Spore Story

Chapter 252

Chapter 252

PS: Second watch, let's come out. ~\(≧▽≦)/~
Here is a small tribe.

Dozens of brick and tile huts are scattered here and there. Adults and children shuttle among them, but they are not busy, but full of leisure, without the "struggling for survival" brought by other creatures on this planet at this time. hardships.

Amidst the rattling rattan rattan, a girl put the rattan frame she had woven in her hand on the ground with a happy face, then grabbed a piece of shredded meat and handed it to the mouth of a small furry animal beside her.

But the little animal seemed to be in a bad mood, it just moved its cute little nose weakly, then turned its head mercilessly, ignoring the girl's angry eyes.

But as if realizing that his behavior was bad, the little animal wagged its tail perfunctorily, then closed its eyes, and after a while, it let out a gentle purr.

Reluctantly lowering her head, the girl snorted, threw the shredded meat directly into her mouth, and chewed heavily.

Then, the girl picked up a rattan frame on her back, picked up the fur from the back of the little animal's neck as a prank, and threw it heavily into the rattan frame behind her, then closed the opening, ignoring the little guy's dissatisfied screams and struggles, just like that Humming a melody full of rhythm, he jumped out and ran to a big house in the middle of the small tribe.

"Bai Min, are you going to see Bai Nong again?"

Walking on the flat dirt road between tribal houses, a friendly voice attracted the girl's attention.

She smiled and nodded to the other party, then bowed vigorously, ignoring the little animal behind her who was shaken dizzily because of her big movement, and unfolded her light voice.

"Yeah, Grandpa, he has been cocooned for more than 40 days, and he should break out of the cocoon soon."

"Hehe, I really want to see Xiaobai with two pairs of wings on his back. He said that after he pupates, he will show me our tribe from the sky."

Having said this, the girl showed a yearning expression.

The old man in front looked at the girl lovingly at this time, and then turned to the little animal in the rattan frame behind the girl who seemed to be venting, and couldn't help smiling: "It's almost successful, he's probably We are the youngest chrysalis here. However, how many times have I said, you want to call him brother, why don't you change it?"

Seeing the accusing eyes of the old man, the girl raised her head proudly, and compared it to her ear, and then said: "Hmph, Xiaobai didn't make that up by himself. And we were born at the same time. She is also a mother, but I am taller than him, he should call me sister, not to mention that he is the last one to break the shell, hehe."

"You," looking at the little girl with flaming eyes, dumbfounded, the old man shook his head, as if he saw some shadows in it, and then his expression darkened: "Hey, it would be great if that girl was still alive."

As if remembering something sad, the old man rubbed his dry eyes, then pointed behind the girl.

"You'd better treat the hairball better, otherwise Bai Nong may say you when he wakes up. Well, I can't do much with my old bones. After a while, everyone will be busy again, so let's go first Take a rest and build up some strength."

After finishing speaking, the old man thumped Weituo's back, and walked towards the hut behind him step by step with his hands behind his back.

"Got it, grandpa."

Looking at the figure of the old man complicatedly, the girl seemed to have remembered something, and her expression was a little sad.

But the vibration from behind quickly attracted the girl's attention, and she removed the rattan frame from her back. The girl blinked cutely at the little animal that bared its teeth at her.

"Furball, do you want to come out?"

He nodded very spiritually. The little animal seemed to understand the girl's language, but he couldn't speak.

Before the girl asked the question, it was still climbing towards the opening along the gap of the rattan frame, but unfortunately the girl had sealed the place with rattan, and the little animal couldn't get out at all.

"Hehe, who told you to be disobedient?"

With a cute smile, the girl carefully looked around.

After confirming that there was no one around, the girl suddenly showed a horrified expression, staring at the trembling little animal and said, "Who told you to snatch Xiaobai from me, Quack."

"Wait, as long as Xiaobai doesn't like you anymore, I will use my best stew technique to pull out your skin first! Clean your internal organs! Add some beans in it! Put rice in the pot Add chili, six-leaf clover, green grain vegetables, etc., oh, of course, salt is absolutely indispensable. In the end, it must be simmered slowly... Then, oh ho ho ho ho."

Every time the girl said something, the little animal trembled, as if it was under great mental pressure.

When the girl's chuckle came out, the little animal had already collapsed in the rattan frame in a daze, its lower limbs twitching unnaturally.

However, the girl has done this behavior many times without realizing it.

Just shaking the rattan frame lightly, the little animal woke up helplessly again, and then, under the girl's watchful eyes, squatted peacefully in a corner of the rattan frame, staring at the girl with pitiful and rebellious eyes.

At this time, Bai Min, who regained her appearance as a cute, pure and kind little girl, winked playfully at the little animal.

