Spore Story

Chapter 263 Commodity Specifications and Measures

Chapter 263 Commodity Specifications and Measures

PS: one
Thank you very much for the support of Interstellar Traveling Dust and Purple Spirit Lanling =w=
The second large-scale harvest, driven by the enthusiasm of everyone, only took four days to complete.

However, it took eight days to process the rice piled up in various communities, all because there were no suitable tools.


Lying weakly on the ground, looking at the quack apes who kept slapping the grains in order to break out the grains, they said in a depressing way: "There seems to be similar plants in the memory of human beings before, called rice or millet or something. , It seems that I need some tools to deal with it. Depressed, I can’t remember.”

"Why didn't you remember these useful ones. 8051 sighed."

decisively ignore
8051 said that she was free these few days, so she came here to see what Kong Huan was doing, but in the end, her main purpose was Xiao Lingyun, because Chu Ling was not enough.

Looking back at Xiao Lingyun, the thought power of Youshen level was of great help when harvesting, and its power shocked a group of quack apes.

According to Kong Huan, even the large harvesters from the human era may not be as powerful as Xiao Lingyun.

Take a look at Xiao Lingyun's performance.

You only need to stand on the edge of the field, disperse the crowd, and send out such a wide-area, compressed and thinner blade of mind to the root of the rice, just in the blink of an eye, the towering rice in a 30*30 field He was completely cut in half, and lay quietly on the ground.

Afterwards, a large area of ​​thought power was like countless small hands, grabbing these small grains from the ground, and piling them up in piles to declare the end of the harvest.

Even one day when Xiao Lingyun was in a good mood, she completely broke up and removed the shells of the rice, leaving behind the white rice grains and intact grain stems, which amazed a group of onlookers.

(This makes us feel so proud of harvesting a field for half a day before, Sinai!) Kong Huan went mad with depression.

However, when it comes to removing the shell, I'm afraid only Xiao Lingyun, the first priest who has studied the use of spiritual power from the beginning, can do it so comfortably.

Kong Huan comforted himself like this, whoever made him condense his mind power was not long before 8051 got a three-consciousness clone or something, and he has no chance to think about mind power until now.

In the same field, it took a day for a proficient quack ape, half a day for a pupated body to become empty, and only a few blinks for a small aura with a ghostly body.

"This is the gap in strength."

Glancing at the mentally unstable Kong Huan, Bai Nong clenched his fist and coughed a few times, attracting everyone's attention and said.

"Empty fantasy, the clay you asked the tall tree community to provide before has been transported to your home not long ago, when did you start?"

Looking back at Bai Nong, Kong Huan lay down on the ground again.

During this period of time, Bai Nong has been dealing with the issue of the calendar, although it is obviously not as complicated as he said, because Kong Huan often sees him wandering around the fields leisurely, dealing with various harvesting issues.But when Kong Huan asked several times, he said that it still needs to be perfected, but he just didn't offer it obediently.

Therefore, Kong Huan was also a little depressed about this.

"I need to calm down and think slowly. Walking around can also broaden my mind. After all, the main function of this calendar is agriculture, isn't it?" This is Bai Nong's excuse.

However, it's still autumn anyway, so it's fine to take it out before the end of winter.

Then, under Kong Huan's laissez-faire attitude, Bai Nong became even more unscrupulous.

Of course, most of the day is still spent in his time zone.

Thinking back to what he had ordered the Gaoshu community to do a few days ago, Kong Huan's eyes lit up when he heard that it had been transported back, but he quickly shook his head and said: "There is no rush for now, the harvesting is basically over now, and later After a few days of busy work, we will start the first step of system reform. This thing is also a big project, so there is no rush now, let’s postpone it a little bit.”

"Oh." Although he was looking forward to the further increase in productivity brought by this thing, Bai Nong was not good at this aspect, so he, who had no right to speak, decided to focus on what Kong Huan said.

Three days later, it was confirmed that most of the tribes had finished harvesting, and the rice had been processed. When the time was more appropriate, Kong Huan and Bai Nong went to each tribe to personally inform them of the arrangements for the festival in five days.

At the same time, they also confirmed the specific conditions of the commodities of each tribe, so as to facilitate the reform after the illusion.

... Time flies, floats...

In the midst of a hot scene, Shuiyun followed behind his old sister, watching piles of new rice finally go into storage, put into pottery vats, and finally locked behind the rattan door.

