Spore Story

Chapter 240

Chapter 240

PS: In the third watch~\(≧▽≦)/~
Thank you for the monthly pass of Luootou No. 1 and the winter rewards of the romantic season =w=
Fairy Mountain in the Cloud

In the clear sky, there are only a few thin white clouds floating on it.

The largest floating object I have seen since I can remember is just the illusion of a passenger plane. Looking at the towering mountains slowly floating from a distance at this moment, I can't help but have a sense of mental oppression of "I am so small", There is even a disgust of 'living in such a small place, what's the point'.

Slowly backing away, Kong Huan looked away from the mountain, but at this moment, a word from Xiao Lingyun beside him made Kong Huan stunned.

"It won't fall down suddenly."

"Since I've been flying for so long, I think it shouldn't be so unsafe." After saying this, the inexplicable self-abandonment before completely disappeared, leaving Kong Huan speechless. How could he look at a mountain, even though it was floating? Empty, there will also be a sense of fear.

At this moment, he looked at Fukong Mountain again, but he no longer had the fear he had before: "Hey, this mountain is mine."

This longing in the depths of his consciousness is so strong, like a person deep in the desert longing for water, constantly urging his heart, thinking how interesting it is to have a house flying in the sky.

"Then what's the matter, after the mountain is cleaned up, if you want it, you can just build a temple on it. After 8051 was a little surprised, he said nonchalantly."

A group of people in the evil tribe at the moment, even the quack apes who have seen it many times, expressed enough awe for this kind of mountain flying in the air.

At this time, Kong Huan looked at the skinny old man, and suddenly had a doubt, what kind of strong obsession did this tribe, which originally only had more than 20 people, have the idea of ​​​​resisting against Dengyun Mountain.

At this moment, the image of the old man swelled up again.

From a distance, this mountain is similar to the floating mountain described in the novel, it also looks like an upside-down mountain, but there are some small mountains growing on what looks like the ground in the mountain.

From a distance, it looks like a mountain that fell to the ground after being cut off from it, and there is a hilly area growing there.

Although the Fukong Mountain is still a little far away from the tribe at this time, the few people can't help but want to go up to find out.

But although he was a little anxious, Kong Huan still knew that since it had already appeared, there was no reason to be in a hurry. Thinking of this, he turned to the leader at the side: "Old man, we have passed. After a while, there should be a person who claims to be The pupae of the quasi-priest of Gashan came, don’t treat him as the pupae of Dengyunshan.”

"By the way, if you really don't want to believe in other gods, you can tell the quasi-priest, 'it is the first priest's permission that you don't need to build a temple.'" At this time, Xiao Lingyun also began to ask, although this is a bit out of line Rules, but up to now, the so-called rules of the five major tribes are actually just constantly revised by the high-level, so they are often changed, and there is no complete set trend.

"By the way, remember to give that leather scroll to that pupae, and tell him to send it to the nearest high-level temple. You know. 8051 ordered it worriedly."

"Yes, I understand what you said."

The old man nodded respectfully, carefully holding the leather scroll in his hand, and holding the totem pole more like a walking stick with the other hand.

That scroll is a letter that 8051 and his group are going to hand over to Gashan, which contains the experience of this period of time, of course, it is mainly a detailed description of the calendar and research proposals.

In the past six months, their contact with Gashan has been carried out in this way.

Nodding gratefully again, the old man and his four brothers bowed down in front of Lingyun again, sending their [evil] gods away.

Regarding this scene, the other unscrupulous companions all said, "Big man, no problem", so Xiao Lingyun, you should continue to be your [evil] god.

"It's a bit worthy to say." Chu Ling added fuel and vinegar to the side.

But Xiao Lingyun, who was powerless to do anything about it, could only give them a wronged look, then turned around and flew towards Dengyun Mountain.

"Wait, what are you doing here so fast? Are you in a hurry to eliminate the orthodox evil god and then officially take office?" The illusory ridicule spread into Lingyun's mind through spiritual power.

"Ah! Illusion and whatnot, the most annoying!"

