Spore Story

Chapter 237 Life is so leisurely

Chapter 237 Life is so leisurely

Outside the primitive tribe, four pupae were confronting three little suns and two pupae.

After being distracted several times, Kong Huan finally realized the situation at the moment, and looked back at the four brothers who had already glared at him.

"Hello, we come with friendship." (Okay, I can't complain.)
"What are you doing?" "Why are you peeking at the top of the mountain?" "What are those three little suns?" "What's the matter with the wings of the chrysalis?"


This time there was no accent, which made Kong Huan feel a little better. After discussing for a while, the four brothers introduced a muscular man who looked similar to the other three, but the muscular man named four people in a row voice of the heart.

For some reason, Kong Huan felt that the beautiful fantasy of telepathy in his heart collapsed.

"Hundan, why isn't it Yujie or Lolita, even the queen is fine, it's actually brother..."

Seeing Kong Huan's deeply shocked appearance, Ling Yun at the side thought about it, and walked up by himself. (It's unreliable to say that it's illusory or something.)
"We are looking for Fukong Mountain. When was the last time Fukong Mountain passed by? Flying in that direction?"

Regarding the inclusion of this tribe, Lingyun and the others have no idea for the time being. In order to find the remaining two empty illusions as soon as possible, they left all the tribes along the way to the quasi-priests who came later, and they no longer passed by new ones like before. When forming a tribe, a temple will also be built.

But the reaction of the four brothers surprised several people. However, in fact, they should also have imagined that the four would have such a reaction, but they didn't think in that direction.

Leaving Xiao Lingyun's tone aside, when it came to 'Fukong Mountain', the anomaly of the four caught the attention of several people.

"Fukong Mountain? It's the person who climbed Yunshan! Go to hell!" Before a few people could explain, the four brothers rushed over at the same time, and when the quack ape who surrounded him not far away heard the name of Dengyun Mountain, they all showed their faces. expressions of fear and resentment.

"Mu Xiao, what you did before you climbed Yunshan Mountain, how many days have you angered others? It's a pity not to be an MT." At this time, everyone had confirmed that the four brothers were not from Fukongshan , and there is a 70% probability that it is a local, more likely to have pupated recently.

But what surprised Kong Huan and Mu Xiao was that 8051 pulled Ling Yun and Chu Ling back in such a majestic manner, and then left a leisurely sentence: "Let's leave fighting and so on to men, isn't it Kong Huan?"

"It's Mao!" Looking at the four people rushing towards him and Mu Xiao, Kong Huan's scalp felt numb, he was just a pupa that just pupated, but the other party was four soul-level pupas, Hun Dan, Although it is temporary.

"Wait! We just want to go to Fukong Mountain, not people from Fukong Mountain!" It's better to explain clearly at this time.Kong Huan, however, hated the plot that caused a trivial matter to become more and more chaotic due to unclear explanations.

Therefore, immediately analyzing the current situation, and then explaining the purpose of our trip in the fastest and most concise words, became the previous sentence.

However, reading this explanation is useless.

"Even if it's not from Floating Sky Mountain."

"But I want to go."

"Are we going to let you go out and grab our things?"

"Don't talk nonsense, kill them!"

Four more sentences, Kong Huan, who was already powerless to complain about this, saw the four people approaching, his pupils contracted violently, and began to gather energy reflexively, but suddenly, he saw a black light in front of him, and Mu Xiao flew past him.

"Mu Xiao, you are really reliable at the critical moment, even with your wings broken, you can still fly over me when I'm in danger... Wait, fly?"

Just when Kong Huan was confused, a voice came from behind him, a cute child's voice: "Mu Xiao is from Fukong Mountain, we are not. It's just right, Mu Xiao, let's make atonement for your front body. When you die, you will die." You don't have to worry about that anymore."

It was confirmed that it was Xiao Lingyun's voice. Speaking of which, Lingyun's big loli didn't seem to be very developed. Could it be caused by the abnormality of the pupation body? Could it be a good thing that the abnormality came.

Although his mind was distracted again, Kong Huan suddenly fell into another thought when he saw Mu Xiao's shoes in front of him besieged by four brothers.

'If you make a mistake, you have to pay for it' = 'Reward the good and punish the evil' = the law
'Reward the good and punish the evil' + 'death' = 'Yan Luodian' = dead soul management system
'Yan Luodian'+'Revenant Soul'='Judge'+'Impermanence'=Soul Harvester

"It seems that it is time to consider establishing a soul management system?"

If feeling emotional, Kong Huan suddenly realized that the management of the dead souls of the ethnic group is really chaotic now, and it feels like completely confusing the dead souls with ordinary life, which is obviously not correct.

Why do we talk about the difference between humans and ghosts? This is not only the difference between the two, but also the consequences of mutual survival between the two.

