Spore Story

Chapter 246

Chapter 246

PS: The second update is here~\(≧▽≦)/~
Only now did Kong Huan suddenly realize that the previous fight (one-sided escape) was nothing more than Bai E playing with him (Bai E was playing unilaterally).

Even though the gap between the two sides is so big, I always dodge the opponent's stone, every time it seems to be dangerous, but I just can't hit myself;
Obviously there are many flexible ways to use it, but the opponent has been using a fixed form of rock beast to fight against him, no, chasing.

(So, did you just treat me like a toy?)
Kong Huan didn't want to express panic, because this should be what Bai Evil expected, but he found that he could hardly control it now.

"In the temple domain of level 4 and above, Zhengshen can put his mind power anywhere."

At the beginning, Kong Huan's understanding of this sentence was just that Bai Ei could control the Psychic Beast from a long distance, and use Psychic Power to reverse the direction of the rock's flight, which is just ordinary.

But at this moment he realized the horror of these words.

(Why do I have the feeling of watching "Death Comes".)
The reality is like this, although it is not as good as the Grim Reaper in the movie, who made a lot of complicated "accidental" prefixes, but this white evil cos Grim Reaper is more direct, with only one word.


With a jump, Kong Huan struggled to let go of the suddenly swaying branches, and then stimulated the body with the flow of energy that hadn't stopped since the rock beast dispersed. Using the wings as another hand, he stretched the four wings and slapped heavily on the spiritual body. There is no abnormal tree trunk in force perception, so as to push the illusory body to avoid the broken branches that suddenly fell from the sky.

At this moment, Kong Huan has completely closed his eyes, because what he sees will be influenced by 'common sense', causing Kong Huan to make a wrong reaction at this moment. The last thing he needs now is 'common sense'.

Kong Huan's current mental power spreads only within a radius of more than four meters, and in order to make the body's response more accurate and fast, he even reduced this radius to three meters, and the remaining mental power is completely filled into the brain to enhance the clarity of thinking speed and speed to the limit.

Then, in conjunction with the body that is stimulated by electric current all the time, it reacts super fast, but the muscles are already a little torn.

(How long has it been since the rock beast fell?)
1 minute? 30 seconds?

I have no idea about this illusory, not only because I have not accurately sensed time for a long time, so I can't feel the specific time, but more because this period of time is too tense, and there is no such opportunity at all.

At that time, the rock beast dispersed.

Sensing the overwhelming danger, Kong Huan immediately diffused his mental power to the limit, and immediately found that the surrounding space seemed to be completely filled with mental power.

"This is the power of thought that a Youshen class who is at the same level as Chu Xia should possess."

If these thoughts are suppressed like this, Kong Huan will definitely die, and even the souls of the dead will not be left behind.

But Bai Ei seemed to want to make Kong Huan feel fear rather than death, so after discovering that Kong Huan was only dignified rather than fear, these thoughts quickly dispersed.

These thought powers that seemed to be used to form the rock beast before, because the empty illusion can't perceive a wider area, so I don't know where it drifted, but the nightmare began.

The first thing that changes is the lack of attention to the underground.

The tree roots that popped up suddenly protruded from under the soil, engulfing the unresponsive Void.

Then, before he looked at his feet reflexively, broken branches from tree roots appeared in his retina. These things are everywhere now, and they are all the masterpieces of the rock beasts before.

The broken branch breaks into the scope of mental power, as long as he wants, Konghuan can clearly know the sharpness of the front part of the broken branch, the number of burrs on it, and even the thickness of the burrs.

But at this time, how can we put precious computing and thinking ability on these insignificant things.Before he had time to break free from the shackles under his feet, Kong Huan leaned back to avoid a few broken branches above him, but his right foot was immediately pierced by an unavoidable broken branch.

The severe pain was transmitted to the brain faster than the illusory reaction.

But he didn't have time to scold his mother, after a cry of pain, Kong Huan pulled out the broken branch caught by the muscle, and light blue blood emitting fluorescent light flowed out little by little.

(It's just a minor injury.) Kong Huan was thankful.

Maybe it's because Kong Huan's speed is very fast; or maybe it's because Bai E was a little surprised that Kong Huan escaped; of course, it's more likely that Bai E's original purpose was not to kill Kong Huan so early.

So, a weak electric current flashed through, and Kong Huan successfully tore off the roots of the tree, and then bounced upwards through the tree.

Of course it would be the best if you can spread your wings, at least there won't be so many weird things in the sky.

But the wingspan is five or six meters even if it changes from two wings to four wings. The only consequence of the expansion here is that it hits the tree trunk and is then nailed to it by a broken branch that suddenly flew out.

(Is this a cocoon?) Self-deprecating and depressing, the dense forest hindered the rock beast, and now it also hinders itself, (It's really fair.)
(If I can survive this time, even if I go back, those righteous gods of the ethnic group must show me all the abilities of the temple domain, even if they sabotage. Hey, intelligence advantage, we have a day of weakness.)
At this time, there was not much time to lament for Kong Huan, and before the intermission of less than one breath passed, Kong Huan suddenly felt his foot slipping on the tree, and the upward momentum stopped after a slight elevation of less than half a meter.

