Spore Story

Chapter 249 Explanation 1 8051

Chapter 249 Explain It 8051
PS: The second watch haunts~\(≧▽≦)/~
Thank you Xingyu Feiyang for your reward =w=
Lingyun and Chu Ling were not interested in the floating principle of Dengyun Mountain. Those who were interested in Konghuan didn't know, and those who knew 8051 obviously didn't want to talk about it.

So, amidst Kong Huan's weak sighs, they returned to the hut where they first climbed the mountain.

Although there are quite a few buildings on Dengyun Mountain, including more comfortable houses, even though they were attacked here, Kong Huan and the others are still full of affection for this hut where they only lived for one day.

"Speaking of which, did we forget something?"

When it landed on the ground, Konghan, who took a comfortable bath in the small pool in the middle of the mountains, sat upright.At this time, he was being treated by Xiao Lingyun and Chu Ling.

(So, it is really troublesome to have a body, and you have to worry about wound inflammation, and you have to be disturbed by the pain of the wound.)
Looking at the other three Youshen bodies whose clothes were somewhat tattered, there was no trace of injury on their bodies, so Kong Huan could only complain enviously.However, he still kindly reminded the careless Youshen that it was time to repair their clothes.

"Forgot something? What?" Looking at Kong Huan suspiciously, Xiao Lingyun made the clothes better with a single thought, then stretched out her hand and patted Kong Huan's arm heavily, sticking the ointment on it well, and then began to knead The powdered medicine was retrieved from the broken hands.

As for the 'forgotten thing', Xiao Lingyun and the others obviously didn't have much impression.

Kong Huan suddenly sweated profusely, half of it was pain, and the other half was depression. He looked at 8051 and Chu Ling who were thinking, and lamented in his heart for this 'forgotten' children's shoes (your sense of existence really It's too low, no wonder he was dismissed early.)
"It's Mu Xiao! Didn't he run away and you didn't find him?"

"Oh, that guy." (Your face of realization is not convincing at all!)

As if thinking of something, Chu Ling shook the empty clothes that were hanging by the fire to bake, then hesitated for a moment, and said in a regretful but not sad tone: "The temple domain has been broken for so long, no matter Mu Xiao Where did he escape to before? As he is only at the ghost level, his mental power can't protect himself at all, and it may have completely dissipated now. Therefore, he can already be determined to be completely dead."

These words caused several people to shake their heads with complicated emotions. For the death of Mu Xiao, everyone's emotional reaction was not as strong as the death of the magic talisman, or even the death of Bai Evil.

How to put it, Mu Xiao is just a sinner in the eyes of everyone, although Mu Xiao himself is not wrong in his concept.

(Is this the difference between intimacy and distance?) Seeing this situation, Kong Huan couldn't help sighing, but why isn't he himself?

But soon, Kong Huan put it down.

Regardless of Xiao Lingyun's dissatisfaction, Kong Huan spread his wings and lay on the grass looking up at the sky: "Speaking of which, we haven't been so leisurely for a long time. Here, we got nearly ten days of vacation."

Whether it was the emptiness at the beginning, the gray matter in between, or the emptiness now, it seemed that before that, they were either walking around, or thinking about where to go, and there was no such long leisure time as Fukong Mountain now.

Looking at the white clouds floating in the sky not far away, feeling the breeze blowing just beside my ears, I squinted my eyes comfortably.

Sunlight streamed in through the slits of the eyes, gently stimulating the illusory nerves.

At this time, he happened to see the moons that were disappearing and appearing on the drawing board of the sky again by chance.


"Three? What?" The other three, who were also satisfied with this kind of leisure life, all looked at Kong Fan who suddenly spoke in unison: "Call us three? Stupid Kong Fan, we have names."

"Do you want to die once!"

"No," couldn't help laughing, Kong Huan looked at Xiao Lingyun and Chu Ling jokingly, until the other party showed an expression of embarrassment and anger, Kong Huan looked away, and said quickly: "It's the moon, can you see it?" ? How many moons are there?"

"It's daytime now, stupid Kong Huan, how could it be possible to see the moon, besides, don't there seem to be three moons?" The counterattack from Lingyun was quickly received by Kong Huan.

"Look carefully, don't be misled by some 'common sense', otherwise it will be very dangerous, who said you can't see the moon during the day."

Although a little disapproving of Kong Huan's words, Ling Yun and Chu Ling carefully avoided the sun and searched the sky.

Turning his head to look at the expressionless 8051, Kong Huan saw a trace of solemnity in the other's eyes, which is probably the benefit of the billions of years of friendship between the two parties.

"What's the matter? 8051, what are you thinking?"

Withdrawing his gaze, 8051's eyes flickered a little, but he turned his head and focused on the fire in front of him: "No, it's nothing..."

"It can't be nothing, 8051, there are some things you and I both know. A few decades ago, there were only two moons in the sky..."

