Spore Story

Chapter 251 The Evil Moon's Strong Enemy Conjecture

Chapter 251 The Evil Moon's Strong Enemy Conjecture

PS: A new update =w=
Thanks to Chaos Elf for the reward O(∩_∩)O
Ask for support Monday.

"It's our time traveler."

Without any dissatisfaction due to being interrupted, 8051 just looked at Void with a calm face.

Because, she knows emptiness very well.

For this kind of thing, most time travelers who think they are the protagonists after time travel may be angry, painful, and unwilling, and then make up their minds to deal with those who treat them as test subjects, so god blocks and kills gods, Buddha Blocking and killing the Buddha, QB blocking the way is still destroyed, then the protagonist succeeds, and the supporting role fails.

However, Unreal will not.

It appears to be due to illusory laziness and indifference.

But in fact, this is not the case, because he is a person who can recognize the gap, ignore the troubles that are out of reach, and let himself live easily.

Therefore, he will definitely not be self-righteous, thinking that he is the greatest protagonist who cannot be treated abnormally.

This is also the reason why 8051 chooses to believe in emptiness. Perhaps such emptiness cannot achieve much, but it is safe and will live happily. Even 8051, the biggest wish is actually just to be happy and comfortable. Just live obediently.

Then, Kong Huan continued to speak: "There is a big gap between the two sides. Even if we are used as test subjects, we have such a long life because of it. This is an equivalent exchange."

8051 doesn't know how to express her emotions at this time. Although she is comfortable with this kind of personality, she is also troubled by being so unmotivated.

Looking at the peaceful emptiness in front of her, she thought for a while and said, "Indeed, that can be regarded as an equivalent exchange. But if you have the opportunity to get a better life and a safer life, why not pursue it?"

Things have come to this point, at this moment, what 8051 and Konghuan are doing is actually just making up for the relationship between the two parties.

"Is it the gap between the stand-alone computer and the network?" At this point, the topic finally returned to the crux of the beginning.

Nodding his head, 8051 said: "Indeed, you have lost the high-speed growth opportunities that the Internet can bring, but your species has been whitewashed because of this, and you have become an aboriginal, and no longer belong to those batches of traverser civilizations. In fact, the first The three groups of traversers, the empty illusion numbered 14939, have died in the system, and so have I."

Speaking of this, 8051's mood seemed to get better, and even his tone became much lighter.

"Developing as an aborigine, you don't have to worry about being remembered by the system all the time. One day comes a Zerg race, tomorrow a human race, the day after tomorrow a magic race, the day after tomorrow a mechanical race, and later a cosmic creature Wait, this unnatural situation that stimulates you to perish without progress will no longer appear."

"Now, your civilization can develop on its own with peace of mind, and it will be fine for thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years."

"Basically, if you do well, the system may praise you; if you do ordinary, the system will ignore you at most; but if you are still a traverser civilization, if you do well, the system thinks it should be; if you do ordinary, the only one The end result is that the system destroys you."

"There is no absolute gold finger in this world, and there is a price to pay for everything you do."

"So, this is actually an equivalent exchange."

"You voluntarily gave up the high-speed growth benefits brought by the traverser civilization, and the high-level status you directly possess after entering civilization, but in exchange for your relative independence..."

8051 is still talking.

Looking at the 8051 who was talking more and more excited, to be honest, because of the range of the viewing angle, he didn't understand some things, but he liked the sound of 8051's detailed explanation. This may be because he was played a lot by 8051 in the space. [Please explore by yourself] and [Beep——] and so on, and the sequelae left.

But in fact, Kong Huan is a person who follows his feelings. He didn't feel that 8051 was malicious. On the contrary, what he felt was kindness, so he chose to accept it.

Although these good intentions are based on the premise of first liberating 8051 herself, at least this is sincere and not false.

Therefore, Kong Huan smiled, in fact, he had completely forgiven 8051 in his heart.

After all, people like myself can't always be entangled in the past, the future is what everyone needs to face directly, and the ability of 8051 is definitely what illusory needs in this regard.

"Okay, let's talk about the stand-alone version of the portable upgradeable civilization control center. The name is really long, isn't it a lie?"

"Keep it secret for now, and you will know later." Feeling the illusory forgiveness as well, 8051 heaved a sigh of relief, and his mood got better again.