————————Dengyun Mountain Dungeon is opening———————

Climbing Yunshan

A giant floating mountain floating at an altitude of at least 6000 meters, the estimated height from the bottom to the top of the mountain is about 4000 meters, and the largest plane area in the center is about [-] square kilometers.

(The above data are all visual estimates, and the estimated deviation from the real value is about plus or minus 50%, just for meaningless reference =.=)

When everyone climbed to the edge of the ground in the center of Dengyun Mountain, looking at the stretch of land below and the large hilly area in front of them, they couldn't help but feel dizzy from the transformation of the scene.

"It seems that there should be a primary area, but because it is a floating mountain, the primary area on the ground is completely incomparable with this place. 8051 said with emotion."

"This one……"

"Indeed, we only need to build a high-level temple on this floating mountain, and it seems that we can manage a large area along the way. According to the old man, there seem to be four similar tribes around them." Kong Huan also expressed his opinion: "It seems that The environment of the area where Dengyun Mountain passed should be very suitable for us quack apes."


"It's fun here. It's so high, how did it float?" Lingyun sat on the edge of the cliff, looking at the constantly moving ground below, and had an illusion: "It feels like the ground is running backwards."

"Ahem, a few..."

"Obviously the mountains are flying, how could you have Lingyun... Hey, I really want to, Kong Huan, come and see!" Chu Ling, who wanted to ridicule Lingyun, seemed to find a miracle. 8051 observed the floating mountain's Kong Huan and pulled it over, so it didn't fall down.

"Don't pull! That's just an illusion, in fact only the mountain is moving." After speaking, Kong Huan pulled the two of them inside.

Although it is basically a joke whether it is a pupae body or a ghost, falling to death from a high altitude is basically a joke, but it is clear that flying at high altitude is completely unreal, standing on the edge of the cliff at this moment, looking at the constantly moving ground below, unexpectedly Also gave birth to a sense of vertigo. (Is it possible that I still have mild fear of heights?)

"Hey, I have something to do!" Mu Xiao, who was being ignored at the moment, finally broke out.

"Speak up if you have something to say, it's not that you are not allowed to speak. 8051 is speechless to the guy who has no sense of existence." Glancing at the dead soul of Mu Xiao who is protected by Lingyun's spiritual power, 8051 said lightly.


Mu Xiao's shoes, who had no confidence in the face of the crowd, had to lower their heads at this moment.But looking at the ground of Dengyun Mountain below him, then looking at the buildings hidden in the mountains, and finally looking up at the sky, Mu Xiao felt courageous for some reason.

"It's almost night now. I think it would be better if the day passed by."

"What...how?" Looking at the crowd staring at him inexplicably, Mu Xiao's guts that had just risen to zero once again, and he suddenly regretted expressing his own opinion. (Mu Xiao, have you forgotten that these four people look kind and friendly, but they are all masters who don’t count human lives (Mu Xiao personally experienced it).)
"Hey, Mu Xiao, you are a dead soul now." Ling Yun couldn't help but leaned up first, looked up and down at the dead soul made by herself, and clicked tut in her mouth.

"So, so what?"

"It's really strange. I remember Kong Huan said, isn't the dead soul safer at night? Why are you still afraid of the dark? You're too weak." Chu Ling pointed at Mu Xiao suspiciously, and pointed at Kong Huan Said: "Could it be that you are wrong about Kong Huan?"

"Who said I'm afraid of the dark! I'm afraid of that person!" For this aspect, Mu Xiao seems to stick to principles.

"Okay, okay, although it's not a big problem to you at night, the light of the Youshen body is indeed too eye-catching, so it's better to go during the day." Kong fantasized and agreed with Mu Xiao, and then pointed to a place not far away A hut: "Let's rest there tonight, the enemy won't run away there anyway, and with Mu Xiao as your guide, don't worry about finding a place like the four brawny brothers."

In this way, everyone has no objection. As for why there is a stone house in such a coincident place?
This seems to be a problem.

"Mu Xiao, do you know that stone house?"

At this time, you need to ask the aborigines. At the beginning, he patted his chest and said that he knew everything about climbing Yunshan.If there is something unspeakable, there is no problem in killing him.

However, it seems that Mu Xiao is dead, so that promise seems to have expired.

