Spore Story

Chapter 234 Please Die Once

Chapter 234 Please Die Once

In the peaceful forest, a six-tailed worm is enjoying the fresh leaves comfortably.

Nibble a little, nibble a little more, nibble a little more...

Ah, my stomach is so full.

Shaking its tail comfortably, the fat six-tailed worm climbed down a leaf little by little. For this little insect, there is more than one stomach for food, so keep working hard, six-tailed, in order to pupate .

At this time, there was a slight vibration from the branch where Liuwei was.

Hey, here we go again.

Liuwei sighed bitterly, stopped walking, then began to control his body, and at the same time raised his head to look forward.

Sure enough, a washfly shining with graceful membrane wings and showing colorful rays of light under the sunlight stopped straight in front of it. At this moment, Liuwei could easily feel the opponent's eyes in those compound eyes. The desire, the desire for food, the tragedy is that this food seems to be officially Liuwei himself.

It's impossible to expect to be a vegetarian.

Tears of pain flowed from Liuwei's heart.

My hard work in getting up early in the morning is going to be in vain.

However, before the six-tailed worm finished sighing, the washing fly in front of it stepped forward, then lowered its head and clamped it, its sharp mouthparts successfully clamped the middle part of the six-tailed long body, and then picked it up.

At this time, with a squeak, a green shadow suddenly popped out from one of the tails of the six-tailed worm, and then sank into the leaves not far away, and then, the black shadow appeared, it was a miniature version of the little six-tailed worm insect.

Washing Fly seems to be accustomed to this, turning a blind eye to the little Liuwei who is not enough to fit between his teeth, and directly flies away with the fat worm that is almost as big as his body in his mouth, looking for a suitable place for digestion.

Depressedly looking at the distant body and the hunter, Liuwei shook his head.

Hey, I have to start eating again, these guys can't wait until I chrysalis, then I can definitely eat them... probably.

Thinking of this, the six-tailed worm sighed again. Although it fantasized that after pupating, it would be more glamorous than washing flies, but how long has it been? In the cycle of fattening, being caught, the main body fleeing, and continuing to eat leaves, at least in the life of the six tails that lasted for several days, no one of the same kind was successfully pupated.

Anyway, it's just a thought, keep working hard, this is life.

So, it looked around and found that there was still no danger, so it pounced on the leaves in front again, which looked so fresh and delicious.

Ah, I can't bear it anymore, woohoo.

And not far from the leaf where Liuwei is, where Liuwei can't see, a washfly is quietly waiting there, waiting for the six-tailed insect to transform the leaf into a plump body again, and then Then it's your turn to harvest food.

This is the way of life of washing flies and hexapods. They don’t know when they started, but they learned to live in such an interdependent way: driven by the instinct of chrysalis, the hexapods grow fat and fat by constantly eating leaves. Under the thought of monopolizing food, Xifly relies on its own certain combat power to protect the growing Liuwei from being attacked by other creatures.

All of this is an unknown tacit understanding, but maybe even they themselves don't know it.

Hey, it's finally all right, it's my turn.

At noon in the daytime, the eyes of the washerfly lit up, and the six-tailed worm ate the leaves all morning, and turned into a big fat bug again. Now it is officially the most delicious time, and the ripe fruit is waiting for you to pick.

So, the Xifong flapped its wings and rushed towards the target with colorful lights.

But things didn't go as expected, just when Xilong was about to get close to the target, he suddenly realized that his eyes suddenly went dark, and it seemed that a huge monster smashed himself down with the momentum of Mount Tai.

I got food all morning.

This was the last thought of the washing-fly.

"Hey, Xiao Lingyun, is it too much to treat Mu Xiao like this? Although...but he is still a wounded person after all."

"What about the wounded? Can the wounded enjoy it self-righteously? 8051 and I used our thoughts to lead him, which is much more tiring than when we used to lead Quack Ape."

After finishing speaking, Lingyun flew down regardless, found a branch to sit down, and then there was a scream.

"Ah! Bugs!"

With a bang, the branch where Little Lingyun and Big Lolita was was was blown away, and Kong Huan seemed to see a fat and cute bug from the flying branches and fallen leaves, it was writhing its body, Know whether to be excited or terrified.

