Spore Story

Chapter 260 Make the Party Lively

Chapter 260 Make the Party Lively

PS: One more haunt =w=
Thank you for the support of Chunxiang Oolong Tea and liao000's monthly ticket; thank you for the lonely, snowy winter and Chunxiang Oolong Tea for your reward~\(≧▽≦)/~
8051 and Chu Ling, who hadn't seen a shadow for ten days, finally appeared in front of Kong Huan with a lazy posture the day before the Harvest Festival was about to start.

"You two guys, it's not because you are lazy that you don't show up."

Because he was busy with the Harvest Festival, the Harvest Festival, and the Harvest Festival, Kong Huan, who was tired and out of breath, looked at the two with leisurely and curious faces, and suddenly felt out of breath.

Waving his hand to let the two quack apes who were learning acting become proficient on their own, Kong Huan rubbed his forehead without any motivation in an instant, walked to the side and sat down.

He has been very busy these days, Bai Nong took Bai Min to escape with the excuse of 'you made it yourself', leaving Kong Huan helpless: "This dead sister control."

But the problem is that now Bai Nong's illusory level is at least 80%, so standing in Bai Nong's position, emptiness might do the same.

Then, for the program at the Harvest Festival, Kong Huan thought hard by himself.

As a human being who was a fake otaku and whose entertainment was mostly concentrated on animation, the fantasy has little feeling for large-scale events. It is obviously not very good at designing entertainment programs that can be used at the Harvest Festival. Could it be Miku-chan? Get the song up?
I finally came up with the activity of twisting yangko in the red movies I watched when I was a child, but when I let a few leisurely women do it, it seemed awkward to the illusory.

So he suddenly realized that there is still a big difference between quack ape and human beings.

"Fucking shit, if I knew it, I edited the quack ape completely like a human, Sinai!" But regret or something, it is obvious that the empty fantasy has no chance.

"Speaking of which, what do humans look like?"

Therefore, until now, in addition to tidying up the central tribe, including the outer space with a radius of more than 500 meters, Konghuan only thought of singing, storytelling, acting and the like.

And let the other quack apes figure out a way, so far only a weird dance has appeared.

But no matter how you say it, you can't dispel the other party's enthusiasm, so Kong Huan still added it to the program list, although he has already thought about it in his heart, he will definitely not go up when the time comes.

In order to maintain Quackape's own civilization, these things that Konghuan thinks must obviously be original, at least semi-original, and must not have the cultural influence of the earth (almost impossible).

As a result, today's emptiness has been made one big and two big.

In the end, after finally finding out the stories that Huili once told the children in the depths of his memory, Kong Huan immediately took them out and repaired them like a treasure, and they became several programs.

However, a Harvest Festival that needs to be lively is just so little, isn't it too deserted?

"Lazy or something, how is it possible. 8051 will never admit to being lazy or something."

"You have already said it," Chu Ling stared at 8051 depressedly, and then looked at Kong Huan: "Well, we are also very busy these days, in fact, we have to do..."

Just about to say it, 8051 suddenly covered Chu Ling's small mouth.

Poor Chu Ling blushed immediately, staring at 8051 reproachfully.

"Kong Huan knows all these things, so it goes without saying. 8051 firmly believes that the awareness of Chu Ling's secrecy needs to be strengthened."

Looking at 8051 and Chu Ling who were acting like they were performing a drama in front of them, Kong Huan covered his forehead depressedly, speechless about his own reaction.

At this time, he suddenly saw that the two men were walking outside the tribe with three camel dragons and a large pile of evergreen grass on their backs.

(Camel dragon, evergreen grass, rice, exchange, pros and cons...)

Kong Huan suddenly roared, startling 8051 and Chu Ling.

And not long after he came back, he was ordered by Kong Huan to go back to report the letter, and now it is the second time he came back, but he was ordered by Kong Huan to carry the aura of the rattan table, and at this time he happened to be passing by carrying the rattan table.

Frightened by Kong Huan's domineering roar, he let go of his hands, and the two-meter-long and half-meter-high rattan table fell straight down, and happened to land in front of Kong Huan.


There was silence for a while, when Xiao Lingyun was ready to produce tears in his eyes when Kong Huan was going to teach himself, Kong Huan suddenly sat down.

Then, he took out a large piece of blank dinosaur skin from his clothes, spread it directly on the rattan table (==) that appeared at an unknown time in front of him, ignored the people around him, and began to write on it with a charcoal pencil draw.

Obviously, Bai Nong's previous behavior of completely ignoring his surroundings when he was serious was also an illusory habit.

"What are you doing?" Being stunned by Kong Huan's reasonable use of resources, the powerless 8051 was dragged up by Chu Ling, and the little aura in the sky saw that there was no problem, so it also came up.

The main reason is that the rattan table she needs to carry is now occupied by Kong Huan, isn't it just an excuse to be lazy.

