Spore Story

Chapter 233 The Pure Man Believes

Chapter 233 The Pure Man Believes

PS: Thank you for the winter in the wind, flowers and snow, 7474745-_- for the reward, and the monthly pass for Feng Sexiang, denruoche, 7474745-_-_-(∩_∩)O
Third watch~\(≧▽≦)/~
"No, illusory."

Turning his head to look at the person behind him, Kong Huan showed what he thought was a bright smile, and walked over slowly.

Then, he skillfully put his hand on the top of the opponent's head, rubbed it lightly as if aftertaste, and then sighed that the little loli in his memory had become a big loli.

(The little aura in Huili's memory seems to be much more restrained than before. It's because she has matured. Could it be that Lolita is finally going to become Yujie?) Empty and tearful eyes.

Putting his hand on the opponent's head like this, Kong Huan habitually fell into a distracted state.

But the little Lingyun who was standing still, was slowly surging up at this moment, accumulating anger points that were probably non-existent.

She had just accompanied 8051 and Chu Ling to send Lingxue and the awakened Chu Xia away, and was about to see how the giant gray cocoon, which she hadn't paid attention to for a long time, was doing, when she found a room full of giant cocoon fragments.

So, recalling that when she checked this morning, the things in this room were still intact giant cocoons, and after confirming that she didn't feel anyone entering the temple in less than half a day after leaving, she knew that Huili must be Pupated, and I happened to miss it.

Seeing that there was no one in the room, she immediately used her mental power to scan a large area, and found the pupation body in the corner outside the room in an instant. (As far as the Youshen body is concerned, ordinary individuals really have no privacy.)
The more than 1000 pupae had already left eleven days ago, the day after the destruction of the Zerg base. Now there are only five ordinary pupae in the temple, and they are all in the temple at the moment. meeting.

Then, it is self-evident who this guy who is in a daze around the corner is.

Unexpectedly, Lingyun got such a reply as soon as she walked over and called Huili.

Familiar tone, familiar palms, and familiar eyes, these are things that Huili, a guy who only quarrels with himself, can't show, even after pupating.

"He's lost his mind again!" Xiao Lingyun felt that her endurance was declining, and she was completely sure that the guy in front of her was Kong Huan, because only Kong Huan dared to lose her mind in front of her, and when she was touching her head, the whole body Who in the ethnic group does not know the prestige (notoriety?) of her first priest of aura.

Sure enough, dealing with Huili's violent attack is still very effective against the weak guy, even if it is illusory now.

(Hey, my little aura is broken.)
Thinking like this is illusory, and fainted depressedly.

—————The Dividing Line of the World————

"I said, Xiao Lingyun, can't you restrain yourself? 8051 looked depressedly at Huili who had fainted."

(Dizzy, huh? 8051, where is it?)
"Well, well, I will know later."

"..." (Hey, even if you admit a mistake, you have to have an attitude. How can you talk while eating? I used to tell you so much to teach you in vain!)

Rubbing his head, Kong Huan suddenly thought, with the current level [-] brain of the pupated body, would it be lowered back because of Xiao Lingyun's blow.

But obviously, Xiao Lingyun's attack strength has not yet reached this level, so Kong Huan can still feel the clarity of his brain and the weak induction of the pupae around him. (Could it be telepathy? It's too weak.)
"Huh? Hui Li, are you awake? 8051 is surprised that Hui Li is pupating at this time."

"Call me Huili, ah no, it's Kongfan. Also, what's the accident?" As for 8051, a partner who has lived together for billions of years, it is also the only one who can communicate with Kongfan before teaching the quack apes to speak. People, he considers himself very familiar and friendly.

"Of course it happened that you cocooned right at the time of the battle with the Zerg. It was a surprise that you pupated within a few days of the end of the battle. Your timing was too accurate. 8051 spread his hands and expressed his curiosity about whether this has any connotations. "

At this moment, 8051's body froze suddenly, and a familiar feeling came to his heart.

"Han Huan? Hui Li, you finally agree with your identity? 8051 stared at Kong Huan suspiciously."

"What does it mean to finally agree? The person you are talking to now, the person you are looking at, that is, me, except for a little memory loss, is basically the emptiness you know."

Although the other party is still using his own body, he can feel 8051's astonished heart through words. Regarding 8051's reaction, Kong Huan feels that he is in a very good mood, very good, super good. (We also have a day when 8051 is deflated.)
At this time, 8051 couldn't sit still anymore, "'feeling' is something that can't be explained clearly," it should be said to be so for ordinary people, but for 8051 and their level of life, feeling is very important of.

The feeling here does not refer to the feeling after communicating with or observing the target, but the reaction from the depths of consciousness.

The feeling that Kong Huan gave her now is that she is the protagonist in the TV that she has watched for billions of years (=.=). Then, combined with the current situation, there is only one explanation. Awakened from Gray's body.

