Spore Story

Chapter 250 The Function of This World

Chapter 250 The Function of This World

PS: O(∩_∩)O in the third shift
"At that time, you really couldn't be trusted."


Suddenly feeling like his good intentions were being trampled, Kong Huan looked angrily at 8051 who couldn't see the expression.

"Calm down, listen to me."

As if possessing magical power, 8051's words calmed down the excited Kong Huan, as well as the confused Ling Yun and Chu Ling.

He reached out and brushed his face, as if he was arranging his hair, but this action made Kong Huan unnaturally shake the tentacles behind his head.

(It's this time, and it's still tantalizing, 8051, where did you learn this hateful character.)
"Hehe, a person taught me a long time ago, I lied to you."

A chuckle came into the helpless Kong Huan's ears, he rubbed his head, but he couldn't express any temper, Kong Huan could only drink the clear spring in his hand in one gulp, and then he put the bamboo cup heavily on his feet.

"Take it easy," the soft and caring voice of Xiao Lingyun and Big Lolita warmed Kong Huan's heart.

(Sure enough, Xiao Lingyun is still the best to me at this time.)
"It took me three days to grind out the pattern on the cup. What if it gets wiped off!"


"Hahahaha" X2
Looking at Chu Ling and 8051 who fell to the ground with a smile, there were black lines all over Kong Huan's forehead, and blue veins popped out.

"8051, get down to business!" At this time, I can't ask Xiao Lingyun for anything, but at this time, 8051, who is wronged, is the best target for Wuhuan to vent.


"Actually, it's very simple, because when I'm in the editing space, I can protect my deep thinking a little bit, but your thinking can even be heard by me, do you think the system can't hear it? And what I want to do is to destroy the nodes where the system is set here, and edit the space!"


(This kind of powerless feeling, ah! Why are we not a high IQ of 250!)
"Well, this counts as your pass. Destroying the editing space is also for your own freedom; the avatar of the three consciousnesses can also be said to be for the three, ah no, two purposes are known now. What about the quack ape? Our species What about our species, without the space for editing and possible evolution after future civilizations?"

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and suddenly he realized that his own species had lost the great advantage of editing space. Wouldn't it be possible to rely on self-reliance in the future?

And for a lazy person like Kong Huan, this is worse than killing himself, then splitting it into four parts and waiting to be kneaded together again.

"Ah," covering his forehead with one hand, 8051 shook his head depressedly: "Can't you have a little confidence in your own species?"

"I have a lot of confidence, and I also believe that my quack ape is an excellent intelligent creature. However, the problem now is that there is a chance to be lazy! But it suddenly flew away!"

Facing 8051, who knows everything about himself, and even knows himself better than himself, Kong Huan doesn't have the slightest thought of showing shame.

We just want to be lazy, how about it!
And the poor Xiao Lingyun and Chu Ling were already stunned.

"Well, empty and calm, calm down." 8051 embarrassingly wiped the black line on his forehead.

"How do you want me to calm down? A Zerg has such a big problem, and even broke the magic talisman. He is Gashan, no, he is the strongest in melee combat in the entire group. This time I woke up after pupating, and he told me he It's gone!" Angrily, he put the bamboo cup heavily on the ground, and Kong Huan felt very uncomfortable when he thought of his feeling when he heard about the loss of the magic talisman.

"The problem of the Zerg, do you think there will be any improvement with the editing space!"

8051's voice was also a little annoyed, maybe to himself, or maybe to Kong Huan: "And the incident of the magic talisman was just an accident, it was a defect of the Youshen body, what needs the efforts of the species itself, the editing space can't handle it at all! "

When it came to the defect of Youshen's body, Lingyun and Chu Ling were silent. It was for this reason that they felt restrained in the previous battle. Otherwise, Bai Ei, who also belonged to Youshen, would not be so troublesome. .

"Put all your hope of development on the editing space and on the system. This is the reason why you traverser civilizations are always unable to grow!" 8051 roared a few times as if to vent, and then suddenly realized, Seems to be out of control.

"Don't I know the function of the editing space? Do you think I selfishly destroyed the editing space without giving you consideration?" As if suppressing the emotional fluctuations in his heart, 8051's voice regained its calm.

But it was this kind of calm that made Kong Huan dissatisfied, because it meant that the other party clearly had the upper hand in a certain aspect, but Kong Huan didn't notice it.

"Is not it?"

The illusory voice had no confidence. Since 8051 was mentioned, it was obvious that the other party was also prepared.

And if there is really a reason that makes him unable to pursue 8051, what should he do, just let the other party go like this?
I always feel unwilling, but why am I angry with 8051?Wu Huan hesitated a little.

