Spore Story

Chapter 247 The Broken Temple Altar

Chapter 247 The Broken Temple Altar

PS: O(∩_∩)O
When Kong Huan was still "relaxingly" playing the chasing game with the rock beast, 8051 also wandered among the buildings with Zheng Lingyun and Chu Ling, looking for the mouse that didn't like to show its head.

Of course, at this time, the three of them were all surrounded by mental power and mental power, and carefully concealed their actions to avoid being discovered.

"Fantasy will be fine."

Among the three here, it is hard to say who cares most about Void.

8051 seems to be concerned about the emptiness of the main consciousness, that is to say, as long as there is an emptiness, she doesn't care.

But in fact, she also has her own feelings, so she is also very worried about this empty fantasy here, but these expressions will not be shown on that face that cannot express emotions.So I have to say that she is the calmest among the few people at the moment;
What Xiao Lingyun cares about is her emptiness.That is to say, as long as she cares about her emptiness, she thinks that she is the one who made an agreement with her to 'always be together', not to mention that there is no difference at all.

So, even though she was constantly searching at this moment, anxiety was already written on her face.And the little aura under this kind of mood has been classified as a reserve force by 8051, not a helper;
What about Chu Ling?The emptiness she cared about was the big boss she was chasing and hoping for attention.Although it was more of a subconscious behavior to save the other party with her life, it also came from her emphasis on emptiness.

But the current Kong Huan is far weaker than Chu Ling.However, she would not treat him as two people because of this, and she had already recognized this person after living for so long.In fact, since she woke up, this is the only fantasy she has faced, and she has no choice.

"8051, where is that white evil? It may be very dangerous for the current Konghuan to deal with rock beasts!"

"I know if you don't tell me, but it's not easy to find someone who can move at any time, not to mention that this temple domain has suppressed our spiritual power!" 8051 said anxiously." He shook his tentacles dissatisfied, as if wanting to The psychological heat dissipated for a while, but suddenly, 8051 stopped moving.

"Why are you stopping? The enemy has been found!" Lingyun and Chu Ling immediately made a defensive posture, but 8051's voice came into the minds of several people immediately.

"I don't think our purpose is right now. 8051 suddenly woke up and said." She thought of some key questions.

Initially, everyone's goal was to 'destroy the white evil', and until Kong Huan stayed to contain the enemy, the goal remained the same.But then, after leaving Kong Huan to deal with the Rock Beast, their goal became "destroy Bai Evil as soon as possible to rescue Kong Huan." '

Although only a few words have been added, the mission objective has undergone a fundamental change.

At first glance, it seems that they are all about eradicating evil spirits, but combined with the actual situation, 8051 found that because of the change of mission objectives, several people were faced with a choice at this time, and this helpless but necessary choice made people think of The 8051 here is a bit hard to get off.

Finding the White Evil, seemingly once and for all, was also the goal from the beginning.

But Bai E can move freely in the temple domain, and everyone doesn't know where Bai E will hide in the 4th level domain. Maybe he can meet him in the next moment, or maybe he is actively hiding from everyone. , I am afraid that after Kong Huan has been wiped out countless times, they will not be able to find each other;
But now, another route has been opened, turning the search for Bai Evil into a search for the temple.

As long as the altar of the temple is destroyed, the domain of the temple will disappear, and Bai Evil will be injured, and at the same time, the attack on Konghuan through the domain of the temple will be stopped.

And it seems that the fixed temple is obviously much easier to find than the mobile Bai Ei. I didn't find it before, but it's because the goal of several people is Mu Xiao, not the temple.

But the problem that must be faced is that if the goal is changed to rescue Kong Huan in a timely manner, and the altar of the temple is destroyed first, thereby breaking the control of the rock beast by White Evil through the temple domain, Kong Huan can be saved, but he will also lose the temple domain Bai Ei is likely to escape from Dengyun Mountain because of the disappearance of the temple domain.

If that was the case, then after saving Kong Huan, Bai E ran away. Compared to the initial situation, what everyone did was destroying a temple altar, and they gained almost nothing. Bai E, who was the main target, was not injured at all. Isn't that true? Is it in vain?
8051, who couldn't think of it himself, or couldn't make a choice, proposed this choice to Lingyun and Chu Ling: rely on the shackles of the temple domain to find and kill Bai Evil first; Looking for white evil.

But when the choice was raised, what surprised 8051 was that the other two chose the latter option without any consideration.

However, 8051 was relieved after thinking about it, because for Xiao Lingyun, they considered from their own standpoint, most from the standpoint of the ethnic group, and emptiness is the most important thing, even if Bai E ran away, so what, It just takes more time, they will never realize the harm of letting Bai Evil leave.

(What about my choice?) As 8051 from the standpoint of species and even the universe, when she thought about it in her heart, the three of them had already flown to the previously determined place that was suspected to be a temple.

