Spore Story

Chapter 253 The Awakened Second Illusion

Chapter 253 The Awakened Second Illusion

PS: Three more, quack
Dengyun Mountain moved forward quietly, patrolling his territory with unstoppable power.

The breeze at an altitude of several thousand meters quietly blows the creatures in the mountain, bringing out rustling sounds.

Due to the disappearance (in fact, death) of the guide Mu Xiao, several passengers in the mountain can only carefully calculate the time to the destination according to the memory at the beginning.

However, just to be on the safe side, a few ghost gods would fly down every day to inspect various tribes and check for possible targets.

As an ordinary pupae, Kong Huan naturally stayed in the hut, tragically becoming a housewife.

"Hey, life."

But Void seems to have no complaints about it.

At this moment, he, who is already used to this height, is sitting on the edge of Dengyun Mountain, drinking the ice water from the snow peak on the top of the mountain, while sweeping to the ground from time to time, this kind of ordinary and peaceful life seems to be everything to him.

At this time, Kong Huan's expression suddenly changed, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

"Huh? You're awake."

There was no one around, but Kong Huan seemed to be talking to someone: "Oh, who am I, of course I am Kong Huan."

"Of course, you too, and we all do."

On his face was an expression of joy that he had discovered his long-standing goal, and the feeling of getting up soon seemed to infect everything around him, filling the surrounding with a joyous atmosphere.

"Yeah, we are all illusions, but it's one-third."

Nodding his head, Kong Huan lightly took a mouthful of the clear spring, and then looked into the distance.

Passing through the heavy barriers, he seemed to see a pupae, who was talking to himself in the same way as himself in doubt.

"Don't be so confused, our communication is just telepathy."

At this moment, feeling something, Kong Huan shook his head.

Then, he closed his eyes, but soon, he opened them uncomfortably, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and finally sighed helplessly.

"It seems that we can only exchange so many things once. In fact, if you want to know more accurately, let's talk about it after we meet. Although telepathy is very fun, it seems a lot easier to say it directly."

Shaking his head again, Kong Huan looked into the distance, just in time to see the three of 8051 who were approaching.

So, he put down the bamboo cup in his hand, stood up and patted the dirt, and walked towards the flying people.Meanwhile, he continued talking to himself.

"I can also feel that we are very close. Let me say a key word, climb Yunshan."

He shook his head heavily, as if the other party's reaction made him feel strange, Kong Huan smiled slightly and said: "No, no, I'm not those nasty pupae from Dengyun Mountain, don't you know that Dengyun Mountain has dispersed? Yet?"

"Oh, Bai Evil? Is it really related to you? However, he is dead."

At this moment, the three of 8051 had already flown to Kong Huan, and they all shook their heads to express that they hadn't found it yet, but they didn't have any regrets, and it seemed that they didn't have much hope.

At this time, Kong Huan smiled again, causing several people to look at Kong Huan suspiciously.

"That's right, then I'm relieved."

Both Lingyun and Chu Ling were puzzled by the sudden soliloquy, but 8051's eyes lit up.

Seeing 8051's reaction, Kong Huan nodded in agreement, making the other party even more relieved, holding the other two and walking aside.

Then, Kong Huan smiled again, and said towards the direction of Dengyun Mountain: "Although he committed suicide, it can be said that we killed him. However, when we saw him, he was already crazy."

"Purpose? Of course the purpose is to find you. Since you are also awakened, of course you should know our identities."

"Well, three, 8051 is with me, you can ask her when the time comes."

"Okay, okay, I can't explain these things now, I can't be too busy if you ask so many questions, can't I? And we are all climbing Yunshan now, so we should be at your place soon, let's talk about it at that time."

As if hanging up the phone, Kong Huan blinked his eyes, and then looked at the busy people with joy on his face, and then showed a playful expression on them.

"Is it contacting a clone that has just successfully chrysalised? 8051 quickly analyzed the conclusion from Kong Huan's expression and movements, and immediately interrupted Kong Huan's intention to show off."

In this regard, 8051 smiled without any pressure.

But this hateful smile made Kong Huan's teeth itch with hatred.

"Che, it's Bai Nong. He said he hasn't broken the cocoon yet, but he's planning to start now."

"Did he say where they are? It's not very good to find them this way. I fly around every day and I'm exhausted."

Lingyun is obviously dissatisfied with this kind of tiring life, and clearly agreed to take a vacation of nearly ten days, but because she suddenly remembered that there was no guide, she couldn't be sure where the avatar was in the tribe.

As a result, several people had to make a trip every day.

What made them even more depressed was that, due to the notoriety of the pupated body of Dengyun Mountain, when they saw the people flying down from Dengyun Mountain, those tribes would either offer food in fear; home to flee.

This allowed 8051 and the others to experience the treatment of robbers very smoothly.

