Spore Story

Chapter 257 Calendar Building Time Array

Chapter 257 Calendar Building Time Array

PS: A new update is coming~\(≧▽≦)/~
Thank you Lord of the Night for your reward.

The last point is the most important calendar.

When it came to this, Kong Huan and the others could clearly see Bai Nong's hesitation.

"What's going on? Is there any problem?" Kong Huan and the others couldn't speak in this regard, so they could only wait for Bai Nong to make a decision.

Fortunately, the other party only hesitated for a moment, as if thinking of something exciting, a red light suddenly appeared on his face.

Then, Bai Nong got up and called a few people to follow, regardless of whether the other party understood or not, he hugged Bai Min on his own, and then let Bai Min hug the fur ball, and flew to the sky in a hurry, completely different from the previous gentle attitude If there are two people.

(Do not move around, or you will be thrown down!) The white ball has not yet adapted to flying in the sky, looking at the ground that is gradually moving away below, and thinking about it stiffly.

...on the way...

This is a place covered by thatched greenhouses tens of meters long and wide.

After landing on the ground, several people could roughly see the situation inside.

Inside the thatched greenhouse is a group of rectangular walls with a height of two meters and a width of about five meters.

They are distributed in two rows and seven rows, neatly like an army formation. Although there are many mottled traces on them, it seems that they have not been built for a year or two, but they have survived wind and rain.

Patting a wall beside him proudly, Bai Nong pointed to all the walls and said: "This is the wall I built with the leftover bricks from the house when I was seven years old, with the help of some kind-hearted adults. .”

"Look, don't they look like pages of books?" Looking at the walls, Bai Nong said excitedly.

"I call them [Time Formation], and it is the large formation I use to calculate the calendar."

Walking through it excitedly, Bai Nong led everyone around for a round before returning to the front wall.

Carefully inspecting the condition of the wall, although Kong Huan and the others only glanced roughly, they were already attracted by it.

A large number of words were densely written on one wall, and these words all corresponded to a code, which made it easy for Kong Huan and the others to find the first wall.

Then, several people began to check little by little.

1: Sunny, breezy, cool weather, some trees started to wither and yellow, and the fruit also dropped some time ago, it seems that this should be late autumn.Choose this time to start accumulating, and I hope it will be a good start.Well, it seems good to use it as a diary by the way. For example, the uncles worked very hard today, and now they have built six walls, but it is not enough, so take your time.


252: Sunny, hot and humid, according to the weather changes in the past few days, it should be summer now.But the thunder last night was really scary, but it didn't seem to rain today or last night, which is really speechless. You know, the little girl was scared and got into my clothes.In addition, I found two more plants today, I hope they are useful, until we confirm that they are useful, we will not name you for the time being, just use the number, hehe;

It seems that something was erased here, and then it was filled in, but at this time, Kong Huan and the others didn't pay attention.


480: Snow, cold wind, you can tell it's winter at a glance.The last snow in the last winter was number 127, so it seems that there should be 300 to 500 days in a year.But today, the little furball actually saved me once. If he hadn’t yelled and bit me there, I’m afraid I would have been trampled to pieces by a group of runaway dinosaurs. Thinking about it, it’s terrifying.


2112: Xiaoxue, if it wasn't for the flying snow in June, then it must be another winter now.On closer inspection, it seems that a year can be accurate to 370 to 450 days.Ah, speaking of which, why does that girl Bai Min actually sing such horrible songs, even though what she was taught were very common children's songs?It scared us to death, it seems that we must teach some etiquette in the future, yes, that's it, for example, to call my brother or something, hahaha.


2501: Light rain.Bai Evil is back, although there is nothing good or bad about it, but I always feel that he is no longer as timid as before. This is good, how can he be so timid as a chrysalis.However, he just came back and said, 'From now on, I won't accept food from everyone when climbing Yunshan Mountain', and then left. Although there was something wrong, but I couldn't say it, but at least it was good news for everyone.


3013: Sunny, light breeze.Sure enough, it’s good to fly high. If you are taken by the leader to fly high, you can see the outline of the ground. In this way, the map can be produced quickly. Although it is not as detailed as the ground carefully measured, but take it for now It should be good to allocate everyone's planting area.However, why is the Shuilan Plain shaped like a gourd? It’s a pity that I haven’t seen a gourd-shaped plant, otherwise I can change the name, hehe, we won’t be so troublesome.


