Spore Story

Chapter 236 The Opportunity of Level 5 Brain

Chapter 236 The Opportunity of the Level [-] Brain

PS: In the third watch~\(≧▽≦)/~
Are you willing to let others fully understand your heart?
When Kong Huan first faced this problem, he still didn't care about it, because he confused memory and thought. Although the two are related, they are not the same thing.

But now, realizing this, he hesitated a little.

Before he knew it, he seemed to recall something, those memories that hadn't returned to his body.

For a long time, I have been hiding myself, acting in the way others expect, and showing the identity I think I should, but deep down I long for the true self, but I am weak and dare not show it.

If others can really fully understand their own heart, then what kind of scene will happen?Will it...

Inexplicably, Kong Huan felt a little excitement.

If I really have the courage to speak my mind, will it save a lot of trouble?Will life get better?

"Are you really a different kind? 8051 sighed depressedly." At this moment, he didn't use telepathy at all, let alone telepathy, but 8051 already knew what Kong Huan was thinking, because Kong Huan's expression at this moment didn't cover up at all. , that is excitement and anticipation.

As for Kong Huan's behavior of not worrying about opening up his heart, people will find out his secrets, but considering the benefits of opening his heart, 8051 can only sigh deeply, no wonder he will accidentally die after pupating. wake up.

"This kind of thing, in fact, everyone can think about it." After thinking about it, he decided that he should not be obsessed with it. 8051 turned his head and looked at the people around him, even Mu Xiao who was full of doubts.

"Because of the problem of the fifth-level brain, telepathy will become a thing that you... our species must face in the future, how to accept it peacefully, how to use the mind of the fifth-level brain reasonably like using the creativity of the fourth-level brain Sensitivity is what you should be thinking about as high-level people at the moment. You know, this may become the key to the future development of the species of quack ape. 8051 reminded."

These words startled a few people, and Kong Huan immediately thought, if all the pupae could communicate with each other through telepathy, would there be no more conflicts between the pupae?Will there be a group of pupae, operating efficiently like a mechanical whole?
It's a beautiful idea, but it may not become a reality, but even so, it at least becomes a goal, doesn't it?

8051 looked at the few people who were lost in thought, nodded, walked to the edge of the cliff and sat down, and looked again at the four people who were still in a stalemate.However, at this moment, the tense atmosphere before the four of them has weakened a lot, and they seem to be discussing each other (in their hearts).

The four brothers who are in complete spiritual communication seem to represent most of the pupae of the quack ape species at this time. They have just broken away from the simplicity of animals, and only a little bit of selfishness has emerged, and soon I don't know if it's luck or misfortune to encounter a level five brain?

(Looks like it should be a crisis... no, it should be an opportunity.)
Grasping it, the mutual communication between pupae can be further deepened, and the internal struggles will be greatly reduced, thereby promoting the further rapid development of the species. If the "to fight against the outside world, we must first secure the inside" is used in the right place, then the internal stability of the quack ape will be achieved. Now is the time to expand outward.

And this is also the reason why the emergence of the fifth-level brain will directly lead to the judgment of primitive civilization, because its potential is too great, how many civilizations are not killed by foreign enemies, but by themselves, 8051 no longer wants to calculate up.

But it is also very dangerous. As a species developed by the main consciousness, it largely has the personal style of the main consciousness, for example, illusory laziness, indifference and gentleness.

If this opportunity is not seized, the species may be reluctant to let each other know their hearts because of mutual mistrust.And then they started to attack each other just like the four brothers did at the beginning, but because they didn't understand each other as well as the four brothers did, conflicts further broke out, which escalated into fighting, war, death, and destruction...

Because, only dead (complete) people will not initiate telepathy again.

As a result, the quack ape finally went to perish in the constant internal struggle like those previous civilizations.This is not alarmist talk, because when 8051 was still in space, it had received several reports of the accidental appearance of a fifth-level brain, which led to internal strife and the final destruction of civilization.

"Actually, you don't need to be so nervous." Seeing that everyone's expressions changed, obviously thinking of the bad side, 8051 calmed down, and then patted the unsteady little Lingyun beside him and said.

"The quack ape's fifth-level brain appeared directly rather than evolved naturally, so the weak and uncontrollable period in the middle is missing. Of course, the middle adaptation period is also missing, but, although the pupae will be in the When I first discovered this ability, I had unacceptable emotions, but fortunately, the thoughts of the current pupae are not complicated, and the possible violent reactions are only the tension caused by sudden changes. Therefore, You'll get used to it after a while."