But 8051's good mood is obviously not a good thing for Konghuan.

Because, this means that he has to endure 8051's outrageous black-bellied personality.

However, it is also strange to say.

Regarding 8051's blatant inspection of his own heart, it seems that Kong Huan has no intention of resisting at all, why pinch?

Probably because even if you resist, it's useless at all.

From this point of view, he has been trained (meow) well.

Meanwhile, Lingyun and Chu Ling, who could hear the mist in the clouds, sat motionless on the ground with their eyes on the mosquito coils at this moment.

In Xiao Lingyun's hand, she was holding the bamboo cup that had been emptied on the ground. Fortunately, the ground was soft soil, so the bamboo cup was not damaged.

Smiling and shaking his head, Kong Huan took the bamboo cup from Xiao Lingyun's hand, took another sip of the clear spring, and then thought about his own problems.

Civilization Control Center, sounds like it should be a good thing.

But not now, and 8051 is badly kept mysterious, so, in order not to fall into the trap of 8051, Kong Huan quickly put it aside.

As for the identity of the time traveler and the aborigines, it would be great if the possible masochistic troubles of the time traveler can be avoided for the troublesome Kong Huan.

Evolution is very far away for ordinary people, they just need to survive well.

Those who really think about it are only the controllers themselves, and this kind of thing requires a lot of time.

(Speaking of which, won't the system's approach encourage seedlings to grow?) Kong Huan thought, but how could the thoughts of those characters be understood by Kong Huan, who is only a ghost-level shrimp?
So, take your time.

Then, there is only one problem that needs to be solved now. After solving it, I and 8051 can also return to normal.

"So, 8051, what's the matter with the moon?"

"That, actually, I don't know either. 8051 is also confused about the sudden appearance of the moon."

The water that he just drank into his mouth was sprayed out by Void, and the splashed water mist changed from liquid to gaseous, evenly distributed in the space. Under the high-altitude sunlight, a rainbow appeared in the mist.

"so beautiful!"

Unable to understand the conversation between 8051 and Kong Huan at all, Lingyun and Chu Ling took the opportunity to divert their attention as if they were trying to avoid themselves.

So, learning the illusory movements, the two toddler-like guys started to create artificial rainbows by taking advantage of the sunlight...

puff!Ha ha
puff!Ha ha
puff! ...

"Well, just ignore the two of them." Wiping off his cold sweat, Kong Huan turned his head to look at 8051, only to find that 8051 showed an envious expression, and was immediately entangled by black threads.

"Well, 8051, let's talk about it later if you want to play, don't change the subject, you don't know what it means?"

"That's what it means. 8051 sighed and felt that he was just a small auxiliary consciousness, not a god."

"Small... The guy who destroyed the editing space is a small guy? Besides, the few people here can be called gods."

Turning his head to look at the two who are using the sprayed mist to create a rainbow through the refraction of light like a child, the corners of the empty eyes twitched unconfidently.

"The few righteous gods of the ethnic group are actually not [gods] at all. A real god is an individual with 'absolute' authority in a certain aspect. It cannot be resisted by strength, nor can it be restrained by beliefs. For them The only description is [absolutely]."

"And now the gods in the group, no matter the soul level or the ghost level, are just increasing their strength. The so-called belief is just her own goal and the determination of the direction of development. If you want to really talk about gods, they must at least You have to reach the spirit god level. 8051 said with disdain."

In this regard, Kong Huan can do nothing, who says he is not an authority?
"Okay, let's not talk about the gods in the group. Let's talk about the third moon. Note, it's just a conversation now, not an inquiry. So, do you have any guesses?" Kong Huan looked expectantly at 8051 .

She said she didn't know, but from the way she looked at the moon, Kong Huan could be sure that 8051 had at least had her own guess.

Sure enough, 8051 nodded, paused, and then continued to explain: "Remember the Zerg base before? I actually hope that my guess is wrong. 8051 is deeply disturbed by his guess, because it is beyond his own calculation. s things."

"That might be the Zerg base."

"Are you kidding?" Kong Huan's mouth twitched, "Such a big base, even if he throws something casually, we are already finished."

"That's what I'm wondering about..."

Under Kong Hua's questioning, 8051 narrated the reason why she thought so.

The Zerg base we encountered before was really too weak, with only the lowest-level dogs and bees.

