Spore Story

Chapter 232 Unexpected Awakening

Chapter 232 Unexpected Awakening

Something behind?
In a daze, he opened his eyes, and everything he saw was gray.

What did you just see?
Recalling the world that was like a dream before, he felt a wave of fear and fear.

A piece of darkness, a weak body, constant death?Is this that illusory memory?So long.

He moved his huddled body, and it seemed that because he had not moved for a long time, his muscles had become a little stiff and he couldn't feel it.

The memory of the past is really terrifying. Fortunately, that has become the past, but it is so rich.

As for the use of energy, after more than ten years of meticulous training, although he can't be called handy, he can be regarded as a small achievement.And coupled with the long use of memory, he has been able to carefully mobilize the energy he just felt.Quietly sinking into consciousness, he felt the energy supply in his body. The overflowing state made him want to hum comfortably, but then he realized that he couldn't even move his vocal cords.

What is the situation now?Missions, memories, and... well, is this the power core?
When mobilizing energy, he finally discovered the gathering place full of energy in his body. He couldn't see the situation in his body, but he felt that it was a huge space. Through this gathering place, energy flowed in the body fluid, and then Circulate the whole body, let the feeling of numbness recover little by little.

The thing on the back is the wings, it seems a bit heavy, but in this way, it has successfully chrysalised?
Slowly, the memory before the pupation began to fully recover, and he gradually woke up.

I am Hui Li, a clone of Void, and I will eventually merge with the other two clones.

Everything was taken for granted, and he didn't have any dissatisfaction or resistance to this thought.

However, Huili is only a dozen years old, while Wuhuan is billions of years old...

Recalling the distant memory of billions of years, Huili's short memory of more than ten years has become a tiny paragraph of life.Therefore, without any mandatory requirements, he accepted the idea that he was one of the illusory clones.

However, since I have so many memories, why am I still just one of the clones instead of a complete illusion?Billions of years are not all?impossible.

Thinking of this, he was a little puzzled again.

However, as the energy gradually flows out of the energy core, the feeling of the body gradually returns.

The sense of touch thinks that the body urgently needs to be stretched; the sense of smell and taste feel that it is necessary to breathe fresh air; the sense of hearing longs for the beautiful sound outside; and the sense of vision expresses that it is tired of the whiteness; as for the sense of magnetism, it only thinks that the induction of the environmental magnetic field is not clear enough , so I want to go outside to have a look; the last is the sense of consciousness, the mental power always wants to break through this shell to feel the situation of the outside world, thinking that being squeezed into this small space is a kind of torture.

Since everyone is not feeling well, they should go out.

As a result, the consciousness could not resist the consensus of all body perceptions, and could only be forced to stop thinking, but the body, which couldn't wait, had already begun to control the muscles and energy of various parts, fully stretched the limbs, and squeezed the seemingly fragile shell.

Then, when he fully recovered his consciousness, he found himself standing in the middle of a large room, having stretched out his four wings for an unknown amount of time, and just retracted his back. At this moment, he felt a itching in his throat.

"Ahem, did it just successfully pupate? Then here?"

Looking around, for the situation here, there is nothing in the memory of gray matter and emptiness, and the mental power seems to be not very stable. At this time, it spreads completely in a spherical shape, and only things with a radius of a few meters can be seen, and there is nothing in it. similar creatures.

So, he decided to go out and have a look.

(This seems to be my first chrysalis, right?)
Unaccustomed to wearing the wings on the back, he staggered out of the gate and looked up at the sky. The blue sky was clean and the surroundings were peaceful and peaceful. There were no random debris piled up on the ground, not even the grass on the floor. Blooming with vitality.

(It should be a relatively well-governed tribe.)
Some things gradually appeared in his memory. He hesitated for a moment while advancing, but still closed his eyes to feel it. Since his cocoon was placed in that spacious hut, although there were no guards and no danger, it should not be an enemy.

As for memory, especially Huili's memory, at the moment it can't be said whether it is illusory or Huili's more pupated body feels that it should know more and be more detailed. After all, Huili's memory is closer to the present, isn't it?