As soon as he turned his head, Shuiyun saw the center of the group surrounded by a circle, and the companions and the humming beasts gathered in a lively manner.

Speaking of it, Bai Nong is indeed one of the illusory clones. Although some aspects of his personality have been strengthened, his love for architectural planning has not diminished at all.

The locations of houses in almost all communities are arranged in a circle.

In the center of the community is a small square with a radius of about ten meters.

Surrounding this square is the first ring.

There are four [Brick and Tile Houses] here: one is used as the chief's house, one is used as a warehouse, one is used as a grocery store, and one is used as a stable.

Then there is the second ring around these four big houses, which has twelve houses.

There are 23 people in the Liushui tribe. Except for Shuiyun and her sister Shuilian who live in the big house of the leader, the other 21 people live in ten big houses on the second ring road.

And things like pottery kilns are all outside the houses of the residents on the second ring road.

Generally speaking, the communities here are distributed like this:
It is 25 meters from the center of the community to the outer ring of the big house;
The road between houses on the first and second ring roads is about 5 meters wide;
The house on the second ring road is about 10 meters wide;
Between the outer edge of the second ring road and the farmland, there is an open space with a radius of 20 to 30 meters, in which there are some trees or special buildings, such as pottery kilns;
Farther out is the farmland.

Therefore, a community is basically an area with a radius of about [-] meters, and then farmland with a radius of three to four kilometers outside.

"Let's go, Xiaoyun, and you said that I was distracted, and you like to distract yourself anyway."

Feeling a slap on the back, Shuiyun smiled helplessly and stared at her sister.

It wasn't until the other party pouted in dissatisfaction that Shui Yun said with a smile: "We are siblings, born of the same mother, of course we are very similar."

After speaking, Shuiyun walked towards his companions in the center of the tribe.

Although there seemed to be no difference in the number of people this time, in terms of enthusiasm, it was much larger.

Along the way, all Shuiyun saw were panting camel dragons, each of which was loaded with tall items on their backs, most of which were fixed with rattan frames and rattan ropes.

Not just camel dragons, even many people this time carried rattan frames on their backs and staggered on the road, looking like they were going to the market in a hurry.

Turning to look at his older sister, she had already put on the special clothes for pupal bodies, and she also wore the rattan armor that looked majestic but not very comfortable, Shuiyun tried it herself.

The entire main body of the armor covers the upper body and shoulders, because it is designed as a pupal body, with grooves for four wings on the back, and a skirt armor more than half a meter long underneath.

His eyes were a little blurred, Shuiyun just stared at his sister obsessively, following her steps.

Because the other party had an experience, this time he was not as confused as the previous time, and his behavior seemed relatively normal, and now he helped the objects that fell from the camel dragon from time to time, and harvested Shuiyun with peace of mind. Awesome" compliments.

"Hi! Shuiyun, looking at your sister again distracted."

His body was photographed again, and Shui Yun suddenly woke up.

Turning around, he found that it was his good friend, and he immediately took a picture back unceremoniously.

As far as he is concerned, pats on the back are exclusive to his sister, and other people are not allowed.

Hearing the other party's words, Shuiyun was stunned for a moment, then raised his head proudly: "Yes, one day I will also pupate, and then, I can always be with my sister."

This is also one of Bai Nong's achievements.

The [marriage system] and [kinship system] are used to promote the concept of [family] in the tribe, but because of the uncertainty of [father], people of this generation still only remember who [mother] is, and there are even some confused [mother] ], still unable to identify his own child.

However, the [brothers and sisters] relationship has been roughly determined, although there are definitely mistakes.

From Shuiyun's generation, Bai Nong has enforced the husband and wife system, which is tentatively defined as monogamy. Only after it is established can men and women live together. Otherwise, non-kinship opposite sexes cannot live together, thus completely establishing the "family" the concept of.

However, due to many reasons, the restriction on marriage between close relatives is temporarily limited to between two generations, that is to say, brothers and sisters, beep——

After receiving such a reply from his friend, Qing Yu was not easy to fight back.

Although there are actually quite a few people in his community who like his sister, and even himself has a little affection for the mighty Water Curtain, but it can't compare to Shuiyun who lives with his sister.