"Moreover, the perfect telepathy of the fifth-level brain is controllable. Although it is equally fair, it can control the depth of mutual communication. Of course, this also requires practice. In fact, you should be glad that you are in this This ability suddenly appeared during the simple primitive period, instead of slowly evolving when entering civilization and the gap between individuals became larger and larger. 8051 concluded."

In this regard, several people expressed relief.

It seems that even the quack ape who has just stepped into civilization, everyone has their own secrets.

But looking at the performance of several people, 8051 sighed slightly.

At this time, she looked at the four brothers not far away again, but her tense face became relaxed. At least, there was great hope.

Laughing at each other, the four brothers were supporting their stiff bodies to straighten up.

In the eyes of the four of them at this moment, there is no longer any vigilance and vigilance, only friendship and emotion.

And 8051 was even more surprised to find that the degree of consciousness cohesion of these four people had actually stepped into the soul level because of this telepathy like self-torture.

Although due to insufficient quantity, it will drop after a day or two, but in the future they will re-enter the soul level 100% smoothly.

"It seems that it only took half a day, but it was successfully condensed like this. It is a miracle that four soul levels appear at the same time, although it is temporary. If all pupae bodies can do this through this kind of spiritual communication... ..."

"Let's let go of your fantasy, that's impossible," Shaking his head directly broke Chu Ling and Lingyun's fantasy, 8051 had to pour cold water on this, so as to make several people vigilant and avoid their experiments.

"The four of them may have known each other because they grew up. As for other pupae, I am actually not optimistic. They can master the telepathy of the fifth-level brain through continuous practice. The control is not bad, but if you want to completely let go of your heart, some intermediate civilizations can't do it. 8051 shook his head and said."

At this time, 8051 turned to look at Mu Xiao next to him: "Speaking of which, the day you saw Chu Xia fighting, someone in Chu Xia's team felt a call for help, and it was later confirmed that it was you."

Seeing Mu Xiao nodded for confirmation, 8051 rubbed his chin, stared at Mu Xiao and said, "Then, congratulations. The priests that night are probably the ones who can communicate with you, and you can communicate with them in the future." Talking more will help to exercise this ability. To be honest, apart from brothers and sisters, it is not easy to meet telepathic objects of the same attribute."

"However, there is no problem with the emptiness of the main consciousness, because in terms of consciousness, all quack apes are developed from emptiness, so if you count, you, Xiao Lingyun, are actually descendants of emptiness, like beep ——Ah, and beep—, especially beep—oh shit, it’s all right. 8051 said with an evil smile.”

(8051 seems to have said something scary.) Kong Huan suddenly felt a chill all over his body, and couldn't help but tighten his clothes and looked at Ling Yun and Chu Ling who looked confused.

At this time, 8051 clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention: "Okay, let's go down and see these four brothers, they seem to have found us too. 8051 said jokingly."

It was indeed discovered. The four brothers finally opened their hearts to each other and welcomed a new life. Relying on the sudden surge of soul-level spiritual power at this time, they easily discovered the undisguised few people on the top of the mountain, even if they did not know Use mental power.

Three little suns, two pupae.

This is the idea of ​​​​the four brothers.

Regarding this, the three people known as the Three Little Suns just smiled and did not express anything.

Although they didn't react to the three little suns, but seeing Kong Huan and Mu Xiao approaching, the four of them quickly put on a defensive posture.

"Who!" X4
(Brother, although you have reached complete telepathy with each other, you don’t have to be so tacit.) Kong Huan couldn’t help complaining, if he was in front of four beauties like Chu Xia Lingyun, he would be very excited, but these four are Muscle man, evil thing, soulless.

"What are you thinking about in a mess? 8051 has to remind the illusion of wandering again."

"Ah, I'm sorry." With a sigh, Kong Huan looked at the four muscular men again.

(Speaking of which, after the telepathy, will the actions and the tone of voice be as similar as it is now? I don’t want it.) Inexplicably, Kong Huan looked at the four people in front of him, and suddenly thought that all species, regardless of gender, have become these few He looked like a muscular man, so he finally couldn't bear it and his face turned pale.

"... 8051 indicates that it is powerless."

Lingyun and Chu Ling nodded in agreement.

Mu Xiao said, I was making soy sauce.

(End of this chapter)

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