Spore Story

Chapter 239 The Struggle History of the Evil Tribe

Chapter 239 The Struggle History of the Evil Tribe

"Evil! Have you finally come out?" 囧
Seeing the old man who suddenly crawled in front of Ling Yun, his quick movements and loud voice shocked everyone.

Afterwards, a group of frightened quack apes immediately crawled down, and even the four brothers looked at their fellow tribe members hesitantly, and then fell down reluctantly.

"Little Lingyun, after playing for a long time, it turns out that you are the [evil]." Looking at the slightly panicked Lingyun Lolita, Kong Huan joked.

Up to now, although they still have some doubts, they have been roughly convinced that the so-called "evil" should be the tyrant named Bai Ei on Dengyun Mountain.

It's not that I didn't think about it at the beginning, but no matter what the non-five major tribes belong to, there is actually an individual who looks like a Youshen level, which makes Kong Huan feel incredible, not to mention that this evil seems to be still there. preach.

Thinking of this, Kong Huan unnaturally looked at the old man on the ground.

A trembling body and a skinny body, but it has spiritual power close to the soul level. Is this the real faith?But why does he have such a devout belief.

However, now does not appear to be the time to discuss this.

(If you use Xiao Lingyun to pretend to be this prestige-looking villain, you should be able to easily obtain the information we need, but the problem is that although she has a bad temper, Lingyun is at least a good boy who grew up in Gashan, Seems disgusted by this behavior.)
"I'm not evil, I'm Lingyun!" (Sure enough=.=)

However, this sentence was obviously useless, the old man was still stubbornly crawling on the ground, which caused the dinner that was supposed to be good, but has not been able to start until now.

"Okay, Xiao Lingyun, for this kind of fanatical self-hypnotic individual, your explanation is useless, explaining is covering up, covering up is admitting. 8051 gloated and persuaded."


How was the misunderstanding resolved in the end?

In fact, it has not been lifted at all. Even though it has been declared many times, the old man just does not admit it on the surface, and his behavior is still full of respect.

And a group of quack apes even the four pupated bodies became cautious, which made Kong Huan and the others express their infinite admiration for this [evil]. (This evil, in my opinion, the most powerful skill is probably spreading faith.)
The other three agreed. As for Mu Xiao, he was floating aside, lamenting that he was still dead after all. As for the murderer Xiao Lingyun, he didn't say anything.

Then, under the reminder of several people, Lingyun temporarily let go of the discomfort of being misrecognized, and began to ask the respectful old man and four brothers in front of him, as well as other quack apes, about Dengyun Mountain and their tribe. .

Things went as smoothly as Kong Huan expected, after everyone thought Xiao Lingyun was [evil], they told their stories without any hesitation.

The story begins several years ago.


However, there are no pupae in this small tribe.

In the tribe, everyone must work hard for survival every day, the powerful hunt, and the weak take care of the tribe and gather plants.

Originally, according to the strength of Quack Ape, with such hard work, the tribe will only get better and better, but because most of the food has to be stored and handed over to the pupae of Dengyun Mountain that will come every once in a while, everyone also Can barely maintain food and clothing.

At that time, Dengyun Mountain was still a place that quack apes envied and feared at the same time.

Young people are envious of the leisure of the pupation body of Dengyun Mountain, and work hard to hunt and exercise every day, hoping that one day they can also pupate, and then join Dengyun Mountain to enjoy a good life, no need to hunt hard every day, and no longer need to work hard. Even half a day can only eat barely enough food;

But the middle-aged and elderly people are afraid of the arrival of Dengyun Mountain, because they are basically impossible to pupate, and can only think about themselves and the tribe, but the Dengyun Mountain pupae still come on time and take away their hard-earned storage. food.

Originally, all of this maintained a balance.

But one day, a group of Dengyunshan pupae suddenly rushed into the tribe and took away all the adult quack apes.

They said they took them to climb Yunshan Mountain, which made the people who stayed at that time envious of these quack apes, thinking that they would also live that carefree life.

And because the adults were forcibly taken away, the elderly and children who remained had to continue to work hard for food, but the food they needed to turn in did not decrease, but increased.

As a result, the casualties of those who remained increased greatly.

Dozens of days later, those so-called adults who went to Dengyun Mountain to enjoy the blessings came back, but only some of them came back, and some stayed there forever.

At that time, there were only more than 20 people in the whole tribe.

Eitu was also one of those returned adults, and he was the oldest and most powerful one, so he became the new leader of the tribe as a matter of course.

