Spore Story

Chapter 248 The Battle of Dengyun Mountain is Over

Chapter 248 The Battle of Dengyun Mountain is Over (Breaking the Million Mark)

PS: A new update =w=
Millions of oh quack.

Thank you for the winter tipping O(∩_∩)O
The trouble of climbing Yunshan was solved.

At least that's how it seems to the people of Kong Huan.

When he opened his eyes again to look at the world, staring at the clouds floating in front of him, Kong Huan realized how colorful this world is.

For the first time, he had a feeling of 'good to be alive'.

"Wait! Still alive!"

Suddenly realized that he was still alive under the arrows piercing his heart, now is not the time to be distracted.

The four wings on the back supported instantly, and the empty body jumped straight up from the ground.

Then, under the influence of nervousness to avoid the crisis before, Kong Huan didn't care about the surrounding situation, and jumped to the top of the treetop like a martial arts master.

Then, he fully spread his four wings and flew into the air, only then did he dare to breathe a sigh of relief.

At this time, he seemed to be fully awake.

"Hey! It went well, why didn't you attack?"

The expression on his face froze, and he realized that he was not hindered by anything before, and he returned to the vast sky with ease.

"Could it be that I was let go?"

"No, it's impossible." Kong Huan quickly realized that 8051 and the others should have succeeded, so Bai Evil had already been distracted.

He breathed a sigh of relief, but he still couldn't relax at this moment, Kong Huan reminded himself in his heart.

Feeling the body carefully, most of the bruised wounds have stopped bleeding under the better healing ability of the pupation body.But much of it still aches and stirs the illusory spirit.

But he didn't feel any sadness about the emptiness, on the contrary, it made him feel relieved, because it at least meant that he was not in a dream now.

"Hey, being attacked by Bai E's dream, I'm overly nervous." Kong Huan, who suddenly reacted, covered his forehead with one hand, and sighed uncontrollably.

But at this moment, the empty fantasy will not think that this kind of behavior is useless, what if it is really a dream?It can be tragic if you don't pay attention.

Shaking its wings, Kong Huan didn't pay attention to the surrounding environment at this time. After confirming that he was not attacked by the white evil again, Kong Huan felt it and flew towards the place where 8051 and the others might exist.

And because of this, he couldn't see the densely packed area of ​​wooden thorns on the ground around where he was before, but none of them could hit the silhouette of the human figure.


The violent explosion attracted Kong Huan in flight, his body froze unnaturally, and Kong Huan turned his head to look in the direction of the sound.

"Explosion? Probably not."

Kong Huan didn't know the explosive power of the talisman, because he was still pupating at that time.But it was the first time I heard such a violent explosion, and I kept repeating "they are fine" in my heart, but my heart gradually sank, and finally I could only say "I hope my body exploded Come on' to comfort yourself, while hastening on your way.

gradually approaching.

There are two spherical figures floating in the sky in the distance. The dust brought out by the shock wave produced by the explosion is being blocked by the spherical mind shield, causing the originally invisible mind shield to appear at this moment.


Kong Huan sped up the speed again, "Why are there only two, Hun Dan!"

"8051! Aura!"

Seeing the figure in front of him clearly, Kong Huan let out an exclamation.

And because they were too focused on fighting, they didn't notice the two people who were approaching by Kong Huan, so they turned their heads, with a surprise expression on their faces.

"Hang Huan, are you okay?" The heavy impact came from the abdomen, and Kong Huan could only respond with a wry smile, and pulled the little guy out of his arms with a light hiss.

"How can I have something to do? I'm not too young, but I still look like this." Stretching out his hands and rubbing his little head, Kong Huan looked at 8051 and Lingyun, showing a bitter smile.

"Chu Ling..."

Before Kong Huan could say anything further, a huge boulder suddenly flew out from directly below, and the high-speed stone brushed against the tip of Kong Huan's nose, making him break out in a cold sweat: "Damn it, could it be that Bai E is not dead yet!"

"You're not dead! What the hell are you doing! I smashed the altar with great difficulty, and it was buried. Fortunately, I had the foresight to use the Psychic Ball in advance, otherwise I wouldn't be covered in ashes. Cut!" A heroic complaining voice came from below, and several people turned their gazes over at the same time.

Chu Ling, who had just crawled out of the ruins of the temple, had just finished complaining, and when she looked up, she saw three pairs of probing eyes, and suddenly became at a loss.

"Then, that, what's the matter? Bai E should hang up!" At this moment, it seemed that Kong Huan, who was in the same position as Ling Yun, had just been discovered, and Chu Ling suddenly showed a surprised expression: "Hey! Kong Huan, you are fine, that's great."