"Two, obviously there are three, you idiot Kong Huan, you can't even count correctly." Xiao Lingyun, who had just regained consciousness, interrupted Kong Huan's words.

And Chu Ling who was on the side also looked away, but she looked at Kong Huan suspiciously: "So you can really see the moon during the day, but Kong Huan, why did you say two?"

But Kong Huan turned his head and stared at 8051: "This third moon has been out for decades according to my memory, but for celestial bodies, isn't it a bit abnormal. 8051, it should be time to explain these things." .”

At this time, Kong Huan's expression moved, made up his mind, and continued to speak: "Of course, there is also the issue of editing space. In fact, I also want to know. Now, it seems that it is time to talk about it."

These things, since waking up, Kong Huan has been thinking on his own, and he is busy, and Kong Huan does not want to affect his busy life.

So until now, with such a sliver of free time, Kong Huan asked 8051 for an explanation.

On the surface, Kong Huan didn't seem to mind what happened before, but how could this be possible.

From the perspective of Unreal, the editing space is a powerful weapon.

Especially after the time is stabilized, the editing space is more useful, but it suddenly collapsed.

Although the appearance of the third moon was still before the collapse of the editing space, but at this moment, emptiness was also brought up.

There are some problems that he wants to solve now, and then the few days of leisure can pass away comfortably.

Feeling that the atmosphere was a bit dull, Lingyun and Chu Ling looked at each other carefully, and both felt doubts and inquiries from each other's eyes, so they sighed at the same time, turned their heads to look at Void, who was "gazing affectionately" at 8051, and tilted his head 8051 staring at the fire.

After being silent for a while, 8051 sighed and turned his head around again.

"In fact, I should have known that you would ask, but I was lucky if you didn't bring it up. 8051 sighed at his ridiculous self-avoidance."

At this time, both Lingyun and Chu Ling felt that something was wrong.

On the contrary, Kong Huan heaved a sigh of relief, stretched out his hand to put a piece of dry wood into the fire, and handed the cup in his hand to Xiao Lingyun, motioning for another cup.

"Actually, 8051, you are always mysterious, and I am used to it. As for the editing space, at the current level of development of Gaga Ape, at most it is only a detailed modification. Unless there are very suitable components, it is basically a problem. Will not use the editing space."

"So, it's not a big problem if it's gone."


Kong Huan sighed, sat up from the grass, looked up at the three moons, or the most unusual one: "This kind of thing is about my own business, I don't want you to hide it, okay?"

"Also, I always feel wrong about that third moon, as if there is a great pressure coming from there, which is suffocating."


8051 sighed, shook his head and sat on the ground, but there was no response.

However, after a while, a burst of colorful rays of light flowed out from the illusory main consciousness ghost body, and then condensed into a faint figure.

Seeing this situation, several people reacted differently.

It is the second time for Kong Huan and Chu Ling to see this kind of situation. They know that 8051 is calling the real body. Although this has no practical significance, at least on the surface, 8051 has an attitude, a sincere attitude, which is actually very good Yes, about this, Kong Huan is still very pleased.

On the contrary, it was Xiao Lingyun's reaction that made Kong Huan feel very strange, as if he had suddenly seen a natural enemy, he immediately hid behind Kong Huan when Qicai's consciousness appeared.

(This is the main body of 8051, why does Xiaolingyun have such a big reaction.)
But obviously, Kong Huan would not know the reason.

A light voice came out through the vibration, and 8051, who couldn't see his face clearly, or didn't have a clear face at all, floated to Kong Huan's side slowly and hurriedly, and then sat in front of Kong Huan.

"Speaking of which, the culprit for the destruction of the editing space is me." He said this in a very flat tone, but the shock brought by it was somewhat unbearable for several people.

"What!" X3
In the cognition of the three, there is no such concept that the editing space is destroyed by 8051.

"You have lived there for so long..."

Suddenly, Kong Huan stopped his words and looked at 8051 thoughtfully.

As for the illusory reaction, 8051 smiled and nodded: "You have also thought about it, for you, it's just a few hundred years in the outside world, and the editing space is just a place to rest; but for me But there is a cage, a cage that has imprisoned me for tens of billions of years!"

(Hundreds...tens of billions, not billions...uh, that's enough.) Kong Huan thought subconsciously.

"Is it because you're tired, that's why you came up with it?"

At this time, Kong Huan already understood 8051's words.

In fact, on top of this kind of thing, Kongfan doesn't think that 8051 will deceive itself, because it is meaningless.

Moreover, the editing space has been destroyed, and she also admitted that the culprit is her. She already has no idea of ​​fantasy, and obviously has no mood to pursue the deeper reasons. He only wants himself and his species to develop peacefully. That's it.

(A person who wants to break the cage that has imprisoned him for billions of years may be even crazier if it is me.)
"But, why didn't you tell me?" Kong Huan felt dissatisfied only on this, "You should know me very well, don't tell me, am I not trustworthy?"

"You really couldn't be trusted back then."

(End of this chapter)

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