Spore Story

Chapter 256 Six Years Merit Statistics

Chapter 256 Six Years Merit Statistics

PS: Three, three, three... Little San?
The first fusion period only passed for a few minutes before it was interrupted by Bai Nong's loud cry.

The few people who were chatting excitedly didn't pay much attention, but Kong Huan, who was out of the game early, could still be seen clearly. The standard sister who looked cute, innocent, and soft-voiced was the culprit of all this.

The blindfolded fur ball was put at Bainong's feet under the obstruction of the little girl by Bainong's figure.

Then, she suddenly pinched the furball's tail, and the little guy who was in pain didn't care about it, and just bit at the side.

To Kong Huan's amazement, the pupal skin, which could not be damaged by ordinary attacks, was actually bitten by this little guy.

(It takes a lot of bite force. As expected of Bai Nong, he can harvest such a special pet.)
Of course, Kong Huan would not say these things.

So, after Bai Nong explained to the little girl that Lingyun, Chu Ling, and 8051 are all high-level officials of a very large tribe, and Kong Huan (Hui Li) is another self, and the most important thing is that each person sends out a good person card , the little girl who obviously still had doubts about this fully accepted Bai Nong's explanation and didn't ask any more questions.

At this time, Bai Nong was able to start to explain the situation here in detail.

The first is the location situation.

Now Bai Nong's tribe is basically located in a large plain.

This plain is called [Water Blue Plain] by them.

The reason for this name is unknown, it is said that after learning the language, it spread among the tribe, and Bai Nong didn't find out who made it up, so he decisively used it.

The entire Shuilan Plain has a vast area. According to the small scroll map that Bai Nong took out from the house, this plain roughly looks like a gourd.

The mouth of the gourd faces obliquely to the north, slightly to the west;
The gourd faces the sea in the west and the mountains in the east.

Under such a terrain, the water-blue plain, which should be called the Calabash Plain, is almost completely separated from the mainland by the mountains to the east.

But the seemingly huge tribe of Bai Nong now only occupies a small part of the upper half of the gourd in the Shuilan Plain, which is almost the area of ​​more than 2 square kilometers near the mouth of the gourd in the Shuilan Plain.

As for the reason for the lack of expansion, Bai Nong explained that the population and the number of seeds were limited, but the actual situation should be more complicated, such as management.

According to Bai Nong's own estimate, if the number of seeds is sufficient, the ratio of one pupal body to three quack apes, the Shuilan Plain will be able to accommodate [-] to [-] quack apes with the current farming.

Hearing this, Kong Huan even had an idea (if the entire ethnic group with a total population of just over 3 was moved here, would it be better to concentrate on development?)

But at this point, it's just an idea.

Then there's the tribal situation.

The tribe that Bai Nong is now in is called the [Mountain Tribe] by everyone.

"I can't even see a slope." This was Chu Ling's complaint.

For this tribe, Bai Nong mainly talked about three aspects: population distribution, system and production.

According to the latest statistics of Bainong, the population of the whole tribe is 1212 people.

Of course, they were not gathered together, but were divided into 40 groups with no more than 32 people in units.

And because under the farming mode, there is no need for a large hunting territory, so the interval between each group is not large, only three or four kilometers away.

Based on the arrangement of Bainong's current community as the center and spreading in a circular pattern, the entire tribe looks like an eye has been drawn on the upper half of the gourd from the small map of Bainong.

It is said that there used to be a large forest here, but now it has been removed by the tribe, and most of the animals in it have been driven to other places in the mountains and plains.

Institutional aspects
The system of this super tribe is relatively backward, and there is not much unified management organization.

According to Bainong’s recollection, at first the tribes were united by the same language and the same way of life. At that time, the distribution of each community was extremely scattered.

It wasn't until the past two years that Bai Nong began to spread the range of crops that the tribe was truly unified.

At this time, within the tribe, the model of [community private ownership] is adopted, that is, the food and products grown by each community are shared by the community and privately owned by other communities.

In fact, each group still has its own leader and its own warehouse.

On the small side, they are usually responsible for the statistical distribution of food, the management of children in the community, and the arrangement of people in the community during busy farming seasons, etc.;

On the big side, the community accepts Painong's distribution and classification arrangements for crops, organizes pupae to drive away animals outside the entire large tribe, and arranges to lead some adults to participate in the battle when the expected enemy attack occurs.

In fact, these communities can be regarded as semi-independent small villages living leisurely and contentedly under the farming model.

