Spore Story

Chapter 245

Chapter 245
PS: One more update =w=
"come on."

Floating in mid-air like this, Kong Huan looked at the [Nianli Rock Beast] in front of him. It was once again scattered by Lingyun and the others who were gradually moving away. At this moment, it was rolling and reshaping just like several times before.

If it was the illusion of the past, he would definitely rush forward without any worries.

Because, for the previous emptiness, although he has repeated to himself countless times the self-admonition of 'paying attention to life and reducing death', when death really becomes a game and can be resurrected almost infinitely, the more times, the more People will inevitably lose their vigilance.

But now Kong Huan knows that the life of this body is unique. Although dead souls will be produced after death, dead souls do not mean safety. This is Bai E's temple domain. What if the realm of the temple can eliminate the souls of the dead?

(So ​​it’s still the same sentence, you can’t pin your hopes on the enemy.)
Moreover, even if the souls of the dead cannot be wiped out with the temple domain, Bai Ei only needs to use the powerful thought force that deflects the boulder to attack the illusory souls, and he will be powerless to fight back then.

"Sure enough, Chu Ling is right. Am I too weak?"

Staring intently at the Nianli Rock Beast in front of him, the speed of the opponent's formation remained unchanged, and in order to 'attract' the opponent's attention, Kong Huan flew at a low altitude not far from the opponent.

8051 The departure of the three of them is obviously not blatant. Mental power and mental power shields can isolate Zhengshen from understanding the internal situation of the domain. This is something that was tested in Chu Yi's temple, but the Stone Tribe God of War Temple is only level 3. For Whether this level 4+ domain is useful is unknown, but it's better than nothing, isn't it?

When the Rock Beast stood up again, it still rushed towards Konghuan without any hesitation, as if treating the 8051 people as air.

(Could it be that my attraction is so great? Speaking of which, why is Bai Evil always catching me? It’s really just because I’m the weakest? But what about Mu Xiao? He’s not interested? Oh, Mu Xiao has disappeared , Is it an act of white evil?)

No matter how you say it, I have hidden so many times before. Isn't experience accumulated through repeated repetitions?Therefore, when the rock beast just raised its hand, Kong Huan decisively sank down.

If it wasn't for the other party to be sure that Kong Huan hadn't left, he wouldn't fly in the air like that, but what is the rock beast, or Bai E's obsession with Kong Huan?Thinking in vain and speechless.

(Could it be because I impressed him too deeply in the dream, so he took me as the first target to exclude?)
When the rock swirled again from a distance, the illusion had already descended into the forest composed of tall trees.

"Why are you always facing me? Hun Dan, Bai E, you can hear it, what does it mean? What's the point of sending a pile of stones, but it's just to deal with a pupae like me, and I dare not come out in person. Could it be, You were frightened by me in the dream, haha."

This place is still in the area of ​​the temple, that is to say, the barrier of the forest has no effect on Bai E and the rock beasts controlled by Bai E. Leaping sideways, the rocks mixed with broken branches of trees fell to the ground.

(Could it be that he's angry? It seems that he doesn't intend to take back this fist.) The corner of his mouth twitched and looked at the rock in front of him, and a scheming smile appeared in the air. (The more annoyed the better, the less likely it is to pay attention to 8051 them, and wait for you to be caught by them... Hehe.)
It is true that hiding in the air is much more spacious and free than on the ground, but for Void, the speed of the rocks is too fast, and what is more important is the coercion of the huge stones, making it difficult for people to react in time.

But the forest is different, there are a lot of tall trees here, even if the rocks fall down, the speed will be reduced by the trees.

Moreover, when the rock enters the forest, the narrow environment causes the rock to come into contact with the trees, and the sound it produces can give Kong Huan a good hint. In addition, the spiritual power of Kong Huan was suppressed by the temple domain to a radius of four meters outside the body. Diffusion, it is much better to hide than to be in the air.

Therefore, from the beginning, Kong Huan planned to rely on this small dense forest to avoid the attack from the rock beast.

