Spore Story

Chapter 244 Climbing Cloud Mountain and Discovering Xiaoqiang

Chapter 244 Climbing Cloud Mountain and Discovering Xiaoqiang

PS: Midnight haunt, quack.


Violent vibrations came from the soles of Kong Huan's feet, Fuzhi stepped hard mentally, Kong Huan spread his wings, and with good jumping ability, he flapped his wings in mid-air and rose to the sky, only then could he see the situation below him.

At this moment, the top of the hill that was thought to be ordinary was cracked like an earthquake, and after that, rocks continued to roll out of it...

"This is?"

Looking at the few people who also took off into the sky, everyone's faces were full of doubts. Seeing this scene, Kong Huan knew that he could not get more information from them, and looked at the ground again. At this time, he was afraid. Breathe a sigh of relief.

If the speed was a little slower just now, I am afraid that I will be crushed to death by a large number of rocks emerging from the cracked ground.

"It's so hanging!"

But it seems that this is just the beginning. As the rocks continue to roll down, Kong Huan and the others are surprised to find that these rocks of various shapes and sizes are actually glued together by super glue (ordinary super glue is not qualified) .

Afterwards, countless boulders gradually closed together, like building blocks, forming a simplified version of Quacking Ape, with only limbs + tail + torso + head.

I will make up the head
An idea suddenly popped up in 囧囧's mind, and the rock giant stood up just like that.

"What is this?" Several people had this thought at the same time, but 8051 narrowed his eyes, as if surprised.

At this time, it seemed that it had found the target in the sky, and the giant beast waved its hand, and it was like a rock... no, the fist that was originally a rock, just like this, smashed towards Kong Huan, who seemed to be the most bully!

"I provoked someone!"

Narrowly dodging this critical rock attack, before he had time to breathe a sigh of relief, Kong Huan suddenly felt a huge force pushing his left side, and then, a black shadow wiped his afterimage and returned to the arm of the rock beast , is exactly the boulder that flew out before.

With lingering fear, he touched the scar on his left arm that was rubbed by the rock, and Kong Huan looked vigilantly at the giant rock monster below. It was at least ten meters high, and he didn't know its weight. Anyway, it was all made of rock: "This, is it Dengyun The epic creature of the mountain, damn it, that Hun Dan of Mu Xiao didn't say, let me find him, me!"

Just pushing his own giant force, I thought it was the rescue of the three Youshen companions, but as soon as Kong Huan thought of this, he found that the rock fist of this giant beast flew towards Kong Huan again, (this is not like bullying the weak, isn’t it? I was the target at the beginning?)

"Is there any mistake, this stone will be taken back when it flies out, this thing is not a boomerang!" Looking at the boulder that suddenly turned to hit back again, the almost helpless Kong Huan could only complain depressingly.

"That's Nianli. The boulder flew to a certain distance and was shot back by Nianli. Moreover, this guy is not an epic creature! 8051 said seriously."

8051, who hadn't responded before, picked up Kong Huan's words at this time, flew to Kong Huan's side, and once again slapped the flying rock with his mind, 8051's tone was unprecedentedly serious: "We still underestimate this white evil, This is [Psychic Beast]."

"Psychic beast?"

The rock monster below will not be like an idiot, drinking tea and waiting while a few people are explaining, while continuously sending out recoverable rock giant fists, the giant beast is still constantly moving its position If a fist is crushed by Lingyun and the others, it will also receive new rocks from the ground.

And in the sky, 8051, with a basically useless illusory, avoided this rock that was much less powerful than the energy ball, but it was still a dead rock after rubbing it, while explaining what he knew: "Thinking power Beast, as the name suggests, is a monster supported by the power of thought. You see, these stones are actually just ordinary stones. All their activities are connected by huge power of thought to simulate the control of each stone, without any self-thinking .”

Instructing Xiao Lingyun to fly close to the back of the Psychic Beast at high speed, and before the opponent's fist hits, Xiao Lingyun uses the 8051's spiritual connection guidance, and sends out a strong thought force at the junction of several rocks at the waist of the giant rock monster shock.

Immediately, the upper body of the giant rock beast couldn't react in time, and it just slammed into the ground.

"Phew, it's finally resolved." Seeing the flying stone disappear in the air, Kong Huan let out a sigh of relief.

Up to now, he has confirmed that the target of this thing is definitely himself, but the speed of his pupated body is really slow, so it is impossible to avoid these strange stones continuously in the air. If you hit a rock more than [-] meters high, you will be paralyzed or something, that would be tragic.

"No, it's not over yet."

As if in response to Chu Ling's words, the rocks scattered by the rock giants on the ground rolled towards each other as if consciously, and after a while, they turned into a complete rock giant again.