The central tribe where Bai Nong is located was elected by everyone. It is a central town that is a manager in name, but actually doesn't manage much.

Due to Bainong's constant recollection and his own thinking, he also came up with a lot of things.

As for the quack apes and the chrysalis, they have just been idle and haven't had time to develop their own creativity, so far only some ancient artworks have appeared.

Under such circumstances, most of the tribes have mastered Gashan standard technologies such as pottery.

However, due to the uneven craftsmanship of each community, there has gradually been some germination of commodity exchange between the communities.

But Bai Nong has not had time to give guidance on this.

Because, he is not very good at system formulation, and now he has been busy with other things.

This is Bai Nong's main achievements: [farming], [domestication] and [calendar].

The first is farming, which is where Bai Nong has spent his energy to expand. Up to now, it has been divided into four stages.

The first stage is the primary election.

From the first memory of awakening at the age of five, driven by the psychological promotion of vigorously developing vegetarianism and pursuing a stable life, he took the opportunity to go out to start looking for some plants.

The requirements of these plants are that they appear to have a short growth cycle, high yield, no harm, and low environmental requirements.

In the next four years, relying on his reputation for developing language, arithmetic, pottery, and cooked food, he wandered away dozens of small and medium-sized small Tribes, collect and find no less than a hundred kinds of plants that look pleasing to the eye.

Then, under two to eight cycles of experiments, more than 20 available plants were initially screened out.

The trial then entered a second phase, screening.

In order to further confirm the effect, in the following four years, through experiments, he reduced the more than 20 kinds of plants to seven.

In fact, in a short period of eight years, it is not yet possible to fully confirm whether these seven plants are suitable, and it is even impossible to say whether any of the dozens of plants that have been eliminated have been missed.

However, based on these seven plants, Bai Nong carried out initial expansion of planting among the four surrounding tribes that he could slightly influence.

This is the third stage of expanded planting.

Then the time came a year ago, after 16 years of three-stage experiments from the age of five to the current age of 11.

White Farm finally established two main crops, and four other crops.

Then came the fourth stage that started last year. The planting was officially expanded, and the seeds produced by the four communities were used to supply all the surrounding communities. At the same time, these communities were reorganized. This year is the second year.

The two main crops are: [beans and vines] with a growth period of about 100 days, and [rice] with a growth period of more than [-] days.

After estimation, a standard community of 30 people only needs to plant bean vines or grains in the area within a radius of four kilometers every year, and the food for a year can be basically worry-free.

The four other crops are [Vine Curly Grass], [Sun Tree], [Cabbage] and [Evergreen Grass].

Among them, the slightly curly fiber rattan that grows from the ground part of the curly rattan grass is tough and slender, and can be used as the raw material for weaving rattan products, such as [rattan frame], [rattan armor], and [rattan barrel shell]. utility items;
The green leaves grown by the Xi tree can be used as food, and can also be fed to Tuo beasts.

The fruit it grows every year is the favorite snack of the tribe members, because its thumb-sized fruit tastes very sweet. Although it is a bit dry, it has become a highly respected drink after soaking in water.

It's a pity that Kong Huan and the others came at a very bad time. Last season's Xiguo is out of stock, and according to Bai Nong's next season, it will take 30 days, but we have time to wait, don't we?
As for cabbage, you can tell what it is just by its name.

Although after seeing the real thing, both Konghuan and 8051 said that this thing can't be connected with the cabbage in memory.

But Bai Nong thinks that the growth cycle of this plant is only more than 40 days, and the yield is large, the most important thing is that the leaves are also white, so it can be called cabbage, and everyone is speechless about this;

As for evergreen grass, this is 100% animal taming food.Compared with ordinary green grass, the only difference is that it has a large quantity and delicious taste, but it is not easy to grow.

But this kind of plant is the favorite of herbivorous animals. In order to prevent large-scale planting and attract the attack of vegetarian dinosaurs, it will cause damage to the established tribal farmland. These evergreen grasses were planted in several central communities by Bai Nong this year. .

For this reason, under the impetus of Bai Nong, the central communities reached a consensus on exchanging crop products with the peripheral communities.

That is, the central community planted evergreen grass in a large area, while the peripheral community planted bean vines and rice in a large area. When the harvest season came, the central community exchanged evergreen grass for beans and rice.

This is Bai Nong's achievements in farming.

The second is domestication, which Bai Nong has only carried out for less than four years, but compared to the Hell Territory, which is still in the preliminary screening, he is still in a leading position in this regard.