"Of course not," 8051's tone completely returned to calm: "The reason why you blame me is because you lost the editing space that can keep growing."

After thinking about it carefully, and constantly torturing his own heart, Kong Huan realized that it seemed to be the case.

An editing space that can grow, even if it is known that it will lose its editing ability after entering civilization, it will definitely evolve corresponding benefits after civilization.

However, this kind of unknown, mysterious, and curiosity-inducing benefit, in other words, is a level of welfare for travelers and cheats, but it is lost forever because of 8051's escape, which is obviously unacceptable.

But if you think about it in another direction, 8051 did it to get out of the cage of billions of years. If Kong Huan moved to that position, it might have gone too far. Therefore, Kong Huan didn't completely turn against 8051 at this time.

However, this dissatisfaction is still lingering in his throat, and he cannot let go.

Confirming 8051's question in his heart, Kong Huan hesitated for a moment, but still nodded.Temper is one thing, and real situation is another. Kong Huan doesn't want to cover up the real situation because of his petty temper, and cause wrong things to happen.

But this action still gave Kong Huan a feeling of 'he was being calculated again'.

Sure enough, there was a sound of relief from 8051.

"Do you know the three wishes of the three-consciousness avatar?" At this time, 8051's tone was already very relaxed, with a kind of pride unique to successful people who are sure of winning, but she concealed it very well, so as not to let Kong Huan go berserk.

"We all know the two wishes of evolving into a mammal and upgrading the pupation component, but the third one is a mystery." Thinking of this, Kong Huan became depressed again, and 8051's personality made him very weak.

"Well, the third one is a good thing. If the editing space evolved into an online version of the civilization control center after it entered civilization, then this is the stand-alone, portable, and upgradeable civilization control center."

"It's portable again." It's not Wuhuan who complained this time, it really wasn't him.

Accidentally glanced at Xiao Lingyun, after thinking about it, Kong stretched out his hand to touch the other's little head, then looked at 8051 complicatedly and said: "Even if there is a stand-alone version of the portable controller..."

"Civilization Control Center."

"Oh, control center, ah, Xiao Lingyun, don't interrupt, even if there is, generally speaking, isn't the online version better? Isn't the exchange of civilizations better promoting the development of Quackape civilization?"

"But these exchanges are all time travelers."

"I'm a time traveler, so what's wrong with communicating with them?" Kong Huan felt very strange about what 8051 said, and it seemed good for him to communicate with time travelers, but since 8051 said so, obviously she also had something Set of views.

At this time, Wu Huan, who didn't even know what this thing was, began to discuss the pros and cons of the two things with 8051, but he could only be entangled in the only difference that could be heard from the name: stand-alone vs network. (far eye=.=)

8051 was quiet, and suddenly looked at the sky above his head: "Void, the civilization of the traversers you know is just created by the multiverse to solve the problem of traversers, that's right."

"Isn't it?" These were all said in the introduction when he first came to this world.

However, according to the conspiracy theory, Kong Huan can also think that it should not be so simple, but his thinking is not complicated, and he doesn't want to consider the problem too complicated, so he just thought about it and didn't get entangled in it. Kong Huan doesn't want to live too tired .

But when it was brought up by 8051, Kong Huan was a little puzzled. Could it be that the secret behind it is very important.

"Of course it's very important," 8051 continued without any sense of self-consciousness after checking his illusory thinking again without any pressure, "What is the purpose of your civilizations?"


"Yes, do you think that a simple 'traveler treatment' needs to create a complete world with core rules and multiple universes? How is this possible?"

"Is it not possible? For those people, there should be no trouble." Kong Huan said without confidence.

"Because you don't understand the complexity of building a complete world. If there is no deeper purpose, no one would spend so much effort to build a complete world. I really just want to deal with the traversers and build a small fantasy full of fantasy." The world, and then keep throwing people into it, it’s probably even more popular with the traversers.”

(Indeed, at this high-end level, as an ordinary person, I have no right to speak.) Sighing in distress, Kong Fan waited quietly for 8051's explanation.

"The purpose of those people is also for evolution."

"Just like the more money you have, the more you want more money. For those who have evolved to the high end, they want to further evolve."

"Evolution has almost become everything to them."

"But at their level, strength, height, class, etc. can't explain it at all. If you want to go further, they can't find a clue."

"So, just like you are constantly experimenting to find a good medicine, they are also constantly experimenting to find out the path of evolution. However, their experimental products..."

"It's our time traveler."

(End of this chapter)

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