Spore Story

Chapter 258, Item 1 Reform Instructions

Chapter 258 First Reform Instructions

PS: No. [-] Haunts =w=
The matter of the calendar is not in a hurry, although it has been confirmed that the calendar will be initially implemented in the ethnic groups starting next year.

But even if the year number is not set for the time being, it will take dozens of days to adjust, set the month, and establish January 1.

After resting in the mountain tribe for five days, the first thing Konghuan saw when he opened his eyes was the furball lying on his chest.

"Fortunately, it's not that girl Bai Min." So relieved, Kong Huan looked at the little guy on his chest again.

At this moment, it is purring like a kitten, its eyes are slightly squinted, and one can't help stroking its soft hair with hands.

Regarding this, Kong Huan just smiled, but did not do anything, because he was very worried that if he was not careful, this vigilant little guy would bite himself back.

Because they live in Bai Nong's hut, no one can tell the difference between Kong Huan and Bai Nong except 8051. As a result, Bai Min, Mao Qiu, and even Ling Yun and Chu Ling have often misidentified people these days.

Especially after visiting the time array that day, after Bai Nong published his final declaration, Hui Li and Bai Nong had a long and complete telepathy, and completely communicated with most of their memories.

Of course, the fusion of memories also takes time, and the personalities of the two are also slightly different.

But even so, at this moment, except that Kong Huan (Hui Li) is inclined towards rational analysis and is good at system reform; while Kong Huan (Bainong) is more inclined to pursue stability and is good at calendar making, the two are completely consistent in other aspects.

Therefore, the two people walking on the street at this time shocked the members of this group greatly.

"Hui Li, I'll leave the mountain tribe's system to you. I'll be busy with my farming, domestication and calendar."

Smiling and saying these words, Bai Nong nodded to Bai Min who was beside him, and then flew away.

"Well, after all, who is Xiao Bai?" Bai Min looked hesitantly at Kong Huan, then at Fei Yuan's Bai Nong, with a very hesitant expression.

Bai Min, who patted the matter of being two Bai Nong in the past few days, who was a little tired, smiled and said, "We are both, but if we really want to say who is more important, it should be that one." .”

After finishing speaking, Kong Huan pointed in the direction of Bai Nongfei's departure: "Go find him, after all, he is your elder brother in terms of physical blood, and I, only in consciousness..."

Having said that, Kong Huan suddenly stopped.

He suddenly remembered that if according to what 8051 said, seniority is really calculated by consciousness, both he and Bai Nong are the ancestors of these quack apes.

Kong Huan was suddenly powerless: "Damn 8051, why do you remind us of these things! Sinai."

"What's the matter? We don't remember what bad things I did. 8051 is very indignant at the false accusation of Kong Huan."

At the side, 8051, who had just taken Chu Ling to check the specific situation of the Shan tribe, returned to Kong Huan, and heard Kong Huan's complaints, and immediately came together to express his dissatisfaction.

But at this time, Kong Huan suddenly stared at 8051 with a kind of terrifying dead fish eyes, making the other party feel cold all over.

"You, what do you want to do! Let's talk about it first, there is no robbery..."

"Jie Se is impossible, Hun Dan, you are using my body now, Sinai!"

Being tricked by 8051 again, Kong Huan rubbed his forehead helplessly.

(Looks like I'm still talking about business.)
"How's it going? It's the result of your busy days."

"Oh, Xiao Lingyun was sent by me to the nearest high-level temple to contact Gashan, and it is expected to come back in two days. This is the inspection result of the Shantribe. 8051 finds it very troublesome to speak and write, so it is directly in the empty mind , the infobox is set up in a system-like way."

hill tribe

Leader: Bai Nong (leader) (no specific position)

Regime: Communal Union (community number 32)

Language Coverage: 100% (Quack (Adjusted Chinese))
Population: 1212 (total)
[Quacking Ape] (Underage) X (150 (male) + 190 (female))
[Quacking Ape] (adult) X (470 (male) + 342 (female))
[Pupus] X (33 (male) + 27 (female))
Territory: 2-3 thousand square kilometers (coastal plain)

moderate climate
Civilization Type: Farming and Domestication

Planting plants: [beans and vines] (main), [grain rice] (main), [curly vines] (production), [Xishu] (non-staple food), [cabbage] (vegetables), [evergreen grass] (domestication)

Domesticated animals:

[Camel Dragon] (Tuo Beast) X (47 (available) +20 (unavailable))
[Furball] (warning + pet) X (16 (adult) + 7 (children))

"Is this the specific situation?" 8051 nodded.

"It's depressing. The mountain tribe doesn't even have a specific organizational structure. Speaking of it, Bai Nong is really not good at these things. Then, the rest is up to you. I need to work hard for that. 8051 is very Naturally, the responsibility is completely handed over to those who can."

