Spore Story

Chapter 261 Sister and Brother's First Sacrifice Journey

Chapter 261 Sister and Brother's First Sacrifice Journey

PS: Say something about the second update =w=
What is the first offering?

Shuiyun didn't know it at first.

He just followed the leader sister, 23 people, men, women, old and young, and two camel dragons He Hem and Haha, and his sister's pet fur ball Miku to play in the central community.

But today, when everyone was driving the two humming beasts all the way to the central tribe, that is, the tribe where the magical Bainong and Baimin brothers and sisters belonged, they discovered for the first time that there are so many of their own kind.

In fact, what he really saw may only be a few hundred people.

"Hey sister, there are a lot of people."

Faithfully fulfilling his duties as a small administrator, although Shuiyun doesn't know how old he is, but her sister has just pupated and has become a respectable pupate, so he should not be too old, so why is it cute? seems to be no problem.

"That's right, although I know there are many people in the tribe, it's the first time I pay attention to everyone so closely, and they all have to gather together. Obviously, when I watched from the sky before, it didn't look like many people."

The leader of the pupation body touched Shuiyun's head with one hand, and rubbed the well-behaved Miku with the other hand, but said with a slightly nervous expression.

Although he took over the position of leader from the original leader uncle after pupating dozens of days ago, he has always been an ordinary member of Shuilian and has no experience as a leader. Many things still depend on the old leader and himself. Studious brother.

Originally, this harvest was the first time, but now there is another harvest festival. Driven by the girl's unique curiosity, she is full of enthusiasm, but when she gets closer to the central community and sees more people, she becomes Be a little cautious.

"There are usually only a few people in the tribe, but now there are so many. Well, I'm so nervous."

At this time, Shui Lian felt his wings being pulled, and his expression became flustered like when he was caught stealing meat as a child: "Ah, that, that, what's the matter?"

"Sister," Shui Yun looked helplessly at her normally majestic elder sister, who would actually be distracted at this time.

But as a younger brother, he obviously had to take responsibility at this time.

So, he pointed to the front: "The uncle of a central group said just now that for the people from each group, let three of them who are better at cooking go there to line up with food; the leader will lead the people to this side first. Line up, someone will take us to the trading area, waiting for the next step.”

"Oh, then let's go." The older sister who was still a little confused after roughly listening to the younger brother's speech, immediately led the younger brother to the queue in the trading area. In desperation, Shui Yun smiled at the old man.

"Boss Shuiyi, why don't you arrange three people to go over there? My sister and I will line up, and the rest will rest here first. I will come to you when my sister and I make arrangements." Pointing to the food queue, Shui When Yun saw the old man nodding, he was dragged by her confused sister to stand in front of a rattan table.

"Hello, is this lady the leader? Please tell us the name of your colony."

Registered chrysalis appear to be well behaved.

After the confused elder sister directly sent a good person card to the other party, she froze again, as if she was a little uncomfortable with the title 'Miss'.

Seeing this situation, after the registrar repeated it helplessly, Shuilian told the situation of his community under the helpless expression of his younger brother behind him.However, she was so detailed that she even explained clearly who was snoring too loudly at night.

Depressedly, Shui Yun withdrew her gaze from the laughing chrysalis leaders, and then tugged heavily on the tentacles of her elder sister, and the other party stopped unrestrained self-exposure, and cast innocent eyes on herself capable brother.

"Okay, that's it." The registrar didn't stop at the pupae, and directly beckoned someone to guide the pair of siblings: "The flowing water community has 1 pupae, 23 quack apes, and two camel dragons. , the trading product is [Dried Salt Fish], take them to position 14."

After finishing speaking, the registrar directly passed the siblings who were explaining, and spoke behind them: "The next group."


When the siblings were led by the quack ape who was leading the way and were about to arrive at the trading area, they suddenly found that the people in their group were still hanging out on the way. After a while of fuss, the members of the flowing water group finally arrived in good condition. the area assigned to them.

It is said that it is a community area, but it is actually just an area divided by branches, and the size is no more than 10*10 meters.

At this moment, Shui Yun, who was staying in it, was looking around curiously, and was surprised to find that it was just next to his own group, which was the Qingshui group whose territory was not far from his own group's territory, and his friend was looking around.

So, he immediately stood on the edge of the area and called out to the other party.