"That, it should be the hut we built casually with the leftover stones at that time. Some pupae don't like to live in groups, so they will either do it themselves, or ask familiar pupae to help, or let the pupae who have not yet Disbanded quack ape buildings, so there should be a lot of huts like this here."

Unexpectedly, he really answered, Kong Huan sighed depressingly. (Shouldn't there be some mysterious architectural horses at this time? Could it be a mistake to bring a guide.)
Of course, there is also such an idea in the team. Several people expressed their comfort with Youmu Xiao, an aborigine. After all, there are still many things waiting for everyone to do. If you solve the problem here early, you can do other things earlier .

Thinking like this, everyone approached the stone house step by step.

But when there were more than 20 meters away from the stone house, 8051, Lingyun and Chu Ling raised their hands almost at the same time to ask to stop. .

"It's actually..., 8051, can this thing grow on its own?" Kong Huan was the first beneficiary of this thing anyway, looking ahead, he looked at 8051 with doubts and a little shock. She seems to have the right to speak even though she has lived a long life.

"No, it is impossible for this thing to grow on its own, and if there is no supply, it may even dissipate on its own after a long time, but this feeling. 8051 thought with a little hesitation."

Lingyun and Chu Ling were staring at the front with serious expressions at the moment.

Only Mu Xiao was still bewildered. After thinking hard, he looked up at the stone house in front of him. No matter how he looked at it, there was no problem?

"What are you talking about?"

"The domain of the temple." In the end, Kong Huan answered Mu Xiao kindly.

Although the original user of the temple domain was Void, now he is just an ordinary pupa, and he is still unable to fully perceive this domain that is known to have the greatest role in protecting the dead souls. He could detect its existence before , still benefited from his nearly 200 consciousness value, as well as the trace of familiarity from the depths of consciousness.

"How many levels?"

At this moment, Konghuan is rarely serious. Although he doesn't know where the core temple is, it is on the edge of Fukong Mountain, and it is a small piece of flat land, about the size of several football fields. It doesn't look like there is one at all The appearance of the temple, and the stone house in front of him didn't believe it was a temple.

(Could it be underground?) Kong Huan looked down at the ground in the distance.

As if they were exploring the arc of the domain, the three of 8051 began to move around the edge of the temple domain, and unexpectedly, Xiao Lingyun was the first to answer: "At least level 4."


Several people who knew about the classification took a deep breath.

You must know that the soul level can only have a temple with a level 3 temple domain. Although it is not clear how many levels the highest temple domain can reach at the Youshen level, the highest level is only Chu Jie's temple in Gashan, which is level 5. It took ten years to get it.

And here, Gu Muxiao recalled that it had only been two years at most, and he was already at level 4, at least.

"It's no mistake that Bai Evil is at the Youshen level, but where did he get so much power to supply, didn't the people from Fukong Mountain have dispersed long ago?" Kong Huan was a little depressed.

"Have you forgotten the evil tribe? 8051 said helplessly."

"But..." I wanted to refute that it is impossible for a small tribe to supply a ghost god to upgrade the temple to level 4, but Kong Huan suddenly remembered that there is an evil tribe, why can't there be more evil tribes? There are many tribes working here as laborers.

Thinking of this, Kong Huan once again cast endless resentment on the only target here who can bear it——Mu Xiao.

"Speaking of which, you evil boss, what kind of guy is he? Is he the protagonist? He can raise the temple domain to level 4 without doing anything. I'm worried that he may have surpassed the Youshen level. Alright."

"It shouldn't be possible. It's not that easy to rise to the Yin God level. The fastest righteous gods in our group are only at the middle level of Youshen? 8051 has to come out to stabilize people's hearts."

"Then what should we do now?" Lingyun and Chu Ling don't know much about this situation. In fact, it's not that they haven't done anything about ethnic wars and fighting epics, but what they have to deal with now is that they belong to the same group. The top power of the species - Youshen, few people have no experience.

And the most important thing is that theoretically speaking, the righteous gods with the temple domain are much more powerful than the ghost gods of the same level, because the temple domain is their home field.

"How about we go and see if we can make peace?"

(End of this chapter)

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