(Hey, so many systems! What are the achievements of Huili in these short ten years? "Warehouse Management Rules", "Temple Grading System", "Tribal Planning Rules", "Regional Grading System", "Tribal Grading System Details ", "Product Tribe Private Ownership", "Squad Food Public Ownership System", "Family Formation Suggestions", "Tribal Law Outline", "First Draft of the Relationship between Quack Ape and Pupation Body"...)
He couldn't help taking a breath, looking at the long list in his memory, he felt a little ashamed for some reason.

It turns out that I was really lazy in the past. This gray matter has come up with so many systems in just a short period of ten years. Although many knowledge ideas and drafts have not been put into practice, they are constantly being improved. Isn't there a few that have already started to implement it?

Shaking his head with a wry smile, he suddenly felt that Huili might be more suitable for the position of master consciousness.

However, he shook his head strangely, thinking again in his consciousness that compared to Gray Li, who has only more than ten years of experience, the consciousness of emptiness is more suitable, after all, he is the main consciousness.

This kind of schizophrenia-like quarrel lasted for a while, and then it slowly fell silent, and I don't know what the result will be.

Looking at the surrounding situation, he felt a little strange about the tranquility at this moment when he regained his clarity. This place seems to be a well-kept temple, so why is there not even a single figure?

Recalling before the cocooning in memory, it seems that the Zerg appeared, so what happened now?Are the Zerg wiped out?

I wanted to ask someone, but he couldn't feel any creatures around him.

(What's going on here? Looking at the structure here, it should be a high-level temple. Why is there no one?)
At this time, his thoughts jumped to something in his mind.

Name: Void / Gray
Power: 14
Energy: 68
Consciousness: 197
Spirit: 5900/5910
Number of control species: 2791
Current goals: raise consciousness to 300 (soul level), raise energy to 100, assist in completing the "group system and plan";
Gains: memory fragments, "Energy-Based Control Theory", proof of primitive civilization.

Then, an article titled "The External Trajectory Change of Energy" just entered his mind majestically, completely disregarding the owner's feelings.But his attention at this time is not here.

"There are still memory fragments?"

(Isn’t there all the memory fragments from the small cells to the present? Wait, think about it carefully. Among the billions of years of memory fragments, it seems that there are some that can’t be recalled. Could it be those memory fragments.)
In this way, he, who thought he wanted to understand, put the question aside and looked at other things.

And at this moment, he finally noticed the mission objective.

(Ethnic groups and plans? What the hell?)
And just when he thought of this thing, the memory of Huili flooded out again in his mind, just like a computer calling data.

(What is a computer? With a little brain, speaking of it, our brain seems to be protected by something under the skull...)
Before he could continue to distract himself, the memory of "ethnic groups and plans" in his mind was fully opened.

No matter how the scattered tribes are modified and perfected, they can only reach this level. Then, in order to further improve my system, I need to unify these tribes.

One of the methods is hard unification, which is to gather all these tribes together to form one or several super-large tribes; the other method is soft unification, which is to combine these tribes through a faster Communicate to link up and become tribal groups.

The advantages of super tribes are:
First, safety. When a large tribe with a large population is facing a strong enemy, such as the Zerg this time, it does not have to face the situation of dozens of quack apes desperately attacking the enemy, because it can screen out excellent tribes from itself. Individuals form combat teams;
Second, management. Gathering members who need to be managed can further develop and improve the three-level system, and use many fine-grained control parts to allow this super-large tribe to operate reasonably and efficiently, instead of using these fine-grained parts like small tribes with insufficient population. Become tasteless because of insufficient population;
Third, development. A large population brings a large number of pupal bodies with four-level brains, so that they can rely on the rich creativity of the pupae bodies to cooperate with each other to develop more things that are conducive to development.

However, there is one problem that needs to be solved first to form a super tribe, and that is food.

The food obtained from hunting has become insufficient for tribes with a population of more than 200.Even the core tribes such as Gashan, which adopted relatively stable management, began to have food problems, and had to divide part of the overpopulated population, and let the chrysalis learned by the priests fly far to hunt.

Therefore, food is the primary reason for restricting population gathering. In order to solve this problem, the Scythe Tribe, which has a relatively large plain among the five major tribes, has begun to experiment with agricultural planting; Start experiment animal breeding.

