Spore Story

Chapter 259

Chapter 259
"If you want to reform the system, why did you come up with such a thing in the first place?"

When Bai Nong returned home at night, he felt a little strange when he heard the excited Bai Min talking about it on the way.After returning, I happened to see the illusory writing on the sandy ground, so I immediately asked.

"Oh, isn't it good?"

Smiling, Kong Huan put down the wooden stick in his hand, then checked the writing on the sandy ground, and asked the quack ape, who was found by Bai Nong, who could write, to record them one by one in the dinosaur leather book, and finally took pictures. He clapped his hands to welcome Bai Nong.

"It's not bad," Bai Nong, who was choked for a while, gave Kong Huan a somewhat complaining look.

He didn't look carefully when he entered the room, but now that he glanced at the writing on the ground, he also knew that Kong Huan was not lazy.

But he was really surprised why he proposed to hold the Harvest Festival in the first place. Wouldn't it be better to figure out the organizational system first?

"I'm just curious, why didn't the system be implemented first, but the Harvest Festival, which seemed to be useless except for being lively, was proposed first."

"The system is not so simple, and you are farming civilization here, which is different from those [territorial hunting] tribes in Gashan. Not only an organizational system is needed here, but also a certain rational law is needed to manage those who are idle. All right guy."

"In this way, in order to implement the law smoothly, a violent organization is needed. There are only more than 1000 people now, and it is not too troublesome to have ghosts sitting in the formation, but my purpose is to prepare for the implementation of the entire ethnic group, not just one A small organization used by thousands of people." Shaking his finger, Kong Huan imitated 8051 and sat aside with a smile.

"I'm even still thinking about whether to build the system here based on Gashan's system, or start from scratch and compile a suitable system from scratch."

"Fortunately, it's not too complicated now. I can do it by myself. If there are more, I need a real big organization to work."

"So, if you want to implement the system, at least you have to wait until after the Harvest Festival." Spreading your hands, there is nothing you can do about it. Gashan's system is actually not perfect, and it is used in the territory of the ethnic group where members are busy every day Among those hunting tribes, there is nothing to be seen.

But once they are placed here in the hill tribes, these quack apes who have turned from farmers to idlers will become idle when the farming is slack.

Of course, this has little to do with the Harvest Festival.

Smiling slightly, Kong Huan stretched out his hand to pat Bai Min, who would have been stunned when he was slapped flying by the other party's paw.

"Be polite to my sister, you are also Xiaobai, so you must be obedient!" The little girl said very imposingly, and there was no trace of Quack Ape's timidity towards the pupae.

"Forget it, let's talk about the Harvest Festival."

Rubbing his forehead helplessly, Kong Fan looked at Bai Nong who was laughing beside him, and then stared at the quack ape who seemed to be recording but was actually laughing, and dragged Bai Nong to the door.

"Actually, there are two main reasons for holding this Harvest Festival."

"First, establish the core status of the central group."

From Kong Huan's point of view, each group in today's tribe is still in a semi-independent state, and the recognition of the central group mainly lies in the existence of Bai Nong and the good things he keeps bringing out.

If one day Bai Nong followed them to other places, the quack apes here would still agree with him in one or two years; they would respect him in four or five years; they would just remember him in ten or 20 years; I'm afraid it will completely degenerate into an independent tribe.

Until one day, a powerful idle group appeared, established a violent regime, and further developed into the country.

Although this is a kind of natural development, for example, human countries came into being like this, but Kong Huan does not want to let go of the present opportunity.

The Harvest Festival was held in the central tribe. Firstly, it was a location advantage. Being in the central area, all the communities converged to the center, and it was easy to form a concentration;

The second is to let the central group leave a deep impression on everyone's minds through this kind of lively gathering, and consider that from now on, it will be a fixed large-scale event, so that the status of the central group will be subtle in people's minds little by little.

The third is the manpower advantage. Because of Bai Nong's previous planning, the central community planted a large number of evergreen grasses.Its harvesting time is not fixed, so this time the central community and the five surrounding communities have a lot of free manpower, and they don't need to be busy for harvesting, so they can just be used to help.

Fourthly, it is through gatherings that the internal cohesion of the entire mountain tribe is deepened.Because before this, most of the communication between communities was still concentrated among the few nearby communities. For relatively distant communities, the relationship between them became much colder. Over time, this could easily lead to regional xenophobia.

"Then what about the second one?" After listening to Kong Huan's narration, he also had a certain understanding of the Harvest Festival Bai Nong, and he had to admit that this was indeed a good method.

However, in fact, if Bai Nong himself had tried to deepen the connection within the mountain tribe from the very beginning, instead of fully focusing on his own work, he would not need to think so much about it now.