And in order to incorporate these similar tribes into the ethnic group by the way, several people explained earnestly, helped hunting to show their closeness to the people, helped to treat some wounded and sick, and even used the influence of mental power to roughly incorporate them. Most ethnic groups.

But even so, there are still some tribes who are stubborn, or their impression of Dengyun Mountain is too dark, and they completely reject the inclusion of several people.

This made the 8051 people sigh and fail.

If a few people sent Quack Ape, and if they went overland instead of climbing Yunshan Mountain, I'm afraid they would be able to be successfully recruited just by going up and saying a few words.

At the same time, along the way, a few people were also surprised to find that although the totem styles are messy, the promotional ideas are various, and even the names are slightly different, the fear and belief of the white evil is far beyond what they initially thought. A few small tribes, but most tribes along the way.

However, now that the main target Bai Ei and the Dengyun Mountain altar have been destroyed, it will not cause any trouble.

In this way, it seemed that the only one who really enjoyed a leisurely vacation was the illusion that he was unable to move because of his slow speed and injuries.

But Kong Huan was able to find his target just by taking a leisurely vacation like this. 8051 and the others ran around exhaustingly but had nothing to gain, which obviously made them a little psychologically unbalanced.

Looking meaningfully in front of Dengyun Mountain, Kong Huan looked at the expressions of several people, and immediately canceled his plan to tease them, he didn't want to become the target of gang fights.

Pointing in the direction of progress, Kong Huan said quietly: "This avatar is not simple. From my feeling, he seems to be close to the soul level, and he is very confident."


"Yes, when I wanted him to give us a hint to determine the location when he passed by Dengyun Mountain, he said, 'Just look down from the sky, when you pass here, you will know that the tribe I control is which ones.'"

Thinking of this, Kong Huan couldn't restrain his curiosity.

This self, what has he done, can be seen from the sky.

Could it be that his tribe is very large, so it is widely distributed and can be seen clearly at a glance; or is there any characteristic of the buildings of his tribe that can be detected in the sky...

"This Bai Nong is much more confident than you. 8051 compared Huili and Bai Nong, and he could only cover his mouth and laugh."

Looking at 8051 with black lines all over his head, Kong Huan shook his head depressedly.

My gray reason has reformed so many systems of the tribe, and now I am thinking about the unification of tens of thousands of quack apes. Before that, the deep-seated telepathy gave both sides a basic understanding, but...

What did this white farmer do?

What the hell did this gray man do?

At the same time, another illusory clone, Bai Nong, was waking up from the giant cocoon, thinking the same way.

Then, he opened his eyes.

(Bai Nong, Hui Li, Kong Huan, for some reason, seem to be a bit reluctant to be Bai Nong.)
(However, they are all alone.)
(Thinking about it carefully, before the fusion, I was both Kong Huan and Bai Nong. Even after the fusion, I am also Bai Nong, but at the same time I am also Huili, Kong Huan, and the third... I guess.)
(A clone of three consciousnesses is really a strange thing.)
Thinking like this, Bai Nong finally came to his senses.

Because he had a telepathic connection with Huili who had pupated earlier, he already had a certain amount of experience in using the flying wings.

The light that flashed when the pupation was successful was quickly taken back by Bai Nong.

Skillfully propping up the four wings, the giant cocoon was forcibly broken open, and the newborn sun shone on Bai Nong's body again, emitting a dazzling light.

With a flick of his wings, he rushed to the sky.

Although I have already obtained the feeling of flying from Hui Li, how can it be compared to trying it myself?

"It's really comfortable. I didn't expect that I would chrysalis so soon. I'm really grateful for this mission mode."

Hovering a few times at low altitude, feeling the abundant vitality in his body, Bai Nong laughed and swept towards the tribe group he worked hard for.

At this time, an attribute box suddenly flashed in his mind.

Name:? ? /Bainon
Power: 13
Energy: 51
Consciousness: 291
Spirit: 8001/8730
Number of control species: 2102
Current target:

300. Increase consciousness to [-];

[-]. Extend agriculture and animal husbandry to the ethnic group where the three consciousnesses are located, and bring the ethnic group into the era of farming.

Harvest: memory fragments, "Basic Control Theory of Mental Power".

"Well, except for consciousness, strength and energy are just ordinary values. However, there are no good training methods. Fighting and the like are the most annoying."

Thinking of this, Bai Nong frowned, and swooped down to the yard where he had pupated.

Just after touching the ground, before he had time to further check the surrounding situation, a piece of information suddenly merged into Bai Nong's mind.

""Conscious Thoughts", hehe, the mission rewards are harvested. Now there is no need to use meditation to cultivate consciousness. Huh? It feels familiar." Looking up to the surroundings, Bai Nong saw the full face Relieved chrysalis and excited girl, he smiled awkwardly at the realization that he was once again so focused that he forgot about his surroundings.

"Morning... well, good afternoon, Uncle Chief. Oh, and my sister."

"What is another thing! I want to call you sister!"

(End of this chapter)

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