But immediately, this expression turned into a proud one: "That's right, I said that Bai E is lying, ahaha."

Flicking her tail, Chu Ling jumped into the air.

Seeing that Chu Ling finished expressing her emotions, Kong Huan, who didn't know the situation on the battlefield, turned her eyes to the other three; Chu Ling, who didn't know the external situation, turned her eyes to the other two; 8051, who was in charge of the situation inside the temple, turned his attention to Chu Ling.

"Where you (you) are..." X4

After a short silence, the four of them started laughing.

Like the rest of their lives after a catastrophe, everyone smiled and released the huge pressure that almost overwhelmed them in just half a day.

"Bai Ei, it's really amazing."


Until this time, everyone could easily praise and evaluate Bai Ei's ability in a tone of experience.

"Han Huan, your face is so beautiful, did you hide in the mud to avoid the rock beast?"

Xiao Lingyun, who was closest to Kong Huan, looked at Kong Huan, whose body was covered in mud, leaves, and the like, and suddenly jumped out, floating in mid-air, frowning cutely.

(Although not proactive, but it's about the same.) Kong Huan smiled wryly.

Because he was in a hurry to come here, he couldn't have the time and mood to take care of his body. At this moment, his clothes were already tattered, so it was good that he hadn't completely exploded.

But at this time, his whole body was almost only the eyes, because he had wiped it to see things clearly before, and cleaned it a little bit, and the other parts were occupied by various pure natural objects.

"The mud really fell in, but there is no need to worry about the rock beast or something. After the rock beast is scattered behind..." Even though it was confirmed safe at this time, I recalled that almost the whole world and myself at that time The feeling of confrontation, emptiness and lingering fear.

The illusory curiosity about how he avoided those wooden thorns before became extremely intense as he released that sense of fear, but what he wants to know more now is the explosion before.

"Speaking of which, what happened to the explosion just now? Could it be that I guessed wrong, Bai Ei is actually a ghost body?"

"No," 8051 shook his head, and looked at the surrounding ground with emotion.

At this time, the plants within tens of meters below them were all swept away by a huge impact force, falling down in a circular radial shape.

"That was indeed the explosion when Bai Evil committed suicide, but he is a Youshen-level with a body, but he should have known something about the energy core through certain circumstances."

"At that time, after he realized that the altar of the temple was destroyed, and he was sure that he could not escape the siege of me and Xiao Lingyun, he used a method that we don't know to voluntarily detonate the energy core in his body. Did 8051 think about it? It's a pity to know what he summed up from Bai Ei."

"Did he say something? To be honest, I don't even think about why he targeted me like this. Although I have some guesses about it, I'm not sure. I thought that after you killed him physically, you could still treat him Some torture or something, who knows... Hiss!"

Kong Huan was talking excitedly when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his waist.

Unable to help but exhale in pain, Kong Huan cast a vicious glance at Xiao Lingyun next to him.Unexpectedly, the other party shook his head at Kong Huan: "Forget about Kong Huan, Bai E will die as soon as he dies. It's really hard for him to live."

"What's the matter?" Looking at Lingyun with a sad expression, he instantly forgot the emptiness of the fact that he was pinched, and was greatly surprised by Xiao Lingyun's reaction.

(Xiao Lingyun actually feels sad for an enemy, there is something hidden.)
"There is indeed something hidden. 8051 is checking the illusory thoughts without hesitation."


8051 waved his hand to let them descend. After such a high-intensity battle, both Kong Huan and the other three were already exhausted. Now climbing Yunshan Mountain, there should be no danger for these people here.

Taking out bamboo tubes and bamboo cups from Xiao Lingyun's waist pouch, 8051 poured a cup for everyone, then picked it up, took a sip gently, and let out a heavy sigh of relief.

(In other words, why is Xiao Lingyun still alive.)
Because he couldn't stand 8051's appetizing behavior, Kong Huan diverted his attention, just in time to see the small bag around Mingming's waist that was still intact despite the clothes on Mingming's body being torn in several places.

(By the way, the clothes of Xiao Lingyun and the others seem to be fantasies produced by spiritual power? Haven't even the idea of ​​recovery yet?)

(But the small bag around her waist is fine, which means that her vitals are also well protected.) Kong Huan thought with relief.

At this time, 8051 put down the water glass, narrowed his eyes, and looked up at the distant sky.

(How long are you going to wait? Hun Dan.)
From Xiao Lingyun's silent expression, Kong Huan knew that he could not get any information from Xiao Lingyun, but the 8051 that could tell was still far away, Kong Huan only felt that his patience was approaching the critical point...