"Shuiyun! You guys are arranged here, what a coincidence." This friend obviously didn't have any self-consciousness. Seeing Shuiyun in the next grid, he immediately jumped over, "What deal does your group bring this time?"

However, he was quickly invited back by the person leading the team.

"Please stay in your own group first, just wait for a short while until the sacrifice is completed." The leader of the team obviously did not have any malicious intentions, and was just doing things as required.

When the friend turned his helpless gaze back, Shui Yun stared at the other party and smiled before saying: "You impatient, what we brought this time is [Dried Salt Fish], don't you also like this one made by our community?" Well, so this time we brought five rattan frames, anyway, new rice is going to be harvested, and the new rice is better. What about you?"

"Us?" This friend subconsciously looked at the two camel dragons in his community, then raised his head proudly and said: "Of course it is the [vine bucket] that the surrounding communities like, our position is on the edge, and there are often animal skins Harvest, and you all know the craftsmanship of Aunt Qinglin and Qingfeng, that is..."

Shuiyun wisely shifted his attention temporarily. He obviously knew his friend's personality very well. After all, he was a friend who searched for shells at the bottom of the river together and was chased by a water snake.

At this time, Shuiyun noticed a pupa, shuttling between the two rows of colony cells, and wherever he passed, the pupa that looked like the leader would follow behind him.

And soon, the pupa arrived at the community where Shuiyun was.

"Hello, Bai Nong told me to come to the joint and lead it to the middle to prepare for the sacrifice. Please first order your group not to wander around, and then just follow me." As soon as the pupa came, he saw the leader of the group , must be the only pupal water curtain here.

Generally speaking, if there are pupae in the community, the pupae will be the leader. At least this is the case in more than 20 hill tribe communities. Just look at the Yishui pupae behind this pupae.

Speaking of which, the Liushui community was composed of people separated from other communities after Bai Nong started farming last year.

At that time, although for the weakened community, they did not have much rebound against the arrangement of separating the population, but they would not be willing to separate the pupae of their own community.

What's more, Bai Nong also said that 'Even if the pupates don't farm, ten quack apes are enough to support one pupate', so now some communities have only 30 people, but there are three or four pupates.

And this is also the reason why, until this year, there was no pupate like Shuilian in the Liushui tribe.

After thinking about these things in his heart, Shuiyun saw that his confused elder sister didn't give any orders, so he hurriedly followed behind her.

(My eldest sister, why am I always worried that you will be lost by the camel dragon.)
Rubbing his forehead helplessly, Shuiyun took advantage of the chance that the pupa was greeting the leader of the Qingshui tribe next to him, and stepped forward to grab his sister leader.

"What's the matter? Shuiyun, my sister is going to participate in the sacrificial ceremony, you have to be obedient."

(Of course I know this, but I'm worried about you!) Shuiyun obviously won't say this, pointing to his own position, Shuiyun then pointed to the leading pupal body: "Sister, remember to keep up with me!" That uncle, don't get lost when you come back."

"Okay, okay, I'm not a child." Shuilian nodded depressingly, seeing that ugly 'uncle' moved again, she nodded to her younger brother, then turned and followed.

The flowing water community is a relatively backward community, because they are also on the periphery.So, after only staying for a short while, Shuiyun found that the square in front of him, on the platform made of bricks and mud, began to get busy at some point.

Rice and bacon filled with clay pots were piled up in the center of the platform, and at noon, under Shuiyun's surprised eyes, two Bai Nong led a bunch of pupated body leaders onto the platform.

"Two, two?" Shui Yun turned his head and looked around, and found that everyone who knew Bai Nong had the same expression as him.

"What's the matter, what two?" The friend seemed to feel that the atmosphere was not right, seeing that the leader didn't look at him, he stretched out his hand and tugged at Shuiyun on the other side.

"Bai Nong, two Bai Nong."

Regardless of the commotion caused by the simultaneous appearance of Bai Nong and Kong Huan (Hui Li), the two were at ease, even completely ignoring the surprised expressions of the leaders behind them.

Then, the sacrifice begins.

From Shuiyun's point of view, the whole sacrifice is just a group of leaders being led by two white peasants to perform various actions.One of them said something on it, and the other took notes on the side.

Then, a group of leaders flew up and flew around the high platform a few times. The elder sister who was the focus of Shuiyun's attention, obviously could still maintain a certain leader's demeanor under such an important scene, so there was no problem.

