Spore Story

Chapter 235 Open Your Heart To Us

Chapter 235 Open Your Heart To Us
PS: The second update is here~\(≧▽≦)/~
I hope that there will be no more barriers in the world, and I hope that everyone can open their hearts.

This is the idea of ​​some people, some think they are great, some think they are moaning without disease, but if everyone can really understand each other's heart, then what will the world be like?

Human beings, while constantly hiding their true selves with various masks, are envious of those creatures who can treat each other with sincerity.

But to a large extent, this is actually due to the emotion of "I can't get it, so it's beautiful". Therefore, once human beings can really listen to each other's hearts, it may be a disaster comparable to 2012. Death is not too much.

At that time, we can say: "Those who are sincere are just floating clouds."

Of course, humans can't do it, but it doesn't mean other species can't do it.

After all, human beings have developed for so long, and the emotions of personal privacy in civilization have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people under the promotion of private ownership. Therefore, in today's society, if a person can peep into the hearts of others, he will be ecstatic; But if others can also peep into his own heart, then he might not even dare to come out.

Because, in the human heart, there are too many darkness or softness that we don't want to be known by others. Simply put, the human heart is too complicated.

However, when the time goes back to ancient times, when primitive people had just left the animal world, and their hearts developed from the simple equation of "survival = food + security = strength", there were actually not many secrets in their hearts.

Therefore, if at this time, that is, from the very beginning, everyone can get each other's hearts, at that time, this inner communication will probably only be accepted as a common communication ability, as simple as talking between people Bar.

However, everything needs a process of adaptation, even speaking.

When Kong Huan and his party landed on the top of the mountain not far from the tribe, they happened to see a good show.

The four chrysalis are spaced apart like a perfect square, with their chests crossed and their wings folded, the four glared at each other, but they didn't make any other movements.

In the periphery, more than thirty quack apes looked at the four bosses in dismay. A quack ape who looked like an older man was dressed in a strange costume. After observing for a while, he found that the four were still not in the mood to act, so he sighed. With a sound, he opened his mouth to the quack apes around him and said, "Go, do your own business, let them play, don't worry about it."

After finishing speaking, a group of quack apes dispersed in a hurry, hunting and gathering, gathering and gathering, playing and playing, dancing the great god...

"Uh, jumping god? Priest?"

Looking at the totem in the tribe below in surprise, and the old man jumping around the fire like a monkey, Kong Huan somehow felt a feeling, "This is the primitive man", but what is a monkey?
"What's the matter? The totem worship of primitive tribes is a process of civilization development, like the five major tribes. It's just because you got ahead of the others and you made a further polytheistic worship. 8051 doesn't care Said."

While talking, 8051 turned his attention to those four pupae: "Actually, I am more interested in those four pupae, haven't you noticed? 8051 asked quite meaningfully."

"What did you notice? Are these four pupae looking at each other?" Lingyun's words made Kong Huan pause, and then looked at the four male pupae below, and he felt his stomach twitch again. (Looking at each other, where did Xiao Lingyun learn this word?)

But what Kong Huan didn't expect was that 8051 actually nodded his head: "Although the words are not very good, but the general meaning is the same. It seems that Kong Huan can't even compare with Xiao Lingyun. 8051 sighed and said."

"Well, I'm not the one who's smarter than Kong Huan." Ling Yun's twitching movements made her speechless for a while.


"Forget it, 8051, what exactly are you trying to say?" Helplessly holding his forehead, Kong Huan looked at the four statue-like chrysalis in the distance.

"Don't you guys read it yourself? 8051 thinks they don't need to add a suffix, so they should understand what I mean."

"It refers to the four pupae bodies. From the expressions, it is obvious that they are communicating, but they don't have any feeling of spiritual power spreading and connecting, or making language sounds." First, the spiritual power was diffused, and Chu Ling picked it up in doubt. Eyebrow, then looked at 8051.

Looking at Kong Huan who hadn't reacted yet, 8051 once again made a gesture of shaking his head: "Kong Huan, your future is worrying."

Without waiting for Kong Huan to continue speaking, 8051 took the lead and continued to answer: "Do you still remember a new ability of the fifth-level brain? That telepathy."

Except for Mu Xiao, everyone knew the inside story, so they all nodded.

"However, what does telepathy mean?" Although they knew that such an ability had appeared at the beginning, Kong Huan and everyone didn't know much about it. It was just an expansion of spiritual power or thought power.