(About seven meters from the ground, there is no force around, and the wings cannot be opened...Conclusion, straight down, uncontrollable.)
(At this time, it seems that the only way to fall is to resign to fate, and for the pupation body, the height is only seven meters, and at most, the internal organs are only slightly impacted.)
Kong Huan comforted him in his heart, but he also knew, how could Bai Ei miss such a good opportunity?
Most likely, at the moment before falling, Kong Huan turned his body around, and what he saw were densely packed wooden thorns standing upright on the ground.

It looked like he had fallen into a hunter's trap, but this trap suddenly appeared in the short breath between Kong Hua's vacating and falling, perhaps only two or three seconds.

(Is this body hanging like this?)
This is the sequelae after dying several times. At this time, Kong Huan was still thinking about how Bai Ei came up with these methods.

However, at this time it can be regarded as a hopeless situation, recalling the previous considerations, Kong Huan suddenly shouted: "You do this, what you bring to me is despair, not fear!"

God knows why he shouted this sentence, but the effect was immediate.

Accompanied by Kong Huan's loud roar, the wooden spikes on the ground supported by thoughts suddenly seemed to be placed on the table, and then were thrown away from the falling area of ​​Kong Huan like stationery that was swept down because of venting.


Kong Huan fell to the ground again, but "It's nice that the ground is flat."

This feeling of surviving after a catastrophe made Kong Huan hardly want to move anymore, but it was obvious that Bai Ei couldn't make Kong Huan so relaxed, and it seemed that he was having a good time playing.

A huge force rushed out from the ground, smashing Konghuan into the sky again.

After bumping into a big tree fortunately, Kong Huan immediately bound himself to it with his tentacles, and kicked his feet to lift his body into the air again.

However, a large number of broken branches appeared in front of Kong Huan again, and even the scattered leaves blocked Kong Huan's sight. At this time, the role of vision was no longer important, and everything could only rely on the comprehensiveness of mental perception.

But at this time, it is obviously useless to say the previous sentence again, and Kong Huan can't confirm whether the other party wants to make himself fearful, or directly kills himself, it is obvious that there are two thoughts is constantly changing.

If you behave too well, will you be considered unable to generate fear, and will be killed directly;
But if I don't suppress the fear in my heart now, will it be considered that I have experienced my fear, so let's kill it.

(Ah! Hun Dan, I'm going crazy!)
Once again dodged the broken branches in front of him, and added a few unsustainable wounds to his body, but he felt a sense of powerlessness that he could not control his own life at all.

(No, 8051, wait for 8051 to succeed, I just need to persist until then.)
At this time, hope is the only thing that can suppress fear, and Kong Huan must be grateful that this hope has a future, not a prop brought out by the hunter to moleste the prey.

(8051, hurry up!)

He was ruthless, although he didn't know why this white evil reacted so strongly to his avatar, but Kong Huan couldn't find anything that could divert the opponent's attention at this time, so as to weaken himself from various environmental attacks, so, (also I can only drink poison to quench my thirst.)
Avoiding the boulder that suddenly rolled to the bottom of his feet, Kong Huan smiled softly, everyone could hear the weakness and fatigue, but this is exactly what Bai Ei wanted.

Seeing the surroundings controlling himself like a cage, it seems very close, but in fact it is the sky that Bai E used as a hope prop, Kong Huan closed his eyes again, and then laughed loudly: "Bai E, you must be because you are afraid. !"

As expected, the attack paused, those attacks guided by the control of thoughts, the attacks that could appear within three meters of Konghuan paused, and at this time Konghuan didn't dare to react, because he was afraid of being stimulated so much that he might be in front of him at this time. White evil of thinking or violent emotional changes.

"You must be afraid, otherwise, why do you always want me to be afraid?"

"By the way, you are actually afraid of him, so, in order to make yourself no longer afraid, you regard me as him, thinking that as long as you make me fear you, you will win, right?"

"It turns out that a leader with hundreds of pupated bodies is still afraid of a quack ape who has not yet pupated!"

"It's ironic! It's ridiculous! To make so many things, to make that rock beast, to make this kind of attack, and to analyze the temple's domain painstakingly, is actually to make myself feel safe."

"Why, why are you so scared? You're so scared that you don't even dare to come out to see me in person, and you're so scared that you still can't get rid of it after you haven't seen me for so long!"

"I'm depreesed!"

"Go to hell!" The purely violent fluctuation of mental power and the loud roar sounded like pressing the play button. When Kong Huan said the last word, all the attacks suddenly continued.

But obviously the other party was in a daze, this time the attack was easily dodged by Kong Huan.

But when Kong Huan raised his head again, with a smug expression on his face, what was reflected in the range of perception was hemispherical, and the wooden thorns that completely enveloped him had already penetrated into the area where his mental power diffused. middle.

nowhere to hide
(End of this chapter)

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