Spore Story

Chapter 264 Feeling the Maturity of Offspring

Chapter 264 Feeling the Maturity of Offspring

PS: The second watch =w=
Thank you for the reward of the windy and snowy winter. This is really a cool breeze in the hot summer. ~\(≧▽≦)/~
"How should I say, I should be pleased."

Kong Huan supported his head with one hand, and lay weakly on the rattan table, looked at the report in his hand, and then looked at the high priest who was in charge of delivering the message.

"Go down and rest first. If you're fine, you can go to the market. I have to think about it, so it may take a few days before I get back to you."

"Okay." Nodding, the chrysalis priest walked towards the lively trading field.

There was no one around, but Kong Huan was still talking: "Let's put it this way, from the report, they are already used to the management mode of the temple, and it is really unbearable to stop for a while now."


"The reason, of course I gave the reason, but it is obviously impossible to completely shut down the temple with the unnatural reason you mentioned, so I didn't bring it up."

"Moreover, most of the temples now protect many dead souls. It is obviously impossible for everyone to watch the dead souls dissipate, not to mention that these dead souls are working hard to the soul level. Combat power has also improved a lot.”

"The safety of the ghost body? There are now two considerations: one is to set up a mental shield around the energy core at any time, and when attacking, set a step to open the small hole of the mental shield, output energy, and close the mental shield... "

"I know this is a bit complicated, so there is a second consideration, which is to densely cover the surface of the body anytime and anywhere with a network of mental power, using energy and mental power to build a skin-like tissue, but this requires more control of mental power, or mental power. High, but once the instinct is formed, it can turn the Youshen Body into a real individual with both offensive and defensive capabilities."

"Human? No way, there are only a few ghost bodies in the group now, and only Xiao Lingyun and the three righteous gods have started training this ability."

In fact, everyone can see that it's just that Wu Huan is telepathically communicating with Bai Nong.

This thing looks very powerful, but once the distance is far away, it can only sense the existence of the other party.

With the increase of the distance, from being able to fully open the heart to exchange memories, to being able to only have a little conversation, to being able to only feel the emotions of the other party, and finally to only be able to sense the existence of the other party and the gap between the amount of consciousness and one's own.

Maybe if the distance reaches a certain level, it may not be able to sense it, but Kong Huan has no chance to test it now.

"Speaking of which, Bainong, do you still have a clear memory of the past?"

"Yes, yes, it was that time, the first time, when I was still a fish, those guys were disobedient but eliminated a few enemies, and accidentally obtained waterproof skin or something. At that time, there was a kind of child growing up Feel."

"Yeah, now the older child has matured, and I'm gratified but a little disappointed."

"Crap, we have all become the feeling of the past tense."

Standing up and walking out of the house, Kong Huan looked at the pupae occasionally passing by in the sky, with a feeling of emotion in his expression.

"They are already thinking about themselves, instead of blindly doing what I say. Although it has become troublesome, but I, even if you and the third are added, there are only three people. How can I cover everything?"

With a wry smile, Kong Huan sat on the steps: "Now that I think about it, I was really ignorant and fearless trying to plan out all the details of the entire civilization with my own ability. Now even a market has a lot of problems. "

The trading bazaar was created by Void after discovering the germination of barter, but now some communities have to develop [commodities] with the help of Void because they have no special [commodities] , but now Kong Huan can help, what about in the future?

What's more, they are only busy with a market and a festival, so Kong Huan and Bai Nong are so busy these days that they don't even have time to do [System] and [Calendar]...

"Yes, yes," rubbing his forehead helplessly, Kong Huan nodded in agreement: "I also know the importance of a good management organization now, but what we are discussing now is the temple, and I also decided to put the farming civilization After the primary organization is established, we will try to dry them as little as possible in the future, and we will focus on technology and cultivation."

Suddenly, Kong Huan's eyes lit up: "By the way, let's take this opportunity to promote the separation of dead souls and living people. I think you will support it. Do you want to be a king of Yama or something, haha."

Laughing with satisfaction, Kong Huan walked back to the hut, spread out the two leather scrolls, and began to write and draw.

"'Civilization, isn't it that problems arise and solve them; new problems arise and continue to be solved, and gradually build up?' This sentence is deeply rooted in my heart, but it should not be too much interfered by the outside world. .”

...the lively main festival...

This time, Shuiyun heard the beautiful melody as he wished, and was deeply satisfied with it.

But for the chiefs, the two white peasants, and the three shiny, said to be very powerful Youshen class in the ceremony, they also left some impressions on him.

Because he heard from the leader that one of the Youshen class harvested a large piece of farmland in just a few breaths.

Although Shui Yun expressed disbelief in this regard, after weakening a lot, he also thought that even if the speed of harvesting farmland at the Youshen class was not so exaggerated, it would at least have the speed of about ten quack apes.

