Spore Story

Chapter 238 With 1 vs. 4 Results

Chapter 238 With a one-on-four result

PS: The second update is here~\(≧▽≦)/~
"Think I'm easy to bully? Hundan."

After almost killing Mu Xiao in an instant (knocking down with one move, and then unilaterally ravaging), the four brothers seem to feel very good, and even feel a little unfulfilled.

At this moment, seeing Kong Huan, a guy with intact wings, appeared, although the killing intent of the four of them had not diminished before, but there was a trace of contempt among them. Of course, please ignore the doubts about the behavior of the three little suns behind.

"Climbing Yunshan is nothing special."

"It's so strange that I was afraid of them before."

"It's a good wing, it can't be a punch."

"What nonsense, kill it!"

So, the four of them rushed over like this, and Mu Xiao, who was already dying, was completely ignored.

(This is a gang fight, what should we do? By the way!) It seems that these four brothers have not yet pupated, and they have not used the most powerful wings for a pupated body from the beginning to the end. war. (Aren't they very good at aerial combat?)
Although Kong Huan has just pupated, let alone the high-altitude flight experience of the previous conscious body, there are actually quite a few memories of Kong Huan's memory of the combat theory of pupae bodies.

So, Kong Huan, who seemed to have discovered his own advantage, immediately spread his wings and flew high when the four brothers were about to rush in front of him.

The target in front of them suddenly disappeared, and the four brothers stopped in doubt, looking at each other.

"Where did he go?" "Where is the person?" "It seemed like wings just now?" "Heaven, kill him!"

After a moment of confusion, the four brothers immediately spread their wings and rushed up.

(As far as familiarity with air combat is concerned, the four brothers are definitely not as good as me when they grope alone.)
Thinking this way in his heart, Kong Huan rushed to the sky, then circled and looked down, just as the four brothers reacted and rushed up from the ground, so Kong Huan immediately aimed at the one on the edge and made a high-speed dive.

"Get out of the way!" "Spread out!" "Rushing over!" "It's so fast!"

Although it seemed chaotic, the four of them still escaped the blow when Kong Huan was about to approach.

"Tch, I actually escaped."

After spitting, just before approaching the ground, Kong Huan adjusted his wings, drew an arc from the dive state, which should be a level flight, and then used his speed to prepare to raise the altitude, but at this moment, he suddenly sensed that there were two people He swooped down towards him from the air behind him, and was about to approach.

"Study?" Sensing the two people behind him distressedly, Kong Huan showed a smile: "Then you have to learn."

Scuba diving is not as simple as rushing down from the sky. Speed ​​control, dynamic direction change, and final stability, etc., all require experience accumulation.

Just before the other party was about to approach him, Kong Huan suddenly adjusted his direction, like an airplane turning, rolled sideways, let a punch hit one of his pupae, and then kicked on a rock in front of him, making another arc shape into the sky.

But before Kong Huan had time to check the results of the battle, he noticed a sudden darkness above his head.

"Damn, how did they know I would appear here!"

The physical reaction at the moment before the danger surpassed the conscious reaction. When that punch was about to touch Kong Huan's nose, Kong Huan was still annoyed why it was expected, but under the subconscious energy stimulation of his body, a lateral movement let the fatal blow pass. Hit, but the shoulder was still hit by a punch.

Although the energy of this body is relatively high now, its physical strength is not satisfactory. After barely receiving such a punch, coupled with the pain of the reaction force brought by the high-speed impact, at this time, Kong Huan had to scan a direction with mental power to make sure that there were no enemies. Then quickly turned around.

"Meow, this hand is so heavy! The first experience, don't lose your mind when fighting."

Fei rubbed his bruised shoulder in mid-air, and Kong Huan happened to take aim at the three people who were leisurely drinking water not far away, and spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

"Hey, men are just ladies' entertainment tools, Sinai, who made us pure men?" Holding back the blood and tears in his heart, Kong Huan completely aimed his resentment at the four brothers gathered in front of him.

Constantly flapping its wings to prevent itself from falling, Kong Huan didn't intend to let the opponent rest, aimed at one of the pupae, and then suddenly accelerated under the stimulation of energy, bringing out an afterimage to attack the target.

Obviously, the other party had never seen such a fast impact speed. Facing Kong Huan rushing forward, several people panicked again.

But just when Kong Huan thought he was about to succeed, a series of almost miraculous coordination, alternation, rotation, transposition, patching... The four brothers completely passed Kong Huan through a few eye-catching position changes within a narrow range. He couldn't find the target, and then the high-speed assault mixed with energy just missed.

