Spore Story

Chapter 241 The Jealous White Evil

Chapter 241 The Jealous White Evil

PS: One more haunt =w=
Make peace?

how can that be.

As soon as Mu Xiao raised it, he was immediately ignored by everyone.

"Really, Mu Xiao, don't confuse us with you. There is nothing to be afraid of. We have three ghost gods here. Why worry about dealing with a righteous god? Let's go, have a good rest tonight, and go to him tomorrow Drink tea!"

After finishing speaking, Chu Ling took the lead in entering the area of ​​the temple, and lifted the curtain of the stone house in front.

Levels 1, 2, and 3 of the temple domain only increase the width, but at level 4, the righteous god as the master can begin to roughly feel the changes within the domain.

Therefore, the entry of Kong Huan and the others will obviously attract Bai E's attention, but everyone is not worried about it. What they think, instead, is that if Bai E comes here now, everyone can save a day of searching for the road. Is it because the artist is bold?

However, it seems that Bai Ei doesn't have this idea, maybe he is sleeping now, or maybe he is outside, but everyone doesn't feel it.

Because in the level 4 temple domain, I still can't feel the strength of the internal members, so he treats it as a few ordinary chrysalis and a few dead souls, but they will let him know, 'this is fun isn't it? 'Xiao Ling rhymes.

Walking into the house, with the light of the three Youshen bodies, everyone can see the contents clearly without needing a fire or the like.

This is everyone's only evaluation of this hut. In the entire hut of hundreds of square meters, there is nothing but dust inside, and there is not even a Xiaoqiang. Although this world probably does not have such tenacious creatures, should we be lucky?

"Mu Xiao, let's talk about your boss specifically." After sitting down, Kong Huan looked at Mu Xiao with the idea of ​​knowing himself and the enemy.

"Oh." Nodding, Mu Xiao found a narrow corner to stay there, as if it could give him a sense of security, completely forgetting that half of his body passed through the wall when he entered the hut before, and then, He just started to recall.

It is unmistakable that the White Evil is from a terrestrial tribe.

In the first few days of his arrival, he behaved very peacefully, and he would do whatever ordinary pupae would do. (Looks like an adaptation to an unfamiliar environment.)
Due to his own business, Mu Xiao didn't get in touch with Bai E at this time, which made everyone very depressed, but who knew the development of Bai E at that time?

Then, Bai Ei seemed to be familiar with everything about Dengyun Mountain, and began to implement his ambition step by step.

The first is language. He taught language to several pupae that he had befriended during this period. This seemingly perfect language system obviously had a great impact on the Dengyunshan pupae that had begun to develop their own language. Appeal.

In fact, now that I think about it, when I taught Chinese, I only taught people in Gashan less than a thousand characters. Later, more and more characters were developed by themselves, and they are absolutely suitable Quack ape.

This caused illusion for a while, but he wanted to learn the new words that appeared, but he did not stop this kind of thing, because this is also a step in the self-development of the quack apes.

Closer to home, after achieving good results among several pupae friends, the pupae of Dengyun Mountain seemed to have become interested in it, and successively found Bai E and those pupae to learn the language.

Due to the lack of entertainment, language learning and communication was also a very interesting thing for the extremely leisurely pupae at that time, and it took time. Therefore, during that period of time, the entire Dengyunshan pupae almost became Talking badly, chatting with stumbling language when you catch someone.

Taking this opportunity, Mu Xiao also had initial contact with Bai Ei.

At that time, Mu Xiao's impression of him was that he was stubborn, and Bai Ei was very stubborn, and even asked to correct even a little pronunciation error. I don't know if this makes Bai E a little unpredictable.

And under Bai E's not-so-good personality, some neutral pupae who didn't know him at first, but because they couldn't get along with Bai E when they were studying, they became disgusted with Bai E, and turned to learn from other pupae who learned .

If Bai E's reputation in Dengyun Mountain was 0 at the beginning, he called a few friends to raise it to 1, and taught the language to 10, but due to his personality, it dropped to about -2.

In this way, Bai Ei was isolated instead, which was probably beyond his expectation.

Then, after the language fever that had lasted for a while dissipated, Dengyun Mountain regained its former calm. Everyone was used to language communication, and they continued to fight, fight, and fight.

At this time, perhaps because he realized his own problems and confirmed the positive effect of the previous language teaching, Bai Evil proposed arithmetic learning again, but this time the response was mediocre.

As for arithmetic, it has nothing to do with everyone's usual leisurely life, and it seems that there is no interest in it, so most of them are not interested. It's better to learn from white evil.

At this time, Bai Evil's reputation may barely maintain a single digit.

Then, Bai Ei, who suffered another setback, stopped for a while.

However, as the core character, whether it is the protagonist or the villain, how can it be possible to remain silent?
Next, Bai Evil became active again, actively participating in various group fighting activities to enrich his leisure life.He is not very strong in physical strength, and he was only at the middle level in Dengyun Mountain at that time, but Mu Xiao had already said that Bai Evil would use mental power to attack when he was in the Stone Tribe.

