Spore Story

Chapter 262 The Mature Gashan

Chapter 262 The Mature Gashan

"How's your calendar?"

The excitement of the transaction only lasted for half a day, and it was forced to stop because of too little merchandise. A pair of pupational leaders who were dissatisfied with their desires rushed to Bainong's place to apply for a certificate according to the previous reminder.

And some impatient ones even directly suggested to the leader of the other party to rush back now and bring their goods for exchange.

However, this behavior was quickly stopped by the leader of the team, and then the two parties were brought to Bai Nong for coordination.

In fact, the exchange of most commodities is actually not in a hurry, such as [chrysalis special clothes], [beautiful pottery bowls], [refined fine fishing nets], [excellent vine armor], [sharp pottery heads] Spear] and so on, these are all under the proposal of Bai Nong, and the exchange is temporarily arranged at the main sacrifice after the harvest, and neither party has any objection to this.

But the [Sharp Pottery Scythe] of the Gaoshu tribe has become an urgently needed item, because it is necessary for the harvest that is about to begin.

After inquiring about the Gaoshu tribe, and knowing that there were only more than 70 of them in addition to keeping the amount for his own use, Bai Nong directly sent several pupae bodies of the patrol team to follow the leader to take them all over, but more There is no other way for the time being.

Busy for a long time, when the time approached the afternoon, after finally solving the more than 20-point agreement brought by more than 30 leaders, Kong Huan wiped the sweat from his forehead, and gratefully took the water glass handed by Xiao Lingyun next to him, Ask Bai Nong who also got a cup of clear spring.

"Calendar? You don't think the calendar is just a play, do you? I'm already dizzy just trying to set the number of days in a month. Let's take another 20 days. During this time, you manage the tribe, and I will concentrate on my calendar."

Taking a sip of the clear spring angrily, Bai Nong sighed and looked into the distance where they were cleaning up their harvested communities.

"It's you, what about the system? Don't make trouble with me until it's out."

"Uh, I'm dizzy. The initial system already has a framework. Some changes at the bottom can start after the main festival. During this time, I'm mainly busy with harvesting. I also want to experience primitive farming for myself."

Sighing, Kong Huan raised the [sharp pottery sickle] beside him to his eyes, and carefully explored it: "Speaking of which, the most successful thing in this transaction is this thing. It seems that most of them are harvesting at home for farming. Think about it, but..."

Putting another pottery sickle beside him in front of his eyes, Kong Huan quickly noticed the difference, and his eyes lit up.


"What's the matter?" He opened his mouth and drank half of the cup of clear spring, feeling the comfort of the soft water moistening his mouth and throat, Bai Nong squinted his eyes contentedly.

"Maybe, we can say goodbye to the age of pottery."

"Huh?!" Poof——

A mouthful of clear spring spewed out and splashed on the two pottery sickles, but neither Bai Nong nor Kong Huan cared.

Because they were staring intently at some tiny dots glowing in the sickle on the other side.

————— Peasants are great————

"Attention everyone, don't hold too much at a time, just a little bit, and then pull it like this with a sickle!"

With a swipe, a cluster of [grain rice] was held in the hands of the quack ape.

Although this is the second harvest of rice, Bai Nong believes that these communities may still be somewhat inexperienced.Therefore, he sent out dozens of experienced quack apes from the central community that had been planting rice for more than four years to guide everyone in harvesting.

But Kong Huan was in charge of a large field by himself.

Relying on the control of strength and energy, after cutting a small pile of [grain] with a sickle, Kong Huan resolutely discarded the tool in his hand, and first held a small cluster of rice stems; The electric current scorched the area of ​​the rice; finally, the other hand held the upper hand and gently pulled it...

So, after cleaning up the small corners at a speed several times slower than others, and then using the energy harvesting method, after only half a day, one person harvested the amount that other quack apes can harvest in a day. Looking at the illusion, but only created a few handfuls of charred pupae, they flew towards the central group with expressions of admiration.

In fact, he couldn't hold back his temper and ran away first.

...scene change...

With two Thunder Wings on her back that are even more dazzling than the Youshen body, Chu Xia has recently been inclined to transform into a house girl (god?), because as long as she flies outside, she will definitely be awed and praised by a lot of people.

Even the female students and teachers who used to be able to tease her a few words in school, now every time she sees her she has an absolute sense of faith, which makes Chu Xia feel ashamed to go out again.

So, she began to stay on the activity route of the temple, the residence of the superintendent, and the three points and three lines of the school, but even so, she still had to endure a bunch of awe-inspiring eyes under the route every day.

However, she was already very satisfied with controlling Thunder out of control and not dying.

But the situation of fighting the Zerg, and finally guiding the Thunder himself, and then the story of Thunder Wings, has now spread throughout the entire ethnic group, and has evolved into several versions.