Stunned to discover his subconscious actions, 8051 smiled in relief, (It seems that I have actually made a choice, but it must be because of this body, well, it’s nothing.)
When thinking like this, several people have already stood firmly on a ruin.

This is a large room connected to the building complex. It looks like any other room, but on the one hand, it is within the central area of ​​the temple domain. On the other hand, all the buildings, only its gates, are blocked by huge stones.

"Move the gravel away! 8051 ordered while looking at the surrounding situation."

Although the three Youshen are all energy-savvy, all their mental power is enough to do these tasks. After a while, the gravel blocking the door of the house flew aside.

At this moment, the warning signs sounded in the hearts of the three people at the same time, and they dispersed instantly.

Accompanied by the violent roar, countless gravels flew randomly, but they all stopped under the thought power shields of the three Youshen.

"It turns out that you came here, and I said why that Kong Huan was killed, but you didn't respond. I thought it was really like a dream. Your relationship is actually not very good, hehe."

The enemy showed up on his own initiative, expressing that he was not paying attention to Kong Huan, and everyone expressed a little gratitude for this, but with Bai E's words, their hearts sank.

"How is it possible! Kong Huan won't be killed so easily by that idiot rock beast of yours!"

(How could Kong Huan die so quickly? It is impossible for a rock beast to destroy Kong Huan.) Several people thought so in their hearts and chose to believe in Kong Huan's strength and luck. Just let your heart shake.

"Oh, do you believe in that chrysalis so much? However, after being inserted by hundreds of wooden thorns, and being swept back and forth countless times by the power of thought, it is impossible to live, not even the dead soul, ha ha."

"Tch, don't think we will believe it!"

"I was still thinking how to find you, but it seems that there is no need to worry now." Without waiting for the other party to react, 8051 waved a lightning strike with his hand, and then quickly notified Lingyun and Chu Ling through the connection: "There is nothing wrong with the empty fantasy. It’s only been a while.”

"I know, how to deal with this guy next?"

"Later, Lingyun and I will deal with this guy. Chu Ling, you can destroy the altar. Now that he has appeared, we don't need to worry about him running away after the domain is broken. When the altar is broken, we take a short time Rushing forward and killing him with his weakness!"

"Understood, be careful!"

After finishing speaking, Chu Ling swung another lightning strike at Bai E, who had just blocked the lightning strike with the Nianli Wall, and then, under the cover of 8051 and Lingyun, turned around and entered the temple.

And 8051 and Lingyun also carefully protect the energy core, while restraining Bai Ei, who is not as flexible as the Youshen body in flight, at high speed.

Regarding the Temple of Dengyun Mountain, everyone thought it was just an ordinary hut. After all, it happened by chance, but when entering it, Chu Ling shivered.

"This is the Temple of Dengyun Mountain."

The corpses of several pupated bodies have long since dried up. Their limbs were divided into countless pieces, made into various shapes, and piled up in the corner irregularly as if they were tired of being played with.

Some of these organs were placed neatly on the ground, and the entire ordinary hut looked bloody and evil because of these 'decorations'.

The light blue blood had condensed on the stone bricks, almost covering the temple, and filled the temple with a disgusting smell.

In the depths of the temple, there seemed to be something floating, but Chu Ling, who came back to her senses, finally recalled her purpose and began to look for the target.

Although a lot of bones were piled up, it looked a bit messy, but Chu Ling could still see what was under the pair of bones, it looked like a stone was placed on a round stone platform, it should be the legendary Dengyun Mountain Altar.

"So, die!"

The best lightning strike technique struck out, and all the bones above the altar were splashed in all directions, but the altar was unscathed. She frowned, and Chu Ling snorted coldly, and continued to wave her hands.

"Come again!"

Just when Chu Ling was about to send another lightning strike at the altar, and was about to add mental power to attack, she suddenly found that all the movable things in the temple were suspended and smashed towards herself.

"Hmph, are you dying? It's too late!" She stepped forward to avoid a few stones, and then smashed a few bones with two lightning strikes. Chu Ling used all her thoughts to spread a layer of thoughts around her body, and then ignored The small debris blocked by the Psychic Ball began to attack the altar with continuous lightning strikes.

Boom!Boom! ...

Unable to break through the Psychic Ball, all the little things rushed towards the top of the altar, as if intending to block the lightning bombardment, but Bai Ei obviously underestimated the lightning strike of the Youshen body, which was not comparable to the electric shock of the pupated body.

There was a slight cracking sound, and the floating objects in the temple that had lost their target due to the rupture of the altar fell like rain. Chu Ling, who was inside the temple, seemed to be able to hear Bai E's roar outside.

But within a few breaths, the roar gradually weakened until it stopped completely.

With a heavy sigh of relief, Chu Ling's feet softened and she sat down.

But this time, accompanied by a feeling of heart palpitations, a violent explosion sounded, and the tiles above his head buried Chu Ling in the hut.

(End of this chapter)

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