Angrily watching the enemy stand up again like Xiaoqiang, and then continue to aim at the huge boulder that has a very villainous air, and then, the boulder that was just avoided turned around again, and was completely pulled by 8051 at this time. Illusionary, can only feel a deep sense of powerlessness and dizziness.

"This Psychic Beast should be just the most basic Psychic Beast, which is controlled by Bai Evil himself. They only need to use Psychic Power as joints and ligaments, and they can connect various parts to form any shape they can imagine. Their key is Those joints that are full of thought power, but just using the same thought power to dissipate the thought power on the joints is not enough, because as long as its controller is still there, the thought power is lost and then replenished, which is why it can stand up again reason……"

"Talk about the key point, how to kill it!" Looking at the monster that was once again hit by Lingyun into two sections, the other party actually hit Lingyun back when it fell to the ground this time. Although it was easily dodged, Kong Huan felt a burst of worry , what if the energy core is rubbed.

"Three methods: one is to grind, to kill the Psychic Beast continuously until the other party's controller's Psychic Power is completely exhausted; the other is to make it have no stones to use, but then it can still use wood and other things, so ignore it; The last one, leave one person to contain it, and the rest of them will find the controller as soon as possible and kill him, this guy will be useless. 8051 said succinctly."

Looking at the giant rock beast below, Kong Huan naturally decided on the last choice.

Now that the opponent has developed mind power, with the gap between the Youshen level and the Youshen body, the thought power of the three Youshen bodies here may not be as much as the opponent's. Grinding can only grind this giant beast, and then with Bai E's What about fighting?
"Since it is also controlled by the power of thought, then the white evil should not be far away, I..."

"Not necessarily. The thought power and perception of righteous gods can be placed anywhere in the temple domain of level 4 or above, so Bai Ei is probably not here anymore. The boulder turning in the air is also due to the interference of thought power. 8051 hit Stop the vain words."

At this time, the giant beast was hit by Xiao Lingyun again, but this time, at the same time as it was hit, the stones on its body scattered in all directions. Psychic shield, I'm afraid the little aura has already been hit this time.

This crisis made Kong Huan once again recall the flaws of the Youshen Body. At this moment, facing this kind of enemy who splashes and attacks everywhere, it is obviously very exhausting to protect the energy core, but the power of thought is one of the main attack powers of the Youshen Body. Lingyun's most powerful lightning strike obviously has no effect on this rock monster.

(We can't let Lingyun and the others deal with this guy, it's almost an attribute of [immortality], and the ability to burst and splash boulders can easily damage the energy core of the Youshen body. Although Bai E doesn't know now, if it takes a long time, who will It can also guarantee that he will not find out.)
"The three of you go to Bai Evil. I will restrain this guy. It is dangerous to fly in the air. Then I will attract its attention on the ground, and its target has been me from the beginning."

After speaking, Kong Huan turned his head to look at 8051.

Although the three of them may encounter more problems in the face of Bai E, at least they are facing the boss, as long as they can kill each other, everything will be fine, unlike now, even if they try their best to grind each other, so what, Bai E Still alive, as long as he regains his mind power, he can form this kind of monster again in the temple domain. In addition to being unable to fly, he has attributes such as [energy immunity], [immortality. False], and [giant power], and his strength is close to that of Youshen. monster.

At this point, Kong Huan has already cast his eyes on Bai E's admiration. How did he think of making this kind of thing to fight instead of himself? Could it be that he is actually an ancient traveler from the middle and late stages of the Quack ape civilization?
Women need to trust men at times like this.

Although everyone in 8051 expressed distrust of Kong Huan's combat power, at least in terms of escaping, Kong Huan should have no problem, right?Several people think so.

Kong Huan absolutely didn't want to say those auspicious words, so facing Ling Yun who defeated the rock monster again and returned to everyone's side dangerously, Kong Huan just smiled, and then said to 8051.

"The faster you are, the safer I am, so let's get rid of Bai Evil as soon as possible."

Although he still wanted to say something, 8051 still decisively pulled Ling Yun and Chu Ling back.

It might be cruel, but Kong Huan looked at the few people who reluctantly began to stay away, and said in words that only he could hear: "You are unique, but I still have two, ah no, three, even if I am too It’s bad luck, isn’t there so many more?”

At this time, 8051 has brought Lingyun and Chu Ling to fully release their mental power to search for the enemy. Now they are centered on the illusory and rock giant beasts, and they are relatively close, so the giant beasts that just stood up were knocked down again, making them Kong Huan gained a little time to adjust his combat power.

At this time, Kong fantasized about it, and connected his mental power to 8051.

"I know that even if my body explodes, you will be fine, so 8051, do your best to protect Lingyun and Chu Ling. In a critical moment, even if you throw away this body and kill Bai E with an explosion, we can't Underestimate him."

"Understood. 8051 said with a smile."

(End of this chapter)

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