Spore Story

Chapter 255 The Unreal Meeting in the Mirror

Chapter 255 The Unreal Meeting in the Mirror

PS: Two, two, two...

"Almost there, in that direction."

Perhaps it is because they belong to the same consciousness, and they are temporary individuals, so when the consciousness of the two has reached a certain synchronization, and after another telepathy occurred before, Kong Huan has a clue about Bai Nong's position. induction.

This is different from the 8051's use of illusory body sensing. The 8051's sensing is broad and can only establish a wide range of directions. When approaching, it will be mixed up by the sensing of many quack apes of the same kind, causing the sensing of Bainong to become weaker. indistinct;
However, Kong Huan's perception of Bai Nong is that the closer he is, the clearer he perceives it.

Flying all the way, several people have completely convinced Bai Nong.

Over the past decades, the ethnic group has worked hard to promote ethnic contact, and successively worked out the special communication of the high-level temple, the second-level communication of the chrysalis, and the establishment of a road to form a regular first-level communication system, but the actual results are very few.

Because each tribe in the ethnic group is at least a small tribe with more than 50 people, in order to ensure the hunting range, each ethnic group is at least eight or nine kilometers apart, and it is not a special case for large tribes to be separated by tens of kilometers.

And because each tribe is mainly hunting, the population of the tribe is usually busy with hunting, in addition to the development of primitive industries (pottery, clothing, book making, leather making...).

Due to the speed and production time of these products, most of them can only be produced and sold by themselves, so they usually need to communicate, and the internal population of the tribe is enough.

Therefore, among the various tribes in the ethnic group, there is almost no time and mood to communicate with other tribes.

Most of the communication is limited to the high-level above the head priest, or the communication between the pupation, or directly in the high-level temple gathering in the area.

This has led to the stone roads of the five major tribes that have been built by each tribe until now under the unified planning of the tribes, and the dirt road network that is under construction for medium-sized tribes.

And even the dirt roads that have been built are not used very much, because now among the quack apes at the bottom of the various tribes, they are not in the mood to run more than ten kilometers just to hang out. They don't have that leisure time.

"With that time, it's better to hunt more prey and watch the warehouse gradually fill up comfortably." This is the true portrayal of most of the peripheral tribes of the ethnic group at this time.

In comparison, most of the tribes here are micro-tribes with less than 50 members, and because they are not mainly hunting, the distance between them is only three to four kilometers.

Moreover, because they are mainly engaged in farming, they can be divided into slack and busy farming. Quack apes who have more time to spare cannot satisfy their leisure psychology in tribes with a small population. When the time comes, they will wander around the tribes not far away on their own, which greatly promotes the communication between the tribes.

Therefore, within these tribes, through the auxiliary transportation of Tuo beasts, the roads that have been "taken" have connected all the tribes in this way.

This is only a preliminary understanding, but it has already benefited the four of them a lot.

In comparison, the group that ruled tens of thousands of quack apes seems to be a top-down model, with hard work and half the result; but here, it is a bottom-up model, giving people a feeling of getting twice the result with half the effort.

To sum up, just one sentence: [Demand] promotes [Development].

The needs of inter-tribal communication at the bottom of each tribe in the ethnic group are not higher than the need for food survival, so a kind of independence is still maintained within the tribe;
Here, the lower level of the tribes have no worries about food, and the demand for cross-tribes is driven by internal (self + tribe) and external (not far away), which promotes mutual communication.

The illusory together with 8051 is more inclined to the theoretical analysis of gray theory.

After expressing his own analysis and conclusion, Kong Huan said with emotion: "If we integrate well, our ethnic group should be able to achieve better development."

At this time, a quack ape suddenly flew out of the tribe in front.

Just by looking at it, Lingyun and the others already knew that the other party must be Bai Nong.

Because, too much alike.

When Bai Ei first saw Kong Huan, he just thought that Kong Huan was somewhat similar to Bai Nong.That's because in Bai E's memory, Bai Nong is just a teenage quack ape, but Kong Huan is already a pupa.

Even though the two parties are actually the same age, the gap between the pupae and the quack ape is not small after all.

But after both of them have chrysalised, the two who belong to the same illusory avatar may have to compare carefully besides their clothing and personalities, so that they can be separated from the small difference in appearance caused by their living habits. .

"The gray face is tighter and leans towards water chestnut, but Bai Nong's face is softer. 8051 came to a conclusion after careful scanning and comparison."

"It seems that if this Bai Nong is not tactful, then his temper should be much better than that of Wu Huan. 8051 covered his mouth with a smile and said."

"...I'm really sorry for my bad temper."

Chu Ling on the side listened to 8051's words, her little head turned back and forth between the two of them, driving the tentacles behind her head to dangle.

But even if his head was dizzy, he couldn't see the subtle difference between the "water chestnut" and "soft" that 8051 said. He could only admire 8051's observation ability.

At this moment, the two who had looked at each other speechlessly from the very beginning suddenly turned their heads to look at the house below them at the same time.


With a cry, amidst the weird expressions of the two pupae and the three ghosts present, a little girl suddenly climbed up from the edge of the brick building below without knowing what method to use.

