Spore Story

Chapter 243 Chapter 73

Chapter 243 No.70 Three Land-headed Snakes or Land-headed Jiaos

PS: The second update is here~\(≧▽≦)/~
"Okay, okay, let's get down to business."

The plan is to solve the problem before Dengyun Mountain passes over the tribe where the avatar may be located again, so there are still more than ten days to calculate.

And because of the dream attack problem, Kong Huan already had a preliminary idea about Bai E, so he wasn't too busy fighting.But it doesn't seem like a good thing if a few people are allowed to continue playing like this, and: "Speaking of which, didn't Mu Xiao find it?"

This is also Kong Huan's doubt after seeing Lingyun and the others come back, because Mu Xiao is not seen around Lingyun and the others.

Hearing the empty question, several people finally stopped.

Cutting out in dissatisfaction, 8051 turned around and sat cross-legged in front of Kong Huan, while Ling Yun and Chu Ling resolutely sat between 8051 and Kong Huan, and the four of them formed a standard square.

This gave Kong Huan a chill, because when he lost his mind again, he happened to think of the previous four brothers.

(Evil spirits recede)
"Although it is unbelievable, we did not find Mu Xiao, not even the temple. Of course, there are still a few doubts about the specific location of the temple. 8051 said dejectedly."

All in all, it seems that there are not many things that make 8051 helpless. If there is one thing here, Kong Huan doesn't know whether to gloat or express regret.

"If you spend more time, you should be able to find it. After all, although we are not familiar with this place, the place here is only so big." Kong Huan decided to comfort everyone and adjust the atmosphere at the same time.

At this time, Kong Huan inadvertently looked into the distance, and the undulating hills were the direction of the 'Little Lingyun' in the dream.A thought suddenly popped up in Kong Huan's mind, could that be the location of the temple?

"Speaking of it, Dengyun Mountain is only so big, and it is not troublesome to find something. The temple is obviously fixed, especially, it is 100% sure that it is absolutely within the territory of the temple, so, even if Bai Xi hid it in an unknowable way, and ten days is enough for us to waste. 8051 thinks about it and feels better again."

"Well, as for Mu Xiao, as long as he doesn't want to hang up completely, he must be in the temple area, and because he is afraid of white evil, he should not be very close to the temple. In fact, what I am most surprised about is how dare he have the courage at this time Leave us, you must know that there is Bai E here, a guy who is extremely hostile to the pupae of Dengyun Mountain." Speaking of this, Kong Huan also talked about how he was actually attacked by Bai E in his dream.

This incident had a greater impact on everyone than Mu Xiao's disappearance.

Both Lingyun and 8051 turned their heads and glared at Chu Ling who stayed behind, but Chu Ling reluctantly bowed her head because she knew she was wrong.However, it was obvious that Chu Ling, whose mental strength was not very good, was retained because no one expected such an attack at all. In the final analysis, everyone was too lax.

"Okay, now the matter is over, as long as Kong Huan is fine. And through this contact with the dream, Kong Huan must have some idea about this white evil. 8051 thinks we should keep the topic and don't deviate from the main line."

Thinking back to the previous summary of the dream, Kong Huan unnaturally thought of Chu Ling's little hand.


However, this kind of self-control is obviously still there for him who has lived for billions of years (magicians are supernatural, it’s all floating clouds, we are already magic gods=.=), facing 8051 nodded, and a spherical barrier with a mixture of spiritual power and thought power immediately surrounded everyone.

"How should I put it? First, this white evil is obviously a Youshen class with a body, so the strength of mental power must be stronger than all of us here, and we can't even match it together. And because of this, he Absolutely not a lunatic, because a real lunatic has lost his mental strength and cannot gather at all, not to mention reaching the Youshen level."

"So, he is just paranoid at most. However, because you ghost bodies can touch the material world, and he doesn't know much about ghost bodies, he obviously thinks you are also entities."

Nodding his head, Kong Huan continued: "Although Chu Ling was careless at the time, since he was able to sneak in without anyone noticing, and then invaded our dreams, it shows that his level of utilization of the temple domain is obviously not low. In this area, we have to be extremely careful, because this is our weakness."

"The orthodox gods in the ethnic group are busy delivering messages or fulfilling wishes, and usually don't have much time to experiment with the effects of the temple domain, so in fact, Bai Ei probably knows more about the effect of the temple domain than we do."

"However," Kong Huan looked up at 8051: "Speaking of which, 8051, do you have any descriptions of this kind of field in your previous memory?"

