Spore Story

Chapter 254 The First Experience of the Bainong Tribe

Chapter 254 The First Experience of the Bainong Tribe

PS: An updated report.

Farming is the key to the stability of a civilization.

In order to assist in the implementation of the unification plan of the ethnic groups, in order to push the various tribes of the ethnic groups who are limited by hunting and unable to expand the number of aggregations, from the turbulent primitive hunting civilization to the next step of stable farming civilization, the high-level of the ethnic group has been in the double sickle Tribe conducts first crop trials.

However, due to time constraints, the initial seed selection has just begun.

Hundreds of plants are being distributed and planted on the [-]-square-kilometer small plain of the Shuangsi tribe, making the small plain almost become a colorful palette, but it will take at least four or five years to see results.

At the same time, the ethnic group started the initial selection work of the animal domestication of the Hell Tribe.

These are all things that make Kong Huan (Hui Li) proud, because many of them were launched by Kong Huan in order to further promote his own system.

But when Dengyun Mountain climbed over the last high mountain on the ground and officially entered the plain area, what caught his eyes made Kong Huan deeply realize the pride of Bai Nong.

"Indeed, compared to promoting the ethnic group to farming and releasing the productivity bound by endless hunting, my small system reforms seem to be nothing to be proud of."

Although it was pitiful, Kong Huan didn't show any dissatisfaction or jealousy.

Because, what he knows very well is that the other party is also himself, and also an illusion.

Then, if you did the same thing by yourself, if you say a few more words of praise, isn’t it also an indirect praise of yourself?quack

Kong Huan was thinking like this, while looking at 8051 who was thinking of Kong Huan at will, she was obviously stunned. It is possible that she wanted to appreciate Kong Huan's modest behavior before.

"Ah, forget it." 8051 shook his head as if giving up on himself: "Farming is the foundation of your civilization development, and a lot of labor is released during slack farming, which can promote the further development of your species' civilization, but what you do is also the same. It's important, don't underestimate it."

Seemingly surprised that 8051 would agree with him, Kong Huan squinted at him.

But at this time, 8051 did not stare at the patches of farmland on the plain like the others, but instead focused on the sky.

Without needing to read his thoughts, he could understand the fantasy of what the other person was thinking, and he sighed a little in his heart.

At this time, the voice of 8051 came again: "In your system reform, on the basis of farming, what you need to pay attention to is to guide those idle individuals to develop in a positive direction. Don't let them go to Dengyun Mountain. The road of incarnation is the same, without restraint, you know how to fight one-on-one all day long. As soon as 8051 imagines a group of quack apes falling from east to west, from south to north, and fighting everywhere in the slack season, they feel uncomfortable. Comfortable."

"Of course I know that." The empty buzzing voice reached the ears of several people, but it did not arouse the slightest sympathy.

Everyone knows that for Kong Huan, he just needs to give him a little motivation to do things well.

At this moment, several people were lying on the edge of Dengyun Mountain, looking at the fields of different sizes below.

Among them, every few fields, there will be a pond the size of the wingspan of a pupate body, covered with a cover, which seems to be used to block the sunlight.

By the pond, some quack apes are using buckets made of barnacles and waterproof animal skins to irrigate the fields with buckets of clear water.

There are mainly two kinds of plants growing in the fields: one is green like beans; the other is golden yellow like cereals.

But apart from these two types, there are also some small fields, and the things planted on them are very distinctive: there are dwarf trees with wide leaves; there are plants that look like ordinary grass; there are also vines that look like curls plant……

Between each field, there is a two-person-wide field ridge, and occasionally some quack apes can be seen walking on it in a hurry or leisurely.

And on the periphery, there are still some pupae flying around, as if they are patrolling and driving away some animals that harass the field.

On the edge of the large field, there are also fences connected by branches and vines.

However, the function of this thing is unknown, because most of the animals at this time are dinosaurs with a body size of more than two meters. I am afraid that no one will believe that this kind of fence of more than one meter can block the surprise attack of dinosaurs.

When Dengyun Mountain came, those quack apes did not react as violently as quack apes in other places.

Their reaction seemed to be just seeing an ordinary cloud passing by. Occasionally, they could see a leisurely quack ape pointing at the Dengyun Mountain in the sky and telling the people beside him, but due to the distance Far, illusory also can not hear.

As for those pupae, what should they still do? It seems that the attraction of climbing Yunshan Mountain is not as great as those herbivorous dinosaurs rushing into the farmland.

"8051, if you want to talk about restraint, these quack apes seem to need it, and they all wander leisurely on the road."

For the development here, if it was just farmland, Kong Huan would be surprised, even amazed, but not as surprised as he is now.

So, what did he see?

"Han Huan, look, look, that dinosaur is actually carrying so many things on its back, and it's being led away, it's so fun!"

These are the words that the illusory being attracted by the hopeful farmland felt his tentacles being pulled hard.

Surprised in his heart, Kong Huan could not care about the education of Xiao Lingyun, turned his head and followed the direction she was pointing, and his eyes suddenly brightened.

