree of concentration of consciousness is not even lower than mine."

Speaking of this, Chu Dian scanned the small scroll.

"Tch, big sister, I don't trust you as a little brother, so in the future, just obediently continue to be my sister's god, ahaha."

Glancing secretly at the high priest beside him who was laughing, Chu Dian didn't refute anything, no matter if he was selfish or accustomed, in the past ten years of life, he has completely liked the way he is now, and he doesn't want to change anything.

But at this time, he looked back and saw the text under the leather scroll, and his heart trembled.

...Chu Xia's head of education mobilized Lei Ting to destroy the Zerg base, but her mental power was exhausted and she was falling into a coma.In addition, for unknown reasons, Chu Xia taught the four wings of the pupated body to transform into Thunder Wings under the action of Thunder.

A detailed description of Thunder Wings is added below, and there are even wings drawn by some priests who like to paint, but they look like the wings of branches, which made Chu Dian, who was a little worried, couldn't help complaining .

"Fortunately, sister Chu Xia is fine." Rubbing her head, Chu Dian looked at the previous important battle report depressedly: "I don't know what impact it will have this time."

On the other side, Lingyue twitched her eyes (Sister Chuxia...Sister Chuxia...Elder Sister...Elder Sister...Lingyue...Ah!)
"This little soul is light, just don't call me big sister!"

Seemingly finding something wrong, Chu Dian, who felt a little chill, reacted quickly. With more than ten years of experience in dealing with it, he just looked around and immediately found the most critical topic.

"Spirit Moon"

"Called Big Sister"

"Okay, Lingyue is called eldest sister, now we are talking about business."

"Let me tell." At this point, Lingyue is obviously a qualified high priest.

"For this, just one energy core. Anyway, after you become a ghost god, you basically stay in the temple. It doesn't matter if you have one more energy core or one less, doesn't it? You don't even need to apply for an energy core. , because of me, you basically don’t need to participate in the battle.” Looking at the battle report about the talisman handed over by Chu Dian, Lingyue already understood what the other party meant.

In fact, about the future of Youshen, the soul-level patron saints of the entire ethnic group, as well as individuals above the high priest, are now under heated discussion. There are countless chrysalis messengers flying in the sky every day, and some are even dissatisfied with the slow communication. , and it is agreed that certain core high-level temples will gather together to discuss the situation.

For individuals with a physical body, most soul-levels now have two choices: the entity ghost level and the consciousness ghost body.

If you choose not to leave your body and develop towards an entity with stronger mental power and mind power, you can maintain a relatively safe and stable body.Look at Chu Xia, it's okay to be struck by lightning, but the magic talisman just explodes after being rubbed, it seems that this choice seems to be the best choice;
And if you choose to leave your body and become conscious, then in order to ensure safety, you can only have one energy core for the time being. In this way, the energy level is the same as that of the Youshen level, but the level of mental power and thought power is not as good as that of the same level. entity, it seems very cost-effective.

However, for those individuals who have already lost their bodies, they can only choose one way to go to darkness. At this moment, they can only helplessly use the method of reducing energy cores to improve their own safety, and wait for someone with Individuals with dedication, smart brains and high luck will find the way forward for everyone.

But here lies a very important question.

Does the entity sit back and relax?
No, in fact it is not.

An entity is an individual with a body, an individual who is still alive, and birth, old age, sickness and death are inevitable.

Even if they reach the level of Youshen, their bodies will eventually die one day. It is calculated that the leader of Lingxue and the head of education of Chu Xia seem to be much more mature than ten years ago, don't they?
That is to say, in the end, everyone actually cannot avoid becoming the form of consciousness.

So different routes lead to the same goal, even if in the middle of life, having a body can obtain relative security for decades, but in the end everyone will still become conscious, so in the end we still have to face the security issue of the energy core.

Therefore, everyone should struggle with this trouble early in the hope that it can be resolved as soon as possible.

Therefore, this period was called "the bottleneck period of Youshen" by later generations, because the Youshens encountered trouble for the first time, and all the pupae and even quack apes were working hard for it during this period, and many special cases were produced.

(End of this chapter)

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