With a wry smile and shaking his head to express his helplessness, Kong Huan looked at the hesitant Chu Ling, and nodded after thinking for a while: "Chu Ling, remember to help 8051, what she did is related to us Species, no, it is related to the future of the entire double-moon star creatures, so don't let it go."

After finishing speaking, Kong Huan turned around and ran away, regardless of Chu Ling's hesitant expression.

Seeing Kong Huan leaving, Bai Min, who had nothing to do, thought about it, and ran towards the Time Array with the rattan frame containing the fur balls on his back.

"Tch, they run so fast." Chu Ling stared dissatisfiedly at Kong Huan's back, and then asked 8051 in a muffled voice: "Speaking of which, 8051, what exactly are you going to do to make it so mysterious?"

"It's a secret, but as a cooperator, when I succeed, you will also get great benefits, even..."

8051's tone suddenly became mild but full of temptation: "It's not difficult even to catch up with Kong Huan and have the same status as Kong Huan, so that Kong Huan treats you differently..."

"Catch up, catch up with Kong Huan, Kong Huan is the species owner consciousness!" Although her tone is full of distrust, Chu Ling, who has a pure personality, has already believed in 8051. When she thinks that she is standing beside him in the same position as Kong Huan, she is already satisfied His face was flushed, and his body was full of energy and anticipation, which made people have to complain about his reaction.

"Of course. However, the premise is that you obediently listen to me. 8051 is very confident in his own ability. As long as he can succeed, this is just a matter of thought."

"Please tell me what you want, Lord 8051."

—————The dividing line of thinking————

In ten days it will be time to harvest the grain.

At this time, among the various groups of the hill tribe, there were a lot fewer people walking through the streets and alleys, but more people in each group were busy doing things.

At this moment, the leaders of almost every community are busy distributing the work of the harvest period to the members of their own community.

"Bai Xing, you are still in charge of leading everyone to harvest this time, starting from the field in the north."

"Bai Zheng, you need to burn more [pottery sickles]. The quality of those pottery sickles you got last time was too poor. If it is really not good, you can burn more beautiful pottery bowls. At worst, we will go to the Baisi community to exchange them. Click here, the quality of their pottery sickles is much better than yours."

"Bai Neng, you remember the rice and broth every morning and evening, and the most important thing is the Xiguo water at noon. Ah, although I want to drink to my fullness now, but wait for a while, when the fruit of Xishu will be available again. When it’s ripe, you can enjoy it to your heart’s content.”

"Bai Li, now that you have learned how to write, you will continue to manage the warehouse. You must arrange it properly, and don't put new rice and old rice together."


This arrangement is going on in every community today.

However, since many communities have only harvested this large-scale harvest for the second time, confusion is inevitable.

But when everything was in full swing, an instruction from 'Bainong' suddenly came out from the central group.

"The central community will hold the [Harvest Festival] First Festival and Main Festival before and after this year's harvest."

Harvest Festival First Festival

Time: The day before the rice harvest (nine days later)

Location: Central Community

Participants: All hill tribe members
Requirements: Bring the consumption of old rice and bacon for four days of the respective community members
Content: Pray for a good harvest, dinner in the center group
Significance: To express the yearning for a better life and the desire for a good harvest. At the same time, everyone eats old rice and bacon to express the meaning of getting rid of the old.

After the first ceremony, the members of each group returned to their respective groups to officially start harvesting. It was estimated that it would take fifteen days, and then the main festival of the Harvest Festival.

harvest festival main festival

Time: The second day after the rice harvest is completed

Location: Central Community

Participants: All hill tribe members
Requirements: Bring the consumption of new rice for four days by the members of the respective groups, and the fresh meat will be handed over to the patrol team
Contents: Dinner of the center group, various entertainment activities prepared by the center group
Significance: To express the beauty of everyone's life, and at the same time cook and eat with new rice and fresh meat, expressing the meaning of welcoming a good harvest.

This instruction can be said to be abrupt, but after a closer look, it seems that there is no trouble for everyone.

And after the harvest is complete, it will be winter.

In the past, everyone may have been busy storing food for the winter, but now because they have just harvested a large amount of food, they are idle.

When encountering this kind of gathering, everyone can just get together to chat and have fun for a few days without any worries. From this point of view, this Harvest Festival seems to be a very fresh event.

For most quack apes who are usually idle and bored, this is very attractive.

At the same time, even the farthest community from the central community is only a dozen kilometers away, and it takes half a day to get there.

The new rice and old rice that are required to be brought can also be checked in with the camel dragon, and it is easy. As for the fresh meat, the pupated body notified said that it would be handed over to the patrol team, and everyone was happy to be lazy.

Therefore, all members of the group accepted this instruction with a simple and expectant psychology.

(End of this chapter)

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