Then, she patted the dust on her body like no one else was there, and then put the rattan frame behind her on the roof, and then looked up at the sky.

"Huh? Two, two Xiaobai!"

The girl seemed to realize that something was wrong, and turned back and forth between the two illusions. After a while, she followed in the footsteps of Chu Ling and Ling Yun, the double-eyed mosquito coil.

"Xiao, Xiaobai, hahaha!"

The silence was finally broken by Kong Huan, he looked up at Bai Nong who was embarrassed in front of him, Kong Huan couldn't help laughing.

But soon, he listened to it again, because he remembered that he was considered a white farmer, so maybe he was also called Xiaobai...囧 TZ.

Turning his head to look at the wobbly girl below, a strange feeling of intimacy suddenly appeared in Kong Hua's heart.

Could it be that it was affected by Bai Nong's memory.

Though thinking this way, Kong Huan subconsciously flew down, reached out to support the girl who was about to fall to the ground, but found that his hand and Bai Nong's outstretched hand collided at the same time.

From the perspective of the three ghost gods in the sky, if the surrounding scenery is erased, the actions of the two empty illusions at this time are exactly like the two sides of the mirror, without any difference.

"As expected of the same consciousness. 8051 couldn't help complaining when he saw the spoof-like scene in front of him."

nod x2
Shaking his head, Kong Huan looked at the somewhat embarrassed and shy Bai Nong, and couldn't help feeling a little strange in his heart.

But he quickly withdrew his hand, nodded friendly to the other party, and returned to his three Youshen companions.

Bai Nong also nodded, and then helped the girl up. After thinking for a while, he reached out and lifted the rattan frame, then turned around and landed in the small courtyard below.

"Come down, everyone."

There was no one else in the yard, and it seemed that Bai Nong and the little girl lived alone, which made both 8051 and Kong Huan look weird.

Could it be that Bai Nong has already started?Both of them should be only sixteen or seventeen years old.

Thinking of this, 8051 looked at Kong Huan subconsciously. He didn't seem to have even thought about that, but he knew from his memory in the space that Kong Huan was a completely normal, ordinary male.

Seemingly uncomfortable with the weird expressions of the people, Bai Nong complained to the little girl, and after being pushed back by the rejuvenated little girl, he put it down helplessly, and then pointed to the girl next to them Said.

"Bai Min, my sister."

"It's my sister!"

"So that's the case, Kong Huan is a sister-controller, no wonder. 8051 suddenly realized."

Kong Huan fell to the ground in an instant, and Bai Nong in front of him rubbed his nose depressedly, and then looked curiously at the ghost gods.

"Hearing this tone, it is 8051, but why does it feel so similar to me; in addition, this is Xiao Lingyun, although it has become a ghost body, but it can still be seen, it is really hard work; this is?"

Identifying them one by one, when his eyes fell on Chu Ling, Bai Nong could feel a familiar aura, but the feeling was a little unclear.

At this time, a thought suddenly came to his mind, and with a movement of his eyes, Bai Nong immediately showed a happy expression: "Chu Ling! I didn't expect you to become a ghost body."

With a relaxed expression, Chu Ling looked at Bai Nong who recognized her, and immediately looked at Bai Nong with a smile, and then nodded with a smile: "Well, it's nothing like the ghost body."

But just after saying a few words, several Youshen felt a wave of hostility coming from Bai Nong at the same time.

No, after quick and careful confirmation, everyone suddenly realized that the target was the girl behind Bai Nong, that is, Bai Min who was said to be his younger sister and claimed to be her older sister.

"Hey, Kong Huan, this Bai Min can't be a brother... Well, he might be a brother. 8051 whispered in Kong Huan's ear."

"Hey, it's obviously a spiritual exchange right now, so what's the matter?" Hearing the voice in his mind, he felt powerless.

He also became curious about this Bai Nong's private life, because there was no such information in the previous deep telepathy.

At this time, it seemed that something was wrong from the expressions of 8051 and Kong Huan. Bai Nong, whose spiritual power level was definitely higher than that of Kong Huan, was also directly connected to the communication network of the two, not to mention Ling Yun and Chu Ling, who belonged to Youshen.

As a result, the poor girl suspected of being controlled by a brother/brother could only look at the few people present, but had no clue.

So, the poorer furball just stayed in the rattan frame, tremblingly looking at the girl who turned her attention to her.

And, with the rotation of his head, Bai Min changed from a pure and lovely commercial expression to a dark and terrifying menacing expression.

Why am I always the one who's hurt.

No one knows about pets' complaints.Because at this time, Bai Nong was blushing in the mental power network, explaining the possibility that he was not a sister-controller, but was defeated by 8051 using the things in his memory as evidence.

As for Void, seeing that everyone didn't pay attention to him for the time being, he decisively abandoned Bai Nong and withdrew from the spiritual link network for refuge.

And because of this, while he was idle, he happened to see the little animal whose hairs were all bristling because of the fright, and the little girl Bai Min whose back was turned to the few people whose expression could not be seen.

"What is Bai Min doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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