"Hmph, what about the first priest? You're afraid of bugs." Looking contemptuously at Lingyun, Chu Ling stepped forward and dragged Mu Xiao out of the mud, then kicked Mu Xiao and felt that she was not dead, so she turned and walked back to Konghuan beside.

"Okay, okay, Mu Xiao, are you still alive? If you're still alive, tell me how far you are from that floating mountain? 8051 said impatiently."

This place is far away from the previous Zerg war battlefield, and now present is the expanded empty phantom search team, with five members: 8051 (leader), empty phantom (preparation radar, behind-the-scenes boss), Lingyun (team member, hidden cute creature), Chu Ling (group member, Void Tail) and Mu Xiao (guide, human sandbag).

After hearing about Fukong Mountain from Mu Xiao, everyone unanimously confirmed that there was a high probability of having a phantom clone in a tribe that Fukong Mountain had passed by, and the pupal body was familiar with the route. It has a fixed orbit, and the period is not long.

Then, the purpose of the search group now is to find the Fukong Mountain, and then pull out the carrot hidden in a certain tribe—a clone of the empty illusion.

And up to now, half a year has passed. If 8051 hadn’t relied on the consciousness induction of the phantom body to confirm that its direction is roughly correct, otherwise Mu Xiao, who was a guide halfway, would have been treated as useless and thrown into the non-recyclable trash can. .

God is pitiful, Mu Xiao repeated that road countless times, he walked over with a dull head, and it is good to remember the general direction.

"It's almost here. Just turn over the mountain in front of you. There should be a tribe. I have been there before and stayed there for a while, so I remember it clearly."

"Ah, did you go to collect food?" Lingyun sarcastically said, in fact, this is also the reason why a group of people don't like Mu Xiao very much. The reaction to being abused was flat.

Perhaps in the eyes of Mu Xiao and the pupae who lived with him before, it is reasonable for him to collect food from the quack ape to provide his own life.

But after living in the Stone Tribe in this group for a period of time, Mu Xiao found that the relationship between the pupae and the quack apes in this group is surprisingly it is good.

And they may be curious about Fukong Mountain at first, but they will definitely be very disgusted with Mu Xiao's previous behavior of getting something for nothing, so that after Mu Xiao and Kong Huan left, no pupae had any relationship with him Relatively better, which made Mu Xiao very frustrated.

He thought more than once that if he knew earlier, he shouldn't have said some of Fukong Mountain's actions.

You have to know that after living in Fukong Mountain, especially after facing the moody tyrant for a while, Mu Xiao is quite good at observing words and expressions, but at that time he told several ghost gods about collecting food from the quack ape. During the behavior, he also found that a group of people looked wrong, but at the time, he never thought that it would be the dissatisfaction caused by the pupae's bad treatment of the quack ape.

Speaking of which, even though Mu Xiao was rescued by Chu Ling and Lingxue, there were many quack apes in the team, but none of those quack apes could speak. Some cringe.

And then came to the high-level temple, which was full of pupae bodies due to various reasons, which gave Mu Xiao an illusion that these tribes were actually supremacy of pupae bodies, but they just turned Fukong Mountain into a temple.

But what he said he didn't know was that the Floating Mountain was a pure request, while the temple was to fulfill the wish within its capacity, and at the same time it was responsible for managing a large area.

Therefore, Mu Xiao now began to pay the price for his previous behavior.

Especially Kong Huan, the main consciousness, after hearing Mu Xiao's past, although he still frowned at Xiao Lingyun's behavior, at most he only said a few words occasionally, without any actual action at all.

He doesn't want anyone to destroy the species he has worked so hard to develop.

"There is a tribe behind the mountain in front, but it is not the pure quack ape tribe that you mentioned, Mu Xiao. There are four pupae in it, but the number of quack apes does not exceed thirty at most. 8051 said doubtfully." Withdrawing, 8051 turned to look at Mu Xiao on the ground.

The wing suffered a comminuted fracture of the wing root. To be honest, several people still admire Mu Xiao's ability to survive in that situation.

"Pupus?" Looking at 8051 suspiciously, Mu Xiao's mind turned, and after thinking for a while combined with memory, his eyes suddenly brightened: "I see, it must be the pupa that lived in Fukong Mountain as before. We can pass They get more floating mountain problems."