What will happen over time when all the dead souls live with ordinary people?
It will become, in the eyes of ordinary people, there is no difference between becoming a dead soul after death and being alive: the same life, the same cultivation upgrade, the same joy, anger, sorrow and joy... On the contrary, the dead soul can fly, live forever, and return to life. There is no need to worry about food, and it can also be seen by ordinary people in the temple domain (in fact, dead souls will also die, but the time is too short for them to see it yet).

Through the efforts of the high-level consciousness in the ethnic group, every dead soul will learn how to use spiritual power to communicate, listen, and even make a sound. From now on, at least in most of the routine performances, the dead souls are no different from ordinary people.

This is not a good thing.

In this way, ordinary people may have the idea that 'death is nothing to be afraid of', or even 'it might be better to die and become a ghost'.

Not being afraid of death seems to be a good thing, but if it becomes too much and becomes a disregard for the lives of others, it will be a very bad thing.

This will lead to a large number of individuals, because they ignore their own lives and even the lives of their companions, resulting in a large number of deaths in various carelessness and even suicide, which will lead to a reduction in the number of surviving quack ape species.

Just like now, Xiao Lingyun and the others completely ignore Mu Xiao's possible death. Although they are also annoyed by what he did before, the bigger reason is that, in their view, the first death of life is just a change of form. As long as the dead souls are well protected, it doesn't seem to be a big deal.Of course, the complete death of the talisman is excluded.

But at this time, being a worrying nonsense is what the main consciousness should do instead.

So, imagine it further, if it develops further and everyone becomes a dead soul, who will reproduce?Who will maintain the temple domain?At that time, the number of organisms is fixed, unable to grow, and one less species will talk about the future of development, waiting to be exterminated or even self-destroyed.

Thinking of this, Kong Huan suddenly realized that it is very important to establish a revenant management to create a certain distance between the revenant and ordinary people. It is so important that it affects the future of the entire species, and even surpasses the importance of unifying the ethnic group to a certain extent.

However, he completely forgot that right now he is in the midst of a fight, and Mu Xiao's shoes are being ravaged by a group of beeps.

"Unreal! Wake up!"

After a beeping sound, Kong Huan was forced to wake up from his thoughts, and saw 8051, Lingyun and Chu Ling who were looking at him with helpless expressions, and then, through their changing eyesight, he turned his head He saw Mu Xiao, who had been ravaged by the four brothers and was on his last breath.


"You still don't help!"

Sitting up, although he said to let Mu Xiao die, but seeing a member of his own species die in front of him and become a dead soul is still unacceptable. After all, dead souls cannot replace life, so he jumped straight away. Get up and rush over, then stretch out your left hand, shouting in a majestic manner.

"Stop!" Why did you just go?
But just when Lingyun wanted to come to the rescue, Chu Ling and 8051 held Xiao Lingyun together.

"What are you doing? It's very dangerous for Kong Huan to say it." Looking at the two companions in disbelief, Ling Yun didn't know why they had to stand by.

"There's nothing wrong with Mu Xiao's death, but it's mainly emptiness. He has too little time to fight, and now we are holding the line. Isn't it just a good time for him to exercise?"

If someone else said this, Lingyun would not believe it at all, but the speaker was Chu Ling, but she quickly accepted it, because she already knew the cause of Chu Ling's death from 8051 and Kong Huan.

After calming down and thinking about it, Lingyun realized that this was indeed the case, so she stopped struggling, put on an expression of watching a play, and even sat on the ground to find a flat rock, and used her thoughts to drive the wind to blow away the dust on it. Dust, Cai Shi calmly sat on the sidelines, his appearance was so calm that Chu Ling and 8051, who were struggling to pull her before, were stunned.

"It wasn't just a hallucination."

"I might as well." After 8051 uttered a sentence that both Chu Ling and Lingyun couldn't understand, he also stood aside.So, Chu Ling, who didn't want to stand out, also sat down with the crowd.

"Aren't you worried? 8051 asked curiously."

"No, if there is any danger, we can use our thoughts to separate them." Chu Ling said nonchalantly.

She was also worried before, but then she suddenly thought that 'concern leads to chaos', which was what Kong Huan told her (theirs) before, so she thought that she had to watch as a bystander at this time, and wait for something to go wrong. It is not too late for Hou to rescue, so that the current illusion can be truly exercised.

"Come on, drink some water." Seeing the two chatting, there is no danger for the time being, and Lingyun took out a water bottle made of bamboo tubes from the bag under the speechless expressions of the other people, and put three Bamboo cup, pour good spring water.

Blue sky, white clouds, friends, clear springs...

"Ah, this kind of life is really leisurely." X3
"It's good to have world peace." X3
"Yes." X3
Not far away, four soul-level muscular pupae bodies (telepathy) VS a ghost-level seemingly ordinary pupae body (empty phantom), and a half-breathed Zodiac lying on the ground beside him Wing pupae (Mu Xiao)...

The quack apes watching this strange scene looked at each other in blank dismay.

(End of this chapter)

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