Thinking about it afterwards, Bai Ei joined the battle at this time, probably because he had a little confidence in his spiritual power level, and realized that to subdue these pupae, what is needed now is strength, not prestige.

Then this time, Bai Evil succeeded. This mysterious and unknown attack method aroused great fear from everyone, making Bai Evil's reputation into three digits (negative).

Therefore, under the oppression of his strength, Bai Ei ascended to the position of leader logically, and then began to carry out drastic reforms on Dengyun Mountain.

During this period, arithmetic was really practiced in Dengyun Mountain.

Afterwards, the squad system, bacon, clothes, and other things appeared, which made the dissatisfied pupae gradually accept the leader of the white evil, and became revered by the white evil under the transformation of the previous fear. Come.

"What's this called, 8051? It sounds like this white evil boy is actually a standard three-good quasi-priest." If you only look at these behaviors, 8051, Lingyun and Chu Ling have to admire them. It is indeed a standard, excellent quasi-priest, except that there is no temple built.

No, in fact it was built, but he built it for himself.

However, the exemplary standard ends here. Perhaps limited by the amount of knowledge, this white evil leader seems to have done everything he can do, and he couldn't find what to do for a while, so he became like other pupae, Get bored again.

The so-called bitterness comes with sweetness, what do you do after the sweetness comes, most people choose to enjoy it, and this leader of the white evil is the same, so he did the things Mu Xiao said later that made Dengyun Mountain's pupae complain. Decisively increased the absolute value of its prestige by several hundred units.

But what made Kong Huan and the others puzzled was that after doing this, Bai Ei didn't know what to do.The possibility that these things are Bai Ei's own thinking is too low, after all, it is too similar to Gashan's system, so thinking about it, the previous reform method was learned from the roughly determined illusory clone.

But that being the case, after implementing these systems, why didn't they go to Zaokonghuan's avatar to obtain more reform methods?
Since he works so hard to promote these things, it shows that he is obviously keen on doing them, and according to the standard of about 50 days in a cycle of Dengyun Mountain, it is obvious that he often passes over the tribe where the phantom clone is. When you can't think of a way, why don't you go to the illusory clone?
But 8051 made a statement about this, 'people will change'.

Regarding this, Kong Huan immediately fell silent. Perhaps this White Evil was a great figure with an ideal quasi-priest at the beginning, but he was different from the tiredness and cumbersomeness of the tribes on the ground, and the deterrent power of the five major tribes.

From Kong Huan's current strength, it can be seen that the power of Kong Huan's avatar is not that great, at most there are a few leaders of small tribes, and the binding force on Bai E is almost zero.

On the other hand, besides collecting taxes along the way, Dengyun Mountain is almost a leisurely and enjoyable life. It is all the strength of the pupae, and it is not something that the surrounding tribes can resist.

Therefore, after becoming the leader of Dengyun Mountain and busy implementing various known reforms, this white evil leader suddenly looked back and found that he had already stood at the top and had no worries about food and clothing.

At this time, without any conscience and moral constraints at all, after discovering the transcendent power brought by spiritual power, how could he go back to find the illusory clone at the risk of being replaced?
Obviously, compared with more systems, it is most comfortable to continue to be the leader of Dengyun Mountain without taking any risks.

So, White Evil is lost.

At this time, Mu Xiao also talked about Bai E's actions after that. Not long after he became the leader and implemented system reforms, Bai E went to the tribe he came to. The people who climbed Yunshan (including Mu Xiao of course) ) didn’t follow, so I don’t know what he did, and after that, Bai Evil, who returned, announced that he would no longer go to collect taxes after passing here, and would not allow the pupae there to come.

After coming and going, climbing Yunshan was completely isolated from the people of that tribe.

After that, Bai Ei gradually indulged in self-enjoyment. With the improvement of his strength, the pupated body of Dengyun Mountain was no longer seen by him, and he became a servant who came and went. Soon after, the building complex The completion of the temple, as well as the events in the temple domain, made him, who was mentally unstable because of his lack of pursuit, fall into extremes.

At this time, his prestige in Dengyun Mountain may have been negative by thousands, so he was rightly abandoned by the pupae in Dengyun Mountain.

"Judging from these things now, Bai Ei's strength must have been at the soul level at that time, otherwise he would not be able to open the temple domain. And he built the temple and held sacrifices to himself. Temple domain, and thought he was locked up and went crazy."

"Yes, and the building he said at the beginning was just a house, not a temple. If he really knew it was a temple, based on his previous performance, it is impossible to do nothing. After the main temple, the management arrangement of Dengyun Mountain. 8051 rubbed his forehead and said."

After a discussion, the evaluation given by everyone is:

Bai Ei, the orthodox god of the fourth-level temple of Dengyun Mountain, is self-righteous, easy to be complacent, pursues pleasure, arrogant, ghost-level, and has a high level of spiritual power.

"Actually, I'm more curious about how this white evil has so many believers. No, believers are even more curious. You must know the three righteous gods of the ethnic group, but they haven't produced a fanatic like the old man who is evil. , and this guy looks quite a lot.” Kong Huan rubbed his head and said, in fact, there are not many true believers in the group, and the quack apes and chrysalis think of the group’s righteous gods and patron saints more as the leader’s leader , that is, a job.