(Even if they don't want to say it, the three Youshen like Chu Xia here can't resist. This is a more powerful existence than that guy from Fukong Mountain.) In his heart, Mu Xiao added something.Although he stayed in the temple and didn't participate in the battle, just Chu Xia's heroic appearance and the subsequent meeting let him know the strength of the three in front of him.

As for the other individual who had just pupated, Mu Xiao turned to look at Kong Huan, and Mu Xiao showed a puzzled expression. He couldn't figure out why this guy who looked like an ordinary pupated body looked like an ordinary pupated body. The same goes for the hidden leader of the group.

(Sure enough, I still can't understand mouth teeth in this ethnic group.)
Seeing everyone's searching gazes, Mu Xiao was startled, quickly suppressed his inner thoughts, and continued, "Everyone in Fukong Mountain dispersed, and some of them also said that they would find a tribe to live in. In fact, I thought so at the beginning, but then I didn’t get used to that kind of fixed life, so I left. This quack ape tribe should be the same, but this tribe does seem to have a little more pupae.”

"Could it be that there is a quack ape that has chrysalised?" Chu Ling said aside.

"That's right, maybe some quack ape has pupated. However, it's useless to say so much now, you'll know if you go and have a look." Speaking of this, Kong Huan flapped his wings and brought a gust of wind.

I have practiced flying recently. Although the speed of Kong Huan cannot keep up with the three ghost bodies of 8051, Ling Yun and Chu Ling, this kind of flying is not like when the conscious body is floating. There is no sense of blowing caused by the flow of external air. , the strong wind pressure gave Kong Huan a sense of sobriety and release.

At this moment, Kong Huan once again heard Ling Yun's instigation to Mu Xiao.

"Hey, Mu Xiao."

"Huh? What, what's the matter, High Priest of Lingyun?" Mu Xiao, who was dragged in the air by the power of thought, has not gotten used to this kind of life for such a long time, coupled with the long-accumulated fear of Lingyun, Even the voice became a little intermittent.

"Why don't you just die?" The innocent and lovely child's voice uttered such words, which made even the illusions that had been heard many times along the way a little unbearable, and the whole body shivered.

And hearing this sentence, people who don't know the truth will probably spit out the tea directly, but this is only slightly unacceptable to the living individuals of the five tribes.

Then, Lingyun continued to instigate, her tone was like that of a low-level salesman, and she also had a strong sense of self-favor.

"Look, your wings are broken now, you can't fly at all, walking on the ground, and because you carry so much weight on your back, it must be very painful."

"No, it's not painful, ah no, it's a bit painful, but I can get used to it."

"Habits? Well, why don't you just die? You see, life, old age, sickness and death, death is inevitable. Is it different to die sooner or later? Besides, you are living so painfully now. If you die now, we will With so many masters, your dead souls definitely don’t have to worry about dissipating.” At this time, Xiao Lingyun showed a fox-like smile on her face, bewitching poor Mu Xiao’s shoes like a cult preaching.

On the other hand, Chu Ling was also eager to try, and she seemed to be stepping forward to help.

"How wonderful is the dead soul, flying without any constraints, life is not limited, not afraid of physical attacks, and no one can see it except the pupae, then you can do whatever bad things you want..."

"Hey, little Lingyun, have you learned badly in the past few years? You can do anything bad." Regarding this, Kong Huan felt that he could no longer keep silent, and now he was involved in the dangerous mouth that might be discovered by the river crab. .

Sticking out her tongue mischievously, Lingyun smiled and turned to Mu Xiao, her face instantly turned into a sad expression (face-changing skill LVup).

"So, I've talked about so many benefits of dead souls these days, why can't you die obediently, so everyone can relax, right?"

"Never!" On this point, Mu Xiao is surprisingly firm, even when facing three ghost gods, even when facing a mysterious chrysalis, even when facing Lori, who is so painful to look at, she is sad. , but he still strengthened his belief.

Although his legs were already weak, even though he knew that death was not dangerous, he didn't want to abandon the body he had lived for so long.

This is a matter of concept. For individuals belonging to the five major tribes, after death, they become ghosts and can still be promoted upwards. Therefore, whether they want to die is like whether they want to take the college entrance examination. Although they resist, it is a matter of time after all. thing.

Just playing around like this, the tribe in front has already appeared in everyone's vision.

(End of this chapter)

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