He saw two quack apes, leading three four-legged dinosaurs whose names he couldn't recognize, walking along a solid dirt road four people wide.

These three-headed and four-legged dinosaurs can clearly see that their wildness has not disappeared, but they still seem to have a very docile temper. Therefore, although they pull the vine ropes around their horns from time to time, they are still under the constant pulling and urging of the quack ape. Walking slowly along the road step by step.

And because of the arrival of Dengyun Mountain, these Tuo beasts seemed to become more anxious, and one of them even stood still, attracting the glaring glare of a quack ape.

However, what the quack ape glared at was not the Tuo beast, but Dengyun Mountain.

This makes several passengers on Dengyun Mountain dumbfounded.

Along the way, the one who reacted the most to Dengyun Mountain seemed to be the quack ape. The reason was that Dengyun Mountain frightened the opponent's Tuo beast.

"Suddenly felt that climbing Yunshan was a failure." Kong Huan groaned weakly at the side, and several unscrupulous companions nodded in agreement.

"Okay, okay, let's go down quickly now, Dengyun Mountain will not escape here, our main purpose is to find Bai Nong. 8051 interrupted everyone's thoughts of hurting Dengyun Mountain, I think it is better to go as soon as possible It is better to obtain the farming and animal husbandry information here and spread it.”

After speaking, 8051 took the lead and flew to the quack ape down the mountain.

After climbing Yunshan Mountain, Tuo Beast didn't dare to move. The Quack Ape also knew that he couldn't do anything for the time being, so he simply asked his companions to sit down and rest together.

At this time, they were sitting leisurely beside Tuo Beast's tall body, chatting with each other, as if they were expressing their dissatisfaction with Dengyun Mountain, but without a trace of fear.

This kind of tuo beast team, Kong Huan and the others have seen several in the air, but the combination of these two people and three beasts obviously has the deepest influence on them.

So, under the vigilant eyes of the two quack apes, Kong Huan landed in front of them smoothly with the three Youshen.

"Yo, hello everyone, you've worked hard, and the weather is really hot...ah!"

Xiao Bao's emptiness was quickly resolved by 8051's fist, and then, Xiao Lingyun, who was a diplomat, stepped forward and nodded to the two quack apes.

"Hello, where is Bai Nong?"

As far as Xiao Lingyun is concerned, her attitude is already very sincere and friendly, but in the eyes of the two quack apes who are wary of Dengyun Mountain, the other party still has a domineering expression.

After all, according to what Mu Xiao said, Dengyun Mountain no longer had contact with Bai Nong's tribe for only 1000 times, and a cycle of [-] days was only more than [-] days.

As for what Kong Huan felt, the time in a year was about three hundred to five hundred days, that is to say, only two or three years.

And these two quack apes, no matter how you look at them, are uncles in their 30s, it is impossible not to have a bad feeling for Dengyun Mountain.

However, because several people came down from Dengyun Mountain, the attitude of "overbearing" made the two quack apes look dissatisfied. One of the quack apes saw it by accident and was caught by 8051 as soon as he appeared. Kong Huan hit the ground, and then, his expression changed, and he suddenly grabbed his companion beside him.

Afterwards, the two completely ignored Xiao Lingyun and the others, and rushed up to help Kong Huan who had fallen to the ground.

"Bai Nong, are you okay? I just saw you chrysalis the day before yesterday. Why did you go to Dengyun Mountain today?"

Obviously, this was a misunderstanding, but for Kong Huan and the others, it was an opportunity to reduce trouble.

Of course, a few people would not do anything to explain something. With the illusory memory of Bai Nong, they directly used the disguise of Bai Nong's identity to extract the location of Bai Nong's tribe from the mouths of the two quack apes.

Then, they bid farewell to the two quack apes and flew away.

A quack ape looked at the disappearing Kong Huan and the Youshen, and only now did he have a puzzled expression on his face.

"Well, they seemed to be asking 'Where is Bai Nong?', but isn't that where Bai Nong is? Why do they still ask that?"

"Uh, I don't know either."

The companion is obviously not good at this kind of thing. Seeing 'Bainong' flying away with his friend, the quack ape directly ignored the companion's questioning.

Smiling and squatting in front of a stubborn Tuo Beast, he took out a few green grasses from a small rattan frame on the Tuo Beast's back, and handed them to the corner of Tuo Beast's mouth, and then, the quack ape began to tease.

This action made the companion's head full of black lines.

"I said, didn't Bai Nong say before that this is a tuo beast, not a pet, so we should take care of it differently, right?"

"Well, what's the matter? Didn't I find a pet like a fur ball? There are only a few of them, and it's not enough for the leaders to share. I got me in that round, but this tortoise is so good. You Look." After speaking, the quack ape deliberately patted Tuo Beast's head.

The poor Tuo Beast was completely shrouded in the shadow of Dengyun Mountain at this time, and did not dare to move at all. It could only be played by the unscrupulous master so wantonly, and resisted with a whining sound.

(End of this chapter)

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