But it all takes time.

The advantages of tribal groups are:

First, safety is also safety. The safety of a tribal group lies in the fact that when encountering a strong enemy, as long as the opponent does not want to kill them all, at most only a few small tribes will be lost, which will have no effect on the development and continuation of the entire ethnic group;
Second, management. In the management of tribal groups, because the population is not concentrated, there will be a certain interdependence between pupae and quack apes under the constraints of numbers, so it is not easy for pupae to form quack apes and pupae. Clashes between chrysalis and chrysalis, quack ape and quack ape;
Third, development. Tribal groups have a large diffusion range, which can provide a great maneuvering space and hunting range for the ethnic group, thereby increasing the amount of food obtained and the living environment;

But at the same time, tribal groups also need to solve a huge problem, that is, communication.

If these tribes are not allowed to establish a stable and firm communication situation, I am afraid that under a long period of separation, they will conflict with each other and even cause combat casualties within the species.

But now the number of high-level temples is scarce, and it is a great waste of combat power to use the pupated bodies that are already scarce in the unit area to serve as time-consuming and laborious messengers.

So, also to solve this problem, in addition to the dirt roads between the five tribes having been upgraded to stone roads, the dirt roads connecting the five tribes with other tribes outside are also being built, and the imaginary Tuo beasts used for riding are also constantly being built. In the search for experiments, different animal training experiments ranging from the giant Loulong, down to the agile Velociraptor, and then to the pterosaur in the sky are also being tested in several priest schools, but this project has not been opened much.

So, it still takes time.

Moreover, these considerations are not comprehensive. I always feel that there are still many problems that I haven't thought of, but even if I recall the memories of my previous life, I haven't found more solutions.

In order to better plan the development of the tribe, I, 8051, Lingyun and other high-level officials discussed with each other for about two years before deciding on the idea of ​​an "ethnic group system and plan", which will be implemented after further finalization.


The long memory made him feel sleepy, and when he withdrew from the shock of Huili's detailed planning and analysis before, and saw the end, he found that it was just an idea, and he felt like he was being played.

"Meow, is it possible that I have to turn this plan into reality step by step because I am illusory. Is this the last wish of Huili's life for more than ten years?"

By this time, Kong Huan has basically confirmed that his main consciousness is Kong Huan, who has billions of years of memory, and Gray Li, who has only a short memory of more than ten years, has chosen to merge. In the illusory consciousness.

That is to say, although it is not very complete, but now this pupa body, which even flaps its wings somewhat mechanically, is already a real illusion rather than a gray one.

Therefore, without waiting for the fusion of the three consciousnesses, one of them, Huili, has already awakened part of the illusory consciousness in advance.

If 8051 is here at this moment, she will definitely be greatly surprised by this, because for the vast majority of intelligent life, they have always gone through some literary or military battles in the end, and generally have a strong self-awareness. , and then there is a chance of less than 10% to re-integrate completely to complete the trial of the three consciousnesses, but the empty illusion is actually completed in such a child's play.

In fact, in this regard, it can be said that 8051 was deceived by Kong Huan (Kong Huan is very proud), and he seems to agree with his own Kong Huan, but in fact he is an alien with extremely indifferent self-awareness. He has a strong self-denial, so he is Subconsciously, they will use strong self-identity to maintain the existence of the independent consciousness of emptiness.

But now they belong to the same consciousness, and they realize that they are just a part of the gray matter. Whether it is rational analysis or perceptual thinking, they all believe that more illusory experience is suitable for decision-making, so they consciously choose to return.

It seems very complicated, but in fact it is simpler to say that the consciousness of emptiness is not confident and happy with the situation.

As a result, the chrysalis, which had become an illusion, raised its head to look for the main hall of the temple after withdrawing its attention from the mission.

According to the "Temple Management Suggestions" under the "Temple Classification System" in memory, generally speaking, in the main hall of the temple, at least one individual exists at all times to deal with emergencies.

Just as Kong Huan was about to step forward, a voice came from behind.


"No, illusory."

(End of this chapter)

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