Regarding this, 8051 shook his head, "Telepathy is a kind of information that can be transmitted to another person's mind through channels other than ordinary senses (including spiritual power). This kind of information is transmitted in the mind of the recipient. , The information received by the ordinary senses is the same, so the two feel as if they are talking to each other, but if they are close, the vision will remind them that the other party did not speak."

"To realize this kind of mutual telepathy, the premise is that the brain must have this ability, just like the fifth-level brain embodied in the pupation, it has a complete telepathic ability; secondly, the brain consciousness of the two parties must be communicated. Compatibility, such as relatives in blood relationship, or avatars in consciousness relationship, are the easiest to connect and produce telepathy.”

"The most important thing is that to a certain extent, telepathy is regardless of distance. As long as you can feel the presence of the other party, you can communicate with each other. However, the intensity of it depends on personal factors."

Speaking of this, 8051 pointed to the four people below: "Look at the four of them, do they feel a bit alike, so they should be four brothers. However, the four brothers have all chrysalised, which is really amazing, and all of them are Muscular man, hehe. 8051 can't help complaining."

"Um, you mean, they are telepathic?" Kong Huan finally found the key to the problem, but...

"Don't miss out!"

(Obviously you stopped it yourself.) The beaten Kong Huan squatted aside and drew a circle.

"These four people should be telepathic, but because they don't know how to use it, they can't control it at all now, so they can't stop it. It seemed that they were fighting each other before, but at this moment, they should have communicated It's been a long time, so I'm a little tired. 8051 pointed to the four brothers in front."

Sure enough, there were quite a few bruises on the bodies of these muscular men. It seemed that the communication before was very intense.

At this time, the four of them still maintained a rigid attitude of glaring at each other, as if they had their own persistence, and no one retreated.

"They look like they should be someone who inadvertently opened a telepathy with another or a few;"

"Then, they realized that they were saying different things, so they fought like this. Because people's hearts are extremely fluctuating, just like you are often distracted, you will think of all kinds of messy aspects, so these four people are the same, Uncontrollable communication problems;”

"And then, each other wants to know what the other is thinking, but also doesn't want the other to know what they are thinking. However, the telepathy is mutual. Obviously, the four of them want to know what the other is thinking in their minds. , As a result, the communication became deeper and deeper. And the deeper the communication, the more you need to open your heart to the person you are communicating with. Therefore, unknowingly, these four people opened their hearts to their brothers completely uncontrollably, leading to the current The four of them know who's thinking;"

"In the end, I'm afraid they were tired from the fight, or they got to know each other completely. These four guys just sat like this and didn't know what to do, so they just glared at each other until now. In fact, I'm really curious about what they are communicating. Hehe. 8051 suddenly had an evil idea, it's not right."


"It's not the beeps in your memory, even I have been polluted. 8051 seized the opportunity to bite back."

"My meow, how could there be such a mess in my memory!"

"How do you know it's that kind? What kind of thing? 8051 said contemptuously."

"..." OTZ
"Wait, so, my pupae, will also have telepathy with some pupae?" The emptiness in the lament suddenly blessed the soul, pulling the topic off track.

"That's right." For some reason, Kong Huan noticed that 8051's expressionless face had a trace of strangeness at this time: "Travellers are all selfish, and they usually think self-righteously and use their own memory as the biggest conspiracy. It's your own creation that hides. So, what about you? Empty? Would you open up to someone else for full telepathy?"

(Traveler?) Listening to 8051's words, Kong Huan rubbed his head, but found that he didn't hesitate at all, and then he discovered the reason: "What's the use of you saying this, from the beginning, my memory is not good enough. It’s what you read to pass the boring time, isn’t it?”

"Hey!" 8051 was obviously a little surprised, Kong Huan actually launched a counterattack, but how could she give in: "But, memory is memory, and the heart is the heart. Didn't I also say that I can't peek into your deep thoughts, can I?" ? 8051 further oppressed."

"That's right," Kong Huan suddenly realized that the memory was understood, which may not be a problem, but if his thoughts anytime, anywhere were really fully understood, what kind of situation would this be.

At this moment, several audience members also began to think for themselves. In the distance, the four brothers in the tribe were still glaring, and it seemed that there was a tendency to fight again.

(End of this chapter)

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