Even the extremely flirtatious version of Chu Xia wielding lightning to wipe out the overwhelming Zerg with a wave of her hand still appeared in the five major tribes, making people have to exclaim how powerful the rumors are.

God knows how the information that had to be forced to be conveyed so quickly this time could be so fast this time. You must know that when Chu Xia returned, the entire ethnic group had already listed Chu Xia as the number one idol. It can be said that everyone knew about it.

As a result, Chu Xia even had the idea of ​​simply opening a temple, which would definitely make Chu Jie and the others jealous to death.

But at this moment, another letter from Konghuan forced Lingxue to urgently call a high-level meeting.

In the silent temple, Lingxue, Chu Jie, Chu Qin, Chu Xia and sixteen other soul-level souls were sitting quietly around the altar.

"What do you guys think?" Lingxue asked her companions for help, not sure what to pay attention to.

"Speaking of which, if you walk slowly for a day, no, half a day, you might be able to see the illusion at that time. God knows how it happened to be such a coincidence. However, this suggestion this time is not a trivial matter." Chu Xia thought about it, but what she said was nothing substance.

The main reason was that she herself was also uncertain about paying attention, but she had to say something as the superintendent of education.

Stop building temples
This is the main content of Kong Huan's letter.

Today's ethnic group is a management organization established by combining high-level temples with low-level temples. When they received 8051's suggestion before, everyone was happy for a while, and within a few days they notified all the junior temples and changed them to Totem Temple.

Not even the test procedure proposed by 8051 was adopted.

At that time, Lingxue and the others thought that anyway, the junior temple looked like a decoration now, and it would be the best if the totem temple was available;

But the actual effect is surprisingly good. Just a few days after the transformation, Chu Jie continuously sensed the prayers from more than 40 different totem temples. Within a short period of time, it went from level 5 to level 6.

At the same time, in conjunction with the method of using the field in the Dengyun Mountain battle report sent back by Lingyun, plus my own experiments, there is almost nothing in the field of Gashan Temple, that is, within a radius of more than two kilometers from the center of the temple. Can escape Chu Jie's eyes.

What's more, she can even move freely in the field like teleportation.

What a powerful force this is.

Even if we don’t talk about this, the latest statistics of the ethnic group show that there are at least 40 soul-level souls waiting for distribution in the ethnic group, and more than a dozen of them have voluntarily lined up to join the upcoming construction of the temple. , had to be suspended.

"After all, Kong Huan is the main consciousness. He should have his own considerations. By the way, the reason should be mentioned in Kong Huan's report." At this time, Chu Xia suddenly thought that Kong Huan should not explain anything, so she made such a decision .

"There are several reasons." Nodding, Lingxue said: "First, he intends to move the new ethnic group to the Shuilan Plain and try to connect our place with the Shuilan Plain, so the construction of new temples is suspended ..."

"This is not bad. I also think it's not good to be so scattered now. If the territories can be connected, it will be much better in terms of management and response." To be honest, the Zerg incident has made the high-level members of the group mature a lot. This time it was Chu who spoke. Although Qin is not a Youshen, she is already on the edge of the soul level. In terms of combat effectiveness, she may be better than Chu Dian, who has just broken through to become a Youshen and is waiting for the name of a god.

Nodding her head, Lingxue said, "Indeed, this is also the reason why I directly ordered the temporary suspension of the construction of the temple and the suspension of large-scale sacrifices. The new tribes began to clean up the internal situation, stock up on food, and prepare to move."

Then, Lingxue stretched out her finger and nodded again, saying: "The second reason is that Kong Huan believes that the addition of the soul level to the temple is a kind of restraint on the combat power. force limitations."

In this regard, several people did not speak for the time being.

If there is no Zerg incident, everyone will refute this without hesitation, because the ethnic group is almost in the control area now occupying an absolute advantage. Come down and keep these tribes alive.

It only needs to mobilize less than a hundred pupae bodies, or five or six soul levels to completely wipe out these hostile species tribes.

but now……

"Is there any other reason?" Chu Xia frowned slightly dissatisfied with thinking of the threat, which almost represented the battle against the Zerg. Change the subject.

"Although I feel that there is a reason for the emptiness, but there are only two sent over, presumably he is not sure yet."

"Then, collect the opinions of other leaders, high priests, and patron saints, and then we will make a decision. After all, this concerns the entire ethnic group, and we cannot make a hasty decision." After thinking about it, Chu Xia made her suggestion.

At this time, Chu Jie stretched out her hand and said, "I think we can also send these suggestions to Kong Huan to see what he thinks."

"That's right, then that's it. I'll collect other opinions and send them to Kong Huan. The graduates of the quasi-priest school are temporarily enrolled in the priest school. At the same time, we have discussed this issue more these days."

"Agreed", "Okay", "That's it"...

(End of this chapter)

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