(Could it be because there is no distance, so there is no sense of mystery, in fact, there is no place for ordinary members to use their rich imagination to make up, it should be like this.) Nodding, Kong Huan temporarily stopped thinking, looked up Look out the door.

At this time, the sky outside had completely dimmed.

(Since this type has already appeared, I can say it with confidence.) Gently put down the bamboo cup in his hand, 8051 looked at Mu Xiao who was driven aside, thought about it, and then said to Kong Huan: "From From the current situation, it seems that this belief in white evil is completely established by those believers themselves, using negative emotions as a kindling system."

They curled their lips, feeling a little depressed about this. The belief system established by the ethnic group is not as strong as that established by a god who does nothing. These high-level people in the ethnic group are obviously not very happy.

"In fact, the fire of his belief system should be [fear], which is a negative emotion. Generally speaking, negative emotions are easier to induce than positive emotions. I can't say the reason. It should be a common problem of intelligent creatures. Therefore, Only then will there be many systems to limit these negative emotions."

"So, to get down to business, compared to the three kinds of fire emotions of [life], [battle] and [flame] in the ethnic group, it is obvious that the fire emotion of [fear] is more common and easier to understand. Its main goal is Dengyun at that time. The mountain chrysalis and the captured laborers."

Speaking of this, 8051 pointed at Mu Xiao, who was one of the members who ascended Yunshan back then.Now returning to his hometown, even though he is a dead soul, Mu Xiao still shows a certain degree of fear, which makes Kong Huan and the others don't know what to say, they can only sigh and sigh, Sinai.

"Whether it's intentional or unintentional, this white evil is obviously very good at spreading fear.

"Although this kind of fear may not be much among believers now, it is just a kindling. After the labor incident, those who returned to the tribe, under the oppression of life, need some spiritual sustenance. I started to turn my fear of Bai Ei into a pure object of fear [evil] through self-hypnosis like the old man Evil Picture."

"Actually, it is only at this time that Bai Ei can truly be considered to be believed. The time should be about the same as Bai Ei's sacrifice. Speaking of it, I don't know whether it is lucky or unlucky for him. It depends on the person."

"There is no need to say anything after that. It is nothing more than diffusion, diffusion, and diffusion. Then his temple domain will become this."

Patting the ground under him, 8051 suddenly showed a smile.

"Speaking of which, this white evil has done a good deed. I wonder if you have noticed that totem pole? 8051 said with a smile."

"That crutch that looks like it's about to break?" Xiao Lingyun's words clearly spoke out the hearts of everyone, even 8051 was taken aback for a moment, then nodded unnaturally in agreement, and then rubbed her chin depressedly.

(It seems that everyone thinks so.)
"Whether it's a crutch or not, but from this point of view, you obviously haven't paid much attention to it. The so-called crutch is actually a portable altar. 8051 said with a joke."

"Ah, is there a portable altar?" Void was speechless for a while, but suddenly, he became nervous again: "If it is a portable altar, then Bai Ei can be teleported to all tribes through him? Then we basically have nothing to do with him, because we don’t know how many totem poles of that kind have fallen to the ground.”

"Of course it's not that simple. The altars in the ethnic group, no matter what level of temples, are actually the same. And the crutches can really be regarded as a simplified version of the altar, or a single-person version. It has no temple domain, only Allows the holder to gain psychic abilities, the ability to bind dead souls, and possibly the ability to convey wishes."

"Is this the reason why the evil figure can see Mu Xiao?"

"Yes. However, we first consider our own ethnic groups, so what I want to say here is, don't the ethnic groups have many elementary temples that cannot be contacted with gods? It happens that they can all be changed into totem temples. In this way, It is possible for people in these primary temple areas to hold the totem poles while praying and pass their wishes to the gods. Isn’t it just a solution to our ethnic group’s shortcoming that the primary temples cannot be controlled by the gods for the time being? "


Even so, it is just a conjecture now, and the effect of the totem pole obviously needs to be tested to confirm, but it is obviously worthwhile to get this good method that may be effective.

"Alright, empty fantasy, you should rest well. Even if you don't have the chance to participate in the battle tomorrow, you need to pay attention to safety when watching the battle of Youshen, so don't cause accidents due to lack of sleep, it will be miserable." 8051 said with a smile .”

"Okay, I'm a little sleepy too."

Shaking his head, Kong Huan sat in a corner of the hut and began to sleep with his clothes on.


"I said, although I'm the only one in the team who needs to sleep now, don't you keep staring at me please!" Only Kong Huan was sleeping in the whole room, which obviously aroused the curiosity of the other three.

"Are you shy?" Lingyun's starry eyes popped out.


"Okay, let's go for a walk, you go to bed obediently, do you want to listen to a lullaby? 8051 said with a loving face."

"Go to hell, Hundan!"

Immediately turned around and turned his back to the unscrupulous people, closed his eyes depressedly, feeling that there should be no one, and then he gradually fell into a dream.

(End of this chapter)

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