But he actually overestimated his sister, who was just following the person in front of her stiffly.

Then, a group of people from the central tribe under the platform began to sing a beautiful song.

In fact, the only thing that attracted Shui Yun in the whole sacrifice was the song whose content could not be heard.

Even after everyone knelt down and bowed to the earthen platform in the middle several times, and under the leadership of the team, they chanted "Pray for the safety of the house", "Pray for good weather", "Pray for a good harvest" and so on, which made Shuiyun It feels hilarious and a little fun, but that's about it.

After the end, the song remained in Shuiyun's memory.

"Hey, what are you humming? It sounds a little familiar." Being slapped heavily by the elder sister, Shui Yun tilted her body and rubbed her shoulders. The song from the previous sacrificial ceremony sounds very nice."

"What? It doesn't look like it at all." Touching her ear very ungraciously, the elder sister obviously didn't notice the younger brother who was beaten by herself, and turned her head to tell people, she learned from Bai Nong Transaction methods and arrangements.

"Listen, later you spread out a piece of dinosaur skin on the ground, and then put some dried fish on the skin. When someone asks, just say that these dried fish are commercial products. If they like it, they will come up with their own things. Whether or not to change, and how much to change, will be decided by the leader uncle."

"What about you?" Shui Yun interjected.

"I," pointing, seemed to think of myself, and the water curtain paused for a long time before suddenly realizing: "I, of course, went to see what good things are in other communities. By the way, you and Shuiyun I'll go together to see if there's anything useful in the community."

After speaking, regardless of Shuiyun's answer, Shuilian pulled the other party up, not forgetting to take out two baskets of dried fish from Tuolong's body, which are currency.

"Wow, this bowl is so beautiful, I want to change it!"

"Mine is dried fish, or? It's delicious."

"Okay, one dried fish for two bowls!"

The first transaction was made at a grid separated by a group. Before Shuiyun could speak, he just looked at the dried fish made by a big fish with the thickness of an arm. But the function is only a bowl for eating, and his expression suddenly looks a little helpless.

"Sister, can we wait for my nod to proceed with the subsequent transactions?"

"Okay." Out of trust in her younger brother, Shui Lian seemed to agree without any thought, which made Shui Yun very happy.

"Look, Shuiyun, this rattan frame is so fun."

"Ah, shaking your head, not nodding..."

"Don't pull, I'll just go."


"Shuiyun, this, does this dress look good?"

Shuiyun nodded subconsciously, then woke up suddenly.

But at this time, my eldest sister has already exchanged two large dried fish for a dress that looks like it has sleeves, trousers, and even tail trouser legs. The most important thing is that it is aimed at pupae with wings It is said that the clothes specially designed by Bai Nong were designed by Bai Nong.

Shuiyun, who was still a little dissatisfied at first, suddenly thought that the clothes worn by his sister who had just chrysalised were remade from the clothes worn by Quack Ape before. His heart softened, and he nodded again, so another piece of clothes was exchanged as a spare .

As a result, along the way, there were a total of twenty big fish in two large baskets, in exchange for two [chrysalis special clothes], two [beautiful pottery bowls], thirty [sharp pottery sickles], three [refined pottery knives] fine fishing nets].

From thirty [sharp pottery sickles], after Mizuki discussed with that quack ape, only ten dried fishes were exchanged for it. Not worth the money.

After seeing a lot of good things, but the two suffered from no money, the younger brother who was satisfied finally dragged the older sister who was not reconciled, and returned to the community with a rich harvest.

And the people in the group, under the control of the old leader, have already exchanged the other three baskets of dried fish for many practical things, including the [refined rattan armor] that the two wanted to exchange but had no currency.

However, not all groups traded smoothly. Some groups that did not get suitable goods could only watch their own group's items pile up there in distress, and then stared at the good things of other groups with envy.

In order not to cause any problems, Kong Huan went to those communities as soon as they found them, and promised to check their communities later to see if there were any better products. As for the items that are currently unsalable, as a special case, the central community will use them. exchange, in order to build the trading enthusiasm of these groups.

And standing on the high platform, looking at the people below whose trading behavior has changed from unfamiliar to skilled, the corners of the empty mouth finally curled up.

"This is just the beginning."

(End of this chapter)

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