(It's almost an established relationship, but the soul is light.) Can only lament like this, Qing Yu shook his head depressed.

"A few days ago, Bai Nong visited our tribe and said that our [rattan barrel] is doing very well, and even told Qinglin and Qingfeng some ways of 'how to do it better'. This time the two Auntie didn’t even join the busy farming season, and was busy making rattan barrels, and now our community has brought over 30 rattan barrels weaved in the past ten days, so we should be able to get a lot of good things.”

Seemingly looking forward to today's result, Qingyu even cast admiring glances at the two aunts who were chatting with Shuilian.

"Oh, Bai Nong also came to our community a few days ago."

Recalling the situation at that time, Shuiyun adored this Bai Nong who played with him when he was a child.

"The [commodity] of your tribe is [dried fish], right? Did he say anything?" Seemingly curious about Bai Nong's work, Qing Yu's curiosity was completely hooked after hearing his friend's answer.

"[Dried fish] Bai Nong didn't say anything, he just changed the method a little bit to make the dried fish look more delicious. The main thing is to make [fish pond]..."

And from the setting of fish farming, we know that this Bai Nong is actually illusory (gray theory).

The two of them wandered in various tribes, carried out various reforms, established those promising [commodities] that could be expanded, and made small adjustments to the communities, so that the division of labor in those communities developed towards the production of [commodities] .

Shuiyun and Shuiyun were talking, and the central group had already entered everyone's sight.

This time it seems to have changed a lot. Like other communities, it is a circular central community. The only special thing is that the radius of the reserved open space is two to 300 meters.

They were led to the area numbered 11 familiarly, but the community area reserved this time was much larger. The area of ​​a community was more than half that of the first sacrifice, and a rattan table was placed on it as a [commodity] 】Placing the place.

After a while, the leader who claimed to be leaving temporarily for something went back to area 11, and then put a covered pottery cup in front of Shuilian and the others.

"This is the [ceramic cup] that our community burned according to Bai Nong's request. Because it was made out of molds of the same size, the contents are roughly the same..."

"What's the use?" He interrupted the leader not very politely. Although this [ceramic cup] looks good, it is almost as big as a head. Who can use this kind of cup?Camel dragon?
Therefore, Shuiyun didn't like it very much, he thought it was a [commodity] for the leader to take the opportunity to sell his group.

The team leader shook the ceramic cup in his hand dissatisfied, and then said: "This is not a [commodity], it is a [measurement], you see, it is enough to put a cup of rice in the ceramic cup, and the lid is just so much. So much rice is one cup, and with this, we can know how many cups of rice we have harvested at one time."

"It looks good, but what's the use?" Shuiyun was still not very interested in this, but the elder sister at the side seemed to think of something, and suddenly drew up with great interest.

How could it be, my sister was very confused before?

After the team led a laborious explanation, especially after the other party said that this is something that Bai Nong wants to promote in all communities, of course, the most important thing is that this pottery cup is free, and the future ones will have to be replaced with something. The pottery cup] naturally stayed in the community.

In fact, at the beginning, the empty fantasy wanted to use the measuring function of the [ceramic cup] to [bring things with rice] when carrying out transactions in the tribe.

In order to carry out further standardization based on this, however, under the idea of ​​not being able to rush for success for the time being, Kong Huan arranged it to consider after a period of time to see the effect of the transaction and the usage rate of the [Clay Cup].

It was also Shuilian who took Shuiyun out to purchase, while the old man stayed in the community area to manage.

The only difference from last time is that other people can also bring a basket of ten [dried fish] this time, and go out to buy what they like.

While everyone was happily strolling through more than [-] booths, in the open space on the other side of the central community, intense preparations for the real harvest festival continued.

For the performance of the main festival of the Harvest Festival, Kong Huan has worked hard, and now is the time to see the results, but he has no mood to watch.

In the quiet hut, Kong Huan looked at the pupated body in front of him, and it could be seen from the other's clothes that it was a standard high priest.

And the key point is the leather scroll that the other party handed over to Void.

[Tipping the table] Well, this chapter has been deleted six times, but it doesn’t feel like it’s changed at all. It seems that this is the bottleneck in the legend. How can it be repaired?

The soul is light, why is the weather so hot, do you want 2012 decisively! 【take a shower】

Let's talk about what you think. [Pose for a man with glasses]

(End of this chapter)

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