They even had time to make up for Kong Huan when he passed by.

Although it doesn't hurt, this emptiness feels extremely depressed.

"I hate telepathy."

Although he said so, Kong Huan had to admit that the telepathy was indeed very powerful. Without the powerful tacit understanding brought by this kind of telepathy, he would have killed one of them 100% with this blow.

But it was just such an easy cooperation that made the assault that he was almost certain to win come to naught.

"It seems that not only I need to exercise, but also your abilities. However, as the main consciousness, how can you lose to you?"

The power grid flashed, and a burst of electricity flashed from Kong Huan's body like a hedgehog. While stimulating the muscles, it also gave the body the ability to contact damage.Afterwards, Kong Huan made a series of irregular movements, flying around the four brothers, looking for opportunities to attack.

But the four of them were not simply waiting for the target to be hit. Before Kong Huan could find the target, the four of them suddenly rushed out, each flying in other directions, causing Kong Huan to be taken aback, but this was also expected. situation.

"It's you!"

A wing suddenly rotated at a small angle, and Kong Huan rushed towards the nearest pupate.

Then when he was about to get close to the opponent, Kong Huan hit the opponent with an accumulated electric shock technique.


But before Kong Huan, who thought he had wiped out the target, found another target, he suddenly discovered that the other party was just shaking, and then suddenly a side roll like his before was around Kong Huan.

"Damn it, I forgot that pupae are very resistant to electricity!"

Recalling that Chu Xia was safe and sound in the thunderstorm, even a blessing in disguise turned into a non-interfering action, and could even send out thunderous wings of thunder, Kong Huan couldn't help but lamented his miscalculation, no wonder these guys haven't used electricity to attack for so long, it turns out I knew it was useless.

"Another experience, you must observe other people's anomalies in future battles."

Looking at the pupae flying beside him, Kong Huan felt that the other party seemed to be mocking him.

"Meow, you actually underestimated me!"

One move to the left, the pupation body chased after him as expected, but before it had time for Unreal to punch the pupation body through a sudden right rotation, it was found in the induction that the bottom and the A pupation body rushed over from the left side, but there seemed to be none above.

When you are counting on others, others are counting on you.

"Above? I rely on!"

I thought it was safe above, but in this kind of outflanking situation, I was about to fly upwards to avoid the impact of Void, but suddenly found an afterimage in the induction above.

This is the speed brought out by a high-speed dive, and at this moment, it seems that there is no way to escape.

"So it's not that there are none, it's that the sensing distance of these guys is longer than mine, so I can't sense them!" Kong Huan tried hard to control his body, intending to slow down with his wings, while summarizing and comparing the gap between the two sides.

For the pupae, even individuals who cannot sense the spiritual power, they have already begun to use the all-round sensing brought by the naturally released spiritual power to fight. Therefore, although the visual range of the pupae is the front, the sensory The scope is all-encompassing.

Therefore, generally speaking, the battle of the pupation body no longer needs to set the target within the vision, but uses induction to conduct all-round combat, regardless of whether it is front, rear, left, right, up, down, and up. Moreover, after the pupation is completed, The longer the pupation, the more familiar it is with this convenient fighting mode, and thus the greater its reliance on induction.

However, limited by the spiritual power, there is a gap in the sensing range of the pupae body. Therefore, sometimes the battle between the pupae bodies becomes a scene where whoever has the largest sensing range can completely take the initiative.

But I never thought that, as the main consciousness, myself, because of insufficient mental power, the sensing range is a little bit worse, and then I will become the passive side of the battle one day.


The three people watching the theater below seemed to move slightly when they saw this, but the hand holding the cup paused for a moment, and then continued to drink.

"These guys didn't respond at all!"

Kong Huan, who had been charging at high speed, suddenly spread his wings and slowed down. The strong wind pressure caused the pressured membrane to swell, and it seemed that it would burst in the next moment. Even the light blue blood in the blood vessels in the membrane seemed to be There is a tendency to spew out.

But fortunately, the quality of the patellar membrane is not bad, so when Kong Huan escaped the pincer attack and stopped, it still felt like it was about to crack.

"Huh" X4
They all seem to be very confident in themselves, so the four of them were surprised that this blow would be dodged by Kong Huan. After they gathered together, they temporarily stopped the next attack, but because of the pain in the wing membrane, Kong Huan, He also reluctantly stopped at the top of the previous mountain, which was actually only a small mound less than [-] meters high.

