Spore Story

Chapter 242 A memorable attack

Chapter 242 A memorable attack
PS: The second update is here~\(≧▽≦)/~
Today is just these two chapters, it’s already 1w, it’s dizzy.

Ah, thank you hscwm and Fenghuaxueye for your winter rewards. =w=
Another cool morning.

Kong Huan stretched his waist, got up comfortably, tidied up his crumpled clothes, and then looked up at the sunny door. The strong wind at high altitude seemed to be blowing the green grass outside the door, making him unable to stand upright.

"It's time to eat, empty fantasy."

Accompanied by a clear and clear child's voice, the cute little Lingyun loli put a plate of bacon in front of Kong Huan, then carefully tore off a piece of shredded meat, and handed it to Kong Huan who was in a daze.

"What's the matter? Don't you want to eat?" Stretching out a slightly glowing little hand, the big aura-like black jewel-like eyes showed a hint of doubt.

"Ah, no, it's nothing." He opened his mouth and swallowed the shredded meat in one gulp. The smell of bacon was a bit weird to Kong Huan at this time, because he hadn't eaten this kind of unprocessed bacon for a long time.

But it seemed that she had discovered the illusory doubts, Xiao Lingyun smiled and said: "It's good to have an aftertaste once in a while."

"That's right," shaking his head in doubt, Kong Huan let go of the question, got up and walked out the door: "What about 8051 and the others? Today we will try our best to solve Bai E's problem. Speaking of which, according to Mu Xiao's calculation, after a while More than ten days is where the empty phantom clone is, and the time is actually not too tight if you think about it."

"They, as soon as it dawned in the morning, they said they were going to the other side of the mountain to have a look, and they used my childhood as an excuse to keep me here. Damn, but there must be something wrong."

Lingyun puffed up cutely, but then shook her head, and then looked at the half of the bacon left in her hand with a distressed expression: "Hey, there are so many here, don't you want to eat?"

(Xiao Lingyun has a surprisingly good temper today?)

"I ate very little in the morning, don't you remember?" Looking at Xiao Lingyun suspiciously, Kong Huan showed a hearty smile (I think).

"But wouldn't it be better to eat more?" Although Ling Yun said so, she still put the bacon in her hand aside, and then followed Kong Huan who was already walking out.

At this time, Lingyun suddenly showed an angry expression, clenched his fists in his chest, and said with a nasty grunt: "Those souls, wait for them to come back, and see if I don't beat them to death, and use me as an excuse!"

"Huh? It's already this time, so they shouldn't have come back yet. They shouldn't be self-righteous and rush forward, trying to destroy Bai Ei by themselves. Xiao Lingyun, don't you think so?" Kong Huan suddenly felt a little depressed Looking at Lingyun with a dazed face, when did Xiao Lingyun change from being a pretty lolita to being naturally dumbfounded.

At this time, Lingyun suddenly thought of something, and smiled: "Didn't I want to wait for you? Now that you are awake, let's catch up quickly. I know the direction of 8051 and the others very well."

This momentary change made Kong Huan a little dizzy, but he quickly came to his senses and nodded his head in agreement. He still needs to pay attention to safety. Both 8051 and Chu Ling are very important people.

Then, the two flapped their wings and flew over.

Flying in Dengyun Mountain, because of the altitude, the air is filled with faint clouds, which looks a bit hazy, but maybe it is because of the wind that the clouds are very thin.

And Xiao Lingyun, who was flying in front, seemed to really know the direction 8051 and the others were heading, and it was a straight line all the way.

Turning around, Xiao Lingyun passed a hidden rock again, smiled at Kong Huan behind her and continued to lead the way.

And looking at the little Lingyun who was flying flat in front of him, and then at the road ahead, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his empty mouth.

"What's wrong? Kong Huan." Perhaps feeling the sight behind her, Xiao Lingyun turned her head to look at Kong Huan.

"Ah, no, I was just thinking, if 8051 and the others had already beaten Bai E to the point of death, we suddenly rushed up to kill Bai E, would this behavior be called monster hunting, Quack." Speaking of this, Kong Huan He even rubbed his chin and made a treacherous expression, in exchange for Lingyun being speechless for a while.

"Void, you have become bad."