But obviously, Bai Evil, who has been paying attention to this place, soon discovered this problem.Accompanied by a series of heavy footsteps, Kong Huan knew that the rock beast had rushed towards him.

(It's better this way, hum, it's easier to deal with a big guy like you in such a dense and narrow area.) Kong Huan was obviously full of confidence in avoiding the attack of the rock beast.

But to deal with air units, you can only use flying fists, but to deal with ground units, there are huge rock monsters with a height of more than ten meters. Obviously, they are also confident in catching Void.

Accompanied by the constant crashing and breaking sounds, all the trees blocking the way were torn and pushed away, and the rock beast headed towards the void with an indomitable momentum.

But Kong Huan is still thinking (it's just a dream problem, obviously it's impossible to hate me so much? Strange.)
At this time, Kong Huan still stayed in place, paying attention to the distance between the rock beast and himself, while thinking about how to deal with it.

Because his position is no secret to Bai E, and he can't use his thoughts to shield, so avoiding or something is completely useless to Bai E, it's better to delay time by keeping a distance, and it can save energy.

"Suddenly remembered, Bai Evil, your language, system, arithmetic and other knowledge, it seems that you didn't think of it yourself, but actually learned it from another person, right? But in the end, you But I was imprisoned here, haha, so..."

These languages ​​are not illusory soliloquies. In this field, as long as Bai E is still paying attention to this place, he will definitely be able to hear emptiness without any shielding. The rock beast in the book is the most powerful proof.

Sure enough, upon hearing Kong Huan's words this time, the footsteps ahead suddenly became faster.

(Damn it, did you say something that shouldn't be said?) Kong Huan didn't know Bai E's mood at this time, but found out from the behavior of the giant beast that he had done something bad.

His expression suddenly became tense, that rock beast Xiaoqiang was not something that Konghuan could confront head-on at this time.

Facing this rock beast with his newly chrysalis strength, Kong Huan knew very well that he had only two choices: fight or flee.

But these two seemingly ordinary choices are a lot of trouble for Kong Huan.

war?Kong Huan is just an ordinary pupae body at this time, even if he is a little confident in the control of energy, let alone the rock beast's immunity to electric attacks, even if it is only used to boost himself, Kong Huan can kill the opponent once with all his efforts. The rock beast can also easily come alive and continue to tease you.At that time, Kong Huan was probably exhausted;

escape?Based on Unreal's experience, it is not difficult to escape this ground speed guy who feels slower than a flying chrysalis in other places, but let alone this is the temple domain, Bai Evil can clearly know Where are you.If Kong Huan is too far away from the rock beast, maybe Bai Nao is in a good mood, so he will disperse the rock beast... Then, just form another one in front of Kong Huan, and the most important thing is, the purpose of Kong Huan is to hold the other party back.

(Does anyone need to live! 8051, you need speed.)
Jumping into the dense forest on the side, and then jumping to one side at a high speed, the running skills of the quack ape period can be better displayed even with wings on its back under the diffusion of mental power.

There was a sound of falling trees behind him, and Kong Huan knew that it was the rock beast standing where he was just now, and that place may have become a flat land by now.

With a warning in his heart, Kong Huan immediately jumped to the side, caught off guard, and plunged into the mud.

And his previous location was being crushed by a huge rock.

(Er, our face...)
Looking at the broken stone with lingering fear, Kong Huan wiped his mud-stained face to restore vision to his eyes.Then, he took a deep breath and ran without taking any rest.

Sure enough, the mud pit where it was just now splashed again, but this time it was because the rock beast's big feet stepped into it.

(Thinking about it carefully, there must be a reason for the dream to attach importance to catching me, but... Could it be?) Thinking of this, Kong Huan was suddenly startled.

"What's the matter, Bai E, did I feel the pain in my words, so you want to vent to me? By the way, do you have any thoughts of gratitude to that quack ape who taught you?"