"As I said, we are not people who climb Yunshan."

"Stop talking nonsense, I want to find Dengyun Mountain."

"It's a pupa again, don't you want to join Dengyun Mountain?"

"It's a pity that there is no one on Dengyun Mountain, hahaha."

"Yes, only evil. Evil told us to kill all the pupae that came out of Dengyun Mountain."

"Evil?" The hand holding the cup stopped again, and the three of 8051 heard this for the first time. Could it be that the evil in the hearts of these four pupae told them to kill all the pupae on Dengyun?

(Is it possible?) A few people didn't quite believe it.

Then how do they know that Dengyun Mountain is empty?Been there, that is to say, Fukong Mountain has passed by here at least once.

only evil?Are there only evil people on the mountain, or are they still not full of evil on this mountain?
Who is evil?Or that these guys have developed a philosophy of good and evil?
The three of 8051 and Kong Huan looked at the flying in the air suspiciously, as if thinking of a god, how pious their expressions were, if the three righteous gods of the ethnic group saw it, they would not be jealous to death, and then there would be no need to say anything, Bomb directly to Zhakouya.

However, they seemed to have discovered something at this time. The three of them, Kong Huan and 8051, subconsciously looked at the old man in strange clothes and the thing that looked like a totem pole in his hand, which depicted a terrifying face (of course From the point of view of an ordinary quack ape), and 8051 is staring at this totem pole even more suspiciously.

"Evil? Is the totem they worship called evil?"

At this moment, Kong imagined that the person in the floating mountain that Mu Xiao mentioned seemed to be a 'tyrant' locked in the domain of his own temple.

"Could it be him?"

But at this time, the four of them had already expressed their admiration, and started another siege on Konghuan.

The situation suddenly became dangerous.

Although the wings were not injured, it felt unexpectedly that as long as they flapped again, the patagium would be broken, so Kong Huan didn't dare to fly up for the time being, so he could only stand on the top of the mountain, fold his wings, and prepare to passively meet the enemy.

"Hey, 8051, is this really good? It seems to be very difficult to look illusory."

Chu Ling looked at the besieged Kong Huan in the distance with some hesitation. Some bruises had gradually appeared on his body. Just a moment later, it seemed that Kong Huan had been hit no less than four times.

"Isn't this much better than when I was besieged in the sky just now? Although Kong Huan is being beaten, most of them have avoided the vital points. It is obviously growing. 8051 said happily."

"However, it's dangerous to say that you were able to sit still in the sky just now." She patted Xiaoping's chest with lingering fear, and Xiao Lingyun refilled the three cups with water.

"Just now, I thought you would save Xiao Lingyun, who was the most impulsive before, but seeing that you have been so calm, I thought there was no problem, so I didn't move." Picking up the cup, hearing Xiao Lingyun's complaint, Chu Ling said unexpectedly, and took a sip of spring water, savoring the fragrance in it.

"Ah? Obviously I thought 8051, who has the best relationship with the void, will go, and 8051, aren't you the team leader, so if you want to save it, you should move 8051 first, so I didn't move and said, me." It was very unexpected to hear At Chu Ling's words, Lingyun immediately turned her gaze to 8051.

"Well, I thought Chu Ling would move even if she died to save Kong Huan, so... 8051 said depressedly."

"..." X3
"Well, forget it, isn't the void anyway? It even used the extreme deceleration method of the wing membrane, which seems to be a kind of combat improvement, doesn't it. 8051 thought about it and said happily."

"Yes." Chu Ling nodded.

"Yeah." Lingyun picked up the water glass again.


Hesitantly looked at Kong Huan who seemed to be about to fall, Chu Ling said worriedly: "The current Kong Huan really seems to be dying, so why don't you help? After fighting for so long, with a just completed pupation The pupae, fighting against four soul-level pupae connected to each other with full telepathy, seems to be pretty good for so long, doesn't it?"

Looking at the fist in front of him who raised his leg and kicked a pupae body away, but was immediately hit by the other leg supported by three pupae bodies.

"No, I have to rescue him quickly... Forget it, let me do it. 8051 said in a panic."

At this time, the four pupae had raised their legs, and it seemed that they were about to launch the final blow to Kong Huan on the ground, but Kong Huan had already fallen to the ground with a bruised nose and a swollen face, unable to move.

(End of this chapter)

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