"Didn't you always call me a villain? Hehe." At this time, the hollowness seemed to thicken a lot.

"Hmph, I think they may not be enough to deal with Bai E. After all, Bai E is still at the level of Youshen and a righteous god, so let's hurry up. 8051 and Chu Ling are very important, we must not lose them!" After finishing speaking, Xiao Lingyun took the lead and accelerated to fly out.

"Ah, slow down, you are Youshen and I am not!" Looking at Lingyun in front of him again in doubt, the other party has turned around a hill and disappeared in the illusory vision.

He tried his best to flap his wings, but Kong Huan found that he couldn't catch up, so he could only complain depressedly, why it was just an ordinary pupal body.

"Tch, Nether God's speed is really fast."

At this moment, Kong Huan suddenly felt a strong light flickering in the hills ahead, as if there was the sound of fighting.

Feeling tense, Kong Huan looked at the continuous sound of thunder in front of him, the hills that had already been splashed with rocks, and anxiously used the method of energy stimulation to speed up and rushed over.

Stepping heavily on the top of the hill, Kong Huan just raised his head to look behind the hill when he heard a scream!
"problem occurs!"

Across several falling trees, what appeared in front of Kong Huan was Xiao Lingyun's terrified expression, and not far from her, Chu Ling and 8051, who had fallen to the ground, were in fact indistinguishable at this time. For their limbs are scattered everywhere, the bright brilliance is gone, now it's just a lifeless gray.

Seeing this scene, Kong Huan frowned, but without thinking much, he turned his head to look at Xiao Lingyun not far away.

"Her, are they all dead?" As if seeing the arrival of Kong Huan, Xiao Lingyun rushed over immediately, and couldn't control herself and said what she saw.Fighting, strong light, lightning, and huge force... In the end, 8051 and Chu Ling were wiped out by strange attacks.

Looking at Xiao Lingyun with tears in his eyes, Kong Huan was slightly absent-minded, but recovered quickly.

Turning his head, Kong Huan looked seriously at 8051 and Chu Ling who fell to the ground, and said in a slightly sad and angry tone: "From the point of view of life induction, there is indeed no response, Bai Evil!"

"I didn't see Mu Xiao, could it be that he was scattered too? Little Lingyun, did you see Mu Xiao again just now?"

"Mu Xiao?" Lingyun was stunned for a moment, then shook her head: "I don't know where he is. When I came, 8051 and Chu Ling had just died, and I didn't even see Bai Ei."

Seeing Ling Yun's reaction, Kong Huan's eyes flashed a gleam, and then turned into anger.

"Damn it, that Bai Evil is just a Youshen, how could he be so powerful!" Angrily kicking the stone away in front of him, he looked around in a vain way.The whole Dengyun Mountain seemed to be completely silent, not even a bug, except for the whining of the wind, only the slapping of the trees.

"We have to leave, Lingyun, it doesn't look safe here." Nodding to Lingyun, Kong Huan looked at Xiao Lingyun who was still motionless, and stretched out his hand and walked forward: "Why are you still standing there, we You have to get out of here quickly."

"Back, back!" At this moment, Kong Huan suddenly saw Xiao Lingyun raise her right hand, and then pointed behind him with a frightened expression.


It was too late to turn around, under the shock of the void, the body leaped forward before consciously, and then only felt a strong light brushing his back and sweeping forward.

Lifting his head from the mud, what meets Kong Huan's eyes is the little Lingyun that is falling apart. The fear and incredulity in his eyes have not disappeared at all.

"You are so weak, I hate you for coming out!"

Seemingly unable to bear the constant death of his teammates, Kong Huan gritted his teeth, distorting his ordinary face into an incomparably cold, intense killing intent seemed to be emanating from Kong Huan's body.

But Kong Huan knows that although the pupae body is considered a powerful combat power among species, but in front of people who have grown twice after training and promoted to the ghost body, the pupae body is just a bug-like existence.

But looking at the corpses of his companions scattered around, although Kong Huan looked angry and knew his own strength, he didn't have a trace of fear.

Turning his head and sweeping around, there was still no figure.

"It's really hypocritical." A plain mocking voice came from above Kong Huan's head: "Aren't they all your companions? Or they are all individuals who have mated with you, but you don't feel any pain about their death , I'm curious, emptiness."