At this time, Kong Huan suddenly had an idea, and after thinking about it carefully, he seemed to have discovered the reason why he was paid special attention: "So that's it, Bai E, you can see it, I am very similar to that quack ape, no matter the size , age, voice... No, the most similar thing is the ability to manipulate dreams. Let me tell you, but the other party hasn't pupated yet, right? Could it be that you are afraid of him, and you are also afraid of me, so don't Dare to come out."

Laughing a few times, Kong Huan looked around, and there seemed to be a strange atmosphere in the air.

The footsteps of the rock beast in front seemed to have stopped, but before Kong Huan could breathe a sigh of relief, he noticed two huge boulders flying from the front, even being affected by the power of thought to avoid the trees during the flight.

"Damn it! You're cheating by eating Guoguo!"

Hollow, already covered in mud and leaves, once again dodged the two boulders in embarrassment, and suddenly felt a strong wind behind him.

The electric power of the whole body burst out, regardless of the pain it caused, stimulating the body to avoid it almost in a horizontal posture, but before Kong Huan could make the next move, the arm connected to the boulder fist , and slapped Void more than ten meters away like a fly.

Then, Kong Huan bumped into a proudly standing tree.

Squirted out a good mouthful of old blood, adjusted his body in a hollow and depressing manner, (the internal organs were injured, but fortunately not heavy, but it seems to stop and take a rest.)
But at this time, even if you can't move, you must move.

He cannot forget his task, procrastinate.

If the empty illusion is just avoiding blindly like this, I am afraid that it will not be long before Bai Ei gets bored and will turn his attention to other places.For example, the other three people who have not appeared until now.

However, it is obviously impossible for Kong Huan to rush forward to fight regardless of his life. The opponent is a rock monster that can kill him with a single punch. Moreover, Kong Huan's purpose is not to kill the opponent, so why bother with his own life?

Therefore, in order to prevent Bai E from losing interest, Kong Huan thought of language, using language to grasp the other party's psychology, and then attract the other party.

(Thinking about it, the main reason is that my avatar and I are very similar... Meow, what did the avatar do? Bai E is so ruthless!)

It is said that the strongest ability of many protagonists is actually the invincible mouthpiece. Kong Huan does not know whether he has such an ability, but he is 100% sure that his language definitely has a high-level mocking effect.

See what your words do.

The first sentence, the other party did not respond, it should be ignoring me, but in fact, the rock beast was approaching Kong Huan at that time, as for the flying stone, it seemed to be the same as before (the Kong Huan tears who had been targeted from the beginning item);
In the second sentence, the charging speed of the rock beast more than doubled, making Kong Huan extremely suspicious that the opponent had been given an acceleration halo, and then ran away;

In the third sentence, the rock beast stopped, and then, it smashed out its entire arm very forcefully. You must know that it was just a flying fist before, Hun Dan.

(Would you like to continue talking?) At this time, Kong Huan hesitated. If he did not continue to speak, he seemed to need to rush forward and die heroically, or wait a while before dying heroically...

(This, to be honest, we are very curious about the previous conjecture, so let’s say a few more words), so he couldn’t help but open his mouth again. This behavior is theoretically called M.

"Bai E, tell me, the relationship between you and that person, he and I are clones of one person, maybe you have any hatred, evil fate or something, I can help resolve it."

However, just after saying this sentence, Kong Huan sensed something was wrong, and his heart suddenly became tense, because he felt that the giant beast in front of him stopped again.

(I won’t run away this time, by the way, if he and my avatar are evil, I’m courting death if I say it! I’m ⑨) OTZ
At this time, Kong Huan heard a sound of rocks falling, and through the gaps in the forest that had been knocked down a lot, he saw scattered rock beasts.

(Hey, could it be that he found out his conscience, so he stopped chasing me? This is not okay! My purpose is...)
But it was obviously impossible, because at the same time that the rock beast disappeared, Kong Huan suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of crisis flooding his body, making Kong Huan hardly dare to move.

Already breaking out in cold sweat, it was only at this moment that Kong Huan realized that even though the score was already high, he probably still underestimated Bai Ei's ability.

"will die!"

PS: After watching the ending of Little Round Face, I am decisively moved...

(End of this chapter)

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