3762: Sunny, it's a tragedy. Who would have thought that it would be delayed for dozens of days due to pupation. Fortunately, during this time, girl Bai Min came to add a number, and the leader uncle checked it, otherwise it would be miserable.But today I finally chrysalised, and I had a magical telepathy with another me. Speaking of when the brain was upgraded, I don’t know why.Ah, really looking forward to their arrival.

Such things are densely packed from the number '1' on the first wall to the number '3762' at the end. It looks like an ordinary diary, except that there is no date but all numbers.

Judging from the numbering, the addition and subtraction of the numbers on the first few walls are not very neat, basically just change the side when it is full.

But on the next few sides, the numbers were gradually reduced to about 370-440, and the first few numbers and the last few numbers on each side can clearly see signs of adjustment.

It is not a modification.

Instead, for example, snow appears in the first few numbers of the previous wall, so the number of this wall will be a little more, so that the number of similar weather in the first few numbers of the next wall is much less.

It can be seen from this that the calendar is gradually being improved.

And just now, Bai Nong, who had just arrived, found an object that looked like a bone spur. On the hard wall, after the last number, wrote '3763: Qing, the other I have arrived, Accompanied by 8051 who can only be seen in the editing space, Xiao Lingyun from Gashan and Chu Ling, whether it is from the task or their arrival, I can see that I will be very busy in the future , Troubled. '

"That's true, but you get used to it when you're busy." Looking at Bai Nong depressedly at this time, it seems that it's not easy for him to say he's busy.

But at this time, Bai Nong didn't stop, and told everyone what to say. The still young body just after pupae seemed to be exploding with powerful power, so that Kong Huan and the others dared not look directly at it (exaggeration=.=).

He took out a leather booklet from the only grid next to the time array that wasn't a wall, then opened the pages in it, and began to compare them carefully, completely leaving Kong Huan and the others aside.

This serious attitude infected the people around, and Bai Min was already squatting aside intently with his starry eyes, holding his small face in his hands and not wanting to move a step.

Seeing this situation, Kong Huan and the others also knew that they might not be able to turn around for a while, so they continued to focus on the previous time formation.

From the old and new records of different shades on the time array, everyone can feel the efforts made by Bai Nong.

"Except for the dozens of days of pupation, not a single day has fallen, which is too powerful." Comparing the numbers throughout the article, the few people at this moment can no longer use other words to express their emotions, and even Kong Huan himself is surprised.

"So, can I still do this?" This made him fall into deep thought.

On each wall, the number of numbers is uncertain.

Its main function is to calculate the calendar, but now it looks like a thick page of history, recording the growth of Bai Nong; the development of the hill tribe; The process of domesticating animals.

This small place of more than 400 square meters is completely a sign that Quackape has moved from the primitive hunting era to the farming era.

"If it were replaced by the ancient ones in those fantasy novels, this thing is probably an absolute merit [beep——] or something." Kong Huan couldn't help joking, because he was so excited that he didn't know how to express it.

(Calendar, this is the real beginning. And it’s more than that. Through these weather records, we can even analyze certain weather changes here. Unfortunately, I don’t have this knowledge.)
8051 on the side was stunned for a moment after hearing Kong Huan's speech, then turned his head to look at Bai Nong who was carefully checking the books and the records on the wall, nodded and said: "Although there is no such saying in this world, if If hundreds of millions of chrysalis show their admiration to this time formation, maybe it will become a real artifact..."

However, Kong Huan suddenly interrupted 8051's words with a solemn expression.

"No, I was just joking."

Shaking his head, Kong Huan stretched out his hand and caressed the wall in front of him, then looked at 8051 with a smile and said: "For these things that carry the weight of history, the most precious thing lies in the things recorded on it, not just words, but also these things. The depth of the marks, the composition of the walls, the dryness of the soil and other details.”

"And turning them into something like a so-called artifact tool to show off the stubbornness of the holder is just a kind of blasphemy against them. I don't want it to become like that."

"Of course, that's just my opinion."

"Time is time, history is history, no matter what form it exists in, its only function is to record."

"The result is out!"

At this time, Bai Nong on the side seemed to have temporarily finished his work, and looked up at the few people who were discussing.

Obviously he didn't hear, or he didn't pay attention to their conversation.

Putting the book in his hand away, and pointing to the calculation formula on the ground, Bai Nong regained his smile.