When the sound came, Kong Huan immediately raised his head and looked at the target. What he saw was a standard pupa figure wearing a long robe and four wings on his back, but around his body, there were traces of lightning scattered around his body. The blood-stained pupate supported a powerful force that made people afraid to look directly at it, but it was nothing to Kong Huan.

"White evil?"

"Hmm." Kong Huan's gritted teeth seemed to satisfy Bai Ei, he flew not far in front of Kong Huan, kicked the gray-white thigh fragments on the ground, seemed to feel very fulfilled, and even raised his eyebrows completely.

The villain's triumphant expression made the corners of Kong Huan's mouth twitch.

"However, I am very surprised why you are not afraid anymore, it is just an ordinary pupae body, I even killed three ghost gods, and although they have a good attitude towards you, it is obvious that your strength is indeed ordinary Pupation is good, so why? Why not be afraid!"

As he spoke, Bai Ei seemed to be hysterically staring at the void, and even the previously bright sky became cloudy, and the shock of the thunder made Bai Ei look breathtaking.

Kong Huan suddenly had an idea that he was not a good actor, and Bai Ei was obviously not a good director either.

Thinking about it, Kong Huan bent down like this, his body trembling.

It seems that Bai Ei can know what Kong Huan is thinking, because when Kong Huan thought that way, he froze for a moment, but obviously he didn't know what directors and actors were. At this time, watching Kong Huan bent down tremblingly, he didn't feel anything else for a while. Thinking, Bai Ei smiled self-righteously: "Huh? Are you finally feeling scared?"

"But you have to know that you are also Youshen. I have easily killed all three of your companions, and you are just an ordinary pupae. It doesn't seem interesting to stay, so you say Do I want to..."

But before this white evil who felt good about himself finished speaking, he was surprised to see the pupation in front of him who thought he was afraid, and suddenly straightened up, showing a mocking smile on his face, which was full of irony. Bai E, whose spirit is not very stable, can't stop generating endless anger.

"You!" However, Bai Ei temporarily suppressed his emotions because he felt that something was wrong: "Oh, my companion is still smiling after death. It seems that you are nothing more than that. Could it be that you are worried about your impending death? And bold?"

"It's really a tragedy, you?" Bai Ei's voice was interrupted by illusory words, "Do you really think that you can kill me now?"

"Why, do you want to use words to prolong your survival time? Don't worry, you also know that death is just the beginning. After you die, I will divide your body bit by bit and make it into various parts. Such decorations, when I get tired of looking at them, I will seal them up in a dark hut, and live a life that will never see light."

"And your dead soul, I will stay in this space where the dead soul will not dissipate naturally, a little bit of torture, a little bit of devouring, let you watch your dead soul slowly step into the real death, hahaha." Bai E even laughed out loud, and the space vibrated a few times, ordinary people couldn't see it, but Kong Huan could understand it.

But at this moment, Kong Huan suddenly frowned, and looked at Bai E with a serious expression. He just heard something, devouring the souls of the dead.

"The strength you increased by devouring the dead souls?" This time Kong Huan was really angry. The natural dissipation of the dead souls, Kong Huan and others already knew that it was just a kind of natural cycle. The efforts on the body returned to nothing, and when Kong Huan brought the dead soul into the editing space, the planetary consciousness would not be able to feel the dead soul at all, which led to the attack of the beast tide.

However, devouring the souls of the dead made Kong Huan feel outraged, because such dead souls could not return to the natural cycle at all, especially the damage to the consciousness of the dead souls, even Kong Fantasia felt fearful, so, the only way...

"At first, I saw that you still had some ability, and thought about whether to stay and work hard for the group, but now it seems, Bai Evil, you must die." (For the dissipated souls.)
"Hahahaha, fear, you finally have a trace of fear, more, I want more." The crazy look is no longer as calm as before. Speaking of it, how long has Bai E persisted in his seemingly normal behavior?How many minutes?half a day?
In fact, it has only been less than half a day since I woke up from the void.

"Sure enough, it's still only the primitive period after all, without the accumulation of any seniors, I really shouldn't have any expectations for your ability, but it's not bad to be able to do this. Originally, if you exercise hard, you can even It might be a pity to inherit my career."