All the adults who have been to Dengyun Mountain were actually arrested to build houses, and there, they also saw the power of Bai Ei. However, there was no such thing as belief at that time, and it was just a simple Just fear.

But watching the tribe lose most of it at once, everyone still felt extremely angry and helpless about it.

The simple quack apes summed up and thought that only when their own tribe also had pupae could they live a good life.

It was a plan that seemed to be full of loopholes, but it became the backbone of the disabled and weak quack apes in the tribe at that time.

After inquiring about the tribe, they found that there were only four minors in the tribe, and they could survive until now by relying on the cooperation they learned while hunting, and it was these four brothers.

Usually, in order for the four brothers to exercise better and become stronger, they even risked their lives by providing the four brothers with animals of similar strength for exercise, while distracting other animals that were too dangerous.

The super-intensive exercise also made the four brothers have a great appetite. In order to satisfy the four brothers' increasing appetite, the people in the tribe only ate a little of the food they hunted every day, except for the food they kept for handing in, so as to ensure that they were barely hungry. to the extent that the rest was given to the four brothers.

The four brothers felt uncomfortable at first, but later became fanatical under the influence of everyone.

Among them, as the leader, Evil Tu endured hunger every day and taught the four brothers more food.

He learned to speak in Dengyun Mountain, and he would tell the members of the tribe every day: "Only when Emu and the others become pupae, we will not be as hungry as we are now, and we will not be arrested as before. Go build a house."

Very simple words, but cut into the hearts of everyone, and constantly strengthened everyone's obsession.

Perhaps it was the obsession in his heart that kept hypnotizing himself. The old man felt that the white evil he was afraid of gradually became blurred, replaced by a powerful and reliable [evil].

And the three abilities that are the most profound image of the old man have also been transplanted to [Evil] without any change, becoming the symbol of [Evil].

Gradually, in order to divert attention, the old man, who was no longer able to hunt, carved out those totem poles with stones, bones and wood, and respectfully conveyed his respect and wishes to the [evil] in his heart who was illusory and deified every day. In a daze, he felt that he had gained a new life from this respectful behavior, and regained the boundless energy he had when he was young.

After that, the four brothers almost all grew up under the care of the whole group, receiving the preaching and care of the old man and other quack apes every day. Even if they had new children later, they would not be able to receive the same treatment as the four brothers .

Because there are only a group of more than [-] people, and there are less than ten people who can hunt. It is already a huge burden to provide food for the four brothers.

One day, the four brothers made giant cocoons as they wished, and these cocoons were heavily protected by everyone in a cave not far from the ethnic group. It was originally a refuge for the ethnic group to avoid dangerous situations such as large-scale animal swarms.

But just when the four brothers were about to pupate, the Dengyun Mountain Tyrant incident broke out (that is, the incident where the pupated bodies who were locked up by themselves and then kept fleeing in fear of the crazy tyrant), for several days in a row, the tribe successively received There were several batches of pupae, among which some pupae robbed the food reserved for themselves by the group, causing some quack apes to starve to death.

In a few days, the four pupated brothers who did not know that there was a problem with Dengyun Mountain remained in the tribe under the expectant eyes of the tribe, and killed all the pupated bodies of Dengyun Mountain that came later. , to become the protector of the ethnic group.

And even after that, the old man said that he often heard [Evil] saying to himself through the totem pole, "Let me out! Kill! Kill all the pupae of Dengyun Mountain!" and so on.

The first time he clearly heard the "evil" words in his fantasy, the old man was obviously very excited, and immediately announced this divine will to the people of the clan, which was very in line with everyone's wishes at the time.

As for "let me out", the old man selectively ignored it. He never thought that [Evil] would be locked up.

So, the next thing is that the tribe with four pupae bodies gradually recuperated, and while eliminating the pupae bodies that came, it grew into a tribe of more than 30 people.

During the period, I climbed Yunshan several times and passed by, but there were no more pupae bodies, which made everyone think that it was a deterrent from [evil], and at the same time, the efforts of the four brothers had achieved results, so they believed in evil more devoutly and worked harder. carrying out evil will.

The curious four brothers flew to Dengyun Mountain once while the old man was not paying attention.

However, except for the large stone building, there is no longer a pupae body. As for the main hall of the temple where Bai Evil is locked, they may have missed it carelessly, because when 8051 and the others asked questions, they all said that there was no such thing.

And then, it was the arrival of the empty phantoms before.

(End of this chapter)

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