Although Kong Huan expressed dissatisfaction with this conclusion, because the base that was killed by almost all the strength of his own group, and paid for a high-end Youshen and hundreds of pupae, was actually rated as weak.

But when 8051 announced the civilization ratings of both sides, the illusion was sunk.

This Zerg is not a species of Double Moon Star. At that time, several people saw the Zerg base falling from the sky, so this Zerg is at least a late stage civilization, or even an intermediate civilization.

As for the quack ape, even the primitive civilization has not been evaluated at this time, it looks like a modern army driving an aircraft carrier tank and carrying an atomic bomb to fight the cavemen.

But the cavemen won.

Then, as long as there is a bit of sense, they will not think that the army came out in full force, and then they were stoned to death by cavemen.

Therefore, what the cavemen encountered should not be the main force, but at most only a small group of careless soldiers, most likely scouts from the 'biggest country in the universe'.

So, is this Zerg realm really a temptation?

However, the gap in civilization has brought about the overall suppression of technology, making it impossible for the two people present (the two who played the rainbow to ignore it) to guess what the other is up to. When Kong Huan left, human civilization was only in the middle and late stages of elementary civilization.

As for 8051, she said that she has only seen the civilization of the early intermediate stage, and she can't tell whether it is true or not, so she can only choose to believe it.

As for the conjecture of the third moon, it is because after the appearance of that moon, 8051 had a feeling that the planet was being peeped at, and not long after, meteor events began to appear continuously on the planet.

Actually, 8051 learned a lot of things by scanning the cloud jellyfish's memory, but she didn't say it out, or she carelessly didn't notice the difference.

Combining it with intruders like the nearest Zerg base, and considering the system's protection measures for the planets of traversers before entering the universe, 8051 believes that this third moon should be a large Zerg base.

The conclusions are scary.

Looking at the harm that the little Zerg base brought to Quack Ape, and comparing the size gap between the two sides, Kong Huan suddenly felt that the future was bleak.

Then, he looked at 8051 and said: "Isn't this the so-called challenge of the system arrangement? It happened just before the collapse of editing space, when we were about to enter primitive civilization, didn't it?"

"I'm not sure about this, because it seems that this challenge is too much. But maybe the system will take special care of the third group of traversers, otherwise the system's protective layer outside the galaxy where the traverser civilization is located can actually make this kind of I don't even believe that the intermediate civilization is here. 8051 lamented that he seemed to be a step too late."

"Forget it, the soldiers will block the water and the earth will cover them. Now we can't do anything about them, so let's work hard to develop ourselves. But when do you think they will come in?" We must pay attention to this illusory.

If the Zerg came in tomorrow, then Kong Huan could only scold her.

"Don't worry about this, they were able to put a small base in before, it should be because of the turmoil brought about by the completion of the fourth-level brain task (I'm afraid there is also the reason why I destroyed the last node, but 8051 doesn't want to make extra troubles), let them turn around After all, the system protection is not just for fun. Come to think of it, it can only enter when all your three consciousness wishes are fulfilled, because the system protection will disappear at that time. 8051 patted his chest and let out a heavy sigh of relief."

"Well, now it seems that at least we can manage this time well. We only need to control the third wish, don't rush to complete it, and delay it for thousands of years to develop internal strength. If you think about it, there will be no problem."

"No, in fact, up to 400 years, because the system protection loses nodes, it cannot get support from the system, and it is slowly disappearing. 8051 said weakly."


(Isn't it still forced to develop in the end?) Void Huan sighed as if nothing existed.

(This is the end of the matter, I can only accept it.)
Then, he put his worries about the Zerg base deep in his heart, and turned his head to look at the two people who ran to the central snow mountain to fetch snow due to lack of water.

"It's only now that I realize that the days when I only need to think about my own survival are really good."

"So, 8051, what are your plans?" Looking at the colorful consciousness of 8051, Kong Huan already noticed that it seemed to be a little different from the size of Quack Ape.

Smiling slightly, 8051 suddenly asked.

"You, empty fantasy, are you willing to help me?"

"Well... Although your record is not very good, but no matter how many billions of years we have known each other, I will help you if I don't help you." Kong Huan smiled, and made a pose of a good brother, taking the opportunity to take a picture Patted 8051 on the shoulder.

"Hehe, then, just wait and see."

(End of this chapter)

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