"Expectation?" Bai Ei, whose self-talk was interrupted again, returned to normal after going mad for a while, but he was even more surprised by Kong Huan's reaction at this time.He quickly stabilized his emotions, narrowed his eyes, and stared dangerously at Kong Huan: "Oh, do you still expect me to let you go? This...of course."

"Um, shouldn't I show the emotion of suddenly discovering hope at this time, and then you suddenly say something like 'but it must be dead'?" At this moment, the irony in the empty words has become more obvious, Bai Evil Already felt a little bad.

"What do you mean?" The calmness he showed before began to loose again, and he felt that he seemed to have done something wrong.

"Did you really kill 8051 and them?"

The pupils contracted sharply, and Bai E looked at the scattered corpses on the ground in disbelief, and suddenly disappeared when Kong Huan said that sentence, and beside Kong Huan, the three of 8051 were refloated intact.

"This, how is this possible!" This time, Bai E was shocked.

"How is it possible to produce three people at the same time?"

At this time, the calm person had been replaced by Kong Huan, he curled his lips with a smile, and patted Xiao Lingyun in front of him. "Billions of years ago, I was able to control three non-self individuals at once."

(Although it was still a small cell at that time.) Kong Huan added in his mind, but Bai Ei could no longer hear Kong Huan's heart.

"You, speaking of it, if this method is your own idea, it seems that I have to praise you."

"Affecting dreams, recognizing oneself, and arranging plots, in these points, you are better than many souls of the ethnic group." Saying this, Kong Huan kept clapping his hands, but from Bai E's point of view, it is It's an absolute irony, completely unaware that Kong Huan's appreciation this time is indeed sincere.

In the entire ethnic group, except for him before, no one can interfere with the dream to such an extent, and they all stay at the level of the influence of the dream.

"Maybe you are also a member of the Quack Ape, or maybe I have a bit of a villain's game psychology, so let me tell you about your problem."

Bai Ei, who was a little flustered at first, stopped when he heard Kong Huan's words, and cast his resentful eyes towards Kong Huan in front of him, while also sensing his surroundings. No matter what he said, he was also at the Youshen level, so he couldn't kill Kong Huan at this time, but Kong Huan couldn't kill him in a dream, so at this time, Bai Ei's weak reason still told him that it would be fine to listen.

"To sum it up in one sentence, it's full of loopholes!"


As if being tricked, Bai Ei turned around and wanted to leave, but Kong Huan completely ignored the opponent's movements and continued: "Your knowledge is insufficient, so no matter how clever the control seems to you, in the eyes of people with more experience than you , it’s just full of loopholes.”

"You mean you are more experienced than me?" He seemed to hear something funny, Bai E looked at Kong Huan's young body, he was not nervous anymore, anyway, no one could do anything to anyone, and when he wanted to go out, Kong Huan also stopped him Can't stand him.

Shaking his head dejectedly, Kong Huan had to admit that his body was indeed not convincing, but Kong Huan would not do such things as telling the enemy about his loopholes.

"Forget it, I have nothing to say, although it's a pity that you have such a high ability to control dreams."

Bai E in front of him paused, not because he was surprised by the illusory words, but because he also felt that the dream that had been taken away from him was repelling him.

Looking at Bai E in front of him jokingly, Kong Huan smiled and said: "Of course, you have countless loopholes, you know, I knew this was a dream from the moment I woke up."

Seeing Bai Ei turning his probing look on himself, Kong Huan shook his head: "But I won't tell you, you think I'm an idiot."

These words almost choked Bai E to death.

"Who are you? Well, I knew it from the beginning, and I'm not an idiot."

Soon, Bai Ei regained his calm expression, smiled and said: "However, I can't kill you here, but so what. What can you do to me outside, what you saw before will be the same in the future." Happened, I'll let you know the real fear and desperation, Quack."

"Oh, who knows about the future?" Spreading his hands, watching Bai E's figure about to disappear, Kong Huan looked at the surrounding space and said with a smile.

"I had a title many years ago. Now, I haven't experienced it for a long time. The dream of the Oneiroi, hehe."

After speaking, the dreamland shattered layer by layer.

(End of this chapter)

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