Then, ignoring the fur ball that was trembling with fright, she flicked it lightly, put the rattan frame back on her back, and walked towards the center of the tribe amidst the sound of beautiful and pure music.

Little furball, little furball

Cute white hair falling out one by one

bald all over

Peel off the skin and make a robe
Eviscerate the bones, build a small bridge
Save the meat for a good meal


—————— Meaningless dividing line =. =———————

"Uncle Baigu, is Xiaobai doing anything today?"

She nodded politely to the busy pupate, and the girl stood quietly at the courtyard door, but her eyes looked at the door from time to time.

He reached out and patted the camel dragon he was feeding, and the pupate slightly slapped the four wings that had become stiff because they hadn't moved for a while, and walked towards the girl with a smile.

As for why these animals suddenly quiet down every time they see a girl coming in, the people in the tribe are no longer surprised by such things as 'the little girl who is obviously cute and innocent, but always likes to sing scary songs'.

Just like her elder brother Bai Nong, who has done so many things to make all the tribes here live better, but just doesn’t eat meat, some strange behaviors of the little girl are also taken for granted, and more often it comes down to Because their mother's mischievous temperament affected them both.

As for the polite and lovely little girl and her kind and gentle brother, everyone loves them very much.

"There is no movement today, but it should be soon. Uncle, it was only more than 30 days when I pupated. Maybe Bai Nong was young, so it took a little longer." Smiling, the pupa The avatar threw the weeds in his hands to the haystack beside him, then looked at the expectant little girl, clapped his hands, and pointed to the door.

"Go in, but I still have to say..."

"No touching."

Although it was interrupted, the gentle voice of the little girl made the pupation body unable to generate any dissatisfaction.

Smiling and nodding, the little girl cheered, opened the curtain and walked in.

But before the pupa turned around to do other things, an object suddenly flew out from the curtain that hadn't fallen down.

Reaching out to catch it nimbly, the pupate looked suspiciously and found that it was the rattan frame containing the dangling fur ball, and smiled helplessly.

"Furball will trouble uncle."


Looking at the dissatisfied fur balls in the rattan frame, the pupate smiled wryly, and placed it next to the camel dragon it had fed before.

So, the little guy immediately quieted down.

However, it's not because of fear.

At this moment, the arm-sized fur ball and the two-meter-high and four-meter-long camel dragon looked at each other like brothers in need, and snorted at the same time.

friend in distress

At noon, the high sun shone on the hut in the center of the tribe.

The pupated body, Bai Gu, carefully pulled the grumpy camel dragons into the animal pen with thatched roof, and after confirming that they were tied several times, he walked towards the hut with the rattan frame containing the fur balls.

He was a little surprised, the girl had been in for so long, why hasn't she come out yet.

Lifting the door curtain, he happened to see the girl who was leaning on the giant cocoon, pressing her ear to the shell of the giant cocoon.

"Bai Min, what are you doing!"

There was a bit of reproach in his voice, because compared to the little girl who brought everyone joy and peace, as the leader, he was more nervous about Bai Nong who brought everyone stability and future, so that he was a little irritable for a while.

But soon, he calmed down.

"Ah, uncle, that, I just heard something moving inside, I want to hear it clearly." Bai Min's small movements were noticed, and he quickly stood up in a panic, with a sincere expression of admitting his mistake, and bowed his head Stand in front of the pupation.

But the actions with a 100% success rate in the past have no effect at this time, which makes her a little strange.

Cautiously looking up, she found to her embarrassment that the uncle who blamed her just now had also joined him.

Well, so, is it true that I can, too?

Thinking like this, Bai Min put his little head up again, but was quickly held down by the uncle.


Bai Min's expression was clearly accusing the uncle of his unfair behavior.

But at this moment, the uncle was full of joy, and Bai Min's 100% success rate business expression failed again.

"Haha, come on, let's move it out, Bai Nong is going to succeed!"

Regardless of what to explain, Bai Min was urged by the panicked uncle to rush up, and he and the pupated uncle carried the huge cocoon out of the hut on one side and one on the right.

Under the sunlight, the giant cocoon is emitting brighter and brighter light, as if the inner pupa is announcing its new life to the world.

"Go, let's disperse!"

Seems to be very experienced, after the chrysalis uncle placed the cocoon, he pulled the little girl who was at a loss and quickly hid outside the courtyard wall, and then carefully hid to observe the reaction of the cocoon in front of him.

The girl with a focused expression was also looking forward to the giant cocoon in front of her.

And because they were too focused, the two of them didn't notice at all the small black dot that was growing bigger and bigger in the sky at the edge of their sight.

(End of this chapter)

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