So, if your running water community has a Youshen level, can everyone spend more time raising fish, drying salt, and making dried fish?
In this way, can we exchange for more good things?
For example, everyone has one piece. According to my sister, if you wear it thicker inside, it will not knock people, and it looks very majestic. Each person has a beautiful pottery bowl or something...

Then, amidst such thoughts and dreams, the time fell in the middle of the afternoon, and the lively gathering of the main festival of the Harvest Festival officially began.

Listening to stories, watching dances, listening to songs, everyone gathered around the fire while grilling meat, cheering, and using circles to cover those beautiful pottery...

One after another, things and things that had never been seen before shocked these members whose vision was still limited to the inside of the hill tribe.

They didn't know Gashan before, but after listening to "Beast Tide", they got to know Gashan, Chu Jie, Lingfu, Lingxue, Chuxia...

They didn't know the enemy before, but after listening to "Insect Attack", they got to know the Zerg race, expressed sorrow for the death of the talisman, admired Chu Xia's strength, and expressed fear of the horror of the Zerg race, but they were full of fighting spirit...

I didn't know before...

They didn't know a lot before, but now they don't know even more, but through these things, while having leisure and entertainment, they also have a certain understanding of the outside world, and at the same time have a certain awareness of their own strength. Know.

It turned out that even if it was a pupae body, it was only at the ghost level, and there were soul levels above it, and the even more powerful ghost level, or even higher.

"I've decided, sister."

"Huh?" There was still a piece in his mouth, which was said to be a super spicy roasted white mouse made by Bai Min (a large rat-shaped creature, suspected to be the ancestor of human beings... no wonder), the water curtain whined a few times, It seems to express his doubts.

As if they were connected with each other, Shuiyun pointed to the darkening sky, and said with pride: "In the future, I will definitely become a Youshen-level like the head teacher of Chu Xia, help everyone harvest, and destroy all those who dare to attack us. enemy."

(Of course, especially those who dare to attack you, sister.) Adding this sentence in his heart, Shui Yun looked at Shui Lian who was looking at him with encouraging eyes, but gasping in his mouth, and burst out laughing.

Reaching out to wipe off the oil on the old lady's face, she skillfully handed over a glass of water. Seeing the hot water curtain screaming, Shuiyun laughed loudly regardless of the other party's dissatisfaction.

And at this time, Bai Min, who claimed to sing very well in front of Kong Huan, but suffered from no program, was put on the list without checking, was excitedly walking up to the high stage, and then...

...the faces of all the people are changing...

Since it was busy until midnight, a large number of people with undiminished enthusiasm gathered around the fires one by one.

They had just had a good harvest, new rice was put into storage, and the goods were traded smoothly. There were also patrols patrolling the periphery, so that everyone did not have any worries.

In the case of participating in this kind of activity for the first time, everyone enthusiastically urged the dry-mouthed storyteller to listen to the stories that happened in other places over and over again, and driven by the stories, they continued to produce decisions, wishes and dreams.

Some of these people may wake up and forget it the next day, but others who can remember and stick to it may be able to get their own stories.

And just finished writing the reply letter to Gashan, and wanted to have another telepathy with Bai Nong (he completely regarded it as a phone call==), to confirm the illusory content of the reply letter, suddenly his expression changed.

Frowning for a while, Kong Huan raised his head and looked in one direction.

"Bainong, do you feel it?"

This time, Kong Huan smiled even brighter: "Yes, the third place."

Suddenly, Kong Hua's expression became gloomy: "Hey, from this point of view, I'm afraid I'm the weakest among us."

"Why not." Lying lazily on the ground, Kong Huan looked at the bright starlight in the sky, and said with emotion: "When I felt you, you were about to break through to the soul level, and I was only in the middle of the ghost stage at that time."

"Even if I got your "Conscious Thoughts" now, I am only at the late stage of the ghost level, and this one is now a standard soul level." He snorted very uncomfortably, and said, "However, I I won’t give up, and constantly defeating myself is also a kind of joy in life.”

"Unfortunately, it looks a bit far away, so I can't feel it more clearly."

"Speaking of which, "Meditation" and "Consciousness", what is your plan? Is it completely spread to all members; only spread to the quack ape; only handed over to priests; or more stringent control?"

Pausing for a while, it seems that he got the idea of ​​the other party, and he was also very satisfied, Kong Huan nodded with a smile.

In fact, Kong Huan also thinks that there should be some restrictions on the establishment of the cultivation system of species. This is for safety reasons. After all, not all the people in the group are good people, let alone these cultivation methods can also be cultivated by other civilized species. The stars cultivate a group of powerful alien races.

But in the ethnic group, the spread of cultivation methods is also necessary, otherwise one day the moon in the sky will fall, and with the existing single-digit Youshen level, more than 100 soul levels, and more than 4000 pupae bodies in the ethnic group, I am afraid that even Shui Bo will not be able to survive. Can't lift it up.

"Then, these should also be written in the letter to Gashan." After a pause, Kong fantasized and said: "Let's ask their opinions first, we can no longer be arbitrary, haha."

(End of this chapter)

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