But Bai Nong has no regrets about this. According to him, there is a shortage of manpower from time to time. It is enough for him to be able to make a calendar by himself. What's more, he has also advanced farming and domestication to the current level. Leave professional matters to professionals.

"Secondly... Actually, I also want to have fun."

Speaking of this, Kong Huan looked at Bai Nong who was astonished, and Bai Min who agreed deeply, turned his head and laughed.

In fact, in addition to gathering people's hearts and expanding the influence of the central group, the Harvest Festival's main function is to let the farmers who start to have a lot of leisure time have places for entertainment and chat topics, so that they will not be too boring.


Standing by a pond outside the central community, looking at these ponds dug more than ten meters deep in a similar way to dig a well, Konghuan glanced around and looked at Bai Nong, who was checking the growth of green grass in the field.

"Bainong, I suddenly found a problem."

"What?" Bai Nong looked at Kong Huan suspiciously.

"Shen Temple, do you have any memories of the temple in your memory? Why don't you see a temple built here?" In fact, the emptiness is very strange.

Even Bai Evil can inadvertently build a temple, and even upgrade to the level of Youshen.

But Bai Nong, who has completely recovered his memory like himself, why didn't he build a temple in the mountain tribe?

There is also the third Void. It seems that he and Bai Nong have the same memory recovery stage, so even though the third one has not yet pupated, it should obviously have the memory of the temple. Why is there still no response?

Moreover, this is something that protects the dead.

But here Kong Huan found that no one seems to be aware of the existence of dead souls, which makes Kong Huan very puzzled.

"It should be, I don't want to." Bai Nong hesitated for a moment, thinking this way.

"Before I pupated and restored the memory of the editing space, I was an ordinary quack ape, with at most the memory of the leader of the big tribe, and my perspective was limited here."

"Even if there is a temple in my memory, firstly, there is no Youshen level in the tribe; secondly, I think the existence of dead souls and temples is somewhat against nature."

Kong Huan looked at Bai Nong in amazement, no matter from the memories he got or from the opinions of the people around him, he valued the existence of life very much for Bai Nong.

But it is such a person who thinks it is unnatural for the dead souls that have been recognized by the ethnic group as the third life form②.

"I know what you're thinking," Bai Nong glanced at Kong Huan, sighed and said, "In fact, the existence of dead souls can only be maintained by being protected by the temple domain. You should also know this unnaturalness. And my biggest The hesitation is still the two things of the temple and the god."

"Is there any problem?" Kong Huan became puzzled, they belonged to the same person, what Bai Nong could think of, so could Kong Huan, it just depends on who took that step first.

As for the issue of temples and gods, Kong Huan also had some doubts, but he didn't delve into it.

"Speaking of which, you and 8051 have been together for so long, haven't you asked any questions about the temple?" Bai Nong asked Kong Huan instead at this time.

Dazed for a moment, Kong Huan recalled his memory, and his expression became a little helpless: "Her? It's not like you don't know, what you want to say will lose your appetite, and if you don't want to say it, just 'beep—' to deal with it."

Bai Nong suddenly smiled wryly.

"However," Kong Huan's expression moved: "The domain of the temple didn't say anything, but she said something about gods not long ago. And she seems to disdain the name 'god' in the current tribe."

Turn on the telepathy to communicate this part of the information to Bai Nong, close his eyes to digest it, Bai Nong opened those soft eyes, and smiled wryly a few times.

"Actually, Huili, you are still a little lazy, or you don't care if you are not interested like me." Bai Nong smiled and said: "With your analytical ability, contact the temple of the ethnic group and the statement of 8051 , should be able to find a lot of problems."

Once again stunned, Kong Huan looked at Bai Nong, frowned and thought for a while.

"To build a temple, you only need an altar", "The role of the temple domain is to protect the dead", "restrains the freedom of the gods", "protects the believers in it", "only the soul level can build the temple", "spirit level ability Talk about God", "The real [God] is [Absolute]", "Those are just the growth of power"...

Suddenly, he seemed to have discovered something and woke up with a start.

In connection with everything, Kong Huan has to admit that the temples in the ethnic group are really unnatural.

With a wry smile, Kong Huan looked at his other self and sighed heavily.

"It seems that the construction of new temples in the ethnic group will be suspended, and our management model also needs to be changed."

①【Territory hunting】: It refers to the type of hunting in a fixed large territory, which is different from nomadism.The advantage is that the location of the tribe is fixed and easy to manage. The disadvantage is that it requires a large territory, which will result in an uninhabited situation of more than ten kilometers.

②The third life form: refers to the form of the dead soul, or the form of independent consciousness: the first is the quack ape, the second is the pupate, and the fourth is the ghost body.

(End of this chapter)

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