He looked up at another self and said: "I have spent several years on record comparisons and detailed adjustments, but until now, the accurate calendar is obviously not enough, even if the error is reduced to single digits, there is still no way, because we all No experience with that kind of calendar calculation."

However, there was no disappointment on Bai Nong's face.

"But so what if you don't have experience, who didn't start from scratch, the first human calendar calculator, I'm definitely not much better than I am now, so I can still calculate it, haha."

As if talking about the excitement, Bai Nong patted the impromptu formula on the ground, his face full of pride.

"So, I used the seasonal climate changes, combined with the growth of crops, and the regular movement of Dengyun Mountain, to conduct statistical analysis on the time."

At this moment, Bainong's strong confidence and self-identity infected almost everyone around him.

Laughing and erasing the complicated formulas on the ground, Bai Nong re-wrote a few lines of simple numbers on the ground:

51 - 53 (8)

25 - 27 (16)

Looking at the numbers on the ground, Bai Nong's face was full of excitement, like a child showing off to others. After several days of hard work, the model he finally made was average, but in Bai Nong's eyes, other But there is still a trace of regret.

"Actually, I planned to compare the last few years and confirm the more complete data, at least reduce the error of [year] to single-digit data, and then say it."

"However, today's talk is so popular, I didn't expect it to come out like this unknowingly. Unfortunately, it would be great if there were more perfect data." Shaking his head in regret, Bai Nong hesitated, and he was very motivated Wipe it off, really plan to wait a few more years.

But how could the 8051 people wait like this? Although the error is a bit large at 11 days, it can be used initially, and can be adjusted slowly in the future, right?
"Bainong, if you say it now, it doesn't mean you can't continue in the future, let's tell us the meaning of these numbers first." Although they already have ideas about these numbers, the group of people in the void obviously want to know the specific data from the statisticians. This is a respect for Bai Nong who compiled the calendar.

After thinking about it carefully, Bai Nong nodded in agreement.

Looking at the encouraging eyes of Bai Min beside him, he smiled slightly, and regained his previous gentleness, looking completely different from the excited and frenzied look during statistics and explanations.

(The characters of the two siblings...)
"The first row is the most accurate year time I have now. Further statistics are needed for a more accurate time. I am afraid it will take dozens or hundreds of years of continuous improvement, and it will not be accurate even for hundreds of years. Now my ability is insufficient. For the time being It can only go so far.”

Speaking of this, Bai Nong pointed to the two nearest walls: "Actually, I have been trying out this semi-finished product for the past two years, so I can be accurate to the present level."

"The second row and the third row are two ways to divide the month. In the second row, I divide the year into eight months, with 51 to 53 days in each month. The same is divided into four seasons, but January and February are spring; March and April It’s summer; May and June are autumn; July and August are winter.”

"Generally, beans and vines are planted in mid-February, harvested in late March, rice is planted in early April, harvested in mid-June, winter is spent in July and August, and spring flowers bloom in January."


"But now the time of the year is not accurate and cannot be stabilized. It is adjusted almost every year, so this calendar can only be regarded as a semi-finished product. It may take a few years before it can be really used."

"However, if it is used temporarily, it is not impossible, but it must be ensured that all users will be notified of the annual revision."

This is what Konghuan and the others hope for most, because a calendar can formalize the ethnic group and be more conducive to the development of farming.

Looking at the three rows of data on the ground with regret, Bai Nong's face regained his fighting spirit.

"Take your time, even if you put aside the task, I will complete this calendar, at least accurate to within five days." Looking back at Kong Huan, Bai Nong smiled and said: "This is me, as Bai Nong Consciousness, last wish."

At this moment, Bai Nong's slightly independent consciousness has officially integrated itself into the illusory consciousness.

Although he also put shackles on the consciousness of emptiness, that is to 'complete this calendar'.

No matter how long it takes, as long as it cannot succeed, Kong Huan will not be able to complete the fusion of the three consciousnesses.

In this regard, 8051 and Konghuan can't be said to be good or bad, but completing the calendar is everyone's goal, so there is no conflict.

"Xiaobai is amazing."

The people immersed in the great atmosphere were reluctantly brought back to reality by Bai Min's words. Seeing Bai Nong with a stiff expression, the others all snickered.

"Sure enough, she is still a sister-in-law. 8051 has been identified."

(End of this chapter)

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