There are five kinds of domesticated animals: Camelosaurus (vegetarian), Velociraptor (meat-eating), Ankylosaurus (vegetarian), Bigulong (vegetarian), and hairball (meat-eating).

So far, there are only two that have been somewhat effective.

One of them is the camel dragon as a top beast.

It has been bred by the group for three generations. Of course, the first generation is still used now, and they still carry a lot of original wildness.However, because of its gentle personality, it has been widely used in ethnic groups.

At this time, among the tribes with a population of less than 1212, there were 67 camel dragons, and almost every community had one or two.

They have become the best tuo beasts, transportation experts during the busy farming period, and countless quack apes can't put it down.

According to Bai Nong, the team of two and three beasts they met before should be one of the teams that the central community transported evergreen grass and exchanged rice and beans with the outer communities.

As for the newborn camel dragons every year, each community will take good care of them.

However, it takes at least six years for a newborn baby camel dragon to grow up, and this period of time is just enough for the quack apes to further domesticate it.

The other one is the fur ball that was originally regarded as a pet by everyone.

Don't look at this little guy who looks nothing special except for his good looks and cuteness, but under Bai Nong's narration, it has become the best alarm, and it has a more sensitive sense of crisis than Quack ape.

It is the little guy who is now being put in a rattan frame, looking at Bai Min trembling, and has helped Bai Nong, who also treated him as a pet at first and went out frequently, to escape several crises.

(But from this point of view, is it possible that Bai Min is an extremely dangerous creature?) Looking at the little guy at this time, several people came up with this idea at the same time.

Now, there are only a dozen furball-like adults in the tribe of the little furball, and it seems that the reproductive rate is not high. After six or seven years of development, there are only less than ten young children, which makes Bai Nong was very confused.

In addition to the speed dragon, it was originally intended to be used as a mount, but it is too wild. Although the speed is very good, the speed of running in a straight line can even be compared to the normal flight speed of a pupated body, but so far no one can sit on it. Run 100 meters with it.

Bai Nong was also a little helpless about this, and seemed to have plans to give up.

But looking at Bai Min who heard about Bai Nong's plan, she seemed to have a great plan to kill and eat the five swift dragons of the tribe as soon as Bai Nong gave up domesticating the swift dragon, which made the 8051 people appreciate it.

"Very good, don't waste food." This is what 8051 said to Kong Huan during the spiritual power connection, and his own view on Bai Min.

Neither Kong Huan nor Bai Nong had anything to say about this.

As for the Jianjialong and Bigulong, they are both intended to be top beasts, because compared to Camelosaurus, their speed, endurance, courage and defense are much better.

But the problem is that the Ankylosaurus eats too much, which is four times that of the ordinary Camelosaurus, and the meal intake of the ordinary Camelosaurus is only about the same as that of a pupae;
The Bone Dragon is a little smaller in size, and the transportation volume is not large.

Hearing this, Kong Huan suddenly realized a problem.

"Why are there no livestock animals for food?"

"Well, those animals, doesn't it seem cruel to kill them? Every time I see the eyes of those animals, I can't do it."

For Bai Nong who looked like an animal protectionist in front of him, the 8051 people were silent.

Staring at Kong Huan at the side, 8051 rubbed his forehead and said helplessly: "Obviously the Kong Huan in memory is just a weak point, easy to think in another way, and it doesn't seem to have any resistance to killing animals. Could it be that this Bai Nong strengthened plant cultivation? It’s not emotion, but love, I’ll go. 8051 can’t help complaining.”


Looking at the twisted Bai Nong, Kong Huan suddenly remembered what 8051 said before: "Maybe, the two Kong Huan behind you are both women." '

Surprised in his heart, Kong Huan stared at Bai Nong continuously, then took a closer look, and then asked suspiciously.

"That, Bai Nong."


"Are you a man or a woman?"


(He still cares.) 8051 couldn't help complaining.

(No matter how you look at it, it should be a man.) Lingyun and Chu Ling thought so.

(This Xiaobai doesn't even know whether he is a man or a woman?) Bai Min flicked his tail, as if he accidentally knocked down the rattan frame containing the fur balls, thinking so.

The topic here seems to be a bit off the main line. In order not to cause confusion, let's jump over decisively.

Then, after a while of silence, Bai Nong, who was depressed and wanted to jump into the sea, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"This me, am I inseparable from male and female? It seems that I still need a mammalian body system."

(End of this chapter)

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