"It's nothing..." (Finally spoke ==)

"This white evil is actually very painful to live, and devouring the souls of the dead is not a good thing. 8051 complained that the white evil who dared to devour the souls of the dead, even if he had no skills or strength, deserved to suffer."

Seeing that Kong Huan and Chu Ling beside him showed angry and puzzled expressions, while Ling Yun looked expectant, 8051 paused and said.

"Actually, at first he was just an ordinary chrysalis, at most at the quasi-priest level. With the idea of ​​expanding civilization, he became the leader here and reformed. Then, he got lost in the comfort I am enjoying it, and I don’t want, or fear, that I will lose this kind of life when I go back, and I no longer have the original enthusiasm.”

Patting the solid rock, 8051 turned his head and glanced at Konghuan, then continued with a sigh of emotion.

"Actually, if it weren't for our powerful high-level leaders and the huge strength of the ethnic group, the quasi-priests in the ethnic group might also be like this."

"These are the performances of an ordinary person, but after that, he may also scare himself. In order to keep his life at this time, under the influence of his lack of confidence in his own strength, he began to look for various ways to improve. Perhaps It was a coincidence, he discovered that devouring the dead soul can increase the level of consciousness at a high speed, so he did it..."

"However, he didn't know that the dead soul also carried the memory and thoughts of that person. The mixed thoughts were fused into a consciousness that was not strong at first, and should be just below the soul level. As a result, Bai Evil fell into schizophrenia. "Speaking of this, 8051 smiled slightly, but the unwavering voice sounded terrifying.

"Even if Bai Evil's own consciousness gained a little bit of command because of his firmness and stubbornness at the beginning, later, because of regret for his actions, confusion about the future, and fear of being suddenly bound in the temple, As a result, Bai Ei was completely in pain."

"Perhaps what he thinks the most every day when he is awake is 'If only I could go back after the reform was completed'."

"Of course, that's all I can come up with. It's all because of Bai Evil's performance and the last sentence, plus a little self-analysis. Whether this is the case, I'm not sure. There are so many dissatisfied people." Speaking of this, 8051 once again meaningfully glanced at Konghuan.

"Look, what are you looking at, I've had a good life in the past." Kong Huan naturally avoided this kind of eyes that made him feel hairy, but this kind of behavior became an unconfident behavior in the eyes of other people.

Sighing, 8051 showed a lonely expression: "In this world, almost everyone has regrets in the past, so there is nothing to deny."

"However, Bai Ei is dead now, that is to say, the problem of climbing Yunshan has been solved, what do you think of Konghuan. 8051 saw the Fukong Mountain with the size of a primary area, and his heart was full of love."


"Hey, I don't have any ideas about the Floating Mountain or something. Anyway, it's always useful to keep it."

"However, I'll be there in a few days. Let's think about how to find my clone." Kong Huan naturally ignored 8051's request. The emptiness is just trying to tease the other party.

However, he obviously forgot his own thinking, and he couldn't avoid the other party's detection at all, and for the behavior of observing illusory thoughts, 8051 did it without any pressure.

Although his face is still expressionless, 8051's eyes are full of mischief at the moment.

"You don't have to worry about not being able to find your avatar, it feels very close. Since this white evil can do it so clearly, it is obvious that the transformation of that tribe or even the surrounding tribes will not be far behind. When the time comes, just find someone You should know if you ask. 8051 is not worried about this, and when he thinks that there will only be one clone after this, he looks forward to his future."

"Okay." Feeling that there was nothing to ask, Kong Huan turned to look at Chu Ling: "How is it inside the temple?"

"It's nothing," Chu Ling's voice was very calm: "Go in, visit, find the target, attack, get counterattack, ignore, continue to attack, solve it. That's it." (tea~~)



"It's so simple, not cumbersome at all." Kong Huan complained feebly for a while.

"Yeah, a perfect example."

nod x3
"What about Kong Huan, where are you?" It seemed that Kong Huan was the only one left to say at this time, so everyone turned around with concern.


Recalling his own situation, Kong Huan's body trembled unnaturally. Only then was his fear slightly released: "On my side, it's a long story..."

Unknowingly, it has passed the million mark, Sahua~\(≧▽≦)/~
At this time, should I publish a chapter in the work related?After all, this is the first time I've written a book, but after thinking about it, I'd better forget it, don't write too much, it's just a complaint, quack. O(∩_∩)O
So, those of us who have passed the million mark, here is another support for our book:
Please support us with your abilities; =w=
Please see the book friends who have stolen the post and use your clicks, recommendations, check-ins, and comments to support us. =w=
Thank you =w=
(End of this chapter)

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