"Central community...the market?" Chu Ling and Lingyun looked puzzled after reading the first few words written by Kong Huan, but 8051 showed a gratified smile.

(Still developing step by step.)
—————Lazy dividing line————

After all the communities were ready for the day after tomorrow's harvest, everyone began to prepare for tomorrow's first harvest festival.

In fact, because it was the first time and it appeared so suddenly, most people didn't know what the Harvest Festival was.

Even if there is an explanation, because many people's comprehension has not been raised for the time being, they can only get a rough idea.

Now, the leaders of each community just took out the old rice left over from last year from the warehouse, distributed almost the amount of four-day rations for everyone in their own community, and then transferred it from the warehouse's [Taomi Vat] to the built-in In the rattan frame of the animal skin, it was packed and placed beside the animal pen.

Other than that, it's just speculation about the first festival of tomorrow's Harvest Festival.

But at this moment, dozens of pupae came to various communities with the message of 'Bai Nong'.

For a while, 'bazaar' and 'item exchange' became hot topics among hill tribe members who didn't know what to do in their spare time.

"During the first and main festivals of the Harvest Festival, a fair will be held at the same time to exchange items."

What is a 'bazaar deal'?Everyone has no impression.

What is 'item exchange', everyone still has a little impression of this, because there is already a simple item exchange between some communities.

For example, rattan frames in one community are better than other communities, and pottery bowls in another community are better fired, so there will be occasional exchanges between the two communities.

Although this situation is not yet common, most of the communities are self-produced and sold, but when seeing the trading team of the central tribe going out, Kong Huan thought of taking the opportunity to regulate this primitive commodity trading behavior, so as to further promote other develop.

"At the first ceremony of the Harvest Festival, which is tomorrow, each participating group can bring what you think is better than other groups in your own group, such as pottery bowls, pottery sickles, rattan frames, rattan tables, clothes , books... etc., you can also bring the extra rice, beans, fruit, etc. from your warehouse to the square of the central community (actually, it is the open space left)..."

"Each community can put its own things in the prescribed places, and then go to see if other communities have good things that they like, but they don't have them, and exchange them with things from their own community."

"If you find a good thing you like during the first sacrifice, but you can't exchange it for a while because the quantity is insufficient, you can go to the central tribe Bainong, and both parties write down the quantity, time, and object of the thing to be exchanged on a leather roll .If one of the two parties fails to follow the above, the other person can bring the leather scroll to find Bai Nong and force the other party to meet the requirements on the leather scroll. "


The chrysalis all follow the narration of the emptiness, and first accept the literacy of the emptiness.

Although the time was short, with the pupal body's fifth-level brain comprehension ability, he still had a preliminary understanding of market transactions.

Therefore, speaking for their respective leaders at this moment, these pupae bodies are not difficult at all.

"However, what should I bring to the past?" A leader was deeply puzzled by this.

Although Bai Nong's rumors mentioned many things that can be traded, these leaders are very clear about the things of their own tribe, but they don't know much about the things of other tribes, especially those that are far away.

Without comparison, it is not clear who is good and who is bad.

"Brother, didn't Bai Ye have nothing to do some time ago, did he weave some rattan armor? Bai Nong said that the best things to bring with him are those that are not available in other communities and are more useful."

The chrysalis who is in charge of sending messages is originally a member of this group. Although he is not as leisurely as the ordinary quack ape in the group and does not have so much time to understand the affairs of his own group, he is still relatively clear about the things in his own group.

Accidentally glanced at his younger brother, the chrysalis who was the leader thought for a while, it seems that the only one in his tribe who can use rattan armor is himself, the younger brother who is in charge of patrolling, and the others are usually in the middle of the mountain tribe , not even fighting a few times, obviously not necessary.

And if it is used as ordinary clothes, rattan armor is a bit heavier, and it is very hard, making it uncomfortable to wear on the body.

But I don't need it, and it doesn't mean that other groups don't need it either.

After Bai Ye made rattan armor for his younger brother, he was envied by others in the patrol team wearing rattan armor. Later, although some people also wore rattan armor made by their own community to imitate their rattan armor. A, but it is not as good-looking and practical as Baiye's.

Then, taking the rattan armor to trade seems to be in line with the standard.

"Okay, go tell Bai Ye and see how much she has made up. This time we will take them all." Thinking of this, the leader nodded in satisfaction.

In fact, it is already afternoon, and tomorrow morning they will go to participate in the First Ceremony, and the leaders of the various groups don't have much time to think about this sudden 'bazaar transaction'.

According to their consistent trust in Bai Nong, whether they had special commodities such as Bai Ye or not [vine armor], they also brought something according to their own ideas.

So, the time drifted to the next morning.

When the sun yawned and rose from the distant mountains, the road extending from the entire mountain tribe to the central group became lively.

(End of this chapter)

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