"What kind of thing is this? Even the illusion can break the rules. You are really a disaster for the system. I suddenly realized that I have been preparing for so long to escape from you. I seem to be an idiot. 8051 raised his head and sighed."

"Hey, what do you mean by 'lian'?"

"That's what you think. 8051 covers his mouth and laughs."

"..." Kong Huan was silent for a while, while Ling Yun beside him snickered.

"Forget it," being defeated again, Kong Huan got up from the ground after introspecting for a while, then turned his gaze away from the leisurely cloud jellyfish in the sky, and after saying that these guys are really calm, he looked in front of him Familiar with the body, but felt a chill for no reason: "Well, 8051, can't you return to your own body now? Me."

"This?" Shaking the body he was using, 8051 stretched out his fingers and tapped his lips. This feminine movement made Kong Huan feel uncomfortable again.Seeing that Kong Huan seemed to be unable to bear the possibility of rushing up and smashing in, 8051 sat up straight this time, and said with a serious face: "No."

"Do not……"

To interrupt Kong Huan with a wave, in Kong Huan's eyes, this gesture seems very handsome, but the problem is, it is still too feminine.Oops
"Listen to me, haven't you fully awakened your memory yet? 8051, please confirm."

Kong Huan nodded, Ling Yun watched from the sidelines.

"And as the consciousness awakened in Huili's body, then you should be able to understand the effect of the three-consciousness trial from Huili's memory? 8051 continue to confirm."

Kong Huan continued to nod, and Xiao Lingyun continued to watch.

"Then do you know why there is this body? 8051 pointed to the current body and said."

shake your head, watch

"Originally, the three-consciousness trial didn't need this, but because of a series of problems, the system created this just in case. In fact, this body is an insurance. 8051 explained."

Nodding suddenly, watching with extreme calmness

"So, is it clear? 8051 expressed a sudden feeling of displeasure."

Shaking head violently, watching calmly

"..." ==#
"go to hell!"

shake your head, watch

Seeing that 8051 also had a tendency to go berserk, Kong Huan made a victory gesture and smiled at Lingyun. After the other party responded with a wag, he looked at 8051 again, smiled apologetically, and said, "Hey, 8051, why don't you still do it?" Say go on."

Looking at the two men depressedly, 8051 rubbed his head, thinking that it is better not to flirt for the time being, so as not to be beaten by the group, let's talk about business.

"Actually, this body is the final insurance. If you fail to complete the trial of the three consciousnesses, it means that the three consciousnesses have formed a brand new self and are no longer illusory. At that time, I will stimulate the three consciousnesses in this body. The residual consciousness of this consciousness, let this consciousness wake up smoothly, and grow into the only illusion. This situation has appeared in the main consciousness of many traversers. 8051 feels that the defensive psychology of these traversers is really strong, and even the same self does not agree. .”

"However," 8051 shook his head gloomily after glancing at the chrysalis in front of him: "You are an exception. I didn't expect you to awaken now, so the other two will come soon, and by then you With this kind of personality, the integration must be 100% smooth. 8051 said that this is probably a special case among the first three batches of traversers."

"Then, the other function of the Trial of Three Consciousnesses, the achievement of the three goals, becomes the main goal, right? 8051 continues to think that there are such self-indifferent people."

Completely ignoring the suffix of 8051, this is the experience summed up by emptiness, and it has basically been considered a proficiency by now.

Nodding his head, he felt that this was not very good, Kong Huan said again: "That means the fusion of the three consciousnesses was the main purpose, but now there is no problem, so the status of the three purposes has been raised, right?"

"Yes, and if you merge back into this body now, although you will immediately become the only illusory, and the other two will develop into independent individuals, but the three goals of the three-consciousness trial will not be achieved. Moreover, now you also I'm not in a hurry at all, so why bother to obsess over my body?" 8051 Temptation said.

After finishing speaking, 8051 also used his illusory body to make a seductive pose only for women.

Then, Kong Huan only felt a click, and his face suddenly turned pale.

"My image!" OTZ
Lingyun continued to watch from the sidelines.

"What's the matter? Maybe the remaining two of your three consciousnesses are female? You must know that many individuals actually have a side of thinking that is biased towards the opposite sex, and maybe you should be a little more .And, I suddenly wondered, have you ever done these pinches with your body before? Although many of the things you remember are beep-things. 8051 imagined evilly."

"Beep—? What?" Lingyun finally stopped watching.


With a serious look on his face, Kong Huan suddenly stood up and lifted up Ling Yun, whose posture was about to become stiff due to watching from the sidelines for a long time.

"Let's go, Xiao Lingyun, we must find my other two avatars as quickly as possible, and prove that I, Konghuan, is a pure man!"

"Slow down, slow down, my feet are numb!"

"The Youshen Body actually has numb feet? How about I carry you on my back?"


Still looking expressionlessly at the two who rushed out, 8051 let out a chuckle.

"Welcome back, Void."

(End of this chapter)

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