"This, and the ones closest to this, should be the 'Cave Heaven', 'Virtual Divine Kingdom', 'Inherent Barrier', etc. of some cultivating civilizations, or the 'space technology', 'physical environment', 'forces' of technological civilizations." There are other special civilizations, of course, but these are very different from the temple domain, and there is no comparison. So I think it is best to explore by yourself, after all, civilization must have its own characteristics , otherwise it will not be able to develop for a long time. 8051 said a little sorry."

Shaking his head, Kong Huan also knew that he couldn't get much useful things, this time 8051 didn't use "beep—" to respond to himself, which is already very good.

"It's nothing. Then, another point is that he can control and create scenes in the dream, which is only possible in the group with a few soul-levels such as Chu Qin (obviously before Kong Huan also lied to Bai E =. =), which means , Bai E is very powerful in terms of the use of mental power, and even the possible use of thought power and consciousness."

Speaking of this, Kong Huan rubbed his forehead helplessly: "If it weren't for the lack of any intimacy, and the age difference is too big, I doubt that he is one of my clones. But since it is not, then some of them I don't even know. It is obviously impossible for my avatar to hand over to him so early. In this way, it is obvious that he has explored these things on his own, that is to say, his level of these things may be better than ours. "

"Although he looks naive in some respects, I have to say that he is a genius." Kong Huan also commented gloomily here, admitting the strength of the enemy is never a mistake.

Hearing this, the three of Lingyun hesitated, not because they were afraid, but "If he is so powerful, would you consider taming him to become one of us? After all, he is also a member of your species, a genius." After better training, in this primitive period, it is easy to become a great man. You should be very clear about the importance of a great man to civilization. 8051 suddenly thought of this."

(taming ==)

The corner of Kong Huan's mouth twitched, he didn't care about 8051's words, but continued to listen, but when 8051 finished speaking, Kong Huan had to directly refuse.

"Genius can easily develop into a great man with a good education and environment, but it's easier for a genius to become a devil."

"How do you say that. 8051 is a little dissatisfied."

After hesitating for a moment, Kong Huan looked at the three people around him.

Although there are some problems with their personalities, they are all considered good people by the standards of quack apes and humans (map cannon=.=), and the most important thing is that they are all trustworthy and trustworthy. My own person: "In the previous dream, Bai Ei inadvertently revealed a way for him to improve his strength, devouring the souls of the dead."

Taking a deep breath, the expressions of several people quickly changed from dissatisfaction to panic, and then to anger. This kind of reaction made Kong Huan feel relieved.

The species of quack ape has had respect for the corpses of its own kind from the very beginning, so the occurrence of such a situation of devouring the dead obviously shows that it is impossible for the white evil to be accepted by everyone.

"Really, in this way, Bai Evil must be eliminated. Moreover, we need to pay attention to whether he has told other people this method. 8051 expressed his disappointment towards Bai Evil with some annoyance."

"By the way, Lingyun and Chu Ling, you must pay attention, neither you nor others can know this method. 8051 said seriously."

Turning to look at Kong Huan, Ling Yun and Chu Ling looked at Kong Huan with the same serious expression, and nodded in understanding.

"Okay, let's end this topic here. In short, Bai Evil must die, and he must be completely dissipated, but we must also recognize the difference between the two sides. Let's go and settle accounts with him now."

Standing up and patting the soil under his body, Kong Huan turned his head and looked towards the direction in the dream. From here, the scene there was exactly the same as the dream, except that due to the blowing of the wind, there were few defects to cover up the dream. mist.

"Empty, do you know where the temple is?"

Seeing Kong Huan's movements, Chu Ling couldn't help but asked in doubt. Although she was a little dereliction of duty, she could at least confirm that Kong Huan had never left the stone house. Then why did Kong Huan, who also came to climb Yunshan for the first time, look like he knew what he should do? Where to go in general.

"I don't know, but the place where you died in the dream should have some connection with the temple. This is a person's habitual psychology. Since the dream says that you are looking for the temple, Bai Ei doesn't know whether we know the temple or not." Where, then he will probably arrange for you to die, just around the temple, at least it should be a key point."

"Dead!" X3
"That weak soul must die." X3
Bai Xi, please ask for blessings, but I was kind enough not to tell the story of 8051 and the others being torn apart.

If he was thinking about it, Kong Huan wiped his sweat with his hand, and took the lead to fly along the flight path of 'Lingyun' in the dream.

Stepping onto the top of the hill where he landed in the dream, looking at the people surrounding him one after another, Kong Huan raised his head to look at the broken ground of the 8051 people in the dream.

"The future will happen."

Bai E's ruthless words in the dream suddenly recalled in his mind, and at the same time, because of the attack of the dream, he regained a little bit of emptiness with a sense of crisis, and suddenly felt a palpitation.


As soon as the roar came out, Kong Huan felt the ground shake, and everyone's exclamations echoed in his ears at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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